JOURNAL~H SENATE» OFHE T angRAL A SSEMBLY OFHE T Statef o South Carolina, BEINGHE T Regular S ession Beginning Tuesday, January 13, 190; CQLUMBIA, s . 0. THE STATE COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS. 1903. MK.“ JOURNAL SENATE~ HEOF T OFHE T Statef o South Carolina. Regular S ession Beginning Tuesday, January 13, 1903. Tuesday, J anuary 13, 1903. The G eneral Assembly of the State of South Carolina, begun and holden at Columbia on the second Tuesday in January, being the thirteenth day of the month. Pursuant t o the provisions of the Constitution, the members of the Senate assembled this day in the Senate chamber at 12 M. Hon.. H TILLMAN, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate, called Senate to order. Hon. R OBERT R. HEMPHILL, Clerk of the Senate, called the roll of the Senate and the following Senators answered to their names: M essrs. Robert Aldrich, S. Brice, M. Gaines, O. P. Goodwin, E. L. Herndon. D. E. Hydrick, S. G. Mayfield, J. A. McDermott, Geo. S. Mower, G. W. Ragsdale, Thomas M. Raysor, W. H. Sharpe, Ino. C. Sheppard, James Stackhouse, T. W. Stanland, Thomas Tal bird. l —s. J.—(500) I 2 4??1 4 _ J OURNAL THE SENATE, The P RESIDENT stated that in consequence of the vacancies in Aiken and Saluda Counties caused by the resignations of Hon. D. S. Henderson and Hon. B. L. Caughman, he had in pursuance to the provision of Article 111., Section 25, of the State Constitution, issued a special writ of election to fill said vacancies. Hon. \V. E. Johnson, Senator-elect from Aiken County, and Hon. J. M. Forrest, Senator eleet from Saluda County, appeared at the bar of the Senate and the oath of office was administered to them by the PRESIDENT. The C lerk then called the roll of Counties in which elections for Senators had been recently held. The credentials of the following named Senators-elect and present, were handed in, and the Senators presented themselves at the Bar of the Senate, when the oath of office was administered to them by the PRESIDENT: Abbeville—Hon. J . R. Blake, Jr. Anderson—~H0n. J. K. Hood. Berkeley—Hon. E. Dennis. Charleston—Hon. George F. von Kolnitz, Jr. Cherokee— Chester—Hon. P . L. Hardin. Chesterfield— Clarend0n-—-Hon. C . M. Davis. Colleton—Hon. J. E. Peurifoy. Darlington—Hon. George W. Brown. Florence—Hon. J. W. Ragsdale. Hampton—Hon. E. F. \Varren. Kershaw—Hon. J. T. Hay. Lancaster—Hon. \N. C. Hough. Lee—Hon. T. G. McLeod. Marlboro—Hon. C. S. McCall. Pickens—Hon. C. H. Carpenter. Richland—Hon. J. Q. Marshall. Sumter—Hon. R. I. Manning. Union—Hon. J. T. Douglass. Williamsburg—Hon. A. H. \Nilliams. The r oll of Senators as then made up was called and the following Senators answered as their names were called: Messrs. A ldrich, Blake, Brice, Brown, Carpenter, Davis, Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Forrest, Gaines, Goodwin, Hardin, Hay, Herndon, Hood, Hough, Hydrick, Johnson, Manning, Marshall, May-field, McCall, McDermott, McLeod, Mower, Peurifoy, G. W. TUESDAY, J ANUARY 13, 1903. 5 Ragsdale, J . W. Ragsdale, Raysor, Sharpe, Sheppard, Stackhouse, Stanland, Talbird, von Kolnitz, WVarren and Williams. The P RESIDENT announced that a quorum being present, the Senate was ready to proceed to business. The p roceedings were .opened with prayer by the Rev. M. M. Kinard. ELECTIONFA O PRESIDENT PRO TEM. The S enate proceeded to the election of a President 'pro tem. Mr. ALDRICH nominated Hon. J. C. Sheppard, of Edgefield. _ There being no other nomination. the Clerk of the Senate called the roll, and the Senate proceeded to vote 'vi'z/a voce, as their names were called, the following Senators voting for Hon. J. C. Sheppard: Messrs. A ldrich, Blake, Brice, Brown, Carpenter, Davis, Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Forrest, Gaines, Goodwin, Hardin, Hay, Herndon, Hood, Hough, Hydrick, Johnson, Manning, Marshall, Mayfield, Mc Call, McDermott, McLeod, Mower, Peurifoy, G. W. Ragsdale, J. W. Ragsdale, Raysor, Sharpe, Stackhouse, Stanland, Talbird, von Kolnitz, Warren, W'illiams—37. Whole v ote given ................................. 37 Of which Hon. J. C. Sheppard received ............... 37 \Vhereupon t he PRESIDENT announced that the Hon. J. C. Sheppard, having received the unanimous vote of the Senate, was duly elected President pro tempore of the Senate. ' The o ath of office was administered to him. ELECTIONF O CLERK OF THE SENATE. The S enate proceeded to the election of Clerk of the Senate. Mr. M AYFIELD nominated Hon. Robert R. Hemphill. There b eing no other nomination, the roll was called and the Sena tors voted m'va voce as their names were called. The f ollowing Senators voted for Mr. Hemphill: Messrs. A ldrich, Blake, Brice, Brown, Carpenter, Davis, Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Forrest, Gaines, Goodwin, Hardin, Hay, Herndon, Hood, Hough, Hydrick, Johnson, Manning, Marshall, Mayfield, McCall, McDermott, McLeod, Mower, Peurifoy, G. \V. Ragsdale, J. W. Ragsdale, Raysor, Sharpe, Sheppard, Stackhouse, Stanland, Talbird, von Kolnitz, Warren, Williams—38. 6 J OURNAL OF THE SENATE, Whole v ote given ................................. 38 Of which Mr. Hemphill received ................... 38 The P RESIDENT declared Hon. Robert R. Hemphill duly elected Clerk of the Senate, having received the whole vote given. The o ath of office was duly administered to Mr. Hemphill by the PRESIDENT. ELECTIONF O SERGEANT'-AT-ARMS. Mr. M OWER nominated Mr. J. F. Schumpert, of Newberry. There being no other nomination, the Clerk of the Senate called the roll of the Senate and the Senators voted vim voce as their names were called. Those v oting for Mr. Schumpert are: _ Messrs. A ldrich, Blake, Brice, Brown, Carpenter. Davis, Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Forrest, Gaines, Goodwin, Hardin, Hay, Herndon, Hood, Hough, Hydrick, Johnson, Manning, Marshall, Mayfield, Mc Call, McDermott, McLeod, Mower, Peurifoy, G. W. Ragsdale, ]. W. Ragsdale, Raysor, Sharpe, Sheppard, Stackhouse, Stanland, Talbird, von Kolnitz, Warren, Williams—38. Whole v ote cast ................................... 38 Of which Mr. Schumpert received ................... 38 W h ereupon the PRESIDENT declared that Mr. Schumpert hav ing received the whole vote given, was duly elected Sergeant-at-Arm's of the Senate, and the oath of oflice was administered to him. ELECTIONF O READING CLERK. The S enate proceeded to the election of Reading Clerk. Mr. B RICE nominated Mr. W. H. Stewart, of York. There b eing no other nominations, the roll was called and the Sen ate proceeded to vote viva wore, the following Senators voting for Mr. Stewart: Messrs. A ldrich, Blake, Brice, Brown, Carpenter, Davis, Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Forrest, Gaines, Goodwin, Hardin, Hay, Herndon, Hood, Hough, Hydrick, Johnson, Manning, Marshall, Mayfield, Me Call, McDermott, McLeod, Mower, Peurifoy, G. W. Ragsdale, I. W. Ragsdale, Raysor, Sharpe, Sheppard, Stackhouse, Stanland, Tal bird, von Kolnitz, \IValker, Warren, VVilliams—39. TUESDAY, J ANUARY 13, 1903. 7 \Vhole v ote given .................................. 39 Of which Mr. W. H. Stewart received ................ 39 The P RESIDENT announced that Mr. Stewart, having received the whole number of votes given, was unanimously elected Reading Clerkf o the Senate, and the oath of office was administered to him by the PRESIDENT. ELECTIONF O CHAPLAIN. The P RESIDENT announced that nominations were in order. Mr. A LDRICH nominated Rev. O. A. Darby, D. D. Mr. M AYFIELD nominated Rev. W. I. Herbert. Mr. W ARREN nominated Rev. A. J. Harrison. Mr. M OWER nominated Rev. M. M. Kinard. There w ere no other nominations. The Clerk called the roll and the Senators voted 'viz'a voce as their names were called. Those v oting for the Rev. O. A. Darby, D. D., were: Messrs. A ldrich, Blake, Brice, Brown, Carpenter, Davis, Dennis, Forrest, Hardin, Hay, Hough, Hydrick, Manning, Marshall, McCall, McDermott, McLeod, Peurifoy, G. W. Ragsdale, J. W. Ragsdale, Raysor, Sharpe, Stackhouse, Stanland, Talbird, Walker, Williams— 27. Those v oting for Rev. W. I. Herbert were: Messrs. H ood, Johnson, Mayfield and Sheppard—4. Those v oting for Rev. A. J. Harrison were: Mr. V Varren—I. Those v oting for Rev. M. M. Kinard were: Messrs. D ean, Douglass, Gaines, Goodwin, Herndon, Mower and von Kolnitz—7. Whereupon t he PRESIDENT declared that the Rev. O. A. Darby, D. D., having received the majority of. the votes given, was duly elected Chaplain of the Senate. APPOINTMENTS. The P RESIDENT stated that he had appointed by the request of Lieutenant Governor-elect Sloan, the following named persons: 8 J OURNAL OF THE SENATE, - Robert M axcy McCown, Assistant Clerk, Florence County. Tillman B unch, Journal Clerk, Spartanbug County. Henry. D Butler, Bill Clerk, Saluda County. J.. R Boulware, Doorkeeper, Newberry County. Jasper. E W'atson, Doorkeeper, Greenville County. J.. F Gooding, Doorkeeper, Hampton County. James. P McGorty, Keeper Committee Rooms, Spartanburg County. .J. A White, Keeper Committee Rooms, Edgefield County. E.. B Jenkins, Keeper President's Room, Horry County. .Master G Duncan Bellinger, Jr., Page, Barnwell County. Master H enry Jefferson Fetner, Page, Richland County. Robert A dams, Porter, Richland County. Jack P ressley, Servant, Edgefield County. Albert N ahce, Servant, Newberry County. N.. O Pyles, Mail Carrier, Greenwood County. The A ssistant Clerk and Doorkeepers appeared at the Bar of the Senate and the oath of office was administered to them by the PRE— SIDENT. PRESIDENT’S A DDRESS. The P RESIDENT then addressed the Senate as follows: Senators: I n obedience to the mandate of the Constitution, you are now assembled at your post of duty. All save one, have answered to the roll call; and that one, sad to say, is at this hour beside the bier of a deceased father—“The worthy son of a noble sire.” The circum stances surrounding this sorrow are peculiarly touching to me. His H onor—and Honor, indeed, I mean, in the truest sense of the word—Chief Justice McIver, Judge Jos.
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