Ansearchin ' News, vol. 47, NO. 4 Winter zooo (( / - THE TENNESSEE -& MAGAZINE THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 9114 Davies Pfmrauon Road on rhe h~srorkDa vies Pfanrarion Mailng Addess: P. O, BOX247, BrunswrCG, 737 38014-0247 Tefephone: (901) 381-1447 & BOARD MEMBERS President JAMES E. BOBO Vice President BOB DUNAGAN Contributions of all types of Temessee-related genealogical Editor DOROTEíY M. ROBERSON materials, including previously unpublished famiiy Bibles, Librarian LORElTA BAILEY diaries, journals, letters, old maps, church minutes or Treasurer FRANK PAESSLER histories, cemetery information, family histories, and other Business h4anager JOHN WOODS documents are welcome. Contributors shouid send Recording Secretary RUTH REED photocopies of printed materials or duplicates of photos Corresponding Secretary BEmHUGHES since they cannot be returned. Manuscripts are subject Director of Sales DOUG GORDON to editing for style and space requirements, and the con- Director of Certiñcates JANE PAESSLER tributofs narne and address wiU & noted in the publish- Director at Large MARY ANN BELL ed article. Please inciude footnotes in the article submitted Director at Large SANDRA AUSTIN and list additional sources. Check magazine for style to be used. Manuscripts or other editorial contributions should be EDITO-. Charles and Jane Paessler, Estelle typed or printed and sent to Editor Dorothy Roberson, 7 150 McDaniel, Caro1 Mittag, Jeandexander West, Ruth Reed, Belsfield Rd., Memphis, TN 38 119-2600. Kay Dawson Michael Ann Bogle, Kay Dawson, Winnie Calloway, Ann Fain, Jean Fitts, Willie Mae Gary, Jean Giiiespie, Barbara Hookings, Joan Hoyt, Thurman Members can obtain information fiom this file by writing Jackson, Ruth O' Donneii, Ruth Reed, Betty Ross, Jean TGS. Give your ancestor's fuu name, at least one date and Tatum, Marlene Wilkinson, Charles Yates, and Saturday one location, -ose a alf-addressedsfpmped # 10 volunteers fiom the Chief Piomingo, 'watauga, Hermitage, Ifthe information is avdable, you wiü receive two River City, and Fort Assumption DAR chapters. photocopy pages of up to 10 surname cards of your ances- tors, including the name of ihe person[s] submitting the Cover allzrstra¿iunof TGS Research Center- Estelle McDaniel information. Any other data, ifavailable, will be supplied at 50 cents per page (five cards to a page). Please limit requests THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY to one a montb, and to one family name per request. If you publishes The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, haven't sent us your own sumame data, please do. Type or Ansearchin' News, (ISSN 0003-5246) in March, print on 3xS"index cards your ancestofs name; dates and June, September, and December of each year. places of birth, death, and rnarriage; and names of parents and Annual dua are $20, and members receive the four spouse(s). In the bottom lefihand comer, put your issues published in the 1Zmonths period followine name,address, and the date submitted. payment of their dues. Issues missed due to late payment or unnotified changes of address can be ANCESTRY CERTIFXCATlES bought separately, if avdable, for $7.50 each, including postage. Members are entitled to one free TGS sponsors this prograrn to recognize and honor the query each year and may place additional queries settlers who carne to Tennessee before 1880. To place your for $3 each. (Non-members pay $5 each.) Al1 qudes ancestors in this roa of honor, request an application fiom must be reloted to Tennessee. Members wishing to Mrs. Jane Paessler, Certiñcate Program Director, at TGS. have their queries also inserted in TGS' web page Complete and retm it with supporting documents or other withont additional cosís should include their Email proof of your ancestor's residency. (Family charts or address. computa printouts are not considered sufficient proof.) Each application must be accompanied by a $10 fee. Attractive certificates suitable for framing are issued to each person whose application meets program qualifica- ANSEARCHUT mWS, USPS M77490 h pubiiahed quarteriy tions. Certiñcates are inscribed with the prime ancestor's by aad for THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, MC., 91 14 Daviea PiantiHoa Rd,Bnmswkk, TN, a non - pmñt name, when and where he or she settied in Tennessee, and orgahritioa Peiiodierib postage pdd at Bmmddc, TN 38014 the applicant's name. Pad ndditiwPl milhgoflicg ANSE4RCm NEWS BOOKS DoNATED TO TGS rJBR9RYRREVIEW P.O. Box 247, Brunswick TN 38014-0247 shouid be mded to Mrs. Loretta Bailey, Librarian, Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 247, Brunswick, TN 38014.i Editorial Viewpoint by Dorothy MmRoberson The 1825 Tennessee Caravan to Santa Fe Tennessee Marriages The Chickasaw Bluffs Indian Trading House, 1803-1818 by Mary Louise Gruhum Nuzor Henderson County Tracts Ordered Sold for Unpaid 1824 Taxes Tennessee Obituaries Giles County Deed Abstracts, 1790-1819 by JmAlexmader West Gleanings From Here and There Lauderdale County Court Minute Book A, Aug - Dec 1836 by Betlie Davis (Instdment 2) Index to Newly Published Family Chart Book V Partings Delinquent 1824 Taxes on Shelby County Land Look-Nike Letters in Early Handwriting Letters to the Editor Notice in Levi Smith Estate The Life and Times of a Family Reinhardt-Robbins Family Bible Book and CID-Rom Reviews From Kolwyck in Tennessee Back to Koolwijk in Stolwijk by Charles & Sarah McDmiel FVheels of Justice Turned Slowly in the 1820s, Too Obituaries of Some Methodist Ministers 1858-1865 by Helen Rawlund (Conclusion) Train Engineer Gibbs Kiiled in Accident near Grand Junction Military Gov. Andrew Johnson Fails To Faze a Confederate Mother Former Tennesseeans in 1850 Marshall Co., Miss., Census Qrtstallment 2) Can You Pass This 1872 Exam on Mental Philosophy? Thirty Complete Naturalization Requirements in Memphis, 19Wl Queries 1812 Soldiers in Nashville Area Asked To Claim Their Land Patents Some Early Militia Officers (1808) Did You Know That ... Notice A Town of How Many? Index of This Issue by Frank Paessler Hear Ye, Hear Ye Page 1 - THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL MAGAZlNE/ANSEARCHIN' NEWS - Wier 2000 a Petty Girl is, you're too young to get a thriíl out of surnames. *** Dorothy Marr Roberson THURMAN JACKSON of Memphis did some follow-up research on the HOW MANY TIMES have you mn across a reference to an Paentage 0f Bob Crockett's wives, ~arahand ~ar~kwis India Factory that was established by the gov-ent on the (mmtioned in the Fd issue) and found that the were Chickasaw Bluffs back in the early 1800s? daughters of John GiLewis and wife Francis Leake, and If you thought it was a place where a product of some did indeed share a ~~I-MIO~ancestor with -%e sort was mufactured by ~ndianlabor, you would not be the Washington. Thurman's source for the additional infor- fird (nor probably yet the last) to make that mistake. me mation was Michael L. C~k'sPioneer hi~Families, Factory in this case was a trading post where factors [agents] Vols. and V -- both of which are in the fa mil^ ~oomof and merchants sold a wide assortment of goods to the the TGS Library (#4726 and 4727). Thanks, Thuman, for Indians. Ledgers of the Chickasaw Blu& Factory are on clearing UP that myste~! microfilm at the Memphis Public Library, and 1 daresay few **** people have ever been brave enough to delve into them. But CHARLES 'cl3UCK' SHEmL, who helped TGS TGS member Mary buise Nmr was un&unted by the members hone their skills on researching manuscripts, military challenge and took it on in her inimitable, not-to-be-outdone pensionq and ~urtrecords at our Fdseminar, is now head style. In the process, she uncovered names of some white of the Bt-entwood (Tem.1 Library in Wilimson County. settlers who were on the Blus before Memphis came into Before tabg charge of the l~ndsomeBrentwood facicty, being, along with names of some of the Indians from nearby Chuck did outstanding work at the Tennessee State Library villages who did business with the Factory. & Archives in Nashviile and earlier at the Cleveland, Tenn., She has put together for Ansearchin' News an excerpt library. He Put on a great %minar for us (P%e 44) ad from her 75-page trwc"ption that makes for a highly whetted more than one appetite for testing out some of his informative article and a greatly appreciated contribution research tips. You'll find it on Page 11 of this issue. ***a **** A LOT OF US dream of going back to the homeland of our ANOTHER ARTICLE you might find interesting is about a ancestors and Wig the place fiom whence our roots little-known expedition to Santa Fe that was made by a group sprung. That's exactly what TGS members Charles and of adventurous Tennesseeans back in 1825. Sarah McDaniel, Rocky Mount, Va., did. Sarah's ancestor, There is still much to be learned about the tnp -- which William Kolwyck, came to America fiom Holland as a requued more than 2,000 miles of travel on horseback and 16-year old stowaway in 1808, manied Margaret Ann consurned about a year of the men's lives. The 40 or so men Steele in Wilson Co., Tem., and died in Decatur Co., T~M., who took part in the so-4ed "Tennessee Caravan" were soon after the Civil War. ChaAes and Sarah recently traveled said to have been fiom Middle and West Tennessee, but the to South Holland and found the village where Wüiiam hll names of only a few are known. Surnames have been (Willem) lived as a boy. It's a good read, and if you don't found for only about half of the remainder, and referentes to know the meaning of patronymic, you'll find out by reading the trip can be found in only two history books, and a few of their story starting on Page 43. the state's newspapers.
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