Apply for vt Quinn quit s board post BY RACHAEL I a decision during the month of May. Nancy-Quinn, school board member By law the board has 20 days to ap­ ftfr less than a year, sjbmitt&d 9 letter point from the date of resignation. If of resignation to th; school board the board does not act, the Wayne Monday. In a very brief letter to her County Intermediate District would be fellowj board members, Quinn cited responsible to fill the scat. “ personal reasons” as the cause of her resignation with three years left on Her term of office. The[bdard will appoint a citizen to take Quinn’s seat foi 13 months, with the remaining two ; ears of Quinn’s term appearing on the June 1986 ballot J Superintendent John Hoben said he had checked with. Wayne County elections officials Monday and Spring rolls on throug] - found it was too late for Quinn’s seat A SURE SIGN of spring, a bike rack at West Mjiddle School on Ann to be put on the 1985 jallot. - Arbor Trail bursts into bloom. Although cold-air ai■ id snow buffeted the Quinn’s letter oi iginally. gave‘ a community earlier this week, signs of warm weather: re sprouting all over. resignation date of April 8, but it had (Crier photo by Chris Boyd) been crossed out and changed to April 22, the next regular meeting of the board. “I talked with Lawrence Verbeast at Wayne County elections,” W ill C ity cut 7 c o p s ? Hoben said,“ and he said even if it was effective the eighth, even if it happened BY BRIAN LYSAGHT Myers, currently the police chief'in todayl the election board would not k The City Commission unanimously Atlas Township, will begin his new job allowjus to put on the ballot this year, approved the selection of Richard W. NANCY QUINN April 15 and will earn $33,500 an­ there just wasn’t enough time. Myers as police chief Monday, amid nually. I ■ The board decided that no active continued speculation of impending Graper said a 13-officer department “ The board is going to appoint for a candidates for the two positions in the police layoffs. including a chief is the most the city • 13-mpnth term,” he said. Juneelection.would be considered. “ If . City Manager Henry Graper in­ could afford without cutting other Consensus of the board was to they want to be considered for the cluded a police force reduction of departments. I le said concessions talks accept letters of interest from potential appointment they will have to with- setan officers - from the current '20 between the city aifd the police officers . appointees through April 3,0 and make Cont. on pg. 5 .officer to 13 - in his 1985-86 budget union haveenc ed without agreement. recommendations. The City Com­ “ I think ec anomies will determine mission will consider the recom­ the size of the police department for a mendation in budget hearings this while,” he saic. j Peter Cottontail to leave month before adopting the final The City Commission will have the budget.. final say over the size of the police . Graper said he thought Myers will department when they adopt the 1985j o r k id s do an “an excellent job," but added 86 fiscal year b udget the position may not be easy in light of Budget study sessions are scheduled possible manpower cuts. for April l6-(8. A public hearing on [Peter Cottontail is expected to arrive in The Plymouth- j“ He’s certainly got his work cut out the budget will be held at 7:30 p.m. Canton Community this week - bearing plenty of goodies for for him,” Graper said. April 29 at City Hall. | the younger ;et. The size of the police department . (The famous rabbit will 'hold Easter egg hunts Saturday in A was on the minds of a number of Plymouth Township Park and Griffin Park in Canton tv** people atthe City Commission meeting Township. Monday night! • : I Bob.Kroeger told the commission he ‘Plymouth and Plymouth Township tots can look for the opposed layoffs and said police and Easter treats Peter left for them starting at 10 a.m. Children safety should be a priority in the city. ages one through 12 can join in the fun. Kids will hunt eggs in “ I’m a little confused,” Kroeger one of four different areas of the£park depending upon their said. “ I don’t know what I have tp|<|o age; the categories are one through three-year-olds, four as a citizen to make you know that jthe through sixi-ye^r-olds, seven through nine-year-olds and 10-12- S * ® ' . 4 0 - citizens don’t want (police) layoffsj* | Mayor David Pugh said t jte City year-olds. p ft* ’ . Commission wouldn’t know thfe size of JColored hard-boiled eggs and plastic eggs with prizes in them tjie police department until studying will be scattered around Plymouth "Township Park. The ... „ •' / the propose^ budget submitted by Plymouth Jayeees are sponsoring the egg hunt. Graper. The Canton Parks and- Recreation Department is also . V — -• } “ It’s very difficult to consider the holding an egg hunt in Griffin Park Saturday. Kids can hunt police; departi nent budget-when it’sj not Easter treats in Canton starting at 10 a.m. Age groups are four clear what e: ffect it will'have on the. other departments, JPugh saic. “ Yojj anti under, fivj? through seven, and eight to 10-year-olds. can’t decide i in a vacuum.” I ' |Kids at Grifjfin can search the park grounds for candy treats Pugh and graper emphasized police anld special prize eggs. The egg hunt will be held on the Canton layoffs, if required, wouldn’t happen Center Road side of the park'. until July 1 when the city-township police contract expires, Plymouth Township . paid the city $467 ooo Cunt, on pg. 2 new millionaire, see Pg- 3 nabs drivers arkins ban The City of Plymouth is cracking »wn oh parking scoffiaws who choose to ignore the city’s early morning parking ban. A building department employe is aking the rounds issuing tickets to cars pa ked between 3-6 a.m., when on city streets is prohibited. ‘We’/e plainls from .citizens saying it would THE COMMUNITY CRIER: April 3. 1985 PC. 2 be nice to get cars off the street, said Mark HammaV of the buidling department. “It helps out the E in snow removaifand street sweeping and things like that." The C ity Commission had requested the crac (down on parked cars during the earl/ morning hours, said City Manage) Henry Graper. P.D. cuts Cont. from pg. 1 easte;r exhibit annuali) for police service unuciunder theme Visit Tl»e Eoster Dunny at the Eosterville Traip Depot. Seej the contract . The city has been considering train Ic ad of live baby animats. Instant photos are available. ways to restructure its police depart: Mon * Thur 10 am - 8:30 pm, Fri 6 S<4t 10 am - 9 pm, ment fo lowing Plymouth township’s I in u e Central Court. decision announced earlier this year, to staft its own police department on July 1. EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES' Some city officers have applied for Live theatre for children, presented by the Children's position; on the township force and Entertoinment Company. Fri, April 12 at 2 & 7 pm. Plymou h Township Pc lice Chief Carl Sun, ^pril 13 G 14 at 1 & 3 pm, in t le Central Court. Berry has said they wil be considered along with all other qualified ap- SPRING CAR SHOW plicants (models on display. April 16-22, throughout the mall. MICROWAVE COOKING I Lifestyle Seminars for April through June' will feature Microwave Cooking by Chef Larry Janes► Session I will be on fish and vegetables. The seminar HOME ST. is free but reservntions are necessary. Moke yours by (falling 425-5001. a d d re ss ? Two sessions ore offered this time. Tuesday, April 23. 10 am G 7 pm. W E ljiCOME WAGON Auditorium, located in the Emporium. c a n te lp yo u fe a t it hom e Greying new neighbors is a tradition wilh WELC )M£ WAGON — "Americas Neighborhood A VISIT WITH THE DjOLL LADY tradrlk n. , A show put on by Barbara Coker, a noted doll expert. She will display l‘d fee io visit you. To Say “Hr* and present gilts and greetings from community-minded and discuss her vast collection of dolls, in'duding antiques, collectibles and busine sses i n also present invitations you can redeen for more gifts. And it's an free original Cabbage Patch Kids, the "Little People.” In addition, she gives ;A to ELCOME WAGON visit ts a special treat to free approisols ond consultations to other doll collectojrs who ore urged heip y >u get settled and feeling more “at home ' A frieidfy get-together is easy to arrange. Just to bring their dolls. Sjot & Sun, April 27 & 28. 11 am to 2 ana Central Court. caitmj 2aH M yra Call Sallee LAW DXY EXHIBIT 459-99754 420-0965 - Locol ond stotb police, fire ond rescue personnel will be available to (Plymouth Area) exploin their services and will have their v«'hides on display., " April 27 through May 1, in the East Court. WESTLAND CENTER GIFT CERTIFICATES Are on sole Monday through .Friday, from 9 om to 5 pm, in the Center Office. They ore oyoiloble in > ienominotions of $5, $10, $20 G $25.
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