Alabama Directory of Radio (256) 362.1231. Fax: (256) 362 -1230. Licensee: Birmingham Christian (36081). (334) 566-0300. Fax: (334) 566 -5689. Web Site: 349-1715. Licensee: Radio South Inc. (group owner; acq 7 -77) Rep: Radio Inc. (acq 5-13-97; $30,000) Format: Full gospel. News staff: www.pikeweb.con/wtbf. Licensee: Troy Broadcasting Corp. Format: Eastman. Format: Gospel. Target aud: 35 plus. Voncile R. Pearce, one. Target aud: 25-70: middle/upper middle. blue & white collar, Spec Talk, memories. News progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus; pres & gen mgr; Steve Sloan, opns mgr; Todd Uvingston, gen sls mgr; of prog: Talk 5 hrs, Gospel 7 hrs, bluegrass 6 hrs wkly. L.E. Willis Sr., general. Spec prog: Farm 17 hrs wkly. *Jim Roling, VP, gen mgr & sls Raven Guy. news dir; Olen Booth. chief engrg. pres; Silas Buchanan, gen mgr, gen sis mgr, mktg mgr. prom mgr & VP: Doc Kirby, progmg dir: Joe Gilchrist. pres, chief of opns & chief of pub affrs dir: Louis Amerson, progmg dir; Tompa Cook, chief of engrg. engrg. WTUG(FM) -Co-owned with WTSK. March 1979: 92.9 mhz; 100 kw. Rates: $65; 47: 47; 37. 981 ft. TL: N33 05 40 W87 29 58. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. (205) Format: Sloan, progmg dir. WTSU(FM)- Mar 1, 1977: 89.9 mhz; 100 kw. 560 ft. TL: N32 03 33 345-7200. Adult contemp. Steve WSSY-FM- Apr 4, 1990: 97.5 mhz; 910 w. 574 h. TL: N33 25 49 W86 W86 01 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 6 AM-midnight. Rebroadcasts WTJB(FM) 04 52. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 702 E Battle St., Suite A (35160). (256) Columbus 100% Wallace Hall, Troy State Univ. (36082). (334) 'WUAL -FM- Jan 4, 1982: 91.5 mhz; 100 kw. 523 ft. TL: N33 05 40 761 -9779. (256) 761-9797. Fax: (256) 761 -9700. Licensee: Williamson 670 -3268. Fax: (334) 670 -3435. (334) 670 -3934. E -mail: W87 24 47. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Suite 166, Phifer Hall Annex (35487). Broadcasting Inc. Net: CBS. Format: Oldies. News staff: one; news wlsu @trojan.troyst.edu. Web Site: www.wtsu.troyst.edu. Licensee: (205) 348-6644. Fax: (205) 348-6648. Licensee: Board of Trustees of progmg 40 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Doug Williamson, pres; Rick Troy State University. Net: NPR, PRI. Format: Class, new age. News the University of Alabama. Net: PRI, NPR. Alabama Net. Wash ally: Robinson, gen mgr & stn mgr; Gail Carter, sls dir: Jones Network, mus progmg 25 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Children one hr Arter & Hadden. Format: Class, jazz, news/talk. News staff: 3; news dir: Ben Wright, news dir & pub altrs dir: Paul McCain, chief of engrg. wkly. James Clower, gen mgr, Judy Davis, Dens mgr; Carolyn progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target arid: 35 plus. Spec prog: Bluegrass, blues, Hutcheson, dev mgr & pub affrs dir; Russell Wells. progmg mgr & mus folk 5 hrs, new age 20 hrs wkly. *Roger Duvall, stn mgr; Kathy WTDR(FM)- Nov 10, 1972: 92.7 mhz; 250 w. 870 ft. TL: N33 24 42 dir; John Brunson, chief of engrg. Henslee. dev mgr; David Duff, mus dir; Kathleen Suhanin, asst music W86 12 20. (CP: 400 w). Stereo. Drawer 329 (35161). 34915 Alabama dir; Butler Cain, news dir; David Baughn, chief of engrg. Hwy. 21 (35160). (256) 362 -8890. Fax: (256) 362 -3440. Licensee: WZHT(FM)- Feb 28. 1973: 105.7 mhz; 100 kw. 1,847 ft. TL: N31 58 Jacobs Broadcast Group Inc. (acq 9-16-92: $570,000: FTR: 10-19-92) 12 32 W86 09 46. Stereo. Box 4420, Montgomery (36103). 648 S. Perry 'WVUA -FM- Sept 7, 1972: 90.7 mhz; 160 w. 142 ft. TL: N33 33 Format: Modem country, best of oldies. *James H. Jacobs, pres & Fax: St., Montgomery (36104). (334) 262 -2323. Fax: (334) 263 -3483. W87 32 57. Stereo. Box 870152 (35487 -0152). (205) 348-6461. gen mgr; Bill Moats, chief of engrg. Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel (205) 348 -0375. Web Site: www.newrock907.com. Licensee: Board of Communications Inc. (acq 8- 30.00; grpsl) Net: ABC, Westwood Trustees University of Alabama. Format: Altemative. Target aud: Tallassee One. Rep: McGavren Guild. Wash ally: Latham & Watkins. Format: 18 -25; high school & college students. Spec prog: Christian 3 hrs, hrs Urban. Target aud: 18-49. *Ronald W. Eubanks, gen mgr: Arnessa hardcore 3 hrs, blues 3 hrs, heavy metal 4 hrs, reggae 3 wkly. WACG(AM)-(Carrville), June 30, 1979: 1130 oz, 1 kw -D. TL: N32 33 Levered, sls VP & gen sls mgr; Shandron Forte, prom mgr; Michael Loy Singleton. gen mgr. John Price, chief of engrg. 22 W85 52 17. Hrs opn: Sunrise- sunset. 320 Barnett Blvd. (36078). Long, progmg dir; Charlie Grider. chief of engrg. (334) 283 -6888. Fax: (334) 283-2152. Licensee: Progressive United WWPG(AM)- Dec 10, 1951: 1280 khz: 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -N. TL: Communications Inc. (group owner; acq 2 -3 -00: $165,000) Net: N33 13 07 W87 34 05. Suite 507, 601 Greensboro Ave. (35401). (205) ABC; N.D. News Net. Format: Oldies. News staff: one: news progmg Trussville 345-4787. Fax: (205) 345 -4790. Licensee: Lawson of Tuscaloosa Inc. 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; baby boomers. Spec prog: Farm one hr, (acq 3.17 -93; $160,000; FTR: 4-5-93) Net: Westwood One. Wash gospel 5 hrs wkly. Fred Randall Hughey. pres. gen mgr & progmg WENN(FM)- September 1993: 105.9 mhz; 1.4 kw. 672 ff. TL: N33 33 arty: Taylor, Smith & Parker. Format: Rhythm and blues, gospel & talk. dir; Julia King, gen sls mgr: Terry Harper. chief of engrg. Rates: S8; 38 W86 42 11. Suite 600, 530 Beacon Pkwy. W., Birmingham (35209). Target aud: 24-54; mature business audience. Spec prog: Jazz 2 hrs 8: 8. (205) 439 -9600. Fax: (205) 439 -8390. Web Site: wkly. *Jim Lawson, pres & gen mgr; Mildred Porter, Dens mgr. www.wenn1059eemail.com. Licensee: Capstar Royalty II Corp. WACO-FM- Oct 29. 1992: 99.9 mhz: 3.1 kw. 452 ft. TL: N32 34 37 Group owner: AMFM Inc. (acq 1999; $3,087,500) Format: Jammin' Tuscumbia W85 51 43. Suite 104, 2514 S. College St., Auburn (36832). (334) oldies. Bill Thomas. gen mgr; Dana Harmon. gen sis mgr; Marvin 887 -9999. Fax: (334) 826 -9599. Licensee: Tiger Communications Inc. Lee. progmg dir; Michael Golchert, chief of engrg. WLAY -FM- Listing follows WVNA(AM). (acq 1999; $686.000 plus $200 per game of Auburn University Women's Basketball season) Net: ABC. Wash ally: Gardner. Carton Tuscaloosa WVNA(AM)- Apr 5, 1955: 1590 khz; 5 kw-D. 1 kw -N, DA -N. TL: N34 & Douglas. Format: Classic rock. Debbie Baldwin. gen mgr & gen 45 24 W87 36 35. Hrs opn: 24. 520 D. Mitchell Self Memorial Dr., Ms mgr; Eric West. progmg dir; Tern Harper. chief of engrg. 748, Florence (35630). (256) 383 -2525. WACT(AM)- September 1958: 1420 khz; 5 kw -D, 108 w -N. TL: N33 Muscle Shoals (35661). Box 10 33 18. Hrs opn: 24. Box 20126 (35402- 0126). 3900 11th Fax: (256) 383 -4450. Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses WTLS(AM)- June 1, 1954:1300 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N32 33 27 W85 55 30 W87 Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 12-19-00; 03. (CP: TL: N32 33 34 W85 55 22). 2045 Hwy 229 (36078). (334) Ave. (35402 -0126). (205) 349 -3200. (205) 752 -9228. Fax: (205) grpsl) Net: ABC TalkRadio, CBS. AP. Rep: Katz. Format: News/talk, 283 -8200. Fax: (334) 283 -8622. Web Site: www.1300wtls.com. 752-9269. Licensee: Capstar Royalty II Corp. Group owner Capstar sports. News staff: 3; news progmg 60 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-64. Licensee: Michael Butler Broadcasting LLC. (acq 8- 24 -99) Format: Broadcasting Corp. (acq 3-5-97; with co- located FM) Format: Relg, Spec prog: Atlanta Braves Network, loc talk shows & sport shows. Full service. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. Michael Butler. gen mgr; southem gospel. Target aud: 35 plus. Mark Bass, gen mgr & gen sls Hartley, M.D. Bedford, pres & gen mgr; Jim Jackson, stn mgr & opns mgr: Betty Butler. gen sls mgr & progmg dir: Ned Butler. pres. news dir & mgr; Roy Gregg. prom mgr, progmg dir & asst music dir; Don Greg Thomton, gen sls mgr; Jerry Thompson, progmg dir; Alan chief of engrg. pub affrs dir: Olen Booth, chief of engrg. Hethcox, news dir; Frank Rodgers, pub affrs din. Cad Samperi, chief of engrg. Thomaston WTTR(FM)-Co-owned with WACT. June 1, 1966: 105.5 mhz; 1.5 kw. 400 ft. TL: N33 10 30 W87 33 18. (CP: 6 kw). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. WLAYFM- Co-owned with WVNA(AM). May 2, 1962: 100.3 mhz; 100 WAYI(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 97.7 mhz; 4 kw. 407 ft. Net: USA. Format: Rock. Target aud: 25 plus. kw. 245 ft. TL: N34 45 24 W87 41 10. (CP: IL: N34 40 24 W87 42 56). TL: N32 18 26 W87 45 23. Marengo Broadcast Associates, 2730 Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Format: Country. News staff: 2: news progmg 60 Cozumel Dr. #1404. Melbourne, FL (32935). Licensee: Marengo WBHJ(FM)- 1952: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. 981 ff. TL: N33 05 38 W87 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-34. *Jim Jackson. progmg dir. Broadcast Associates. 15. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Suite 102, 2301 First Ave., Birmingham (35203). (205) 322 -2987. Fax: (205) 322-2667. Licensee: CXR WZZA(AM)- Apr 17, 1960: 1410 khz; 500 w-D, 51 w -N.
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