October 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11183 With their strong work ethic, Greek-Ameri- lution (H. Res. 791) congratulating the Whereas the Aldine Independent School cans have risen to become leaders in their re- Aldine Independent School District in District has been a finalist four times for the spective professions, from government to busi- Harris County, Texas, on winning the ‘‘Broad Prize for Urban Education’’; ness to the arts. The Daughters of Penelope 2009 ‘‘Broad Prize for Urban Edu- Whereas in 2008, the Aldine Independent School District outperformed other Texas has been a vehicle through which this ad- cation’’, as amended. school districts that serve students with vancement has occurred in our society. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- similar family incomes in reading and math I want to thank Chairman TOWNS and Rank- tion. at all school levels, according to the Broad ing Member ISSA for their support of this bill The text of the resolution is as fol- Prize methodology; and and for moving it through the Oversight and Whereas the Aldine Independent School lows: Government Reform Committee. District was selected from among 100 of the I urge my colleagues to support it. H. RES. 791 largest school districts in the country to win Mr. SPACE. Mr. Speaker, I strongly support Whereas the thousands of employees of the the 2009 ‘‘Broad Prize for Urban Education’’: the resolution considered by the House today, Aldine Independent School District in Harris Now, therefore, be it H. Res. 209. This bill recognizes the numer- County, Texas, work hard to create a sup- Resolved, That the House of Representa- tives— ous and wide-ranging contributions made to portive, safe, and effective learning environ- ment, enabling students to achieve academic (1) recognizes the Aldine Independent American society by the Daughters of Penel- School District in Harris County, Texas, for ope, the women’s affiliate of the American success; Whereas the Aldine Independent School the outstanding achievement of winning the Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. District uses a district-wide strategic plan, 2009 ‘‘Broad Prize for Urban Education’’, the The Order of the Daughters of Penelope which is focused on student achievement, largest education award for school districts was conceived by Alexandra Apostolides student behavior, and community relations; in the United States; and Sonnenfeld and founded on November 16, Whereas the leadership of the Aldine Inde- (2) congratulates the entire Aldine Inde- 1929. In the midst of the economic collapse pendent School District is vigilant in ensur- pendent School District community on the that led to the Great Depression, Mrs. ing that all staff, departments, schools, and hard work and dedication the community Apostolides recognized the importance of resources continue to focus on the district- has demonstrated toward student achieve- ment, particularly the efforts of the commu- unity, philanthropy, and education. She and 25 wide strategic plan; Whereas the Aldine Independent School nity toward reducing the achievement gaps charter members formed the first chapter of among ethnic groups and between high- and the Daughters of Penelope, which is today a District, through the use of creative teach- ing technology, has set clear, rigorous expec- low-income students. leader in philanthropic, educational and cul- tations for teachers and has provided school The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tural activities with over 350 chapters in the management with increased oversight; ant to the rule, the gentleman from the U.S., Canada, Greece, Cyprus, and Australia. Whereas data from the Texas Education Northern Mariana Islands (Mr. SABLAN) H. Res. 209 highlights some of the organi- Agency indicates that the Aldine Inde- and the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. zation’s crowning achievements, including the pendent School District consistently ranks GUTHRIE) each will control 20 minutes. establishment of Penelope House, a shelter among the high performing school districts The Chair recognizes the gentleman for women and children that aims to help vic- in the State; from the Northern Mariana Islands. Whereas the Aldine Independent School tims of domestic violence regain social and GENERAL LEAVE economic independence, and the Daughters of District ranks among the top large school districts in Texas for educating African- Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I request Penelope Foundation, which grants scholar- American students and Hispanic students, 5 legislative days during which Mem- ships to promising students and facilitates do- according to a recent study conducted by bers may revise and extend and insert nations of children’s books to needy organiza- Texas Agricultural & Mechanical University extraneous material on House Resolu- tions. and the University of Texas-Pan American; tion 791 into the RECORD. Another issue of critical importance is the Whereas between 2005 and 2008, the SAT The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there oral history project organized and donated to and Advanced Placement participation rates objection to the request of the gen- the Library of Congress by the Daughters of for African-American and Hispanic students tleman from the Northern Mariana Is- Penelope. This project chronicles the experi- in the Aldine Independent School District in- creased significantly; lands? ences of first-generation Greek-American Whereas in 2008, African-American stu- There was no objection. women. I know this project will preserve these dents in the Aldine Independent School Dis- Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield vital records so that future generations of trict achieved higher proficiency rates in myself as much time as I may con- Greek-Americans—like my children—will main- math at all school levels and in reading at sume. tain an important link with their ancestors. the middle and high school levels compared Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support I am proud of my Greek heritage and of the with other students in Texas; of House Resolution 791, which recog- accomplishments of the Order of the Daugh- Whereas in 2008, a greater percentage of nizes and congratulates the Aldine ters of Penelope. I think it only fitting that now, Hispanic students in the Aldine Independent Independent School District in Harris as we face our own economic crisis, we rec- School District performed at the highest County, Texas, for winning the 2009 achievement level on State reading and ognize the importance of those values that Broad Prize for Urban Education. math assessments at all school levels com- Aldine’s commitment to academic carry us through the most difficult times. I en- pared to other school districts in the State; courage my colleagues to support this resolu- Whereas in 2008, a greater percentage of achievement, its high expectations for tion. low-income students in the Aldine Inde- its students, and its dedication to nar- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield pendent School District performed at the rowing the racial and income achieve- back the balance of my time. highest achievement level on State reading ment gaps make it a most deserving re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and math assessments at all school levels cipient of this prestigious award. question is on the motion offered by compared to other school districts in the Established in 2002 by the Eli and the gentleman from Massachusetts State; Edythe Broad Foundation, the Broad Whereas nationwide, family income level is (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Prize for Urban Education is the larg- typically a strong statistical predictor of the rules and agree to the resolution, est education award for school districts school performance; in the United States. H. Res. 209, as amended. Whereas in the Aldine Independent School The question was taken; and (two- District, poverty does not appear to be sta- After finishing as a finalist for the thirds being in the affirmative) the tistically related to achievement at any prize 3 years previously, the Aldine rules were suspended and the resolu- school level or in math or reading, despite a Independent School District this year tion, as amended, was agreed to. high enrollment of students considered to be was chosen from among 100 of the larg- A motion to reconsider was laid on low-income; est school districts in the country to the table. Whereas between 2005 and 2008, the Aldine receive the $1 million award. The Al- Independent School District narrowed the in- f dine School District has shown some of come achievement gaps in reading at all the most consistent student achieve- CONGRATULATING ALDINE school levels and in math at the elementary ment gains nationally in the last dec- SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR WINNING and middle school levels; Whereas the ‘‘Broad Prize for Urban Edu- ade. THE BROAD PRIZE FOR URBAN Nationwide, family income levels EDUCATION cation’’, the largest education award for school districts in the United States, was es- generally are a strong indicator of stu- Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I move to tablished in 2002 by the Eli and Edythe Broad dents’ school performance, but the Al- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Foundation; dine School District, where four out of VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:03 Oct 14, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13OC7.103 H13OCPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H11184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 13, 2009 five students receive free or reduced forming school districts in the State of Independent School District is dedi- lunch, refuses to accept excuses for Texas. In addition, it is one of the top cated to increasing student achieve- student success and chooses instead to large school districts in the State for ment and ensuring that every student break the predictive power of poverty. African American and Hispanic stu- has the tools he or she needs to thrive Between 2005 and 2008, the Aldine dents. Between 2005 and 2008, the SAT and be a critical thinker, problem solv- Independent School District narrowed and Advanced Placement participation er, and a productive citizen.
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