S1111 , 1,,,11)( 11(( t 11,11111111,,, 1 1/11))1 <". :" :y ~ .~ Basketball After Game Game- 8 P.M. SDance Tonight Tonight Student Center - _.~11)1)) ~111,1,1,111 111111 1111111(11 11 g 7e Oeca oullertonJaisia ia ebet euc1, Ndoee Vol. XXXIX Fullerton, California, Friday, February 10, 1961 No. 18 'Come Back!' Commission Posts Are Open To Applicants Presently there are three va- taking 12 units. cancies in the Fullerton Junior The AMS President's main job College Student Commission. They this semester will be to plan the are Commissioner of Rallies, As- third annual Men of Distinction sociated Men Students President wards Banquet. Each year the and Freshman Commissioner at AMS chooses the top 25 men in Large. school from every department, The office of Commissioner of such as outstanding student in Rallies is open to any FJC stu- life science, physical s c i e n ce,. dent registered in 121/2 units with humanities division, athletic div- a grade point average of 2.0. Com- sion. missioner of Rallies' main job is No experience is necessary for to direct the activities of the song this office, but it might be help- and yell leaders and to work with ful. them to promote school spirit. He The Freshman Commissioner at must also plan and conduct the Large office is open to .any fresh- tryouts for next year's song lead- man. His main job is to repre- ers and yell leaders. These posts sent the freshman class on the are open to any high school sen- student commission. He may cast ior who plans to attend FJC as his vote On any decision to be well as to returning students. The made concerning the freshman tryouts for these posts are held class. This office is a stepping in the end of May, stone to the commission offices The AMS presidency is open to one might hold in his sophomore. any male who is in at least his year. at FJC, and who second semester Any student wishing to apply" has successfully completed 121/2 instructor, pleads with his casts of "Act Four" to remain for another for any of these offices should' WAII--Mr. Archambeault, drama units with at least a 2.0 grade 23-25 and March 2-4. pick up an application blank in' rehearsal. The presentation of "Act Four" will be given on Feb. must presently be average. He the Deans' Office. The most prom- ising candidates will be appointed! on the basis of the applications Archambeault Announces Police Give Five FJC Coeds plus an interview by the student: commission. - Four" Dean of Men Ivan Malm urges Cast for "Act anyone wishing these positions to plays, will be pre- 148 Tickets Will Contend for "Act Four," a group of four one-act fill out and return his applica- sented by the Fullerton Junior College Drama Department tion as soon as .possible. This Feb. 23-25 and March 2-4. First Day EC Queen Title should not be later than the end of next week. Members of the cast for "The Dancers," by Horton Foote Fullerton Junior College stud- Five canidates have turned in are a Waitress, Pat Mershon; Inez Stanley; Louise New- ents and teachers felt the full im- petitions for Eastern Conference mark; Elizabeth Crews, Mlke pact of the new parking regula- College Queen. They are Judy this week, as 148 citations Vets Newland; Emil Crews, Lelia tremendous interest and enroll- tions Johnson, sponsored by the Sacket Named were issued by Fullerton Police Club; Jan Sanmillan, sponsored by Peck; Herman Stanley, Peter ment in the Drama Department," stated Mr. Archambeault. Department officers on Monday the Knights Club; Joyce Parnell, To Presidency O'Rourke; Horace, Art Kou- alone. Four were for violations by Goodwin, Tickets go on sale early next independent; Ginger Elizabeth Rae Sacket is Ful- stik; Mary Catherine Davis, faculty. sponsored by the Delta Sigma Chi. week. Because of limited seating lerton Junior College's new Associ- Artella Navarrette; Velma, Things were shaping up more to Three petitions have been taken facilities, ticket purchases should ated Women Students President.. Nancy Warren; Tom Davis, the authorities satisfaction Tues- EC Princess." They are be made as soon as possible. out for Formerly the association's first Charles Fisher; and Mrs. day. Then only- 28 cars were Robertson, Georgia Fran- Prices are 50 cents for students Donna Vice-President, she gained office Davis, Cecilia Roberts. ticketed. cisco, and Roberta Larouche. For "The Tiny Cl oset," by and children, and $1 for adults. of President through the resig- The new regulations actually be- Fullerton Junior College's Queen William Ingle members of the nation of Jo Ann Messerall. came effective at the first of the for the Eastern Conference Dance cast will include Mr. Edgardo Es- month, but drivers were given a will be chosen in student body c o bar ; Mrs. Crosby, Rosemary String Quartet few days to adjust to the decrees election Tuesday , Feb. 14. Polls B u r n s; and Mrs. Hergesheimer, approved by the Board of Trustees will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pat Mershon. Appearance Set of the Fullerton Junior College Fullerton will then be repre- "The Lady of Larkspur Lotion," The Feld String Quartet has District. sented along with seven other Eas- by Tennessee Williams, will have been scheduled to appear March 11 On Monday, it was reported, sev- tern Conference Colleges, at the including Mrs. Hardwicke in the Fullerton High School Aud- a cast eral students finding tickets on the dance to be held this year at the Nancy McFadden; Mrs. itorium. They will be combined Moore, windshields of their cars, parked Hollywood Paladium, Feb. 21, from Hoban; and The with the outstanding string players Wire, Vivian them, and walked off without mov- 9 p.m. to midnight. Vincent Donofrio. of the surrounding high schools Writer, ing the cars. When the patrolman Candidates must be carrying at by Jean "The Apollo of Bellac", and junior colleges. came around again, he issued an- least ten units with at least a 1.5 wi 11 include Agnes, On Saturday afterncon at 4 p.m. Giraudoux other ticket. grade point average, and must Therese, Rose- by the Feld Quar- Gwen Schroeder; a demonstration Dean Ivan Malm has the respon- have a full time student body card. mary Burns; Clerk, Bill Hay; Man, tet members will be given on how sibility for controlling parking on Henry Hcffman; Vice President, a professional ensemble functions. campus. Yesterday, he asked that David Smyers; Mr. Cracheton, At 5 p.m. a clinic will be con- students refrain from parking in Hornet Knights Dick Odle; Mr. Lepodura, Keith ducted on a sectional basis by the various triangular spaces in Pomery; Mr. Rasemute, Jerry the members of the Feld Quartet the parking lots. Grey; Mr. Schultz, Edgardo Esco- on music to be played at the The regulations are designed to Aid Blood Bank bar; President, Charles Fisher; concert. solve at least some of the campus Hornet Knights members will Chevredent, Nancy McFadden, and The concert starts at 8:15 p.m. parking problems. Another step have a table in the patio for the Chairman of the Board, Art The highlight of the evening will next two weeks, for the signing-up soon will be the building of a new ELIZABETH RAE SACKET Koustik. be Mendelssohn's Octet played= by lot. It is to accomodate 500 cars of blood donors. This is a service Mr. Archambeault stated that the Feld Quartet and the FJC and will lie ncrth of the gym- project undertaken by the Knights Betsy, as she is called, is start- the plays are to be presented as a quartet. The members of the FJC nasium, by the track. to assist the Fullerton Blood Bank ing her fourth semester here as a stage adaptation of the TV tech- Quartet are: Judy Perlin, Carol in their current drive. Medical Major. Her activities in- nique, including unit set arrange- Fancher, Lu Anne Hicks, and Work Begins Everyone wishing to donate a clude being an active member of ments employing the barest nece- MacKay. pint of blood can be registered Kappa Lambda Sigma, social ser- Michele Work for the World University at ssities to depict each scene. Arts Division is spon- that time. Those who wish to do- vice club, and participating in The Fine Service began Tuesday, with the Dick Odle, Commissioner of this concert. The commis- but are under 21 must competitive badminton. soring organization of a committee to nate blood Publicity for ASB, is directing his this activi- She graduated frcm sion has voted to back work out ways and means of first pick up a parent release form Evanston first college production, "The Tiny to Mr. Fred Owens, and Township High School in 1957. ty, according raising money. The committee con- have it signed. Closet." He has also designed sets FJC music teacher. Before now Betsy had been sists cf Don Robertson, Bob Wag- The Bank will be here on campus the for the other three plays. Tickets for the concert are $1 president of a youth group as well nor, Carol Muchon, Bill Erhle, and March 7, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. "Act Four" is an insertion in for adults, and 50 cents for It will be as the vice-president of a church. Ron Ranson. set up in the Student the spring program due to the students. Health Center Gym. club called B'Nai B'rith. PagePaiC .22Fu THE HORNET Friday, February 10, 1961 We Get Letters .
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