MINISTRY of JUSTICE Justice of the Peace Listing (St. Andrew)

MINISTRY of JUSTICE Justice of the Peace Listing (St. Andrew)

MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Justice of the Peace Listing (St. Andrew) Surname Christian Name Street Area Contact Number ABEL Wendel Dwight Lot 10 Woodland Heights Red Hills 945-9672/869-9757 ABRAHAMS Newton 11 Green Glebe Road Forrest Hill 944-9597 AFFLICK-MITCHELL Aleathia Everst Apt. Old Stony Hill Road AIKEN Etheline 5 Miraflores Drive Kingston 20 925-4003/812-9332 AIKEN Liston 8 Sullivan Close AIKEN-DAVIS Yvette AITCHESON Salma Theresa Townhouse #5 42 Portview Road 926-4826/999-4227 AKWA Anette Angela 1A Waterworks Road Kingston 8 931-9639/843-8314 ALBERGA Lloyd Harcourt 3 Kingsway Apt. #6 928-1248/926-8850 ALEXANDER M. 17 Stars Way Kingston 20 969-0483/969-1414 ALEXANDER Penelope 3 Gerbera Close Kingston 6 970-0220 / 773-2209 ALLEN Faye Elaine Mount Joy, Old Stony Hill Road Kingston 9 9429168/9974540 ALLEN Gary Hugh 10 Edam Drive Kingston 8 969-6343/878-2201 ALLEN Cecil Lloyd 16 Norbury Close Kingston 8 9252653/9265369 ALLEN Rickert 21 Liguanea Ave Kingston 6 978-1633/935-2087/361-2687 ALLEN Delroy 45-47 Binns Road Kingston 11 779-7708/967-1848/571-9351 ALLEN Roy 7G Kew Lane 436-2577 ALLEN-KNIGHT Sandra 11 Zaidie Avenue 508-9540 ALLEN-SMITH Mary 6A Queens Way ALLMAN Melbourne P.O. Box 16 Red Hills 9445071/3998405 ALSTON Sharron 5 Madison Drive ANDERSON Joan 116 Weymouth Drive Kingston 20 ANDERSON Jenetia (Mrs.) 19 Glenhope Ave Kingston 6 399-2059/926-2008 Anderson Shynelle 9 Ixora Close Oakland 1 | P a g e ANDERSON Sylvester 21 Greendale Drive Valentine Gardens 781-0720 ANDRADE Jean M. 25 Gardenia Avenue Kingston 6 9462769 ANDREW Salmon 1 Barrington Drive Havendale ANDREWS J. Frederick 17 Kings Way Kingston 10 926-6464 ANDREWS Linton Anthony 24 Edinburgh Ave. Kingston 10 924-2349 ANGLIN Reginald E 18 Elphinstone Dr. Kingston 19 0 ANGUS Erwin Livingstone 1 Hacienda Close Kingston 8 9254318/9191410 ARCHER Pauline Veronica 2 Weldwood Way Kingston 10 968-0542/577-6223/9263892 ARCHER Keith 10 Begonia Drive Mona Height ARCHIBALD Joyce E. 3 Waterworks Pk. Kingston 8 9697705/9097469 ARCHIBALD- CRAWFORD Patricia Andrea 3 Friendship Park Crescent kingston 3 759-8139/928-2643 ARNOLD Leonard G.R. 14 Norbrook Road Kingston 8 9253311/8183720 ARNOLD Noel Bermuda Mount Gordon Town P.O. ARTHURS Geraldine Evadne 511 Eltham View Spanish Town 983-5180/383-3713 ASHLEY Kenrick Stephen 12 Norbrook Drive Kingston 8 9246325/9956068 ASHLEY Charlene Lot 21A Leas Flats Red Hills Immaculate Conception ASPHALL Kingsley Catholic Church P.O.Box 6 Kingston 9 942-2433/361-1960 ASSAMBA Aloun Angela 10a Worthington Avenue Kingston 5 9275797/3710650 ATKINSON Albert E 13 Grosvenor Heights Kingston 8 9259513/9298785 ATKINSON Neville St. George 18 Watley Ave. Kingston 10 853-6111 ATKINSON Edna May 28 Mountain View Drive -kingston 3 930-7906/813-3292 AZAN Omar 112 Norway Terrace Kingston 8 941-3921 BADAL Courtney 120 Molynes Road BAHADUR-de MERCADO Ramona 2 Cascade Way Valentine Gardens BAILEY OSBOURNE Rudolph 1 Chelsea Close kingston 10 920-5288/9469287 BAILEY Lynval 103 Hope Road Kingston 6 927-4421-4 BAILEY Ruth Ann 2 Lincoln Lane Cross Roads 960-0334 2 | P a g e 978-4560/960-9142/926-6750/381- BAILEY John Robert 5B Kinsale Avenue Kingston 6 0276 BAILEY Paul 58 East Armour Heights BAILEY Brian 66 Palmetto Avenue 782-5036 BAILEY-COKE Veronica 34 Orion Avenue kingston 10 938-6367/960-4511/356-8572 BAILEY-XIMINES Pansie P. Mannings Hill District Kingston 9 825-0064/946-0664 BAKER Curtis Daniel 6 Sunrise Close Wacki Wacki 871-8234 BAKER Edward Roy 33 Durie Drive Kingston 8 925-4522/965-0303 BAKER Jacinth Veronica 2C Rhode Crescent Kingston 20 353-1750 BANTON Jeremiah 4 Sonny Bradshaw Avenue Cooreville 933-6775/583-6260 BANTON-HARRIS Joyce 66 Daisy Avenue, Mona Kingston 6 970-4350/860-3132/860-3132 Barclay Nickeisha 7 Usain Way Stadium Gardens 41 Leas Flat Forest Hills P.O. BARDOWELL Merline Elizabeth Box 3092 Kingston 8 967-6909/889-5671 BARNABY Dave Anthony Lot 8 27 Kirkland Avenue Red Hills P.O. 944-3526/383-9111/929-6111 BARNABY Kenrick Orville 4 Biscayne Avenue Bull Bay 967-6909/889-5671 24 West Meadow Belgrade BARNABY Errol Aston Heights Kingston 19 969-9529/999-4713/978-7755 BARNES Winston 5 West Oakridge Kingston 8 7550761/3611361/9082408 BARNETT John Harold (Col.) Up Park Camp Kingston 5 9700422/3712898 BARNETT Lloyd 10 Ridgefield Avenue Kingston 8 BARNETT-WARNER Eunice Hall's Delight District Mavis Bank P.O BARRETT Calman 1 Leas Flat Close kingston 19 944-3659/382-3909 BARRETT Roslyn M. 13 Sheriton Park Avenue Kingston 10 9237699/7929685 BARRETT Tiees Olive 170b Mountain View Ave. Kingston 3 0 BARRETT Cynthia M. 8 Roselle Ave. Kingston 6 7022918/7937630 BARRETT Emerson G. - Gordon Town P.O. 7021715/3184843 Patrick Anthony BARRETT Huddleston 47 Teak Way Kingston 6 977-0730 BARRETT Raun Shawn 1A Camperdown Road Kingston 16 928-5482/826-6800 3 | P a g e BARRETT Patrick 56 Ken Hill Drive BARRETT Winston 2 Waterworks Road BARRETT Tamara 43 Salkey Avenue DuahaneyPark BARROW Kenrick Orrin Evan ( Dr.) 7 Salem Ave Kingston 8 9257583/9271620 BARTILOW Carmen M 32 Aqualita Vale Avenue Kingston 20 934-0998 BARTLETT St. Aubyn (Dr.) 22 Chevy Chase Kingston 19 924-6364/704-4797/999-8919 BASANTA-HENRY Audrey Patricia 1A Millsborough Avenue Kingston 6 9278282/9955901 BAUGH Shaun Augustus Apartment G603 Oaklands Kingston 8 577-9795/970-3938 BEASON Fedlyn Arthniel Meadowbridge P.O. Box 777 Kingston 19 0 BEASON Beason Golden Spring BEAUMONT-SMITH Allison Alethea 47 Candlelight Crescent Kingston 19 881-6579/924-7487/920-0344 BECKFORD Bruce Defoe - Golden Spring P.A. 9423144/9238458 BECKFORD Guerney Bastin 3 Farringdon Crescent Kingston 6 9273324/8195813 BECKFORD Sheldon 5 Rainford Close Stony Hill P.O 756-1857/968-8754/577-8988 Monique Sophia 826-1675/946-3072/906-6559/906- BECKFORD Harrison 10 Clieveden Avenue Kingston 6 8340 BECKFORD Alan 22 Gloucester Avenue Kingston 6 BECKFORD Steve Milton Avenue Duhaney Park 876-360-1074 BECKFORD Marilyn 6 Upper Melwood Avenue BEEK Victor Leslie 22 Monterey Dr. Kingston 8 9279092/3305621 BELCHER Joan E. Apt # 17 Millsborough Meadow 1a Millsborough Ave 9277690/8169415 977-7824/381-0124/990-4175/977- BELLAMY Gavin Garth Wehby 39 Hope Boulevard Kingston 6 2489/2492/977-0594/281-9089 BELNAVIS George 30 Forsythe Drive BEMBRIDGE Maurice Carson 8 Hagley Park Plaza Kingston 10 754-3825-8/754-3714-5/995-8994 BENJAMIN Kenneth Sushil 107 Old Hope Road Kingston 6 942-2143/990-3999 BENJAMIN Oral Kadeen Brandon Hill P.A. - 846-9186 BENNETT Leslie N. 17 Camrose Dr. Bull Bay 7502235/3848511 BENNETT Albert Samuel 30 Roxborough Avenue Kington 3 53957754694852 4 | P a g e BENNETT Lloyd Linton 91 Mountain View Avenue Kingston 3 928-9852 BENNETT Ricardo Septon 2c Halsey Avenue Kingston 3 319-3275/841-4426 BENNETT Leroy Anthony Mount Pleasant 843-9196 BENNETT Carrolee Lot 206A Coopers Hill Garden Bennett Horace 14 Retreat Drive 8 Miles Bull Bay BENNETT-DALEY Lorraine 11 Frankie Path Kingston 20 922-4654/397-0069 BENT Marcia 115B Red Hills Road Meadowbrook 395-8332 BENT-BROOKS Jevene Eulalee 6 Gloucester Avenue, Barbican Kingston 6 927-4595/927-4421-4 BERNARD G Wesley (Dr.) Shortridge Place Kingston 6 9279786/9197970 BERNARD Owen 1 Samuels Close Oaakridge BESWICK Wendy 1A Smarrow Drive Kingston 8 BETANCOURT Donovan George 23 Burbank Avenue Havendale 925-5135/381-5092 BETTON Audley H (Dr.) 34-3/4 Mannings Hill Rd. Kingston 8 924-5525 BETTON Herman H 19 Hope Boulevard Kingston 6 927-2167 BETTON Kenneth 120b Guaugo Street Edge hill,Helishire Bhalai Gillian 4 Silvera Terrace Kingston 7 BICKNELL Andrea 5 Richings ave Kingston 6 Bishop Carrington 37A August Town Kingston 7 c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BLACK Ambassador Peter C. B 21 Dominica Dr. Kingston 5 9259545/9264948 BLACK Horace Michael 7 Miles Bull Bay 982221/8799666 Black Keisha 102 Hugheden Ave Kingston 20 BLACKMAN Tastey 21 Liguanea Avenue Kingston 6 371-4674/978-6836/371-4674 BLACKWOOD PARKES Joan 26 Queensborough Terrace Golden Acres Alma Millicent (Dr.) BLAIR (Rev.) Lot 31 St. Georges Cliff Hellshire, St. Catherine 9399098/9099881 BLAIR Herro V. (Rev.) 104 Waltham Park Road Kingston 10 9233916/9904322 BLAIR Ronald (Rev.) Sterling Castle Heights P.O Box 126, Kingston 19 9443081/9990492 BLAIR Verna Pamelia 7 Vilma Avenue Kingston 20 9253991/9957619 5 | P a g e BLAIR-MORRIS Beverley Adassa UWI kingston 7 989-1994/360-1397 BLAKE Nora 6 Waterloo Avenue BLAKE Hugh 2 Dillsbury Avenue 5799513 BLANCHARD Carol 95 Hughenden Ave BOGLE Nicholas 63 Sunrise Crescent Arlene Gardens 376-3155 BONNER Francisco Delgado Dallas Castle Dallas P.O 851-5645/412-4197 BOOTHE Segrid E 38 Doherty Drive Kingston 7 9271303/9291553 BORELAND Emanuel Ferry District DuahaneyPark BORTON-CLUE Anne-Marie Greenvale Road Nine Miles 8077636 BOWEN Vixton N. 40 Brentford Rd. Kingston 5 9388223/3269582 BOWEN Joy St. Clair 7 Christine Way Beverleydale 572-1934 BOWEN Marsha 44 Beatrice Crescent Kigston 11 BOWEN Alicia 3 Stanley Terrace Red Hills 829-5919 BOWES Richard Dean 14 East Pine Way Kingston 6 977-2875/383-8109/960-4511 BOWES-HOWELL Polly May Lot 1 Paisely Rd. Kingston 9 7565436/9956252 BOWIE Dahlia Cypruss Hall District Red Hills P.O 9447086/8131719/9447086 BRADY Tracy-Ann Tanisha 11 Tavanore Way Kingston 6 632-2572/845-3861/945-6047 BRAMWELL Janet 7 Boston Avenue Kingston 20 BREAKENRIDGE Arnold 1 Hill Road Norbrook 297-8456 BRICE Jacqueline Angella 5 Oakland Drive Kingston 8 929-6311/3710374 BRIGHT Jonathan Lot 21 Fortgeorge Heights Stony Hill BRODBER Lucille Mira Estelle 28 Garth Road Kingston 8 295-7536 BRODERICK Henry J 6 A Christopher Avenue Kingston 9 942-2822/379-4085 BRODERICK Thelma 26 Portose Avenue Kingston 20 BRODERICK-UTER Ian St.

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