STATE UNIT: ANDHRA PRADESH PROJECT: GEOCHEMICAL MAPPING SUPERVISORY OFFICER: K. J. Babu, Suptdg. Geologist Mission-IA Ground Survey (Geochemical Mapping) Item No. 018 Field Season Year FSP Number GCM SR AP 2016 14 2016-2017 Type Code Com. Code Region Code State Unit Year of Sl. No. code/ Mission Initiation Participating Unit(s)/ Region(s) GCM SR AP Division/ Region State Division/ Region/ Division/ Region/ SU Division/ Region/ SU Project Unit Project SU Project Project Geographical Information State (Code) District (s) Degree Sheet (s) Toposheet (s) Mineral/ Tectonic Belt/ Basin etc. AP Kurnool, 57I 57I/11, 57I/12 Cuddapah Basin Prakasam Personnel 2G Name of item in-charge K. J. Babu, Suptdg. Geologist Name of other officers Md Wasim Akram Geochemical mapping in toposheet no. 57I/11 and parts of 57I/12 in Kurnool Title and Prakasam districts, Andhra Pradesh. Key words Geochemical mapping, Baseline data, Kurnool Objective (s)/ Projected To create a geochemical database of 57I of Andhra Pradesh state using multi Outcome elemental analyses. Total duration of item One Year (FS 2016-17) Item linked with XIIth Plan Whether GPM item is in toposheets already No covered by GCM or vice versa Whether the item is a spinoff of any other item No Whether the item is sponsored No If yes, Name of the sponsor NA Outsourced work component if any (specify) No Nature and Quantum of work and time schedule a) Expected Year of Total Work Work completion Nature of Work workload already proposed for b) Circulation of final envisaged completed FS 2016-17 report (1) Mapping (sq km) a) March 2017 New Item GCM (1:50K) 800 b) September 2017 800 (2) Sampling (Nos.) (a) Stream sediment/slope 800 800 wash (Composite (207) (207) samples) 10 10 (b) Soil C-horizon 10 10 (c) Regolith 10 10 (d) Water As Necessary As Necessary (e) Humus As Necessary As Necessary (f) Flood plain sediment 40 (10) 40 (10) (g) Duplicate NIL NIL (h) Pt-Pd Analysis (3) Analysis# (Nos.) 247 247 # Analysis to be done at Chemical lab, SR 59 Timeline proposed for each work component Field Studies Expected field stay Expected period of fieldwork Name of the officer (number of days) From To Md Wasim Akram, Geologist 120 April 2016 March 2017 Officer 2 120 April 2016 March 2017 Supervisory Officer: K. J. Babu, Suptdg. 10 April 2016 March 2017 Geologist Laboratory Studies Activity From To Pre-field laboratory component and reconnaissance for the April 2016 September 2016 assignment under consideration, finalization of report of the previous field season and planning for current programmes Geological study (fieldwork and collection, processing of samples September 2016 March 2017 and their submission) Geophysical study (consultation of interpreted geophysical data) April 2016 September 2016 Chemical study (last date of sample submission )* 30th April 2017 Chemical study (acquisition of analytical data) October 2016 March 2017 * GCM samples to be submitted periodically and within 30 days of date of collection Report Submission Submission of the first draft of report 30th June 2017 Scrutiny of the report 1st July to 31st August 2017 Finalization of the report September 2017 Circulation of the report 30th September 2017 Operational expenses Heads Amount POL NIL WAGES Rs. 2,80,000/- OC Rs. 3,90,000/- including expenditure of outsourced vehicle Background information During the FS 2016-17, toposheet no. 57I/11 and part of toposheet no. 57I/12 will be covered. In this programme the stream sediment/slope wash samples are to be collected on 1 km X 1 km gridas per SOP of GSI on NGCM and there form the basic unit of sampling in this programme. The area of Toposheet no 57I/11 covers parts of Kurnool and Prakasam districts, Andhra Pradesh and is bounded by latitudes 15°15' to 15°30' N and longitudes 78°30' to 78°45' E. Physiographically, the area can be divided in to 1) Kundair Plains in the west and 2) Nallamalai hill Ranges in the east. The flat Kundair Plain has a very gentle slope towards south. The maximum and minimum elevations in the area are 797m and 187m above m.s.l., respectively. Nallamalai Range constitutes a number of parallel north-south ridges. These are cut by the Gandaleru river following the Nandikanama Pass. The Marla Konda (785m) on the west and Gollakonda (796m) on the east are the highest peaks. Vakkileru River flowing southsouthwest is the main drainage system. Gandaleru is its main tributary that originates from the Nallamalai Ranges. The area is occupied by the lithounits of Nallamalai Group of Cuddapah Supergroup comprising Bairenkonda and Cumbum Formations of Mesoproterozoic and Kurnool Group of Neoproterozoic age. The Kurnool Group includes Banaganpalle and Nandyal Formations.Quartzite of Bairenkonda Formation and shale, quartzite and dolomite of Cumbum Formation are exposed in the western and the eastern parts of the Nallamalai Range respectively. In the western part of the Nallamalai Range, north of the Paleru River, hard, quartzite and medium grained grey and purple sandstone constitute the ridges. Thin-bedded purple shales are intercalated towards the base of the quartzite at about 1.6km northeast of Mahanandi. The quartzite has been faulted by an ENE-WSW trending fault to the north of Basavapuram. The Cumbum Formation is exposed mainly in the eastern parts. The shale of Cumbum Formation is fine grained and purple, buff or grey coloured. These are often finely banded in varying shades. Quartzite occurs interbedded with the shales at many places. Numerous quartz veins traverse the shale, some carrying calcite, chlorite, galena and barytes. One km southwest of Chelima an old trench is noticed in the shales. At Dongabhavi there is another long trench most likely dug for rock crystal (quartz). Chelima is also known for its diamondiferous kimberlite occurrence. Numerous detached outliers of orthoquartzite overlying the shale horizon of the Gandikota quartzite Formation have been correlated with the Banaganpalli quartzite in view of the 60 flat dips, unconformable relationship with the shales and proximity to Kurnool rocks. The Nandyal Formation consists of two units viz., 1) purple calcareous flaggy shale and 2) purple shaly limestone with irregular laminae of shales. The maximum thickness of this horizon at Gospadu exceeds 27m. Towards the base of the shaly limestone, a bed of very hard, fine-grained limestone is commonly observed. It is greenish grey in the lower portion and purple in the upper part while the intermediate layer is of mixed colours. The shale bed passes upwards into shaly limestone as exposed in the central part of the Kunderu Plain bounded on either side by the purple flaggy limestone. Shear zones of regional extent trend in NE direction and show effects of fracturing, brecciation, silicification, pulverisation and epidotised flaser rock and phyllonites with mylonite bands. These shears also control the drainage pattern and the development of springs. Bairenkonda quartzite at Chinna Ahobilam is traversed by barytes veins. Lead, zinc and barytes mineralisation is observed around Chelima in the Cumbum Shales. The conglomerate of Banganapalle Formation is known to be diamondiferous and there are reports of past mining activity for diamond northeast of Mahadevapuram. Lamproites of Chelima are reported to be diamondiferous. The rock types exposed in the toposheet 57I/12 belong to Nallamalai Group (Mesoproterozoic) comprising Bairenkonda Quartzite and Cumbum Formation and Neoproterozoic Kurnool Group which includes Owk Formation, Koilkuntla Formation and Nandyal Formation. Stream sediment samples from toposheet no. 57I/12 will be collected between Lat. 15° 04' 21” & 15° 08' 42" and Long. 78° 38' 56" & 78° 43' 24" from composite cell no. 9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25, 26, 37, 38, 39, 40, 51, 52, 53 and 54. BIBLIOGRAPHY K. Appavadhanulu; A report on the geochemical prospecting of the lead occurrences in Kurnool district, FS 1959; Unpublished GSI report. R. Venkataraman; Report on investigation for water supply to The forest settlement at Chelima, Nanadyal Forest division, Kurnool district, FS 1962; Unpublished GSI report. Ch. Narasimha Rao; Investigation for copper -lead and zinc in the Chelima area, Nandyal taluk, Kurnool district, FS 1964-65; Unpublished GSI report. Ch. Narasimha Rao, R. K. R. Konala, S. Badrinarayanan; Investigation for lead, Zinc and copper ores in the Chelima area, Nandyal taluk, Kurnool district, A.P.; FS 1965-66; Unpublished GSI report. R. K. R. Konala; Investigation for lead zinc ores in Chelima Area, Nandyal taluk, Kurnool district, FS 1966-67; Unpublished GSI report. Ch. Narasimha Rao; Investigation for zinc, lead and copper ore Minerals in Chelima area Nandyal taluk, Kurnool district, A.P.; FS 1967-68; Unpublished GSI report. N. K. Sood, P.C. Basu; Reconnaissance survey for phosphorites in the Cuddapah basin, Kurnool and Cuddapah district, A.P.; FS 1980-81; Unpublished GSI report. INDEX MAP Degree Sheet No. 57 I Toposheet No. 57I/12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 4 8 12 16 Area proposed for FS 2016-17 : TS 57I/11 Area proposed for FS 2016-17 in TS 57I/12 61 .
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