Friday, October 12, 1956 THE NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS 15 CLUBS -MODERN CLUBS -TRADITIONAL TUITION ENGAGEMENTS WANTED THE PIN-UPS AND FIGURE HIGH WYCONIBr. CadenaHall, ERICSILK'SSouthern Jazzhand AAAAH MAURICE BURMAN. Bri- ABLE ACCORDIONIST / PIANIST NEWMUSICAL EXPRESS Photographs oflovely Cabaret Frogmore.EVERY SUNDAY AFTER--Southern Jazz Club, 640, High Road.tain's " King of Sing."Recognised byBooking Xmas, N.Y.E.-PRO 4542. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT RATES inattractive NOON, 3-6 p.m. Leytonstone.Fridays VAL 7266. ALTO/TENOR. SNA 2162. andFiguremodels theentireprofessionfor successin ANY HEADING AT poses. Send 3s, 6d. for 2 jive sessions at tynegate-smithteaching ONLY modern -stylesinging. DRUMS, MILLER, Kensington 3220. sample pictures andlists to- studio,15, baker at.,w.1.wel 7007."Daily Mirror" -'Mr.Beat,'"Every- 6d. PER WORD PERSONAL Sats.,Suns.8ish-latish. Sat: PORT ANNETTE PRODUCTIONS body's" -'Tin PanAlleyProfessor,' MUSICIANS WANTED Please allow 2 extra words if Box ART STUDIES.Pin -Up photos, etc.LOUIS JAZZMEN. Sun: SONNY"What'sOn" -'The MiracleMan ' No.isrequired and add1/-for (Dept. N), for sale from private collection.StateMONK AND HIS TRAD BAND. "John Bull" -'Mr. Rhythm,' "Picture - AMATEUR MILITARY BAND has service charge. 24, Madras Road, Cambridge age. BCM/OCTAVO. London, W.C.1. goer" -'Famous Authority.' 39,Thevacancies,allinstruments. Allages. ENGAGEMENTS WANTED BRITISHFRIENDSHIP SOCIETY. TAPE RECORDERS White House, N.W.1.EUS 1200, Ext.Ex -servicemen welcome. Call any 231, BakerStreet,London, N.W.1. 39. Sunday 11 a.m.ChiswickMemorial 3d.per word ART LIFE Founded 1940.Members everywhere. - A completerangeofTAPE RE- AUBREY FRANKS personal tuition.Club, Dukes Road. Chiswick High Road, BLACK CAPITALS Write for particulars. CORDERS from" Ferrograph " toAlto, Tenor Saxes and Clarinet, s.a.e.-Chiswick, W.4. afterfirst two words atdouble CI.UB ANGIA)-FRANCAIS.Friend-" Playtime,"allavailable from stock PERSONALITY M.C.Showman and rate. PHOTOGRAPHS shiporMarriage,Details,S.A.E.7,on easy terms.FREE tapes with cer-192. The White House, Regent's Park,Instrumentalist (drums or trumpet pre- 1For Artists and Connoisseurs Newman Street, London, W.I. tainmakes. AlsothelatestHI-FIN.W.1. EUSton 1200. Ext. 192. ferred), Comedy an asset,for perma- Allclassifiedadvertisements must Particulars to applicants FRIENDSHIPS EVERYWHERE.Equipment including Quad. Rogers, etc. CENTRAL SCHOOL OF DANCE Good be pre-pald and sent to : MUSIC effersINDIVIDUAL nent engagementSouth Coast. CLASSIFIED AD,nErr., stating profession or age and MaleandFemale, youngandold,Sendfor leaflets. SOUND TAPE instru-salary. Fullparticulars immediately. enclosing 21d. s.a.e. photographssupplied,advicebureau,VISION (Dept. M.E.), 71, Praed Street,mental and Vocal Tuition underBox No. 640. " The New MusicalExpress," andhelpgivenwithletter -writing. -London, W.2. PAD 2807. Britain's Leading Musicians. Harmony ROYAL NORFOLK REGIMENTAL 5, Denmark Street, London, W.C.2 BCM/BUZ (M.E.) Membership details PEN -PALS ( N ME). ALI. MAKES, 3/- infdeposit. NOand Ear Training a speciality.PupilsBAND has vacanciesforallinstru- COVent Garden 2266(5lines) Mono House, London, W.C.I 24, Madras Road. Cambridge. INTEREST. £7 free tapes, cash sales.under personal supervision of Principalments. Good prospects for Boys between FRIENDSHIPS -Pen,Personal,LifeDelivery anywhere. No P / T a x.IVOR MAIRANTS.Free instrumental15-17 years. Re -enlistments accepted. - partners. Everydistrict. Allages.Machines hired, bought, part -exchanged.Advice. NearesttopersonaltuitionApplyBandPresident,DepotRoyal Photo Service.WriteforfascinatingOpen 7 p.m. Saturday.2 years H.P.arethe following Postal Courses:Norfolk Regiment, Britannia Barracks. ORS LOVE details and Brochure of actual photo-Largestsalesin U.K. Brochures:"MODERN HARMONY" ;"THEORYNorwich. graphs.Edna Hanson, Denton, Man-HOWARD PHOTOGRAPHIC, 190, HighOF MUSIC"; alsothe IVOR MA1R- CAMERONIANS(SCOTTISH chester. Street, Bromley, Kent.RAV 4477. ANTS "GUITAR POSTAL COURSE."RIFLES) Band has vacancies for Flute, Apply: C.S.D.M. (El, 15, West Street, MLL MEN GOING NORTH ?Your new pick-up Clar./Sas.andBrassPlayers ;alsoOUR SHOES MAKE YOU21NS. TALLER., point.Swiss Cottage Car Park, adja- MUSICAL SERVICES Cambridge Circus, W.C.2. TEM 3373/4.Boys 15 -17. -Apply Bandmaster, Wins-ABSOLUTELY UNDETECTABLE.(SeeBlue.) cent Swiss Cottagetube. Open day DRUMTuition, beginnersorad-ton Barracks, Lanark. CI- LIMPOSIT and night.PRI 8089. FOR BETTER LYRICS.Keeping &vanced.--MAURICE PLACQUET. SHE YOURS OFNLY HAPPINESS replaces Loneliness !Carr,27,BrookshillAvenue. Harrow5485. BANDS +9 weekly payments of 10/ or cash Genuineintroductionsformarriage. FRANKIE KING. prise 8916 +1/6 p/p. Best quality ONTAC Weald, Middlesex. Drum Lessons. - leather with our latest FULL Confidential Completely confidential. Margaret LYRIC WRITERS should collaborateBAY 4508. A BAND available.Booking Xmas. Petrie,68, Flambard Avenue,Christ-with Geoffrey Stuart, Composer, Leven, FREDDY CLAYTON. N.Y.E.-PRO 4542. Lengthloot - conforming deferred church, Hants. Trumpet MOULDED INSOLE. Send YoricS, 8. tuition.MAI 9220. ALAN GREENE Quartet. -GuildfordNOWunder money back payments ENSES INTRODUCTIONS. Friendshipor MUSIC to LYRICS. etc., 36, Sudbury FREDDY STAFF (Skyrockets Orch.).66220. GUARANTEE. Immediate arranged marriage ;home or overseas. V.C.C.,Avenue, Wembley. WEM 3488. Trumpet 'Tuition. GLA 7516. MAMBO BAND. GLA 4338. despatch. State size, colour Details and Free Booklet from 34, Honeywell, London, S.W.11. JOCK BEATSON ModernTrumpet mmotAirrr.s,3-8piece,fullyre-andstyle.Oxford INTRODUCTIONS. PhyllisBamat- Tuition. Edg.0291. hearsed and experienced. SNA 2162. Ralf orFtmbrogues. Dept. 187 C tre's Bureau (established 17 years), 5, RECORDING 'JOHNNY SHAKESPEARE, Trumpet COLOURED RANI).Box No.639.Continents/.FREE Denmark Street, London, W.C.2. (Box brochure on request. REGENT SOUND STUDIOS, RALPHtuition, adv./beg. 51, West Kensington 98). Exceptionalopportunities every- Mansions, W.14. FUL 9639. ELEVATOR SHOE ACTUAL CORNEAL -CONTACT where,confidential. Particulars 2/6d.ELMAN directing the fineststudio up Enquiries PUBLICATIONS SHOE West -for quick and satisfying service,5.30-8 p.m. CO.LTD.(Dgt. 0.72) LADIES ANI) GENTLEMEN. Why MAESTRO MARIO (" Maker of AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS. tape to disc -disc totape. For pro- 11 Harrow Road, London, W. notlettheCosmopolitan Correspon-fessional and private recording. PianistStars "). The greatest teacher of themUlano's'A.B.C. Guide to Drumming ' LENSES LID denceClubfindyou friends. Manyor group can be supplied.4, Denmarkall. -101, New Bond St.,W.1. MAY' SoloStudy," RollstudyGuide,' 115 OXFORD ST., LONDON, W.1 members waiting to write to you.Send 5160. ' Rudimental Guide,'Practical Guide,' for enrolment form now to the C.C.Street. W.C. TEM 6769/6560. ' RudiBops'11/9d.each. ' Handy GRAMOPHONE Telephone: GERrard 2531 Club, Office 31, 65a, Fenchurch Street, STUDIO AND MOBILE. Discs from ;MARJORIE RANEE ModernVocal Regent Street,London,W.1 your tapes. Off -Air and T.V., etc. TrioTuition,Movement andPresentation.Study Guide,'Bass Bops " 9/- each RECORD CABINETS 197a, London, E.C.3.Please enclose S.A.E. -AMB 9801. post free.Full catalogue free. Willen Tel.: Regent 6993.Branches at : MARRIAGE THRO, SOCIALINTRORecording Service,6, Denmark Street, E5/10 to f17 Write for Sheffield, Leeds,New- W.C.2. COV 1031, SHE 7934. REG MORGAN. Tutor and ManagerLtd.(Dept. 21),9,Drapers Gardens, Leicester, !SUCTIONS. The personal service tolate STEVE CONWAY will London, E.C.2. details castle, Glasgow and main centres. Com- 18,SOHO SQUARE, W.I. Modern train approved by Clergy and Press. Recording Studios.All types recording,YOUR VOICE.Stage, Radio, Records. SPECIAL OFFER I NME 1956 Easy Payments pletely confidential. Free brochure, Theprofessional,amateur. Eveningses-Studios: 97, CharingCrossRoad,ANNUAL, OVER 100 GLOSSY PAGES. from 3/6 weekly Bournemouth Bureau, 176, Old Christ- undertaken. SONOTAPE GERW.C.2.Phone GER 8496 or AMB 3709Packed with features, articles, pictures, Stamford (lip. 014) church Road, Bournemouth. sions after 5 p.m. cartoons, etc. LIMITED NUMBER 20, College Parade, SCINTILLATING GLAMOUR PEN FRIENDS at home and abroad.8464. SAM BROWNE can now take pupilsONLY. SPECIAL REDUCED offerof Sainsbury Road, AND Send 3s.6d. P.O.forfull permanent forvoiceproduction and development2/9d.postfree.Send P.O. NOW to London, N.W.6 membership. European Friendship FAN CLUBS at his own studio, 26, Wardour Street,Annual, NME, 5, DenmarkStreet. Society, Lavendon, Olney, Bucks. London, W.C.2. FIGURE STUDIES London, W.1. GER 0867. ROCK 'N' ROLL.The latest thing ATTRACTIVE Fan Club Magazines, " TV MOVIE SCREEN "(Nov.) PICTURES OF THE STARS Newslettersduplicated. For details/ SAXOPHONE & CLARINET, Be- By Masters of the Art inear -rings.Money back Ifnot de- ginner's and advanced players ;everycontainsnews and photosofElvis lighted.State if pierced or unpierced.pricelistNoble,24,Gladwell Road,advice given on instrument purchase. -Presley, Perry Como, Tennessee Ernie, ON HANDKERCHIEFS Send now for lists and FREE Send P.O. 4/6 to S & S COMPANY, 47,N.8. Miles Mitchell. GER 9595. Dinah Shore, Rosemary Clooney. Price Stars now available: James Dean. CATO ROAD, LONDON, S.W.4. DORIS DAY. Details,s.a.e.,John 3/-includ.from Keegan's Bookshop, IJberace, Johnnie Ray, Tony Curtis, SAMPLES OF ACTUAL GLOSSY SUCCESS, money - writingwords,Smith, 46, Ullswater Road, S.W.13. INSURANCE 20a, Gt. Denmark St., Dublin. Doris Day.Other stars in produc- PHOTOGRAPHS. Stateprefer. tunes for TV, records, radio. Booklet GLEN MASON FAN
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