•<. r;. ■f. /. /' ArmigeDaily Net P m ^ l ^ The Weather r « r tlM w ibtk BodeA ' Increaeing cloudineM to- / ftmamry 1, lM l night, chance o f light ahoer hjr morning, low in the 20a; otoudjr with light mow likely tomor­ 1 5 ,0 4 5 row, hi|^ in 30a. ‘ .ManchHt0r~^A 0 / Vfflag^.Chffrm *■ 4 VOL. LXXXVL NO. 86 ' (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., M pNlUY, JANU/IBS' 16, 1967 (Oleeilfled Advertlslnf on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS - r - r - — ' r “ > *> ;r — — '■ V . inside Red China EDITOR’S NOTE; Ian On my way to Canton I won­ be a year before they see their Brodle, 81, Far Eastern > oorre- dered if I would meet any Red village again. spondeni for the London Dally Guards. By now I have seen Apart from their teacher, not Express, has Just a^ n t four thousands upon thousands, one of them was over 18. days in Cisnton and sou^M st shaken, hands, with hundreds .1 was told the Influx into Can­ China. Here' is Ms eyewiineu who wanted to be friendly, and ton has built up suddenly during report on the upheaval shaking evWi had one try to press h)s the last two troubled weeks — the Communist giant. Before red armband on me as a mark since Mao and Defense Minister Housewaj^ going to the Far East last year,. 'of honorary membership. Lin Piao said the cultural revo­ Brodle was Moscow corresj)ond' ’Their -fervor is pathetic but lution must spread to every ent for the Express. self-sustaining. Primed with the work bench and rice paddy in ■ Show Items CANTON, China '(A P ) — thoughts of Mao Tse-tung to the Iw d. Though one million Red Ouards sdye all problems, they see the Apparently, all major cities Are Ruined throng Canton’s streets and are golden classless future as theirs now have a similar flood of in effective control, there are no to inherit. Their movement is a marchers. ’The disruption of CHICAGO (AP) — A dvll disorders. ’The opposition pilgrimage but the only diety is traffic, norma] working and to the' guards is covert, furtive Mao. food sup;dies is unimaginable. spectacular fire t^ay de­ and virtually underground. Out In the countryside I saw Older men who must keep stroyed a major portion of FoUcr are sUU on duty, most many more columns of youths working to feed their families McCionnack Place, a three- of them wearing armbands to marching to Join their com­ are growing increasingly re­ block lakeehore exhibition rades. show they are in the Red sentful, I was told. So are some hall / visited annually by Guards anyway. But traffic hr One group of 80, with bedrolls young workers who are not stu­ thousands of Convention­ (he streets of southeast China’s on their backs and mostly bare­ dents and who want to get on eers. The loss was estimated biggest city is Hmited to a hand- foot, had been walking behind with learning a trade. fid of trucks packed buses and their red flag along dusty roads at $20 million.to $100 mil­ trolley-buses. for four days. They said it may (See Page Ten) lion. V toere were no injuries report^ ed. ■ ' . Flames roared through the 10- acre structure off Lake [Michi­ gan, destroyi)^ part of the 838- million building and 'a large part of 8100 milUon of exhibits It’sOfHcifd set up for a housewares show. U.S. Bombs Nearer Hanoi; Every available flrepnan and KINGaTON,\N.T. (AP)— most of the, city’s, firs equip- A 4 %-year-old\ blonde girl ijnent fought the blaze in 15-de- named Beth fonnally. and gr^ wtoather which froze water First Time Since Uproar officially Iwcame.Bbth Liuni mains and fire hydrants, ren­ today as a judge signed her dering many useless. ■AIGON, South Vietnam (AP) took advantage of clearing skies government forces uncovered a adoption papers climaxing a Fire Commissioner Robert J. — U.S. supersonic Jets flew past over North Vietnam after more massacre at a Communiat pris­ long and sometimes hitter Quinn, y’ho made the. toes esU- Ice coats the\ruins of Chicago’s McCormick Place, as firemen continue to pour than two months of almost un­ on camp. custody fight. Oominunist MIGs today to bomb matej satd^he.dpubtSkd the short water on the gigantic exposition l|all. An early morning fire destroyed the main broken bad weather. A Vietnamese mdUtary .Judge R. Waldron Heirz- water supply made much differ­ public area of\the lakefront arena. (AP Photofax) an oil depot U% mllea from Ha­ In forays Sunday American spokesman said the Viet Cong. berg sighed the adoptich ence in the fire tigtiUHg. noi. It was the doeest major bombers pounded three targets kliled 44 Vietnamege prisoners, papers at the Ulster County "If. we bbd aa the water in stiike to the North Vietnamese 16 to 40 nniies north and north­ most of them civiUans, in a courthouse dtuing* a fS- Lake Wch^jga it ymuldh’t have west of Hanot, including the camp about 106 miles southwest minute conference in his mattered A Mt,” said aift- eaqpital sinoe the oontroveisy chambers. over oiviHsn oasualUes arose Viet Tri raUroad yard. of Baigon before they pulled out er totnihg t)ie nitoa. *T coiildn’t The pilots r^xvted Hght to of the area in the face of ad­ For the girl’s parents, Mr. Pobby Baker Trial Judge )ast month. bsHsvs what It saw when I'got A U.fl. spokssman said Amer- ground fire over s<me vancing .Soutii Vietnamese and Mrs. Michael U i^ of ■tbsre.*''.. ■ nearby TiUson, It wsa' a lean bomhsm attacked the Ha troope. Ms said (he hel, WJiloh opened Gia toel stocaga a isa 14% milea o f ^ r ^ Jets stgbted ’Two miles fro ^ the prison nightmare tuned into g In Moventhfr ,'wae at leAst MIG31S, but there yrere no en­ camp, the elite 42nd South Viet­ dream come true; CD per cent dectirayed. Considers Quash Motion counters-. namese Ranger battaUon Joseph Fitssimmetw, the ' Qolni Mid'tha oawe .of the Slight American servicemen clashed with an estimated 800 w^are ctMumtssItHiar, (be'taad ^ M '.g iM ^ ed :. WABMINC^^ (AR) — Fed- an apparent attempt to get him Department prosecutor, said were kUled Sunday when a CH.47 Viot Cong this motning. The opposed the a tj^ o g 'iHsn|>,'e^ Judge Oliver Gaacb today to lie before the grand jury; The- Bromley had aouj^.- govam*, Israel Warns government charges that iM s. ment proCtacl^to' because B ^ Chinook hsliooi^r was shot Rangers, hdders of A U.S. pres­ .‘teedlpel.,rea«(Hw’^ .Had htb- > t6«k under advieament. the quee- down in the Mekong Delta about idential citation from Presideht cause ;)ie sAid 'ihs atten^ r^i^t.Tnaae by Ba^,..ley feared I fM s it o ton- Uqp. wh^rwhbtlier .ctoi^..cta^ves Of Reprisral; sevttn miiiea eoutliwest o f Can Jolmson, reported killing 74 Viet who are both 4% wpee, ton apd iTonto. te r lh w 'liM f derwtiy to tovd ve b)m to a oon« Tho, a military i^dicsman eaid. Cong with support from air old, to have A child Bethf' ^ Bobby !Baker rtwuld be quashed tenant governor of Nevada. spiracy to He before a .grand A -ninth-inan- aboaed the oraft rtMkes SJid artiUery.Tl»y also '«ge.“ '’ .......... ’Thbw"' Quit'Butt' 1, werewens )»ecaase of J-bugglng’’unoiaemB. incMenM. *t ■w8»'*alle(mjpth% to keep Jufy inveSti^attog 'Baker’s af-. Troops Mass was listed as misstng. seixed 10 enemy weapons and If*' Ttf*' , The hidgi, aftto iwartog tesU- mysdf from gping -cut on » falm mIS.- The spokesmen said he did reported no cesualities to their A toe jabSMiiCe of. the jury, weak limb,” Bromley said. He JERUSAI^M (AP) For: not yet have results of today’s own force. done with Briomiley’s" 'obiistot, sign Mbdster Abba Bban raid on the Ha Gta oil depot. He South Vietnamese headquar- iJrtJ rllu tos 5 5 *^. Sfiiiettbil. ^ sent Wm to me omces of b^ - and that the intercepted conver­ warned today that Israel cannot said pltote reported sighting ^^^s also reported that govern- to iOtiner secretary to er e lawyers, to pose as a pros- sation did disclose an attempt tolerate any more ^’aggressive MIGs during the flights but that menit troope killed 66 Viet Cong A -i-if lia h -n l-tiA CtanM p»*«« ter KMiie -to the «he Democrtotic majority of the pecUve client of theirs tod by Baker and Jones to get aots*’ by Syria and that H has there were no dashes. in four engagements Sunday in x V U I U 6 U 1,1 C *' MmbSt’ tthde'sheUl-aiid public StoAte^ is Chaarged with income thereby spy on Baker. Bromley to commit perjury. ■ “ both the iwiU and tbs strength Ground fighting flared deep in the Mekong Delta and 46 Oom- sxMbItietoi III the oonntry. tax eihudon, larceny, larceny The trial of Baker is now in Jones is now awaiting trial on a to hatt tha activities.’’ the Mekong Delta as South Viet­ muhist soldiers in an action in / BDORi'e C01)|i1fiy- » ^ l y 9vq JHCUOVmtCK aiftef' trust, interstate thane- its second week. charge of perjuring himself be­ Speaking-to foreign newsmen, namese Rangers . reported kill­ northernmost Quang Tri Prov- Expert Says Place inclildi fimi dqnuaf .fliito pbrtaUoh of stolen money, con- William O. Bittman, /Justice fore the same grand jury. Bban repeated an Israeli offer ing 74 Viet Cong today in a for an infdrmal emergency dash two mflee from where (See Page Eleven) DETROIT (AP, - 0».
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