The bos THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA THE REPUBLI Registered at the Published General Post Officefor transmission within East~Africa as a Uganda Gazette-. Vol. CX No. 19 31st March, 2017 Price: Shs. 5,000 CONTENTS PAGE General Notice No. 248 of 2017. Fe aea Aci—Noees + s : a THE PARLIAMENTARYELECTIONSACT, e Companies Act— Notices te ee ACT NO. 17 OF 200 The Local Governments (Rating) Act—Notice ... 307-308 i : The Advocates Act— Notices... ves a 308 Section 9 (1) The Mining Act—Notices_... a vee 308 The Uganda National Examinations Board—Notices 309-311 AOTCE The Electricity Act—Notice ... a. 312 APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATION DAYS AND The Architects Registration Act—Notice a 312 VENUE FOR PURPOSES OF THE The Trademarks Act—Registration of Applications 312-317 PARLIAMENTARYBY-ELECTION FOR DIRECTLY ELECTED MEMBER Advertisements 317-332 OF PARLIAMENT, KAGOMA COUNTY CONSTITUENCY, JINJA DISTRICT. SUPPLEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENbythe Electoral Commission Bill in accordance with Section 9(1) of the Parliamentary Elections No. 8—The Appropriation Bill, 2017. Act, No 17 of 2005,that the 24th day of April, 2017 and 25th day of April, 2017 are hereby appointed nomination days and Act published for purposesofthe Parliamentary by-election for the No. 2—The East African Development Bank (Amendment) Directly Elected Member of Parliament, Kagoma County Act, 2017. Constituency, Jinja District. Nominationsshall be at the Kagoma Sub County Headquarters’ Hall, Kagoma County Constituency, Jinja District, from 9.00 General Notice No. 247 of 2017. a.m to 5.00 p.m oneachofthe appointed dates. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTSACT, Issued at Kampala, this 28th CAP. 243 day of March, 2017 Section 142 JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYISIMON, Chairperson, Electoral Commission. NOTICE PUBLICATION OF THE COURT ORDERS IN RESPECT OF ELECTION PETITIONS NO. 06 OF General Notice No. 249 of 2017. 2016 AND 07 OF 2016 (WAKALAWO SAM PAUL VS THE PARLIAMENTARYELECTIONS MULIRO WANGA KARIM AND MAGOMU ACT, HUSSEIN KAHANDI VS MUMEYA SULAI AND ACT NO.17 OF 2005 ELECTORAL COMMISSION) Section 20 (J) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral Commission, following Court Orders vide Election PUBLICATION OF CAMPAIGN PERIOD FOR Petitions No. 06 of 2016 and 07 of 2016, (Wakalawo Sam PURPOSES OF THE PARLIAMENTARY BY- Paul Vs Muliro Wanga Karim and Electoral Commission ELECTION FOR DIRECTLY ELECTED MEMBER 2 and Magomu Hussein Kahandi Vs Mumeya Sulai and OF PARLIAMENT, KAGOMA COUNTY Electoral Commission) directing the Electoral Commission CONSTITUENCY,JINJA DISTRICT. to degazette Muliro Wanga Karim and Mumeya Sulai as Directly Elected Councillors Busano and Bukonde Sub NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral Counties in Mbale District, as published in the General Commission in accordance with Section 20(1) of the Notice No. 301 of 2016, dated 3rd May, 2016, Vol. CIX;the Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 17 of 2005, that the period Petitioners- Wakalawo Sam Paul and Magomu Hussein commencing 27th April, 2017 and ending 9th May, 2017 is Kahandi are hereby published as the validly elected hereby published campaign period for purposes of the Councillors for Busano and Bukonde Sub Counties, Mbale Parliamentary by-election for Directly Elected Member of District, in accordance with the said Court Orders. Parliament, Kagoma County Constituency, Jinja District. Issued at Kampala, this 15th day of March, 2017. Issued at Kampala, this 28th day of March,2017. JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYISIMON, JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYISIMON, Chairperson, Electoral Commission. Chairperson, Electoral Commission. 306 THE UGANDA GAZETTE (3lst MARCH General Notice No. 250 of 2017. General Notice No. 252 of 2017. THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION ACT, THE PARLIAMENTARYELECTIONS ACT, CAP. 140 ACT NO. 17 OF 2005 Sections 25(1b) Section 18(1)(a) NOTICE NOTICE PUBLICATION OF POLLING DAY FOR PURPOSES PUBLICATION OF DISPLAY PERIOD FOR OF THE PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION FOR PURPOSES OF THE PARLIAMENTARY BY- DISTRICT WOMAN REPRESENTATIVE TO ELECTION IN KAGOMA COUNTY PARLIAMENT, MOROTODISTRICT. CONSTITUENCY, JINJA DISTRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral Commission in accordance with Section 18(1)(a) of the Commission in accordance with Section 25(1b) of the Parliamentary Elections Act, No 17 of 2005, that the 26th Electoral Commission Act (Cap 140), that the period day of April, 2017, is hereby appointed polling day for commencing 21st April, 2017 and ending on 2nd May, purposes of the by-election for the District Woman 2017, is hereby appointed display period of Voters’ Register Representative to Parliament, Moroto District. and is hereby published for purposes of the by-election for Issued at Kampala, this 13th day of March, 2017. Directly Elected Memberof Parliament for Kagoma County Constituency, Jinja District. JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYI SIMON, Chairperson, Electoral Commission. Display shall be conducted at the respective polling stations from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. during the appointed period. General Notice No. 253 of 2017. Issued at Kampala, this 28th day of March, 2017. THE PARLIAMENTARYELECTIONSACT, JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYI SIMON, ACT NO. 17 OF 2005 Chairperson, Electoral Commission. Section 20 (1) AND THE ELECTORAL COMMISSIONACT, CAP. 140 General Notice No. 251 of 2017. Section 50 THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONSACT, NOTICE ACT NO. 17 OF 2005 CORRIGENDUM ON CAMPAIGN PERIOD FOR Section 28(1)(b) PURPOSES OF THE PARLIAMENTARY BY- ELECTION FOR DIRECTLY ELECTED MEMBER NOTICE OF PARLIAMENT, ARUU NORTH COUNTY PUBLICATION OF LIST OF NOMINATED CONSTITUENCY, PADER DISTRICT. CANDIDATES FOR PURPOSES OF THE PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION IN KAMULI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral MUNICIPALITY CONSTITUENCY, KAMULI Commission subject to section 50 of the Electoral DISTRICT. Commission Act, that the campaign period for purposes of the Directly Elected Member of Parliament, Aruu North NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral County Constituency, Pader District which commenced on Commission in accordance with Section 28(1)(b) of the 13th March, 2017, shall end on 4th April, 2017; and the said Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 17 of 2005, that the list of period is hereby published in accordance with Section 20(1) nominated candidates in this Notice is hereby published for of the Parliamentary Election Act, No. 17 of 2005. purposes of the Parliamentary by-election in Kamuli District. ' Issued at Kampala, this 31st day March, 2017. SCHEDULE JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYISIMON, Chairperson, Electoral Commission. S/N Nameof Candidate “Geruiiation, L. Salaamu Musumba Proscovia_ FDC General Notice No. 254 of 2017. THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT, 2s Watongola Rehema NRM ACT NO. 17 OF 2005 3: Naikoba Prossy Independent Section 18(1)(b) 4. Kiboome Micheal Independent NOTICE D: Walugyo Samuel Independent PUBLICATION OF TALLYING VENUE FOR PURPOSES OF THE PARLIAMENTARYBY- Issued at Kampala, this 27th day of March, 2017. ELECTION IN MOROTODISTRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYI SIMON, Commission in accordance with Section 18(1)(b) of the Chairperson, Electoral Commission. Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 17 of 2005, that the 31sT MARCH] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 307 Moroto ChamberHall is hereby designated as the tallying General Notice No. 257 of 2017. venue for purposes of the Parliamentary by-election in THE INSOLVENCY ACT,2011 Moroto District. THE INSOLVENCY REGULATIONS,2013 Thetallying of votes shall commenceas soonas practicable NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND CREDITORS on receipt of the Declaration of Results Forms from the FIRST MEETING. respective polling stations. POBLIC NOTICE Issued at Kampala,this 13th day of March, 2017. TAKE NOTICETHATonthe 6th day of February, 2017, the High Court—Commercial Division at Kampala made a bankruptcy JUSTICE BYABAKAMA MUGENYI SIMON, order in respect of DIANA NAMATOVU MAGALA. Chairperson, Electoral Commission. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THATthefirst meeting of creditors shall be held at the Office of the Official Receiver/Registrar General on Floor 5 Georgian House, Plot General Notice No. 255 of 2017 5, George Street, on the 13th day of April, 2017 at 12:00 o'clock in the noon. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIESACT, 2012 AND All creditors of the bankrupt are invited to submit proof of their debts to our office at the above addressnotlater than IN THE MA TTER OF DAY SPRING CHRISTIAN 5:00 p.m on the 7th day of April, 2017 in order to entitle ACADEMYLIMITED IN LIQUIDATION each creditor to vote at the meeting. NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO Forms of proof and of general and special proxies may be VOLUNTARY WINDING UP. obtained from ouroffice on the aforementioned address. By Special Resolution of the members of the above named Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with our Companydated 1st day of December 2016,it was resolved office at not later than 5:00p,m onthe 7th day of April, 2017. to wind up DAY SPRING CHRISTIAN ACADEMYLTD. Voluntarily in accordance with Section 271(1) of the Dated this 27th day of March, 2017. Companies Act, 2012 and Mr. SEKABANJA KATO EDWARD,of M/s SEKABANJA & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 2064, was appointed liquidator. For: Official Receiver/Interim Receiver. TAKE NOTICEthat any claims whatsoever from the above Companyshould submit such claim to the Liquidator within one month from the date of publication of this Notice. General Notice No. 258 of 2017. THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA,2000. The address for submitting of claims if any is M/s. SEKABANIA & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 237, Kampala. (Cap. 110). Dated at Kampala, this 23rd day of February, 2017. NOTICE. PURSUANT to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. 1/2012) Laws of Uganda, 2000, notice is hereby given that EXPERT INSURANCE BROKERSLIMITED,hasbeen by SEKABANJA KATO EDWARD, a special resolution passed on 17th March, 2017, and with Advocate/Liquidator. the approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed in name to AFRISAFE RISK CONSULTANTS LIMITED. and that such new namehasbeen entered in my Register. General Notice No. 256 of 2017. Dated at Kampala, this 30th day of March, 2017.
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