MARKYATE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office, Y2K Hall, Cavendish Road, Markyate, Herts. AL3 8PS T: 01582 842885/840110 F: 01582 843864 E: [email protected] W: www.markyateparishcouncil.gov.uk Clerk to the Council: Mrs D Sells//Mrs J Bissmire The public are invited to attend all meetings of the Parish Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF MARKYATE PARISH COUNCIL TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON TUESDAY, 4TH AUGUST 2020 AT 7.30 PM FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSACTING THE BUSINESS SET OUT IN THE AGENDA BELOW AND YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO ATTEND. Members of the press and public are invited to attend via a”Zoom” link. If you wish to join the link please let the Clerk know by 31st July 2020 by email: [email protected] J Bissmire Jennifer Bissmire Clerk to the Council 29th July 2020 To assist in the speedy and efficient despatch of business, members requiring further information or clarification on items included on the agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting. Please note all meetings of the parish Council and Committees may be reported by use of filming etc. AGENDA 64/20 To receive and accept apologies for absence. 65/20 To receive any Declarations of Interest relating to items on the agenda. a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests; and c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate. 66/20 To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 7th July 2020, as circulated. 67/20 Public Questions, to hear representations from the public as per Standing Order 1 (c to j). 68/20 To discuss and agree action on Speed Indicator Device on Luton Road. (C/Cllr. T. Douris) 69/20 To consider planning decisions below: 1 20/01412/DRC Details required by condition 3 (Sound Test Report) 55 High Street Granted attached to planning permission 20/00415/FUL (Relocation of existing rear condenser unit to road side and partly raise side boundary wall by 225mm). 2 20/01349/FHA Proposed demolition of existing brick shed and construction of a 117, High Street Granted new timber shed. 3 20/01350/LBC Proposed demolition of existing brick shed and construction of a 117, High Street Granted new timber shed. 4 20/00737/FHA Demolition of existing extension and garage outbuilding. Valley Cottage, Valley Lane Granted Proposed single storey rear extension and new annex building. 5 20/00738/LBC Demolition of existing extension and garage outbuilding. Valley Cottage, Valley Lane Granted Proposed single storey rear extension and new annex building. 6 20/00835/LBC Replacement kitchen window. Hill Farm, Little Woodend Granted 7 20/01246/LBC Proposed re roofing works The Grange, 8 High Street Granted 8 20/01245/FUL Proposed re roofing works The Grange, 8 High Street Granted 9 20/01561/FHA Single storey rear extension 28 George Street Granted 10 20/01346/LBC Restoration and relocation of milestone Highway Verge to Southwest Granted Side of Watling Street 11 20/01504/CON New 9m wooden pole installed for Broadband communications Hicks Road Raise no Objection Page 1 of 2 29 July 2020 MARKYATE PARISH COUNCIL 70/20 To consider planning applications below: 1 *20/01741/FHA Removal of existing porch and construction of single Little Cheverells Cheverells Green storey side extension. 2 *20/01408/LBC Removal of existing porch and construction of single Little Cheverells Cheverells Green storey side extension. 3 *20/00396/OUT Extension to block a/b to form additional offices Ver House 55 London Road above existing ground floor office. 4 20/01843/FUL Demolition of Garage/Outbuildings and construction 93-95 High Street Markyate St Albans of a Hertfordshire AL3 8JG detached house and carport 5 20/02067/FUL Construction of two new bungalows and garden 64 High Street boundary wall. 6 20/02098/FUL To install a temporary Portakabin for 52 weeks to Surgery, 1 Hicks Road allow the surgery to continue functioning during development to the existing surgery *Taken to July PCM 71/20 To authorise the signing of cheques for payment and the signing of the Accounts schedule as circulated; signed outside of the meeting in accordance with the schedule, due to Covid-19. (All) 72/20 To receive and sign bank reconciliation, document circulated. 73/20 To receive and note First Quarter Spend to 30th June 2020. (All) 74/20 To receive report on Cricket Club Lease and agree storage of Lease. (B/Cllr Chapman) 75/20 To discuss update on installation of fence by the play area in Cavendish Road. (B/Cllr Chapman) 76/20 To receive the NALC Updated Devolution Report and agree any response. (All) 77/20 To receive Clerk’s Report, for information only 78/20 To consider sitting on the Budget & Finance Committee, Halls Committee and/or Staffing Committee 79/20 To discuss Annual Service for Village Clock. (Cllr. Pilkinton) 80/20 To receive and note works to CCTV at Village/Y2K Hall, (Minute F22/19). (Cllr Bunyan) 81/20 To review the protocol for Participation at Parish Council meetings, as circulated. 82/10 To receive, note and agree any action on the appeal to the Secretary of State against the Council’s refusal of planning permission 4/02140/19/MFA, Caddington Hall, Luton Road, demolition of former residential care home and 2 detached dwellings. Construction of 3 storey building forming 44 new dwellings, with basement, associated hard and soft landscaping, parking, bin store and main entrance gateway, as circulated. 83/20 To receive Markyate Parish Council’s Tree Policy, as circulated. 84/20 To discuss and formulate items for inclusion in Markyate Monthly. 85/20 To receive correspondence, for information only. Page 2 of 2 29 July 2020 .
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