3/2014 Fingrid Oyj Fingrid Corporate magazine Corporate VALVE 2014 demonstrated the importance of practice p. 4 Transmission grid and system security Prediction Turvapuisto: Aiming at keeps us an occupational safety disturbance-free 12 powered 18 training course 23 HVDC connections fingrid_3_2014_ENG.indd 1 12.11.2014 12.46 The autumn VALVE 2014 exercise saw the completion of a black start at the In this issue Petäjäskoski hydropower plant. This picture was taken from the plant looking VALVE 2014 turned out the lights in Rovaniemi | The unique exer- out over the lower course of the river. 4 cise tested how electricity could be restored using hydropower The autumn foliage was at its most from northern Finland in a situation wherein the main grid net- beautiful during the exercise in work has collapsed and left the entire country without power. September. Responsibility has been integrated into the core of business | 9 Corporate responsibility is a key part of Fingrid’s operations. Continuity management is day-to-day work | Over the past year, 10 Fingrid has made action plans for seven threatening scenarios. Prediction keeps us powered | Main grid construction and main- 12 tenance projects require transfer outages. Outage planning is like putting together a jigsaw, says operational planning specialist Corporate Magazine Antti-Juhani Nikkilä. Fingrid Oyj 17th volume 14 One year to go before joint-Nordic imbalance settlement | The 3/2014 new joint-Nordic imbalance settlement model between Finland, Sweden and Norway will be taken into use during 2015 and 2016. EDITORIAL STAFF Transmission line moved out of way of new residential area | Telephone: +358 (0)30 395 5267 16 Seven kilometres of transmission line were relocated in Oulu so Fax: +358 (0)30 395 5196 that the old line clearing could be used for residential and com- Postal address: P.O.Box 530, 00101 Helsinki mercial use. Street address: Läkkisepäntie 21, 00620 Helsinki Editor-in-chief: Marjaana Kivioja 18 Northern Finland’s Turvapuisto: an occupational safety course | E-mail: marjaana.kivioja@fingrid.fi Fingrid has its own educational checkpoint in the safety park. Editorial board: Eija Eskelinen, Mikko Jalonen, Jonne Jäppinen, Reija Kuronen, Katja Lipponen, 19 News Petri Parviainen, Tiina Seppänen Operational reliability Kainuu-style | In Kainuu, crown snow- Design by: Better Business Office Oy 20 loads are a common occurrence and cabling is under way, says English translation by: Ismo Reinikka, operational manager at Loiste Sähköverkko Oy. Mester Translation House Ltd No empty seats in the Operations Committee | Fingrid’s Opera- Published by 22 tions Committee exchanges ideas for development in good spirits. Fingrid Oyj www.fingrid.fi HVDC team aims at disturbance-free connections | Direct cur- 23 rent connections from Finland to Sweden and Estonia are playing an increasingly important role. The HVDC team works to keep the Change of address: connections free from disturbance. reija.kuronen@fingrid.fi Hoping for ice coverage all winter long | Kemijoki Oy is closely Cover photograph: Fingrid’s specialist Jani Pelvo 26 following the weather forecast and hopes that no frazil ice dams led the VALVE 2014 exercise by VIRVE telephone will form this year. from a management centre set up on Rovakaira’s premises. 28 New main grid contract steers the use of reactive power Photograph by: Kaisa Sirén 28 Grid ABC | What is reactive power? Printed by: Libris Oy, Helsinki Monitoring responsibility | Why is the state interested in respon- ISSN-L: 1456-2693 30 sibility? ISSN: 1456-2693 (Print) ISSN: 2242-5985 (Online) 31 Grid Quiz fingrid_3_2014_ENG.indd 2 12.11.2014 12.46 Preparedness requires cooperation his year, the number one theme at Fingrid has In September in Rovaniemi, the Power and District been continuity management. In many work- Heat Pool held the major VALVE 2014 exercise in which shops and working groups, we have looked at the restoration of electricity was tested in a power out- how to act when different serious risks that im- age covering the whole country. The preparation and im- pact main grid operations occur. The main grid plementation of the exercise was a major effort, in which Tshould function and electricity fl ow under all circumstanc- representatives of many authorities and power companies es. Data systems must be in good condition, information participated. The exercise required a power outage in the must be transmitted and human resources must be avail- Rovaniemi region as, without it, it would have been im- able. As a result of the continuity management project, op- possible to get a suffi ciently reliable picture of how the erating plans and guidelines have been created for differ- restoration of electricity would work in reality. We spent a ent risks, and at the same time a long list of development long time considering whether the outage could be carried targets has been identifi ed. The key objective of the project out and how consumers would feel about it. In the end, we is to be able to act quickly in different situations: if a fi re decided that we would carry it out, but that we would try breaks out in an offi ce, a serious disturbance may occur to minimise inconvenience by all possible means. in the main grid or something else surprising may take The VALVE 2014 exercise demonstrated the strength place, which could not be originally identifi ed. Operating of Finnish society: effi cient cooperation. Different parties models should be learned by heart so that, in a real-life were very actively involved in the preparation and imple- situation, instructions do not have to be dug out from mentation of the exercise, for which warm thanks are some fi le or from the depths of a computer. due to all those who participated in the exercise and Preparedness for disturbances in the system and its preparation. People were openly informed about planning for exceptional circumstances are coor- the event in good time, and the exercise received dinated and developed in Finland by the Power much publicity most of it positive, especially in and District Heat Pool. The Pool is a largely the local media. The residents were very un- voluntary cooperative body of authorities derstanding about the power outage and and power companies with almost 60 years prepared well for it. of history behind it. The Pool’s key opera- Only by practising can we ensure the tions are different training functions and ability to operate in situations of serious joint exercises. It also guides and supports disturbance. In the coming years, Fingrid companies with regard to preparedness. will increase investment in different con- Of projects carried out in recent years, we tinuity management exercises and imple- should mention ensuring the functioning ment many improvement measures based of the water supply in power outages and on the VALVE 2014 exercise. pilot projects to safeguard the availability of fuel at service stations, as well as dis- turbance exercises. The Pool forms a natu- ral forum in which different bodies can develop preparedness together and share Reima Päivinen their experiences. Fingrid plays a key role is Fingrid’s Senior Vice President in the operations of the Power and District responsible for power system operation. Heat Pool, as its chairman, secretary and the secretaries of the regional committees are all Fingrid employees. FINGRID 3 .2014 | 3 fingrid_3_2014_ENG.indd 3 12.11.2014 12.46 When Rovaniemi went dark The unique major disruption exercise organised in Rovaniemi provided valuable information on the functionality of the power system in the event of major disturbance on the main grid. The exercise also succeeded in developing cooperation between various players and provided the opportunity to practice information distribution concerning major disturbance. TEXT SUVI ARTTI | PHOTOGRAPHS TIMO PYYKÖNEN, KAISA SIRÉN lectricity outages often come ern Finland in a situation wherein the simulated a situation in which the main as a shock. However, few peo- main grid has collapsed and left the en- grid is down and we are also unable ple were surprised when the tire country without power. The disturb- to obtain electricity from Sweden,” lights went off in Rovaniemi at ance exercise organised by the Power explains Fingrid’s Control Room Man- 9:15 pm on Tuesday 23 Sep- and District Heat Pool was the fi rst of ager Arto Pahkin, who acted as op- Etember 2014. Rovaniemi residents had its kind in Finland and unprecedented erative manager for the exercise. “We been made well aware of the carefully in Europe. From a main grid perspec- especially wanted to test the use of a planned electricity outage. tive, the exercise dealt with a unique disconnected area, known as an island. The VALVE 2014 joint exercise be- situation: a black start. Previously we had only carried out tween power companies and the au- “Usually when disturbance affects theoretical calculations as to how to thorities tested how electricity could be electricity networks, electricity is avail- restore electricity using islands. In the restored using hydropower from north- able from the main grid. This time we exercise, we practiced creating islands VALVE 2014 The Lapland Central Hospital, Suosiola power plant and healthcare centres in Tervola and on Sairaala- katu in Rovaniemi were all excluded from the VALVE 2014 exercise. The National Emergency Supply Agency, Power and District Heat Pool, Fingrid Oyj, Fortum Power & Heat Oy, Kemi- joki Oy, Rovakaira Oy, Rovaniemen Energia Oy, Rovaniemen Verkko Oy and Tenergia Oy all participated in the exercise. The disturbance exercise was organised by the Power and District Heat Pool. Fingrid’s Control Room Manager Arto Pahkin acted as operative manager for the exercise. Fingrid’s communications officer Reija Kuronen also followed the situation from the management centre set up on Rovakaira’s premises.
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