COURT DIRECTORY.] DURHAl\1. GAR 453 Foggitt W.6Park ter.Grange rd.Drlngtn Foster John, 4 Havelock ter.Sunderland French Mrs. Shincliffe, Durham :Foley Henry, 6 Granville st. Gateshead FosterJn.Ambrose,3Milbank st.Stockton FrenchT. Westlea,Woodland rd.Darlngtn Folkard William Clarence, 3 Vyner ter- FosterJ.T.Burnhope ho.Burnhope,Drhm French William, so Marlborough street, race, Oxbridge lane, Stockton Foster Jonn.High Coniscliffe,Darlington Seaham harbour, Sunderland Fooks Mark, 9 West terrace, Coniscliffe Foster Joseph,Stone Cliff house, Witton- French W. 7 Park pi. east, Sunderland road, Darlington le-Wear, Darlington Frew .An drew, Bede Burn road, Jarrow Foote Charles Newth liLD. S Belle Vue Fosterl\!.3 Prospectter.Norton,Stockton Friederick George Bernard William, park, Sunderland Foster Miss,23 Church St. head, Durham Beaconsfield street, East Hartlepool Forctri Rev. James, Catholic Presbytery, Foster Robt.2o St.Bede's ter. Sunderland Friend Miss, 17 Portland pi. Darlington Church street, Sunderland Foster Wm. S Harewood ter. Darlington Friend Wm. Eden cot. Willington R.S.O Foran Rev. James, Chapel row, Black- FothergillA. El ton cot. Elton par. Drlngtn Friends J n. 92 Broughton rd. Sth. Shields hill R.S.O Fothergill John A. 77 Northgate,Drlngtn Friskin Rev. Charles, The:;\Ianse, Mount Forbes John, IS Peterboro' st.Gateshead Fothergill John Reed C.E. I Bathgate Pleasant, Tudhoe, Spennymoor Forbes Wm. N easham hall, Darlington terrace, El wick road, Hartlepool West FryC. R. Park side, Grange rd. Darlington Ford Rev. George M. A. West Rainton, Fothergill John Rimington 1\LD. Chorley Fry J.F. Woodbrn.Coniscliffe rd.Drlngtn Fence Houses cottage, Langholm crescent,Darlingtn Fry Theodore M. P., J.P. Woodburn, Ford Henry John, Parkfield house, Shin- Fothergill Miss, 6 Belvedere terrace, Coniscliffe road, Darlington ; & Reform cliffe, Durham Bishop .Auckland & National Liberal clubs, London s w Ford Mrs. 45 .Albert street, Durham Fothergill Sl.2oPierremont cres.Drlngtn Frydeisaac, 40 Frederick st. Sunderland Ford l\frs. Shinc:iffe, Durham Fothergill S . .A. Haswell, Sunderland Fryer George, Rose villa, Shildon, New :Ford 'fhos. Moor ho. Shincliffe, Durham Fothergill William, El ton villag, Con is- Shildon R. S.O Foreman Geo. Thornhill pk. Sunderland! cliffe road, Darlington Fryer Joseph J.P. Smelt house, Howden- Foreman Mark, r_s Frederick st.S.Shields Fothergill Wm. Wilton ho.N orton,Stcktn le-Wear R. S. 0 Foreman Miss, sr Sydney st. Stockton FowkeWm.2oBolingbroke st.Sth.Shields Fryer Miss, Greengate house, Victoria Forman John, 16:Mowbray st. Durham Fowler Rev. Joseph Thomas M.A. Bishop road, Hartlepool \Vest J<'orrest Fredc. Town moor, Sunderland Hatfield's hall, Durham FullagarJn.E.x8Tunstall ter.Sunderland Forrest Henry, Sands hou~e, Durham Fowler .Andrew S. 2 Vyner terrace, Ox- Fuller Henry, 6 Foyla street, Sunderland Forrest Jas. 8 W oocllands ter. Darlington bridge lane, Stock ton Fulton Wm. South par. Bishop Auckland :t'orrest Miss, rg .Argyle terrace, Westoe Fowler Charles H. The College, Durham FurneauxJ n.B. noHighWest st.Gateshd lane, South Shields Fowler Geo. Eden cot. Belmont, Durhm Furneis Mrs. Haughton-le-Skerne, Forrest Miss, ro Mary street, Sunderland Fowler James, Seabright villa, Eagles- Darlington Forrest Mrs. 6 Carlton ter. Spennymoor cllffe junction, Darlington Furness C. Brantford ho. West Hartlepool Forslind C. .A.71Thornton st.Hartlepl.W Fowler Jas. Manor ho. Gilesgate,Durhm Furness John, The Laurels, Rift House Forster Rev.E.S.12 Regent st.Hartlepool Fowler James, Preston-on-Tees,Stockton road, Hartlepool West Forster Rev.Jn.Grove rd. Tow LawR.S.O Fowler John, The Chestnuts, Eaglescliffe Furness Mrs. South ter. Hartlepool West J<'orster Ed ward, Heighington R.S.O junction, Darlington Furness Thos. Foggy furze, W. Hartlepool Forster Edward Wood, Etherston,Conis- FowlerJohn,Chesnutvil. Preston-on-Tees Fyall Thos. u Seafield ter. South Shields cliffe road, Darlington Fowler John, 17 Whitehall terrace, Hyl- Gabriel Miss, 2 Eunerdale, Sunderland Forster George, I 1 Collingwood terrace, ton road, Sunderland Gad des Mrs. 3 Woodbine pl. Gateshead Bensham road, Gateshead Fowler Jonn. 3 Park ter. south, Stock ton Gaine John S. 17 Park place, Sunderland Forster George, 212 Gilesgate, Durham Fowler Mattluw, 28 Church st. Durham Gaines Mrs. 2 Cleveland ter. Darlington Forster H. The Green,SeatonCarewR.S.O Fowler )iatthew, Crook hall, Durham Gair Mrs. Even wood, Bishop Auckland Forster John, High st. Norton, ~tockton Fowler Mrs. 130Ch urch st.nth.Sunderlnd Gale Thos. TheGreen,SeatonCarewR.S.O Forster .John, The Tower, Durham Fowler Mrs. Copswood, Eaglescliffe Gales.A..R.37WestSum;Jyside,Sunderland Forster John, Durham house, Victoria junction, Darlington Gales Mrs. Tees view, Croft, Darlington road, West Hartlepool Fowler Mrs. 67 Rokerayen. Sunderland GalesMrs.Ford cot.Sth.Hylton,Sundrlnd Forster John Burnop, Western terrace, Fowler Mrs.8sStanhope rd.sth.Darlingtn Gallewski H. 12 Hudson rd. Sunderland East Boldon R.S. 0 Fowler Robt. B!ue ho. Washington R. S. 0 Gallewski Jacob, 4 Nelson st. Sunderland Forster Joseph 1\LA. 9 Harewood hill, Fowler Tho~. 2 Havelock ter.Sunderland Galley John, 2S Dock street, Sunderland Darlington FowlerW.Eden ho. Durham rd.Sundrlnd Gallon John, 30 Whitehall rd. Gateshead Forster J oseph, Beaconsicle house, Kells Fowles Rd. r6 Park pl. west, Sunderland Gallon M. J.6sWinchester st.Sth.Shields lane, Low fell, Gateshead Fowls Miss, 17 Villiers st. Sunderland Gallon Mrs.sChalloner ter.east, S. Shields Forster Matthw. Bishop Middleham hall, Fox Rev. Henry Elliott M. A. 4 South Gallon Mrs. 4 Holly hill, Sunderland Bishop Middleham, Ferry Hill Station bailey, Durham road, Felling, Newcastle Forster Miss, 39 Duke st. Darlington Fox D. III Stanhope rd. sth. Darlington Gallon Mrs. xr ·wake terrace, Westoe ForsterMiss,x3St.Mary's ter.RytonR.S.O Fox Henry, 7 Hume street, Stockton lane, South Shields Forster Misses, 7 Tavistock pl.Sundrlnd Fox John Henry, Broad Green house, Gallon T.HollyHill ho.Felling,Newcastle Forster Mrs. 140 Albert road, Jarrow Norton, Stock ton Galloway Mrs. York rd. West Hartlepool Forster Mrs. 4 Cleveland st.So.Stockton Fox Miss, Grange ter. N orton, Stock ton Galloway T. 9 Gladstone ter. Gateshead Forster Mrs. 26 Liddell ter. Sunderland Foxall Mrs. 2 Wake ter. Westoe la. S.Shlds Galloway Waiter, View Field house, Forster Mrs. 3 Logan ter. South Shields Foxhall Jas. 49 Westbourne st. Stockton Eighteen banks, Gateshead ForsterMrs.MirldleRainton, FenceHouses FoxtonJn. 17Scarboro' st.sth. W.Hartlepl Galloway "'illiam, Bensham tower, Forster Richard J.P.Sheriff Hill cottage, Foxton William Bransby, Ryedalehouse, Saltwelllane, Gateshead Sheriff hill, Gateshead Henry Smith terrace, Hartlepool Gait William Dalgarriennies, Thornley, Forster Richard, Shincliffe hall, Shin- Fraim Wm. 8 Ogle terrace, South Shields Trimdon Grange R.S.O cliffe, Durham France George T. Ford house, Sunder- Gamon Jn. 12 Havelock ter. Sunderland Forster Robert, California, Winlaton, land road, Gateshead Garbutt Edward Walker, Front street, Hlaydon R.S.O Francis Miss, 20 Tunstall vale,Sunderlnd Seaton Carew R.S.O Forster Thos. 47 Hampton rd. Stockton Franck Henry Harcourt, The Lawn, Garbutt J.47Mandale rd.south,Stockton ForsterThos.J.sSt.Edmund's pi.Gateshd Ashbrooke road, Sunderland Garbutt Jn. Geo.S.2Skinner st.Stockton Forster William, 10 .Airey ter.Gateshead Frank Fk.J. 2oVictoria st.BishopAucklnd Garbutt John W. r6 .Affieck st.Gateshead Forster William C.E. Bath terrace, Sea- Frank Geo. King James' st. Gateshead Garbutt Mrs. Dunston cottage, Dun- ham harbour, Sunderland Frank Miss, 40 Northgate, Darlington ston, Gateshead ForsterW.Elmbank, Woodlnd.rd. Drlngtn Frank Robert, Brough house,Haughton- Garbutt Mrs. 7 Harewood gro. Darlington Yorster William, Grey stones, Carmel le-Skerne, Darlington Garbutt Thomas, Beaufort terrace, road, Darlington Franklin A. 23 Park road, Jarrow South Boldon, East Boldon R.S.O Forster William, 3 Victoria terrace, New- Franklin Jn.Front st.SeatonCarewR.S.O Garbutt Wm.Dunston lo.Dunston,Gtshd castle road, Sunderland Franks Joseph,Long Newton,Darlington GarbuttWm.SSt.Cuthbert's ter.Gateshd Forster Wm. Jn.2 Woodside,Sunderland FraserRev.A.C.M.A.12Green ter.Sndrlnd Gardin Mrs. 3 Marine crescent, Town Forsyth George, 3 Kensington terrace, Fraser Robt. M. 67 N orthgate, Darlngtn moor, Hartlepool Ocean road, South Shields FraserThos. II St. Mary's ter. RytonR. S. 0 GardinerE. SouthView ter. Bshp. .Aucklnd Forsyth Robert,Manor house,St. Helen's Frater Mrs. 2 Elwin terrace, Sunderland GardinerG. IoAlhert hill,BishopAucklnd .Auckland, Bishop .Auckland Freear Thomas, 2S .Whitehall terrace, Gardiner George William, jun. 15 Albert l<'ortin Rev. P. C. New Houses, Durham Hylton road, Sunderland hill, Bishop .Auckland Foss Rt. Wm. 1\J.D. 22 High st. Stockton Freeman John, 14 Windsor terrace, Gardiner Jn.2 .Albert hi.BishopAuckland Foster C. H. xo Fountain ter.W.Hartlepl Prince Consort road, Gateshead Garclner .Arthur John, 35 St. John's Fogter David, Gain ford, Darlington French Rev. William Alexander, Middle- crescent, Darlington Foster Henry,Hill crest,BishopAuckland ton-in-Teesdale, Darlington Gardner Henry, 42 Marlborough street, Fo3ter Herbert Le Nevo, Newton villas, French H. 14 Wot'cesterter. Sunderland Seaham harbour, Sunderland Hebbnrn New town, Newcastle FrenchJn. 1Amberley st.south,Sundrlnd GardnerJ.C.Glebe ho. WashingtonR.S.O Foster James, 8 The Grove, Sunderland French Mrs. Hude, Middleton-in-Tees- Gardner Jn. 6 Friar ter. East Hartlepool Foster Jn.Biggin ter.Hamsteels,Durham dale, Darlington 1Gardner Miss, 2 Sedgewick pi. Gateshead .
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