The original documents are located in Box 18, folder “President - Briefing Papers by Ron Nessen (6)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 18 of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON INTERVIEW WITH RICHARD WHITCOMB WCKT-TV.-:- MIAMI, FLORIDA Monday, March 1, 1976 11:30 a.m. (30 minutes) The Oval Office From: Ron Nessen I. PURPOSE To film a 30-minute interview with Richard Whitcomb, WCKT-TV (NBC) anchorman and newsman in Miami, Florida. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS, PRESS PLAN A. Background This is the latest in a series of TV interviews you have done in the Oval Office for broadcast in key primary states. This 30-minute interview will be edited into six-minute segments to run each evening, starting this week, on WCKT' s 6:00 p.m. local news broadcast. There will be one break during the filming of this interview. Mr. Whitcomb will do the first six minutes, and then take a short break, so the film can be taken to the air­ port and shipped to his Miami station in time for Monday's broadcast. He will then continue the interview straight through. The interview will be similar to the one you did with Ralph Renick. Mr. Whitcomb is one of Mr. Renick's competitors and will cover many of the same t::>pics, such as the economy, Reagan, the Florida primary, the Cuban situation and possibly Nixon. Mr. Whitcomb is a former Navy man who was a broadcaster in Hawaii before moving to Miami. He has been a newsman in Miami for the past ten years and knows the area well. He was raised on an Indian reservation by his parents and is interested in Indian affairs and problems of other minority groups. ·- -2- B. Participants The President Richard Whitcomb Ron Nessen Bob Mead C. Press Plan Interview to be acknowledged, An official White House transcript will be made. A White House photographer will be present. Photo to be autographed by the President and sent to Whitcomb as a memento of the occasion. III. TALKING POINTS A Florida briefing book has been presented to the President and will be updated as needed. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON INTERVIEW WITH FLORIDA NEWSPAPERS Wednesday, March 3, 1976 11:30 a.m. (60 minutes) The Roosevelt Room From: Ron Nessen fZ Ji A.) I. PURPOSE To be interviewed by editors and reporters of Florida daily newspapers. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS AND PRESS PLAN A. Background: Following your February 18 interview with four key Florida news organizations, a number of other Florida newspapers also submitted requests for interviews. Invitations were extended to the remaining 42 Florida dailies and to Diario Las Americas to participate in this meeting. (An offer through the state press organization for a representative of the weeklies to attend was declined.) Following the interview with you and time to file their stories, the participants will be briefed at 2:30p.m. by Alan Greenspan and Don Rumsfeld. B. Participants: The 16 editors and reporters, representing 14 ·newspapers, are listed at Tab A. Among them is David B. Lindsay, Jr., who is scheduled to meet with you following the interview to continue the discussion begun in Sarasota. Staff Participants: Ron Nessen, Margita White and Alan Greenspan. - 2 - C. Press Plan: The interview will be for immediate release for the participating papers. The transcript will be made available later to the White House Press Corps. White House photographs will be taken and sent to the newsmen, autographed by the President, as a memento of the interview. III. TALKING POINTS A question and answer briefing book has been prepared for you. It includes information about the editorial positions of some of the participating newspapers. Your basic Florida book will be updated with any last-minute Q & As. Mr. Horatio Aguirre Diario Las Americas Miami, Florida Mr. Earle Bowden Editor News-Journal (circulation 86, 243) (Gannett G:r:oup) Pensacola, Florida Mr;. ·Paul Brookshire Editor South Dade News- Leader (circulation 13, 732) Homestead, Florida Ms. Jayne Brumley Washington Correspondent Florida Times-Union/ Journal Jacksonville, Florida Mr. Al Hutchison Editor Clearwater Sun (ci:l;-culation 38, 813) Clearwater, Florida Mr •.Thomas A. Kelly Managing Editor Palm Beach Post (circulation 68, 982) West Palm Beach, Florida Mr. Howard Kleinberg Editor Mia1ni News (circulation 78, 285) (Cox Newspapers) Miami, Florida Mr. Dave Kraslow Cox Newspapers Washington, D. C. Mr. Sanders H. Lamont Managing Editor News-Press (circulation 49, 694) (Gannett Group} Fort Myers, Florida ... - 2 - Mr. David B. Lindsay, Jr. Publisher and Editor Herald-Tribune and Journal (circulation 68,·305) {Lindsay Newspapers, Inc.) Sarasota, Florida Mr. William A. Mullen Editor Sun-Sentinel (circulation 44, 496) (Gore Newspapers Co.) Pompano Beach, Florida Mr. Emmett Peter, Jr. Chief Editorial Writer Sentinel Star (circulation 175, 357) Orlando, Florida Mr. Waldo Proffitt Editorial Director Herald-Tribune and Journal (Circulation 68, 305) {Lindsay Newspapers, Inc.) Sarasota, Florida ,. Mr. JohnS. Walters Executive Editor Florida Times-Union and Journal (circulation 149, 424) .Jacksonville, Florida Mr. Barney Waters Managing Editor Cocoa Today (circulation 52, 566) (Gaxmett Group) Cocoa, Florida Mr. Corbin Wyant Publisher Herald-News (circulation 8, 326) (Thomson Newspapers, Inc.) Punta G.orda, Florida THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON INTERVIEW WITH WILLIAM GROVE - WJXT-TV Jacksonville, Florida Thursday, j_\,filrch L1, lt176 ll : 0 0 - ll : 3 0 an1 Oval Office From: Ron Nessen I. PURPOSE To videotape a 30-minute interview with William Grove, WJXT-TV anchorman and newsman in Jacksonville, Florida. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS, PRESS PLAN: A. Background This 30-minute interview will be broadcast in Jacksonville from 7:30-8:00 pm prior to the Florida primal"y. The interview will be similar to the ones with Ralph Renick and Richard Whitcomb of the Miami TV stations, and will cover many of the same topics. You will recall that Bill Grove, along with three other Florida newsmen, participated in an interview with you during your visit to the Jacksonville area on November 2, 1975, to meet with President Sadat. Mary Grove, Bill's wife, accompanied her husband to Washington in order to meet you. She is a staunch supporter and avid admirer of yours and will be present during the interview. B. Participants The President Bill Grove Ron Nessen Bob Mead C. Press Plan: An official White House transcript will be made. A White House photographer will be present. Photos will be autographed by the -2- President and sent to Grove later as a memento of the occasion. III. TALKING POINTS :\ 1:-'lo·.:.~ida l1rieii~·lg boo1z r'.2t~; 0122~ sen·_: ·~o yo~l~ ___q~1Y last Tctinute issues w-ill be called tu your attention before the interview. ·' INTERVIEW Wft'H I'LORJDA ll.ADIO STATIONS s.••r· Mara '· lt76 JaOO Jill - 4.00 pa n. Blae a.-a. L Pt.JllPOSE TeiM IMem.w.l llt'f ..,.n.n f~ 16 ftel'lcla ....U. atatloaa 101' lt........ Ia ..................................., .... Mat,_, ...,.. IMfere .._ TMa.. , ..-...,. D. ............BACXQ&OUJ!J), PA!pCJP.ANTS, PaUl PLAN We •• n&el.... a a Iller el ........U .,.....u f .... n...wa atad-. ,... lldenlawa w1tla,.. ............. non~a .....,. a ,......... te la9lte .... ., ... r..U. •tatl•• Ia tMiaqeat •Idea ef J'lel'ld& te .... "fUMI'I to ............... ter a ,.,... latent.w. 16 ata"-a ..., ... &M lafttadoa. Al... e6N, U l"t9IIIMktWa1 el fterlda ....._ atad... wll1 •••t. laeJwl... tlu-ee ·r• 1 1 •• fna collep ncl.le .a.dea WKGC-J'M Ia PIMPS Citr• -na., &N W'lhlai ...,_... ........... ,... .................... ..wid•al will""nil.,• ata.-. ....................................... ta dlfle....a ar•• ef n...wa. Ja -•-..... dda PUU.c Bnatlcaetlaa atatl•a. ra~ w.u •• a ·-•.. ., .- Wid• s.u. Pn•• eo.,.. wW M ,.,......... Stenr Brea.. aedat'• WQU Ia Ml.. t. lUe.. N Z.t11, ...... el a I 115 ..1' ef n4ie ata&l•a Ia norid& .............. will attaad aa aa ........... UCI ...... t., bla ·-· Did~. TMiatemewwWtaaraJIIaceladleBlulleaii. Y•wW 1te ..... tU11p111l die lateaw.. w. WJICA la .......... ••teal lacllltlea Ia wcler tJaat die •die atatl-. wll1 Mft .... .-Jhr ........... fer t.... dcaat. The stations can use the material for broadcast immediately after the interview. 13 .... ._ .. ;! !' • ti t 1!: l r r~r [!1 i ~ ~ • il& Cl ' ...... ,! :a:£.., f ~l'!iJ f!'l :•a ... r ~ i r1 1:: I" ( 11! .. ~ ffifJlf :1. 0 .. iii ;: .c t .~ l .... r~t~l~ (ftf .-,•£ ~ li~ra. i ! ! ! J1a .. r! = li'• lj~fJj i .. tJtrU ~~if ~ i ,. ar • [ (!: h:J'I • •Zif J[ f }" ~ II. &' -• .. h ~h r! i I a:a.: :. .. ~ l U'JJf l:lf== .. ,·rn .. 'ti!li ti~ t r .. .·:z .. ~rs , .. i ··=t~ [ s-• ~ a j~! :r1 ffe titr .r~. El r f i'u.fj ... l~~i - Jff[ll Jf~ •fr~ :rf .. r:o-.fi Jl• "if I 1t"~.f.,a-flt i•" i ll • a-~r• tt .Ao,._..•"Ia ....~ ti.~l l lil eijtf .i fi.. '=' r I f • Dale ...,..,. WQOG • QeiMnflle · lto1Hta-t hf!!rtall lllcllt.n li!!e ,._., WI'.AB • Wl••l ... J?kkEa!!!(-) ..., ... WTMI• Wla.S HalC.e.- WIOD ·Miami WDIZ.
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