Ten Ten Pages THE JOHNS NEWS Pages VOLUME XXVIII—NO. 26 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JANUARY 25, 1917. $1.50 PER YEAR I DC1*LAF\ IIOHE HI HAS. TO BEtilN FLY t AMPAIOX. VIOLATES PROHATIO.N. ' P^laines (leBUojod the home of Mrs. Four reels showing the fly menace Judge Kelly S. Searl was here Sat­ Dora Hall in Duplain, Tluirsday night. ! will be run at the ('em theatre on urday to settle several chancery mat­ SILENT INVADEN Very little of the contents were saved. WANTS PORTABLE the evening of February 2, after the ters. Don C. Fitch was brought up on While the family was sitting in the ! regular show, under the auspices of the charge of violating his probation living room about 7:30 o ’clock, a roar ­ the Civic League of the high schoii. by the alleged act of procuring liquor ing was heard in the kitchen and the Tills will precede the active caiuualgn in a wet territory and bringing it jack TAHS IN CITY wall around the chimney burst into TABERNACLE BUILT . which th^y are to make to externiin- IS WELUTTESDED to St. Johns -to t»e consumed by him­ CLUB IN CBUNTY flames. Mrs. Hall is the wife of the , ate the fly. John L. Burkhart of the self and a number of friends . He was ‘ late W. F. Hall, and has a daughter I state board of health at Ijanslng will released on his recognizance and the BOTH YOUNd AND OLD ARE ( ALL- DR. .M. r. KIKES MAKES PARTINfi and son, who were both at home at the • give a talk at the same time. This FI.\E speakers (JIVE MANY. case will be settled on February 6. ROYS AND GIRLS FORM JUNIOR ED TO Ills RANKS. ! time of the fire. The loss will be over SKJdESTION TO ( ITY. will be free to the public. Fitch was placed on a two-year p.-^oba- ORGANIZATION. ' $3,000. Mrs. Hall and family are mak­ ! At the last meeting of the League, HELPFUL SKJfJESTIONS. tlon In 191.•>, when It was claimed that ing their home with Frank B. Hall i the ofllcers for the year were elected he broke into the restaurant of Shaf­ unfll they can rebuild in the spring as follows: President, Delbert Clark; fer & Baum. MANY HOMES ARE SADDENED STIRRING CAMPAIGN CLDSES ; vice-president, Irvipg Fitzpatrick; CROP CUSSES WILL BE HELD I secretary. Miss FIva Ballinger; treas­ MANY FARM PHASES CDVERED BIG ORDER FOR WHEELS. urer, I.«e Butterfield. ; Last week an order was received at rAEl'MONIA AND OTHER ILL- ST. JOSEPH'S CHORCH IS ( IITRI IIES .MAY ( ONTINrE TNION j the factory of the Hayes Motor Truck INJURES HANDS. SEWING, CANNING AND COOKING NESSES STILL LINOER. SERVK’ES. ' SPLENDID EXHIBITS OF PRO- I AA’heel Co. for 20,000 wheels for the While working Mith a power saw Maxwell motor truck. These are ship­ PLANNED FOR GIRLS. IH FLOORISHIHE OOHRUIOH at the Parr Lumber company on DUCTS ARE MADE. ped at the rate of 2,000 a month until Thursday, C. E. Bunge received pain­ ruaccoiintable Is Result, Scanty ' the order Is filled. This A>eek Records the Passing of ful injuries to bis hands when the Local Cummittoett Have Charge of Several of Oiir Noblest i FATHER LYNI 11 READS ANM AL Rcmnneratioii Is .Made For board upon which he was working flew back. The right hand was badly TillaKf*. UiiItivHlIon, Seed Selection, A NEW POSTOEEIUE, MAYBE. Work I’nder M. A. C. Fine Work. Lives. REPORT SI’NDAY. laceratdd and the left skinned and j W’e have been informed that the Sup^vision. bruised. ard Stoek Feeding .Are Topics I appropriation bill, which includes the i provision for a $50,000 postoffice build- Dr. Maurice I’enfield Fikes conduct ­ Discussed. Homes throughout the city and sur­ At the close of the Sunday morning ed the closing services of the three , ing for St. Johns, was passed by the Many boys and girls in Clinton rounding country are in sadness be­ service at the St. Joseph ’s Catholic weeks’ union evangelistic campaign i House of Representatives in AV’ashing- county are planning to join the Clinton cause of the loss of loved ones during church. Father Lynch read the annu­ here, on Sunday. Careful instructions COLDS AND PNEDMDNIA COME ! ton, D. C., last week. County Junior Agricultural club. This the past week. I.aat week we re­ al report of that organization. The were given to the new converts at the The annual Clinton County E'arm- club has grown out of a desire to in­ corded twelve deaths and many have church has made a fine growth and afternoon session. FROM LACK OF FRESH AIR ers’ Institute w’as held at the Ovid crease the agricultural, educational, followed tjiem this week to the land shows an increase of fifteen families Dr. Fikes said that St. Johns had opera house Monday and Tuesday and and social advantages of the boys and where there is no more pain nor sor ­ since last year, making ninety faml- SNOW STORM IN NORTH girls of Clinton county through home broken the record In attendance and ITUBERUULDSIS SURVEY INVESTI- a good crowd was in attendance at row, ' ! lies now enrolled. requests for prayer at the morning the meetings. Monday morning was projects, entertainments, lectures, Ihieumonia still prevails although The financial records show that the I'rayer meetings. These prayer meet­ i G.\'n;s ALL LUNG DISEASE . devoted to preparing the exhibits held ^ play days, fairs, exhibits, and forth. only a few of the deaths this week are total receipts were $2,400 for the year. ings are being continued on Tuesday in connection with the institute. DELAYS ST. PARTY The Michigan Agricultural College due directly to that cause. The cold A balance of $800 remained to be ap ­ mornings in several parts of the city. At 9:45, El. C. Oven, president of fhe is assisting in finance, literature, lec­ weather has sapped the vitality from ! I..ansing —The tuberculosis survey plied on the church debt after all ex­ The campaign has been one of I not only reduces the number of deaths County Farmers’ Institute, gave his TRIP TO TRAVEILSE CITY TAKES tures, and necessary material. The those who have been suffering from penses were paid. splendid uplift and blessing to our introdtictory remarks. E. M. Moore, aim this year will be towards a high lingering illnesses. from tuberculosis, but also tbe number NEARLY TWO DAYS. That it is also in a good spiritual city, and not only to the more than I of deaths from pneumonia, bronchitis, institute conductor, was unabfe to quality of work completed rather than condition is evident from the fact that two hundred, who signified their in­ 'grippe and other lung diseases. If I reach Ovid in time for his morning ad- a large enrollment. Only those boys AiRS. AVILLIAM BIRD. ."<.000 communions were distributed jdress and at 11:00 o ’clock R. D. Bailey and girls who have the consent and tention to join the ranks of, the i the health propaganda would take as Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Charles R. Funeral services for Mrs. William during the year. ■‘riansmen of Calvary," but in the in­ ' fipin a hold on the people, it would of Gaylord gave an address on "The encouragement of their parents will Bird, who tsassed away from ple.iro- The Ladies’ Altar society re-elected Dyke were delayed nearly 24 hours be enrolled. tensified spiritual life of those of the reduce inaterially even common colds Roil and Its Problems. ” He stated last week on a trip to Traverse City pneumonia, on Thursday, .lanuary 18, their officers as follows: I’resident, Christian forces in the city who “came in the state. that the soil, like people, was better Clubs will be organized in A'oung were held at the home on north Clin­ Father Lynch; secretary and treasur- when busy. The average Michigan with Mr. and .Mrs. Claude J. Miller, Men’s Christian Association groups, up to the help of the I»rd against In each county visited state nurses where the latter Is to receive treat­ ton avenue at 1:00 o ’clock and at the ■cr, Mrs. Peter Andrew’s; sacristan. (he mighty." gather statistit-s of the number of farm Is fast falling behind, owing to schools, or any natural group that will Miss Kate Ryan. the exhaustion of phosplioric acid and ment in the state hospital there. They meet tlie requirements. The projects M. E. church at 1:30 o ’clock on Sat­ 'riie thank-ofioring to Dr. Fikes of deaths that have occurred from var­ left here Wednesday and took the G. urday afternoon. The church was about $4.'<0 is not considered a ious lung diseases, most of which are potash in the soil, he said, and in this season will be corn, with seed many instances shrunken grain and R. & 1. at Grand Rapids. The train supplied, for the boys, and sewing, filled with the many friends of the credit to the city ’s reputation for dlre< tly or indirectly due to prolonged was stopped at Reed City, because of deceased. appreciation of what is really fine In lack of sufliclent pure air. In nearly small crojrs were dtie to lacl^of these cunning and cooking for the girls. soil essentials. .\t present, owing to two trains, a freight and passenger, The club supervisors will gladly an­ Tlie Woman ’s cluli. of which she FOUR PETITIONS MADE FOR a great public speaker, to say nothing all counties the death rate from the which were derailed by the heavy was president, attended jn a body.
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