ON THE GENUS PYCNONOTUS. 225 NOTE XXXII. On the genus Pycnonotus and some allied genera WITH ENUMERATION OP THE SPECIMENS IN THE LEYDEN MUSEUM BY Dr. J. Büttikofer This based the paper, especially upon material in the Leyden Museum, be may regarded as a little attempt to show how much a revision of the Pycnonotidae is needed. A funda- mental revision the whole only, embracing group, will be able to differentiate the and it thoroughly many genera, will be a thankful for instance, to task, thoroughly sepa- rate Xenocichla from Criniger ¹) and Pycnonotus. This latter is genus very unsatisfactorily defined, and undoubtedly contains too many heterogenous elements, which ought to be well just as excluded as are Otocompsa and Kelaartia. In fact the genus Pycnonotus should be restricted to the African and Syrio-Arabian species, which are sufficiently characterized their by plain earthy brown or sandy brown without white color, upper tail-coverts, without white- tail and without tipped any olive-green on the quills ²). The Asiatic forms with the feathers paler edgings to on note Sec on this in N. L. M. and also 1) my subject 1888, p. 78, Captain remarks, Ibis 232. Shelley's 1896, p. P. with 2) Falkensteini, ita surface Cat. green upper (Sharpe, VI, p. 4G) should be back brought under Criniger, as which it is originally described by Reichenow. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XVII. IS 226 ON THE GENUS PYCNONOTUS the mantle, with white or ashy white upper tail-coverts and white tips to the tail-feathers, combined with the in their should absolute want of any olive-green plumage with the form a separate group generic name Molpastes Hume. with brown The other Asiatic Pycnonoti gray or plu- but the above mentioned of mage, wanting peculiarities Molpastes and characterized by always having the outer , less with margins of the quills more or strongly tinged form under the olive-green, ought to a separate genus name Laedorusa Reichenb. Then follow all the different aberrant forms, which bet- ter would be placed under other, already existing or new will be shown in the to the genera, as following key genera. Key to the genera. A. Tarsus longer than culmen. tho a. Feathers on centre of crown much longer than distinct crest. surrounding ones, forming a a'. Feathers of crost sword-shaped, not pointed, and somewhat bent downward. a". Bill pyrrhuline, general color of plumago green. Spizixus 1). b". Bill not pycnonotine, plumago greon. , Otoeompsa. h' . Feathers of the crown pointed, the longor ones slightly bent upward, forming a pointed crest . Centrolophus. b. Foathers of crown all oqually lengthened, or not lengthened at all, never forming a long crest. a'. General color earthy brown or ashy brown, no olive tingo whatever on the plumago. a". Upper tail-coverts white or ashy white, diffe- rent from the back, tail broadly tipped with white Molpastes. b". Upper tail-coverts uniform in color with the with white back, tail-feathers never tippod . Pycnonotus. I introduce this it is from 1) genus here, though sufficiently distinguished all the pyenonotine forms by its quite different bill, and though only the ty- pical species is provided with a distinct crest. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XVII. AND SOME ALLIED GENERA. 227 b'. General color grayish or olive-brown, or olive- outer of less green, edge quills more or strongly tinged with olive. a". Sides of head entirely feathered. a"'. No post-superciliar tuft of long, pointed feathers. 4 . Tail a not strongly graduated. 5 a . No brush-like saffrau-yellow feathers above the lores. General color brown a'\ grayish or olive- brown, crown-feathers not lengthened, no nuchal color Laedorusa. tfi. General appoaranco pachycephaline, crown-feathers lengthened, richly de- " veloped, black and silky. a'. No red spot on the lower jaw. Pachycephalixus. 1 I/ A rod on the lower . spot jaw . Stictognathus. h'\ A bunch of saffran-yellow feathers above the lores Crocopsis. b*. Tail strongly graduated, difference be- tween central and outermost feathers to the of the tarsus Xanthixus. equal length . b"'. A long post-superciliar plumelet of pointed yellow feathers Kelaartia.J the b". Sidos of head above and behind eyo naked Gymnocrotaphus. B. Tarsus equal to culmen in length. a. Head distinctly crested. a'. Foathors of crown all lengthened, plumage striated Alcurus. b'. Feathers on centre of crown only longthoncd, plumago not striatod. a". Crest not surpassing the culmen in length, rump-feathers subtorminally barred with black. a'". Eyelid not wattled Pinarocichla. b"'. Eyelid wattled Poliolophus. the culmen b". Crest very long, much surpassing not barrod in length, rump Mesolophus. Head not crosted, so. b. or very faintly a'. Lengthened rump-feathers unbarred, tail nearly with dark bar squaro, no subterminal Throat-feathers narrow and stiff a". rod, . Rubigula.J Ixidia. b". Throat-feathers soft, like lower surface in color J b'. Lengthened rump-feathers subtorminally barred Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XVII. 228 ON THE GENUS PYCNONOTUS with black, tail much rounded, with a dark sub- terminal bar Brachypodius. C. Tarsus shorter than culmen, rump-feathers stiff and almost very long, entirely reaching the tips of upper tail-coverts Microtarsus. GENUS Spizixus Blyth. 9 Type: Spizixos canifrons Blyth. Bill not culmen stout, pycnonotine, very strongly cur- ved yellow, nostrils bidden by dense plumes, nasal , aper- ture circular, tarsus longer tban culmen, wing longer tban tbis latter color tail tail, nearly square, general green, broadly tipped witb black. — Tbree species known. Range. Assam, Obina and Formosa. Key to the species. a. Crest longer than tarsus, oar-coverts brown, not strea- ked with white canifrons. b. Crest shorter than tarsus, ear-coverts streaked with white. a'. Crown blaek, hind neck gray semitorques.se like hind neck b'. Crown gray cinereicapillus. 1. Spizixus canifrons. J. A. S. XIV, Spizixus canifrons Blyth, Beng. p. 571 (1845); Sharps, Cat. B. 172 (1881); B. Br. Ind. 280 VI, p. Oates, I, p. (1889); Baker, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. VII, pi. I, fig. 1 (1892). Hab. Assam. Two specimens, said to be from Nepal. 2. Spizixus semitorques. Swinh. Spizixus semitorques Ibis 1861, p. 266; Sharpe, Cat. B. VI, p. 173 (1881). Hab. Cbina. One specimen, collected by Swinlioe. 3. Spizixus cinereicapillus. P. Z. Spizixus cinereicapillus Swinh. S. 1871, p. 370; David & Oust. 144 Ois. Chine, p. (1877); Sharpe, Cat. B.VI, p. 173 (1881). Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. X"VII. AND SOME ALLIED GENERA. 229 Hab. Formosa. Eight specimens, collected by Swinhoe. GENUS Otocomps a Cabanis. Type: Otocompsa emeria (L). General aspect brown, lower surface much lighter, head strongly crested, the lengthened feathers restricted to fore- head and centre of which latter crown, on they are very long, sword-shaped (not lanceolate) and slightly bent downward. A considerably long tuft of crimson-red, silky feathers below the the eye, partly covering pure white cheeks, under tail-coverts crimson. Tarsus longer than culmen, wing longer than tail. — Two species known. Range. Indian Peninsula and Himalaya, extending through Assam to Cochin China and Tenasserim, Nico- bars. Key to the species. Tail-feathers with white a. tipped .......emeria. b. Tail-feathers not tipped with white fuscicaudata. 1. Otocompsa emeria 1). Lanius emeria L. Nat. Syst. I, p. 137 (1766). Lanius L. jocosus Op. cit. p. 138. emeria L. cit. 326. Muscicapa Op. p. Cat. B. 157 Otocompsa jocosa Sharpe, VI, p. (1881). emeria Hume, N. & E. B. Br. Ind. Otocompsa p. 287; Oates, I, p. 276 (1889). Hab. South from the Himalayas throughout Bengal, Limit! mentions this bird 1) (Syst. Nat.) under three different names: Lanius based Brisson's Lanius emeria, upon bengalensis, from Bengal, further Lanius based Brisson's Merula sinensis cristata from and jocosus, upon minor, China, emeria, based Albin's from All Muscicapa upon .Bengal ltedstart", Bengal. three to names belonging either birds from Bengal or China, where only the with a tail is be considered species white-tipped found, they must synonyms, and the first of Lanius bestowed them, emeria, upon this species. The second of this which has the species genus, tail not tipped with white, is neither found in Bengal nor in China, and therefore not entitled to hear of the Linne. any names given by .Notes from tlie Leyden Museum, Vol. XVII. 230 ON THE GENUS PYCNONOTUS ranging eastward to Cochin China and southward to Ma- lacca, the Andamans and Nicobars. Seven specimens from the Himalaya, Darjeeling, Ma- lacca, Andamans, and one said to be from Java. « 2. Otocompsa fuscicaudata. P. Otocompsa fuscicaudata Gould, Z. S. 1865, p. 664; Oates, B. Br. Ind. I, p. 277 (1889). B. Otocompsa emeria Sharpe, Cat. VI, p. 159 (1881). Hab. Western part of Southern India. Not represented. GENUS n. Centrolophus , g. Type: Centrolophus leucogenys (Gray & Hardw.). General color ashy, upper surface, the head excepted, tinged with olive, feathers of the crown lanceolate, those the centre much on very lengthened, forming a sharply bent pointed crest which is more or less upwards, tail tipped with white, under tail-coverts yellow. Tarsus longer than culmen, wing longer than tail. Differs from all the allied the — One genera by pointed crest. species known. 1. Centrolophus leucogenys. Brachypus leucogenys Gray, in Hardw. 111. Ind. Orn. I, pi. 35, fig. 3 (1830). Jerd. B. Ind. Otocompsa leucogenys II, p. 90 (1863); Sharpe, Cat. B. 160 VI, p. (1881). B. Br. Ind. Molpastes leucogenys Oates, I, p. 272 (1889). Hab. Himalayas, from Afghanistan to Bhutan. Six specimens from Nepal, Darjeeling and Bhutan. GENUS Molpastes Hume. Type: Molpastes haemorrhous (Gm.). General aspect ashy brown, no green whatever in the plumage, head black, crown-feathers thickly set and leng- thened but not a sort of short crest , pointed, forming Notes from tlie Leyden Museum, Vol.
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