Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-12-1966 The B-G News May 12, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 12, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1976. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1976 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. n.v.v I New Twist For Old Draft...See Pg. 2 m The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Thursday, May 12, 1966 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Vol. 50, No. 109 ID Required U.S. Limits At Draft Test Officials announced yesterday that students who take the Sel- Viet Deaths, ective Service System test here May 14 and 21 will not Be fin- gerprinted if they provide positive identification. Mac Says Draft cards, driving licenses and student identification cards WASHINGTON (A P)--Secre- has caused a disaffection of the civilian population. will be accepted as positive proof tary of Defense McNamara gave He asserted that the Viet Cong of identification . Dr. Frank C. the Senate Foreign Relations is losing what support it had Arnold, Counseling Service dir- committee a detailed briefing on from the population. He also ector, said. the Viet Nam war yesterday, said heavy pounding from ground It had been announced previ- producing many formerly secret and air has weakened the enemy ously that fingerprinting proce- reports from his file. morale and expectations of vic- dures would be employed at all McNamara stressed that U.S. tory. test centers to determine posi- tactics are designed to minimize McNamara told the Committee tive identification of students tak- casualties in North Viet Nam as that policital disorder in South ing the tests. well as in the South. Viet Nam has reduced military Results of the test will be used He said the U.S. has "a lim- effectiveness, but he predicted by local draft boards in deter- ited objective" and is seeking to this will terminate shortly. mining draft classifications for achieve It with the "lowest pos- students. sible cost in human life." Approximately 2,500 students He also said If the U.S. had News Staff Named will take the test here May 14 not Intervened, the Communists and 1,900 students are expected CHARLES D. NICOL, a University graduate student, applies would have over run South Viet to take the test May 21. makeup before last night's opening performance of "Volpone," Nam and "butcheredthousands." For Next Year Students will receive assign- a lusty Elizabethan comedy which will run through Saturday McNamara said the U.S. is Larry Fullerton and Jack Hart- ments of testing rooms outside in the Main Auditorium. Nicol plays one of the merchants following a policy of restraint man have been appointed man- the Main Auditorium prior to in the play. Photo by Charles Dugan. and that credit for this belongs aging editor and editorial page the testing periods, the times for to President (ohnson. editor, respectively, of the B-G which are printed on students' He made this clear after Sen- News for the 1966-67 academic test cards. ator Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn.) year, Randy Ketcham, next year's complained that the progress of editor, announced yesterday. Directory Change the war Is reported in terms of Fullerton, a junior in the Col- LBJ Dedicates kill ratios. lege of Business Administration, Senator CliffordCase(R.-N.J.) is from Dayton and Hartman, Ud he agreed with this. also a junior In business. Is Princeton Hnii To End Handbook At one point McNamara said from Ashland. WASHINGTON (AP)-- President „.iere is no evidence whatever that John Gugger, a junior from Joiinson was back In Washington By LARRY FULLERTON equipment, $140; and travel, the bombing in South Viet Nam Toledo, was reappointed sports yesterday afternoon after flying Issue Editor $62.11. editor, and Rosemary Kovacs, to New Jersey to dedicate a Richard Seaman, student body a sophomore from Huron, was new hall at PrlncetonUniversity. Routine reports of Student Body treasurer, reported that three FDR Jr. Quits named feature page editor. Boards and the Student Body boards have spent moie money Issue editors for next year Mr. Johnson was given an Treasurer were the only items than they we e allocated will be Juniors Judy Lake from honorary degree of Doctor of of business at last night's Stu- originally. Federal Job North Olmsted; Marilyn Draper Laws. dent Cabinet meeting. Spirit and Traditions is $86.95 from Genoa; Roberta Llbb from He took the occasion to reply WASHINGTON (AP)--Franklin Jan RiefenstahL Publications over its budget, Leadership and Canfleld; James Treeger from to critics who have charged the D. Rossevelt, Jr„ resigned his chairman, reported that next Service is $17.50 over its budget Syosset, New York; and sopho- United States has misused its federal job as chairman of the year's campus calendar will be and Charities is $4.54 over its more Roger Holliday from Lon- great power in South Viet Nam Equal Employment Opportunity ready for the first freshman budget. don, England. and elsewhere. Commission yesterday, report- pre-registration group in the These deficits are covered by James Taft, a junior from The President said in a speech, edly to seektheDemocratic nom- Cleveland, will be the assistant summer. money that the other boards did ination for governor of New York. "We have used our power not editorial page editor; Roger She also explained that no Stu- not spend. Seaman said. Mr. Roosevelt, 51, handed his willingly and recklessly, but re- dent Handbook would be issued Buehrer, a sophomorefrom Pan- resignation to President Johnson dora, will be assistant feature luctantly and with restraint." next year. Instead, the presidents Council To Nome at the White House late yes- Johnson traveled through the of all organizations will be listed editor; and Tim Churchill, junior terday afternoon. He avoided from Delta, Bob Bruckner, Junior university city by motorcade. His in the front of the Student Direct- Court Justices reporters, leaving the White from North Olmsted, and Tom route avoided the Firestone Lib- ory and that it will be up to the House by a side door, but an The selection for Student Court Hlne, freshman from Seven Hills, rary, where some 250 demon- individual organizations to fur- aide said he will hold a news strators assembled. Justices for next year will be will serve as assistant sports nish copies of their constitutions the main business at tonight's conference this morning in New to those persons who are inter- editors. They carried signs such as Student Council meeting which York City, presumably to annou- ested. "Viet Nam for the Vietnamese," begins at 7 o'clock in the Alum- nce his political plans. Griffin Named "Draft Beer, Not People," and A booklet concerning student ni Room. He had headed the equal em- "Peace, Not Platitudes." government is Deing prepared Seven Justices will be appoin- ployment opportunity since last To Senate and will be distributed in the fall. ted for Student Court and five July. Donna Blevlns, chairman of WASHINGTON (AP)-- A U.S. will be tentatively appointed for Congressman visiting Saigon was Student Leadership and Service Traffic Court. (A court revis- Soviet Trawler Board, said that her board has Informed yesterday that he has ion, passed at the last Council been promoted to the Senate. completed interviews for Student meeting, provides for the estab- Enters U.S.Bay Court, Student Body Boards and Robert Griffin (R-Mlch) was lishment of the Traffic Court, SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A appointed by Governor George University Committees. however, the revision has not Candidates for Student Court Soviet fishing trawler was given Romney to fill the unexpired term yet been approved by the Uni- permission yesterday to enter will be interviewed tonight by of Democratic Senator Patrick versity Board of Trustees.) California's Drake's Bay to make McNamara, who died 13 days ago. Student Council, with four to be Two constitutional amend- selected. Final selections of engine repairs. Griffin Is the ranking GOP ments will be present for the first The Coast Guard here said It member of a House subcommittee Board and Committee members time tonight. One concern is in- will be made Monday. received word from Washington that has taken a three-day look creasing the number of members to allow the vessel into the bay of problems Involving U.S. eco- She said board chairman for for the Student Body Organi- next year will be chosen within 35 miles northwest of here. nomic and military assistant to zations and Elections boards. Earlier, three Coast Guard the next two weeks. South Viet Nam. The other concerns changes inspectors confirmed the Rus- The House group indicated it The Student Body Organization in election procedures. sian skipper's claim that the en- will recommend tighter controls treasury has a balance of The first part of the meeting gines did need repairs. The to halt abuses such as black $1,065.60 left from an original is open to all interested persons. U.S. has denied permission for market operations. The forecast for today is rainy allocation of $3,550. Not in- However, interviews and the sel- the troubled trip to transfer car- The congressmen said they and warmer with a high in the cluded in this balance is tem- ection of court justices will be go to another Soviet vessel in have found that some American 60s.
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