rumdKw&m. KKmw r\'{u k*r!*pai:ffiffi*3$e]ffi sYsT*t\"t cc|EtclL UNDEFI EXEC A FIEFEFIENCE CAFItrl REFERFNCE CARD NOTAT/ON Completedetoils on UNIVAC ll08 C0BOL ore co"ered i aNIvAC 1106cOBoL U.de. EXEC 8 Ptaqtatune.s Rele.e,.e Manu,l, UP-7626 lcwteni vetsion). AUfION fO COSOLUilDER EXECtr UsER THERE ARE SLIGHT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN COBOL UNDER EXEC II AND COBOL UNDER EXEC 8. THESE DIFFERENCESARE IN: AREAi RESERVED WORDI, COBOL CONTRoL CAFD OPIIOXS FORiltrsr FtLE-CO{IROL. RECORD DESCRIPTION, ADD, ALTER, CLOSE, DIVIDE, ENTER, INCLUDE, OPEN, SEEK, TABLE HANDLINC UNTVAC Ir08 COEOL UNDER EXEC lt Prcetonh.,t R.l.t.nce Monudt: UP-4048 (currentversion) {o, deroil' in r}ese o'eo3 CHARACTERSET IN COLLATINGSEQUENCE NAME SYMBOL FIELDATASO.COLUMN SOURCELANGUACE CODE CARD CODE USAGE 03 04 ,UNL I I IUN-ED I ING FTTERS )ITINC ARITH! TLN 43 6-8 ELATION :DITING l-4-8 ITING. AR ' HMT I IL 2-O 55 I 0-3 IUMBEF 0 rhr! 9 60 thru 7l 0 thru 9 {ORDS- EDITtNG, ARITHMETIC APOSTR \RITHME I LC t2-j-a /UNL I UA I IUN, ED]I N! NOTE; Any Fieldoto cho,octe, con be used os doto. So!rce lonsuose uses only those UP-7527Rev. 2 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. RULES FOR EFFICIENCY PROGRAM-lD. proEran-nane. IAUTHOL adftd{ane.] The following rules ore optionol, but following them reduces rhe running time of the ob;ect code. t$I1!!1Il!\ c an ne nt parc E. aph.l L When using MOVE, orithmetic, or conditionol stotements: IDATE.{RfTTEN. contueht pazEtaph.] r estoblish doro {ields rhot ore muliiples of six chorocters; IDATE.COMPf LED, cotunent pataEraph.] r noke the sending ond receivins fields the some size; TSECURf TY. connent pa.aezph.T r olign the decimol posiiions ol sending ond rece;ving fields; f R EMIR l(S. connent para6rcph.1 jtems r ovoid movins sroup with mixed closs ond,/or usoge; i.e., olphonumeric ond numeric; ENVIRONMEXTDIVISIOil. r when moving o literol to o computorionol field, moke fields the some size. coNm sEcloN. ovoid subscripting. 2. When subscripling connot be ovoided: t!9!-89E99!Ml_!. coPY ri6.a.r-nane.l r use fixed subscripis (numeric Iirerol); r moke subscripted items multiples of six chorocters; lsouRcE-coMPUTER.UNtvAC, lr08.l . define subscripts os COMP-1. 3. Avoid relotionship iesis whe.e: IOBJECT.COMPUTER.CO?\ lib/aty-nahe.l I either volue is s0bscripted; foe::cr"coueuren. uxrvAc- lroe. I r operonds ore nol congruent; r-l I lwrn supenvrsoRCoNTRoLT l r fields with different clsss ond,zor usoge ore compored; l- I l, MEMORYSlZt i'reee' voRDs I r poini locotions ore not oligned in computotionol operonds. ha.d|/arc-na*A L,tiu-r-rtnatawae-nane-tf,Ilite,aL2l ) 4. Define on ilem os COMP-l i{ used primorily in orithmetic expressions f -l GENERAL NOTES: ISPECIAL.NAMES. 99!J tib.a.y-nane.l l. All orithmetic expressions ore evoluoted in double precision floorins point mode. fsp ecteL.nnues. hatdw ate-nane-I ls nnpno n'"- nanp-l 2. F rsurotive consionts ollowed or(. hadwa.e-datue-2 lS nreeoric-,are-21 . l, I zERo = 0 or 0's compukllonol mode,(code 60)^. [:s] conPUrorronor-t mooe rotnory ul INPUT.OUTPUT SECTION, sPACE lsl - blonk or blonks (code 05) OU0TE l5l : quororion mork or morls (code 72) IFf LE.CONTROL. COPY !ibtary'.ane.] HIGH VALUE [5] = period (code 75) ForFor 2: I Low VALUE lsl = spoces (code 0s) frrre.coxrnor.lseLEcT toPrloNALl rile-nane-r IRENAMING tile-nane-21. I 'ony r-'-.--...-l ALL lirerol' = o sequence of'ony Iiterol' I -rsstcr r,ie.sys,ea-name I ', 1 3. The following fixed doto-nsmes (speciol registers) ore I ... ..^-.,. t.o*MULTpLEEiill {il6"c-'}ALTERNATIlal:is]l implicit to eoch COBOL prosrom. I I,EE!-E-v.E I t--l 1 | rsEeuENrralrl ' . TALLY (signed) PIC SH9(5) SYNC RIGHT I l. rccessMoDt -t"irE"-rs lF7l.66il-! 1.,rcrurr - KFY-rs dar&naa.-rl I t- ,.1 r MONITOR,DATE cuilenr dore in Fieldoro, (YYDDD) PIC 9(5) I | I t, svxsorrc KEy rs da,a-naae-rl.l... I L-IJ [f .O.CONTROL. M libraty-nane.] -l T l-o.coNTRoL. l l^tt- lPjH*-l -oN ii,eda,e-, t. tir.-naile.2i..I I L L- lJ'ANuprr ) -) 'l l-,.o".onr*or. o, u"-*^*r. I ag" t=t* roNrire,na'e-rr rve nv { ij;";.Eff!f!l!L I f DATA DIVISION. FtLE SECIIOX- Fornor 3: (For .opyins wirhin rh. Ddrd Division) Iteeetrutubet data-na nea W! dataetue2l IFD file-aaoe coPY libtury-fttue.1 Fo.nor,{r (For copyins Iroh th. Librory) Fomor 2: I0l data.aane-1 COPY dara..aDe.2 EEq4LIBRARYI f cowor-sronlc: secrtox. * ti ".]lJ,o"u. ",.,.."r f fioRKrNG-sroRAGEsEciloN. L*-."III-.7,,* ",^"". f cotstlrr s:crror. E]!!.o"to'nt o.our i'r€J€F3REcoRptsr I ] | *, **,td63c.'privo crausesl. nrcono coNrAlNs CHARACTERtS]]aca-.s [; [i,r6deF4 1, com wonofst]] r^'* -8ff3+8,''^-.1 { {ffi,',"} PROCEOUREDrVtStol{. lp dara-nafte-at DECLARATIVES. | ,<- ldak-a"-"-rt, I fDENTfFICATION, ltile.at-t I c6c.ioFnaneSECTIOX. t DArE.wRrrrENrs l9:'*1T'51 )l I ht.-nane-rL rik-,a'F21. I -----"i5-liiZli7,LINES.PER.PAGE IS iNIEEEIS, LINES.AI.TOP pRocEpuRE rrxesrr.goiio-FE-- jl usE aFrER 'TANDARDERRoR o" { ffirt I [*" inteeetE L LTNE-SPActNG tS inrsCe.-91 [-@ J .r^* {FfESli &t&naile-t L dat*nahe-21 . *}]tffi * {ffi}sraNDARott*"' ] tile-na.e-t t, ril"-n".e-?]... ISD ,il..trane COPY lir.a./.r.n6l I \ | !!!tlr I LABELPRocEouRE oN { ouTpur t I rr{Pur.ourPur (''o I *r***rf . I Fod.r 3: ] usEFoR KEY .onrr.r,o* o" { 4!! I l,re_'afte.r L rire-nane-21... RECOROOESCRIPTION I l USE FOR ENTRY POfNTS procedure-nafie-t prcced&e-hane-21 FItLER L l|voLntubet I ] l; REDEFtNEs data-nane-2] I dara-Aane-4 tsecrto.-,ahe-2 SECTIONI . .. 'l fr Plc r rs E{D DECLARAIIVES. ll' PICTUREI cDa.ac'eFstrr', I coMP Isection-naoe I \l !E!!!9! Ip'ioriry-auabetl lpataEtaph-nane- t - sentence- t I*-*"*z] . corP.r | | I pa.agaph-nahe-2.) ; usrcers coMPuTATtOr{AL t I | cofPUTAT|ONAL.T/ | D-CFCT- I I ]i'ET- )J L --^^ t rlu.urt :..19 I RUN I srze's I "*e--,{|l}licT'*'il vERBs ;sTATEMENTs (tt.i.d otphoh.ricoily) f rr"r' rocrrtor rs rce".-,".o.rtsl LSSEll ideati,iet It!!! o,eno,ic-'aEel I l9!.!.I lirtfr.rI I f ,^.""^srt,a rl ^^^ llr€"Lr lf lrt.,.rz ll cr-rssrs @ id"ililh''- l; {ffi[.,. I lr,'euu liden'ilto.-, i L tir-,J L' l;.;;;;d l)..'!e tROl,tNDEDlI iaentit;e,-ntRouNDEDll .,. l; ONslzE ERRoR i'percrive-stat6noni l- tzrno suppness t - -l rnre€er-r *nrr Ltuut-" PLAcEtsr]tELANK zenotl Lffi l8lfi:t-^| ^oo o..u*. ruersl rs da,&,s,e-rr, data-naae-2l. - li'j:::11.,l'detroxe.-,, l,':,::::^l 1,,,,::::,,;:..1...idenitbt-r n,",*o ,den.irie.-, rRourDEDr f-l "*6-+ [.{o*As*P#fn}*.t rl I lideititieF2 I Ll I lrxoexeoev ir.on,..-r]--i -""tu*2t...l ll, identiri",-"tRoUNoEpl'l -J ...t, oN stzE EmoR inpe.arivFsraredenrl H*=-)** ][ {m 1.,},,*'.,] L [f svxcxnorrzeollgar 11 I'}SYNC i IRIGHTI I Condirio.moy be bosed on: .-- | coRR I dd*"a'"-t ro datd@ne'2 rEgllglgl o condirion-nomedelincd by on 88-levelenl,y in ih. DATA DIVISION 499 [E6Eiespororxcl r [; ON ffi Elm itupe@tire-statenentI proceds.e-nane-l TOI procedure-nane2 3 ffi lO tPROCru t, Prccedu.e'natue tF id"ntitt"r rs tNoT| l!!!!!B!g_-.^l I ALTFA6E ' rL I TO tPROCEEDIOI prc.edutenane-1).., . o r.lotronol tesl: cLosE iilp.,an.-/ ,,^-"..-r. .. IREELI- LrrH lE-gJnrwtxoI l, /rs txol cnelren rnln\ L r!9!! t) I IsIxoTI LEssTHAN I IFROM I I ts{xoTl E0UALTo- t ideht'tieQ . COMPurE ,d.nriri"Fl l RoUxDEDlf, lEgglDEDt]- " I = I r id.ntit,e,.t 1 lrs u-wuru ro ([ia.*itx.z I (EAu^Ls \)lriletat-2 leor-rrsl -larirrncri.."rpns.io'-IllEXcEEDstF I tn.,,Lt l t [ia.n,,r,.,., I ll".nnne'ic'exp.es"'ior2, Itrc,"t i l; oN !IZ! ffi tdpe'ativesta'enc,'l I a.irfrmeric-erpres.ion I /:ii:+'- - \ | | t!,,^.-,_) ]l \rsirm, | o,spLAy{li:;;i;,1.,., }f{i;;;l;1..,11 [n*"*-.**.] / I PoslTlvE I identitip, G I I rstNol- { !!S-A-Ily1E } r zERo otvne li.o"",it,:-,I rNTord.ir,/i.-z tRouroEDl l. ,a""titi",-sRouNDEDll., lJ,,'hnF'h-{pnb.,,un, [ ] t- i; 0N sl!! ERROR inpetative-statene.tl I INCLUDEI I ;;;i- I ptocedu'.-nrn. crvrNG ,de,,iriF,.J I ROUNDEDI -owpe I:d""'i.t,:,-t l rrro I lr"",lt^.,', I - tt'teort | lrNcLuDEl , lN r l, ia.",;t;*-t {E!tl!SiSfl ... [; oN Slft ERRoRifupe.arive-s!€reaenrl llf,fl- | o-"e-pn-"rfru | ;i I ",@edh*nJfre . ^,, I identilier2l,-l r!cl!-P!l,.ocedur!-.d,€ prvrpE idenririe.-r ltl r;0NllzE ERRoRinpe"rive-srareaenrl I sEcr roN lr;;;;;;_;" t!!rl Forr.r 4: MOI{fTORid..tute.-l l, identitiet2l . 'de"'/t"r' '4n';'hr-2 orvtDE.......'.........._lt'tP.at-t l I By I I GrvrNG,den,,i'eFr rRouNpEDl l-lt'tetdt-2 l- .l... MOvE lid-n!r!t"rt | 1O id"iltti".-2L id"nti!ia-.tl... l, ,0"",,,,.-o IRouNDED l, oN stzE ERRoR tnpetarive-.tat"nenrl L -J f ,t,'.,ur, 1 !!fl!rFllllANr suBRouilNE ._-..- tcoRRESPONDlNGl.

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