BIATHLON ANTHOLZ ANTERSELVA BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON ANTHOLZ | ANTERSELVA 22.–25.01.2015 Freitag | Venerdi | Freitag Biathlon NEWS 23.01.2015 Herzlich willkommen die Sprintwertung nach fünf Kaisa Mäkäräinen steht auch von insgesamt zehn Sprints ein Sprintsieg zu Buche, sie in der Südtirol Arena, an. Wierer bestach im bis- jubelte in Hochfilzen. Die liebe Biathlonfreunde! herigen Saisonverlauf durch Finnin nimmt Rang drei in eine unglaubliche Konstanz. der Sprintwertung ein. Die Die Antholzer Biathlonwoche Sie kletterte zwei Mal als weiteren Saisonsiege auf der wird heute mit dem Sprint Zweite aufs Podium, wurde kurzen Distanz gingen an die der Damen fortgesetzt. Die einmal Vierte, landete einmal Tschechin Gabriela Soukalova besten Biathletinnen der Welt auf Rang neun und belegte (Pokljuka), deren Landsfrau müssen auf ihren „Latten“ einmal den 13. Platz. Hinter Veronika Vitkova (Oberhof) eine Strecke von 7,5 Kilome- Dorothea Wierer befindet sich und zuletzt in Ruhpolding an tern zurücklegen und dabei Tiril Eckhoff auf dem zweiten die Norwegerin Fanny Welle- zwei Schießübungen – einmal Platz der Sprintwertung. Die Strand Horn. liegend und einmal stehend – Norwegerin hat den Sprint in absolvieren. Östersund gewonnen. Im vergangenen Jahr setzte sich im Sprint Anais Bescond durch. Die Französin verwies bei ihrem allerersten Welt- cupsieg die Deutsche Andrea Henkel und die Weißrussin Darya Domracheva auf die Plätze. Von den heimischen Biathletinnen landete Doro- thea Wierer als beste „Azzur- ra“ auf Rang 25. Heuer zählt „Doro“ zu den Sie- ganwärterinnen. Die 24 Jahre Dorothea Wierer alte Rasnerin führt nämlich www.biathlon-antholz.it BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon Simon Schempp is the King of the Antholz Sprint once more Today marked the start of the Antholz Biath- mance. The Russian was flawless at the shoot- lon World Cup event at the Südtirol Arena. ing range as well but 14 seconds slower on the The first win went to Simon Schempp from course than Schempp. Garanchiev has already Germany repeating last year’s triumph in the taken the second place in the Antholz Sprint in 10 km sprint competition. the 2011/12 season. Jakov Fak from Slovenia Twelve months ago the 26-year-old from Ruh- who had a bad mistake at the second shoot- polding had tied with local hero Lukas Hofer ing came in third today. He was trailing 20.1 for first place. However, this time around he seconds behind. took the top spot as the sole winner in the end. The Italian local heroes didn’t make it to the Schempp was flawless at the shooting range spotlight in this first competition. Best „Azzur- and crossed the finish line after 21:18.8 min. ro“ was Lukas Hofer from Montal who made It’s his first sprint victory this season after two it to the 34th place after two misses at the second places, one in Hochfilzen and one in shooting range. Dominik Windisch from Rasen Ruhpolding. He also took the lead in the Disci- also made it to the Top-40. While he came in pline World Cup Score with 247 points 39th, Christian De Lorenzi and Thomas Bormo- Schempp beat Evgeniy Garanichev from Rus- lini finished the sprint competition in 44th and sia to second place with his brilliant perfor- 70th position. Jakov Fak, Simon Schempp, Evgeniy Garanichev ITALY Freitag | Venerdi | Freitag 201 5 BIATHLON ANTHOLZ 23.01.2015 ANTERSELVA Wierer e compagne pronte per la sprint di Anterselva La seconda giornata di 211 punti all’attivo, frutto di casa, Karin Oberhofer, sesta gare della tappa 2015 di due secondi posti, quattro nella graduatoria di specia- Coppa del mondo ad An- piazzamenti complessivi tra lità e capace di chiudere al terselva sarà caratterizza- le prime dieci, ed un tredice- secondo posto la sprint di ta dalla sprint femminile. simo posto quale peggior ri- Hochfilzen. “Gareggiare qui La prova, che si svolgerà sultato stagionale nelle gare è sempre bellissimo – af- sulla distanza di 7,5 km, veloci. “Manca ancora la vit- ferma l’atleta di Velturno vede, tra le favorite, anche toria – afferma l’altoatesina – e voglio godermi questa l’azzurra Dorothea Wierer, – e sarebbe bello ottenerla atmosfera. A fare la diffe- leader della classifica di nella gara di casa. È difficile, renza sarà la testa e spero specialità. però, fare previsioni, perché di riuscire a dare tutto il mio ogni prova ha le sue insidie: meglio”. Quest’anno la 24enne biat- l’obiettivo è quello di mante- leta di Rasun si presenta nere il pettorale rosso”. A Oberhof, il 9 di gennaio, è al via con grandi ambizioni, arrivato anche il podio di Ni- essendo, ad oggi, la miglio- Da tenere sott’occhio c’è cole Gontier in sprint, sintomo re del circuito in sprint, con anche l’altra concorrente di dell’ottimo stato di salute della squadra rosa. La valdostana, assente lo scorso anno ad An- terselva, vuole confermare an- che alla Südtirol Arena i miglio- ramenti palesati nel corso di questa stagione. “Lavorare con questo gruppo – spiega Gon- tier – ti permette di crescere. Mi è dispiaciuto mancare un anno fa ed ora sono pronta ad affrontare questo tracciato; è difficile fare pronostici su quel- lo che accadrà, sicuramente noi daremo il nostro massimo”. Karin Oberhofer e Nicole Gontier www.biathlon-antholz.it BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON – 2014/2015 ANTHOLZ - ANTERSELVA WOMEN 7.5 KM SPRINT Südtirol Arena FRI 23 JAN 2015 Start Time: 14:30 Start List Summary Start Start Bib Name Nat Remarks Bib Name Nat Remarks Time Time START LIST 1 HORN Fanny Welle-Strand NOR 14:30:30 50 GWIZDON Magdalena POL 14:55:00 2 DAHLMEIER Laura GER 14:31:00 51 BESCOND Anais FRA 14:55:30 Women 7,5 km SPRINT 3 DOMRACHEVA Darya BLR 14:31:30 52 TANAKA Yurie JPN 14:56:00 4 ECKHOFF Tiril NOR 14:32:00 53 MUN Ji-Hee KOR 14:56:30 5 GEREKOVA Jana SVK 14:32:30 54 KISTANOVA Anna KAZ 14:57:00 6 GONTIER Nicole ITA 14:33:00 55 CHRAPANOVA Martina SVK 14:57:30 7 GLAZYRINA Ekaterina RUS 14:33:30 56 SELEDTSOVA Evgenia RUS 14:58:00 8 LANDOVA Jitka CZE 14:34:00 57 SILTAKORPI Annukka FIN 14:58:30 9 r WIERER Dorothea ITA 14:34:30 58 LIGHTFOOT Amanda GBR 14:59:00 10 HEINICKE Megan CAN 14:35:00 59 ZDOUC Dunja AUT 14:59:30 11 HOJNISZ Monika POL 14:35:30 60 HAECKI Lena SUI 15:00:00 12 DUNKLEE Susan USA 14:36:00 61 TOMESOVA Barbora CZE 15:00:30 13 PREUSS Franziska GER 14:36:30 62 TANG Jialin CHN 15:01:00 14 INNERHOFER Katharina AUT 14:37:00 63 LEHTLA Kadri EST 15:01:30 15 GREGORIN Teja SLO 14:37:30 64 ERZEN Anja SLO 15:02:00 16 NOWAKOWSKA-ZIEMNIAK WeronikaPOL 14:38:00 65 VARVYNETS Iryna UKR 15:02:30 17 SOUKALOVA Gabriela CZE 14:38:30 66 GOESSNER Miriam GER 15:03:00 18 OBERHOFER Karin ITA 14:39:00 67 BRAISAZ Justine FRA 15:03:30 19 TOFALVI Eva ROU 14:39:30 68 YURLOVA Daria EST 15:04:00 20 VITKOVA Veronika CZE 14:40:00 69 YORDANOVA Emilia BUL 15:04:30 21 VIROLAYNEN Daria RUS 14:40:30 70 SLOOF Chardine NED 15:05:00 22 SUZUKI Fuyuko JPN 14:41:00 71 ANDERSSON Ingela SWE 15:05:30 23 DZHYMA Juliya UKR 14:41:30 72 DREISSIGACKER Hannah USA 15:06:00 24 LATUILLIERE Enora FRA 14:42:00 73 SZOECS Emoeke HUN 15:06:30 25 y MAKARAINEN Kaisa FIN 14:42:30 74 RANSOM Julia CAN 15:07:00 26 BURDYGA Natalya UKR 14:43:00 75 KOCERGINA Natalija LTU 15:07:30 27 SKARDINO Nadezhda BLR 14:43:30 76 GUZIK Krystyna POL 15:08:00 28 HILDEBRAND Franziska GER 14:44:00 77 FERENCZ Reka ROU 15:08:30 29 STOYANOVA Desislava BUL 14:44:30 78 PADIAL HERNANDEZ Victoria ESP 15:09:00 30 GASPARIN Elisa SUI 14:45:00 79 SANFILIPPO Federica ITA 15:09:30 31 LAUKKANEN Mari FIN 14:45:30 80 OLSBU Marte NOR 15:10:00 32 HOEGBERG Elisabeth SWE 14:46:00 81 DUBAREZAVA Nastassia BLR 15:10:30 33 MALI Andreja SLO 14:46:30 82 VOLKEN Flurina SUI 15:11:00 34 PISCORAN Luminita ROU 14:47:00 83 TRUSOVA Irina RUS 15:11:30 35 ABRAMOVA Olga UKR 14:47:30 84 KOEVA Dafinka BUL 15:12:00 36 SHUMILOVA Ekaterina RUS 14:48:00 85 KRYUKO Iryna BLR 15:12:30 37 HAUSER Lisa Theresa AUT 14:48:30 86 LANDHEIM Bente NOR 15:13:00 38 GASPARIN Aita SUI 14:49:00 87 KHRUSTALEVA Elena KAZ 15:13:30 39 RINGEN Elise NOR 14:49:30 88 BOLLIET Marine FRA 15:14:00 40 COOK Annelies USA 14:50:00 89 KNOLL Annika GER 15:14:30 41 CRAWFORD Rosanna CAN 14:50:30 90 PAULAUSKAITE Natalija LTU 15:15:00 42 POLIAKOVA Terezia SVK 14:51:00 91 PITON Karolina POL 15:15:30 43 KUMMER Luise GER 14:51:30 92 MERKUSHYNA Anastasiya UKR 15:16:00 44 ROMANOVA Yana RUS 14:52:00 93 PHANEUF Madeleine Grace USA 15:16:30 45 PUSKARCIKOVA Eva CZE 14:52:30 94 ZHANG Yan CHN 15:17:00 46 DORIN HABERT Marie FRA 14:53:00 95 VAILLANCOURT Audrey CAN 15:17:30 47 BRORSSON Mona SWE 14:53:30 96 PREKOPOVA Natalia SVK 15:18:00 48 SEMERENKO Valj UKR 14:54:00 97 VIIGIPUU Kristel EST 15:18:30 49 PISAREVA Nadzeya BLR 14:54:30 LEGEND Nat Nation r Red Bib y Yellow Bib Report Created THU 22 JAN 2015 17:04 Page 1/1 BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON – 2014/2015 ITALY Freitag | Venerdi | Freitag 201 5 ANTHOLZ - ANTERSELVA BIATHLON WOMEN 7.5 KM SPRINT ANTHOLZ Südtirol Arena 23.01.2015 ANTERSELVA FRI 23 JAN 2015 Start Time: 14:30 Start List Summary Start Start Bib Name Nat Remarks Bib Name Nat Remarks Time Time Dorothea Wierer 1 HORN Fanny Welle-Strand NOR 14:30:30 50 GWIZDON Magdalena POL 14:55:00 2 DAHLMEIER Laura GER 14:31:00 51 BESCOND Anais FRA 14:55:30 3 DOMRACHEVA Darya BLR 14:31:30 52 TANAKA Yurie JPN 14:56:00 4 ECKHOFF Tiril NOR 14:32:00 53 MUN Ji-Hee KOR 14:56:30 5 GEREKOVA Jana SVK 14:32:30 54 KISTANOVA Anna KAZ 14:57:00 6 GONTIER Nicole ITA 14:33:00 55 CHRAPANOVA Martina SVK 14:57:30 7 GLAZYRINA Ekaterina RUS 14:33:30 56 SELEDTSOVA Evgenia RUS 14:58:00 8 LANDOVA Jitka CZE 14:34:00 57 SILTAKORPI Annukka FIN 14:58:30 9 r WIERER Dorothea ITA 14:34:30 58 LIGHTFOOT Amanda GBR 14:59:00 10 HEINICKE Megan CAN 14:35:00 59
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