X j ' r Average llailjr Net Press Run The Weather For tte Week E iM ' . Foreoaat of V, B. Weather Bareha ISS*' Fair and ^nOder toolght. low hi 13^578 SOe. MooHy M injr and mnch wann* 'Member of the Abdit or Taeeday. High 16 to St. Burewi o f XMrcqtettoa Mancheiter-^A Cky o/f Village Charm - » - x - VO^lXXXI.NO.190 (SiXl^EN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, MAY 14, 1962 (Olawlfled Advertlebit oa Fate 14) PRICE FITE CENTS State News r ' <il Roundup U. S. Conibat Marines Japan to Buy 11 Helicopters From Sikorsky STRATFORD (AP) — Si­ korsky Aircraft announce44" X lye today that 11 of its new BSS- 2 twin-turbine helicpptew will R iv a ls A ir be purchased by t^Japan ese Plan Puts Defense A gen ^^ Japan has cjiobm the HSS-2 for Inclusion in its antt-submarlne< C onditions warfare wbapona system, Sikorsky Force on salA .x'^ .PteUveries to the Japanese Navy rlU run from February 1964 to No­ For Parley vember 1966. The first three helicopters will By ANTOINE YARBD Laos Line be built here. The rest will be man­ ufactured in Japan by Mitsubishi VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) H S a v y Industries Reorganized,, — American diplomats strove WASHINGTON (AP) titd.,' which Is licensed to produce today to bring the ^warring Thailand hag agreed to admit and sell the HSS-2. factions in Labs to" the confer­ IJJS. conibat Marines from the 7th Fleet and will get farther J^ertden Man Killad ence table but the feuding WALLINGBXiRD (AP) — A 60- princes so far could not agree IJ.S. aid to shore op her anti- year-old Meriden man was killed on conditions for resumption Communist defenses, sources early yesterday when his car of peace talks. said today. •< amazed into a tree after skidding Reliable sources said the ,U.S. Bcrods North Colony Rd. diplomatic effort, backed up by LONDON I a P) — Britain Police said Kenneth Dunphy was an open show of military might, said today she fully backs dead on arrival at Meriden Hos­ was nudcing little headway toward pital. He was. alone In the car, getting pro-(^mmunlst forces moves being taken in Smith- which was demolished. back behind the cease-fire line. east -Asia by the Ufiited Prince Bonn Gum’s royal gov­ States to deal with the Laos The Rev. Dr. Stuart HwnUton Mcrrlom stands outMde of New Groton Man tHUled ernment cabled Prince ^uvanna situation. York's Broadway Presbyterian Church after eupjxHters. quit GROTON (A P )— A 64-year-old Phouma, the neutralist leader va­ A Foreign Office spokes­ cationing In Paris, to return home inonilng servtcea yesterday; (AP Photofax). man out for a spin In his son-in- man defined Britain’s posi­ law's smaU foreign car was killed for peace talks. yesterday when the vehicle went Souvanna agreed, but only If. tion at a news conference. He out control and struck a tree. Boun Oum sent a delegation to' also stress^ that Britain still ( a 275 Walk Out, 125 Stay Dead la Joseph E. Bolsrile. His the "rebel headquarters In the feels it is possible to achieve Bon-ln-law,. Carl Lamb o f W ater­ Plaine des Jarres for talks with a political solution for Laos. ford, identified by police aa the his aides to draft a preliminary driver of the car, was reported In agreement. By JOHN M. mOHTOWER htet critical condition at Lawrence Me- U.S. anobaasadors in Vientiane Worshipers Protest m<^al Hospital In New London. and Paris served aa Intermedi­ WASHINGTON (AP) — aries in delivering the exchangee. American forces throughoutyr 85 to 86 Neither the government nor Prince the United States and the J*a- HARTFORD (AP) — The SUte Souvaima showed any Inclination cific area were under alert to­ to modify their demands. Prlnce Juan Oarlos of Spain waves to spectators as he and hla bride. Princess Boifiiie of Greece, Minister Motor Vehicle Department's daily leave Roman Catholic Cathedral of Denis In Athens today. (AP Photofax via radio from Athens.) Ouster of Thero was no word of further day as permission was await­ record of automobile fatsJltles. as 1 » ...... - ...............- ■ .............. ... ed to land U.S. combat Ma­ of last midnight and the totsda on advances by the pro-Communlsts the same date last year: who overran government outposts rines in Thailand, which bor- KinW YORK (AlP)—The oustorf Among hlghli^ta of the com­ in the northwest and sent 2,000 plaint, againet Dr. Merriam—as 1961 1962 111 Two Ceremonies Van Allen Raps bers Communist • embattled at the Betv. Dr.'Stuart Hamilton KUled ................. .......86 86 royal troops fleeing across the Laos. Merrism as mlnlsten of tlimBroad- stated by the administrator— Mekong River to neighboring were that be had been too "rigid” That bttlelaU were expected to way Ihredbyteriaji Church led Sun­ Tliailand. Effc>rt Now for agree promptly to the U.g. request day to a protest by 216 persona In hla 8iT>ro8udi to theological Extended Forecast Diplomats In touch with rebel matters; .and that , he was not for landing of the Marine force In who walked out of morning wor- WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)—U.8. headquarters In Khong Khay said Sophie of Greece conq>etent to minister to a church the little kingdom. - Weather Bureau issued this five- leaders of the Red-teaning Pathst Man in Space "**^o supporters of Dr. Merriam in the imlverslty and professional Lao warnad that the sooner talks The move Involving the Marine* coRununlty in which me Broad^ day foraeast today for Connecti­ wea ordered by President Kenne­ tilled to the dawnatairs auditori­ cut, for May 16-19; gsjt tinder way toward setting up um. where a prayer service was way church ia located. WASHINGTON (A P )—Dr, dy as part of hie broad strategy The outlook for Connecticut si poalitioii government the b^ter. amea A. Van Allen baa down' to bolster antl-Conununist de­ held. The Rev. Mr. McClellah «l60 After driving 100 miles beyond the Weds fuan Carlos r)|jl said that *T>r. Merriam appears Thseday through Saturday, c*na graded present U.S. man-ln-spaoe fenses in Southeast A sIa It also The X2S- persons who xamalned for temperaturea topyerage 2 to ceasf-ilra Ihie ia a weear»,tM Mb- projects, contending that "for the was 'aimed at getttng V.8. troops In the obuFch proper heard an in­ 7 degraea above nennaL Reeoming sir reportedly tfafeetened. enoUier same Investment of effort we Into position fo r gHtefc Intervention dictment of Dr. Merrlam's minis­ all^mt offensive unless a political By PHIL DOPOULOfl fbring Ub twf children iii her.hiu were removed for not being "aware warmer at the beghudng of the ATHENS, Greece (AP)—Plnce band's faith. learn much more without the In Laos itself should he decide try by the Rev- Otaydon E. Mc­ period then much warmer toward aettlemeiff is reached. man.' such action is necessary and derir- Clellan, chief administretive offi­ of the aeriouaiuss of Dr. Menrt- Souvaima, backed by the United Juan Carlos of Spain and Princess OiiU'Ch bells rang, artillery guns am's leadership deficiencies." the ««L The normal mean tempe­ Sophie of Greece were married to­ roared cut a salute and a gathsr- Van Allen, discoverer of the I able, cer of the Presbytery df New Btsitee and Russia, was designated sarth-encircling belt of radiation In rapid developments: York. Dr. Merriam, who was in the rature during this period In the day In two religious ceremonies as in g .o f 120 royal guests looked on HartfMd area U 60 degrees rang­ by King Savang Vathana six named for him, ventured the opin­ The Marine detachment of 2,000 The Rev. Mr. Modellan gave an church when his foUowers walked months ago to form a national tens of thousands of Greeks with excitement as the prlnce'il 24, ing from an average of 73 to a cheered. and the princesa, 23, took their ion In testimony before the House combat-ready man moved into explaiHition ot why the Presby­ out, joined them*In the service unity government Appropriations Committee. His tery ousted Dr. Merriam from his downstairs. Most of those who low of 47, In New Haven the The dashing prince, groomed by vows with ''Nel’’—a Greek word Southeast Aslan waters as part of range k 67 to 47 and in Bridge­ The neutralist leader made sev Generalissimo Ftancisco Franco that sounds like ''nay' 'but means testimony was made public today. a 7th Fleet aircraft carrier task pulpit at a closed meeting. last walked out were elderly persons erl attempts but they collapsed "A monke.v made the first or­ Monday night Tho PreSb^ry— or coUege etudehts. port^ to 48. to occupy the long vacant Spanish "y es” force. Other elements o f (he pow- Fiecipltatlon will, on the aver­ when the anti-CommunIst Vientl- throne, first married the daughter bital trip and he m'^ide out all •governing body for 62 Presbyter­ Dr. Merriam, S6, a bachelor, The Most Rev. Benedict Prh)' right,” Van Allen told the com­ ian riiuroheS in Manhattan, the said after leaving the churdu age, total one tenth to six tenths of Greece’s rulers in his own teals, Roman Catholic archbishop (Oonttnned on Page Four) (Oontfamed oo Page Eleven) feith at the Roman Catholic Cathe­ mittee. Bronx and Staten Island ■ sjiso re- "What has happened is that non- of an inch occurring as scattered of Athens, officiated at the cere­ He said he did not view Astro­ movM the elders of the Broadway oonformity has became A eln showers about Thuiiday.
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