THE VOICE 4301 Blicayn* Blvd., Miami 3B. Ha. Return Postage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida Vol. II, No. 1 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy March 25, 1960 Sunday Holy Hour Vocation Month Climax ^ for Vocations will day By* Bishop Coleman F. thedral, Serra JVlass Server unprecedented number of can- of parishes throughout the dio- ndueted at 3 p.m. next Carroll, it will be a day of Awards will be presented to didates for the priesthood has cese, have expressed their de- Sun3ay, March 27, in St. Mary more than 100 altar boys from fervent supplication and pray- already necessitated plans for sire- to enter the priesthood and Cathedral to mark the climax of parishes of the diocese by Msgr. ers that vocations to the will take entrance examinations the Vocation Month * program in priesthood and sisterhood may William F. McKeever, diocesan additional buildings. the Diocese of Miami. for the seminary on Saturday. be increased in the diocese. superintendent of schools. Coincident with the announce- Designated as Vocation Sun- During ceremonies at the Ca- The sermon will be given ment of plans for Vocation Sun- Hundreds of teenage boys, ac- by Father John R. Young, day, Father James J. Walsh re- companied by their parents, rep- P. M., rector of St. John Vian- vealed this week that a large resenting every parish in the ney Minor Seminary where the number of boys, representative (Continued on Page 11) Bishop Walsh In China Prison Symbol Of Resistance To Reds HONG KONG (NC) — The charges of illegal foreign cur- prison teems given by Red Chi- rency transactions. In nese courts to two Bishops — Gdansk, Poland, Father Wlod- one the last U.S. missioner in zimierz Gutowski received a mainland China — are regard- ed here as evidence of the con- three-year prison term for al- tinuing resistance of China's legedly opposing secularistic Catholics to their communist instruction in schools. rulers. Observers here regard the Sentenced by the Reds on sentencing of Bishops Walsh and trumped-up charges of treas- Kung as a desperate attempt by on and espionage was Bishop Chinese communists to discredit James E. Walsh, M.M., for- staunch defenders of the Vati- mer Superior General of the can in the eyes of China's Cath- Maryknoll Fathers who has olics. The Reds apparently, be- been under arrest in Shanghai lieve that their action against • since 1958. He was condemned Catholic leaders loyal to the to 20 years in jail. Holy See will help their drive Voice Photo NC Photo to set up a schismatic national MASS Server Awards will be The communists also sentenc- NC Photo church subservient to commu- The Most Rev. Howard J. Carroll, Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown. presented to altar boys of the ed Bishop Ignatius Kung, S.J., BISHOP JAMES E. Walsh, nism. of Shanghai to life imprison- M.M., has been sentenced to 20 diocese during Holy Hour for ment on similar charges. Thir- years in prison by the Chinese Hong Kong observers also Vocations, Sunday in the Bishop Carroll Will Offer teen Chinese priests were given communists. The action has (Continued on Page 2) Cathedral. prison terms along with Bishop brought vigorous protests from Kung. many quarters- including the Requiem For Brother Bishop U.S. State Department. A Chi- Meanwhile, across the com- nese bishop and 13 Chinese Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, of the third, Msgr. Walter S. Car- munist world, Bishops were con- Laymen Sign-Up For Census; priests received sentences up to Miami, will be,, celebrant of a roll, who died in 1950, served victed by Red courts in Czecho- life imprisonment with Bishop Pontifical Requiem Mass for his in the Papal Secretariat of State slovakia and Yugoslavia and a Walsh. brother, Bishop Howard J. Car- at the Vatican. priest was sentenced to jail in Train wo Starts In Parishes roll, of Alfoona-Johnstown, next Representing the Diocese of Poland. Thousands of laymen already Volunteers are still needed vakia. Bishop Smiljam Ce- Monday, March 28, in Blessed Miami at the Mass and funer- have volunteered to take the in all parts of the diocese, ac- Bishop Ladislav Hlad was kada of Skoplje, Yugoslavia, Sacrament Cathedral, Al- al in Altoona Monday will be jailed for nine years for "anti- door-to-door census of the Dio- cording to Richard J. Rob- tooria, Pa. was • given a suspended sen- (Continued on Page 3) state activities" in Czechoslo- tence after conviction on cese of Miami on Sunday, erts, Jr., census chairman. He The Miami prelate was at the April 24. said that laymen who have side of his brother when he died The favorable response to the not been contacted by tele- last Monday, in Providence Hos- phone or in person "ought to pital Washington, D.C. appeal for enumerators was in- dicated, at meetings held this call their rectories and vol- •^Wp^Howard Carroll had week in nearly all parishes as unteer for the job. More than gone to Washington to consult pastors and their committees 20,000 men can be utilized in With a longtime friend and the project. The more we physician and was advised to mapped, plans for the census. have, the easier the task will enter the hospital for medical The parish meetings, were tests. His condition, not be." an expected development in a thought to be serious, worsen- ed two days later and he series of five training sessions Materials to be used in the died less tha • five days after held last week. census will be forwarded to entering the hospital. Parish leaders were briefed parishes during the coming He had served 14 years as "on census-taking techniques by week. The questionnaires will geneFal secretary of the Nation- Landon G. Haynes, of the First be used in the training sessions al Catholic Welfare Conference Research Corporation, and which are scheduled in every in Washington before being Father Lamar J. Genovar, mod- parish at the convenience of named Bishop of the Altoona- erator of the Diocesan Council the volunteers. Johnstown Diocese in Decem- of Catholic Men. The DCCM is ber, 1957. Pastors and enumerators who directing the census. The late Bishop was one of need additional information on three brothers, all of whom be- Voice Photo Information gathered at the the census have been directed came priests serving in the Di- CENSUS MATERIALS are being .packed by stu- supervising the task is Father Lamar J. Gen- initial training sessions is now to contact Visitation Rectory, ocese of Pittsburgh. Two of the dents of Notre Dame Academy for distribution ovar, of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Men. being passed on to parish 19100 N. Miami Ave., North Mi- brothers became bishops and to all parishes beginning this week; Shown At right is Mother Maria Jane, I.H.M., principal. workers. ami, National 1-7811. Bishop Walsh Symbolizes Ailing Cardinal Tardini Asks Resistance To China Reds Release From Vatican Post (Continued from Page 1) who personally directed the VATICAN CITY (NC) — Do- longer have one hour free." The menico Cardinal Tardini told a Cardinal added: "I can assure fear that the trials may mean Kung Pin-mei traitorous coun- terrevolutionary clique, came press conference that it is his you that he kept his word." further severe measures against to China in 1948 when the "sincere desire" to resign as Cardinal Tardini recalled that Catholics in Red China in the Chinese People's Revolution Vatican Secretary'of State, for he had been a seminary profes- near future. was approaching victory and reasons of health. sor before his appointment. the Chiang Kai-shek reaction- "Think of it," he said, "six The 72-year-old Cardinal, who They point out that the vast ary rule was on the verge of hours of teaching a week and 40 has been suffering from a heart majority of Chinese Catholics total collapse. Dispatched by days of vacation." illness, added immediately that will have nothing to do with the ' U.S. imperialism and the the decision regarding a resig- Vatican - condemned "patrio- Vatican, he came to China nation is up to Pope John - tic" church and that the trials , together with Cardinal Fran- Vatican Library 'Busy' XXIII. He said he would carry were used by the Reds to cis Spellman, U.S. imperial- on until relieved. •' VATICAN CITY (NO — The equate loyalty to the Holy See ist, to make counterrevolu- Vatican Library served thou- with treason in the minds of the tionary 'emergency' arrange- Cardinal Tardini called the sands of scholars throughout people. ments with a view to under- press conference to discuss a the wo: 1 ' , 5959. mining the Chinese People's booklet he has prepared on the During the year, the" i* - Catholic sources here report revolutionary cause." reign of Pope Pius XII. During that in addition to the illicit allowed ±,477 scholars of e>~<y most of the, hour-long confer- nationality to use its facilities, consecration of more than 30 Other foreign churchmen ence he chatted about his rem- schismatic bishops, scores of which include more than 60,000 charged with part of the "plot" iniscences of Popes Pius XII manuscripts and about 700,000 Catholic priests and Religious include Monte Carlo-born Arch- and Pius XL volumes. Specialists working on have been jailed for opposing bishop Antonio Riberi, now Ap- He recalled that when Pius projects within the Vatican Li- the Red-dominated Patriotic As- ostolic Nuncio to Ireland, who XI named him to the Vatican brary, are given working space sociation of Chinese Catholics. was ousted by the Reds as Secretariat of State in 1935, the and are served by the library's TARGET OF ABUSE Internuncio to China in 1951, Pope told him: "You will no personnel.
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