Joanna M. Taylor Staff Scientist II, Science Support Space Telescope Science Institute 3700 San Martin Drive Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 338-4501 [email protected] http://www.stsci.edu/~jotaylor EMPLOYMENT JWST/NIRISS branch 2018-present (STScI) HST/COS branch 2016-2018 HST/COS+STIS combined branch 2012-2016 EDUCATION Indiana University; Bloomington, IN 2012 B.S. in Astronomy/Astrophysics and Physics Minors in Mathematics and Italian ULLYSES ULLYSES Data Team Lead Aug 2020-present ULLYSES Data Team Deputy Mar-Aug 2020 ULLYSES Data Products and Technical Implementation 2019-2020 JWST/NIRISS WFSS Team 2018-present Pipeline Testing 2018-present JWST Slitless Spectroscopy Master Class Instructor 2019 USER SUPPORT NIRISS Help Desk Agent 2018-present Triage Help Desk Lead 2015-2018 COS and FOS Help Desk Lead 2016-2018 COS and FOS Help Desk Agent 2012-2018 STIS and GHRS Help Desk Agent 2012-2016 Triage Help Desk Agent 2013-2015 HST/COS COS Data Retrieval and Monitoring (COSMO project) 2012-2018, 2020 Pipeline Block Lead 2016-2018 ETC Lead 2016-2018 NUV TDS Analysis 2013-2018 OPUS/DP Build Testing 2012-2018 FUV LP4 Support 2016-2017 Pipeline Block Deputy 2014-2016 FUV Hotspot Analysis 2015 FUV LP3 Support 2014-2015 COS LSF Generation with Code V 2014 HST/STIS Pipeline Block Deputy 2014-2016 STIS CCD Performance Monitoring 2013-2016 STIS CCD Dark Monitoring 2013-2016 STIS CCD Bias and Readnoise Monitoring 2013-2016 STIS CCD Annealing Monitoring 2013-2016 CalSTIS Testing 2012-2013 OPUS Build Testing 2013 MISC. Spectroscopy Code Review Chair 2015-present INS New Hire Trainer 2013-2018 ReDCaT Team (formerly CRDS/CDBS team) 2012-2016 HST TAC Panel Support Scientist 2013 RESEARCH An Optimized COS Background Correction 2020-present SUPPORT With Drs. Svea Hernandez and Alessandra Aloisi SPAMM: Spectral Properties of AGNs Modeled with MCMC 2016-2019 With Dr. Gisella de Rosa Horizontal Branch Star Atmospheres Near 20,000K 2016-2017 With Dr. Tom Brown Searching for a Supermassive Black Hole in BCG 2261 2015-2016 With Dr. Marc Postman COURSES/ Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential 2020 TRAINING Franklin Covey Advanced Python Programming 2018 Mike Kullen of Accelebrate SciPy Tutorials 2015 Advanced Python Course 2015 Wesley Emeneker of Continuum Analytics Software Carpentry Course 2013 Greg Wilson of Software Carpentry Scientific Python Course 2012-2013 SOFTWARE Programming Languages SKILLS Python, Fortran, IDL, SuperMongo, Mathematica Astronomical Software IRAF/PyRAF, DS9, APT, Code V Tools SQL databases, LaTeX, git/version control PREVIOUS Research Assistant, Indiana University 2010-2012 WORK EXP. Metallicities of Active Galaxies Advisor: Dr. John J. Salzer Research Intern, National Optical Astronomy Observatory 2011 Investigating X-ray selected AGN in a Merging Cluster Advisor: Dr. Dara Norman Research Intern, Lowell Observatory 2010 Using the O I λ7774 Line as a Luminosity Indicator in Yellow Supergiants Advisor: Dr. Philip Massey Research Assistant, Indiana University 2008-2010 Spectroscopic Studies of Stars in NGC 752 Advisor: Dr. Catherine A. Pilachowski OBSERVING Kitt Peak National Observatory; Tucson, AZ EXPERIENCE WIYN 0.9m Telescope KPNO 2.1m Telescope WIYN 3.5m Telescope Steward Observatory; Tucson, AZ 61” Kuiper Telescope PROFESSIONAL American Astronomical Society 2010-present MEMBERSHIPS Society of Physics Students 2010-2013 PAPERS 1. Wegner, G. A., Salzer, J. J., Taylor, Joanna, Hirschauer, A.S. 2019, ApJ, 883, 1. 2. Brown, T.M., Taylor, Joanna, Cassisi, S., Sweigart, A.V., Bellini, A., Bedin, L.R., Salaris, M., Renzini, A., Dalessandro, E. 2017, ApJ, 851, 2. 3. Burke-Spolaor, S., Gultekin, K., Postman, M., Lauer, T. R., Taylor, Joanna. Lazio, T.J.W., Moustakas, L.A. 2017, ApJ, 849, 1. 4. Turner, J, Pearson, K., Biddle, L., Smart, B., Zellem, R., Teske, J., Hardegree-Ulmann, K., Griffith, C., Leiter, R., Cates, I., Nieberding, M., Smith, C., Thompson, R., Hoffman, R., Berube, M., Nguyen, C., Small, L., Guvenen, B., Richardson, L., McGraw, A., Raphael, B., Crawford, B., Robertson, A., Tombleson, R., Carleton, T., Towner, A., Walker- LaFollete, A., Hume, J., Watson, Z., Jones, C., Lichtenberger, M., Hoglund, S., Cook, K., Crossen, C., Jorgensen, C., Romine, J., Thompson, A., Villegas, C., Wilson, A., Sanford, B., Taylor, Joanna, Henz, ,T. 2016, MNRAS, 459, 1. 5. Turner, J., Smart, B., Hardegree-Ulmann, K. Carleton, T., Walker-LaFollette, A., Crawford, B., Smith, C., McGraw, A., Small, L., Rocchetto, M., Cunningham, K., Towner, A., Zellem, R., Robertson, A., Guvenen, B., Schwarz, K., Hardegree-Ullman, E., Collura, D., Henz, T., Lejoly, C., Richardson, L., Weinand, M., Taylor, Joanna, Daugherty, M., Wilson, A., Austin, C. 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Taylor, Joanna. JWST NIRISS Simulations and How to Use Them. ASPC; Oct. 2019; Accepted and pending publication. 2. Taylor, Joanna, Ely, J., Fix, M., COSMO: Using Python and Databases to Monitor HST’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. ASPC; Oct. 2016; 521, 410. 3. Sahnow, D., Becker, G., Debes, J., Ely, J., Lockwood, S., Massa, D., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Proffitt, C., Roman-Duval, J., Sana, H., Sonnentrucker, P., Taylor, Joanna. Characterizing, controlling, and correcting distortions in the COS FUV detector. SPIE; Aug 2015; 9601, 96010Q. TECHNICAL REPORTS 1. Taylor, Joanna, 2018, ISR COS 2018-11, Cycle 24 COS/NUV Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitor 2. Fox A., Penton, S., Taylor, Joanna. 2017, ISR COS 2017-17, Focusing the COS/FUV G160M and G140L Gratings at Lifetime Position 4 3. Taylor, Joanna, 2017, ISR COS 2017-13, Cycle 23 COS/NUV Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitor 4. Debes, J. H., Becker, G., Roman-Duval, J., Ely, J., Massa, D., Oliveira, C., Plesha, R., Proffitt, C., Taylor, Joanna, 2016, ISR COS 2016-15, Third COS FUV Lifetime Calibration Program: Flatfield and Flux Calibrations 5. Taylor, Joanna, 2016, ISR COS 2016-10, Cycle 22 COS/NUV Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitor 6. Sonnentrucker, P., De Rosa, G., Debes, J. H., Ely, J., Fox, A., Lockwood, S., Fix, M., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Roman-Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Taylor, Joanna, Welty, A. D., Wheeler, T., White, J., 2016, ISR COS 2016-04, Summary of COS Cycle 23 Calibration Plan 7. Sonnentrucker, P., Becker, G., Bostroem, K. A., , G., Debes, J. H., Ely, J., Fox, A., Lockwood, S., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Proffitt, C., Roman-Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Taylor, Joanna, Sana, H., Welty, A. D., Wheeler, T., 2016, ISR COS 2016-04, Summary of COS Cycle 22 Calibration Plan 8. Sana, H., Fox, A., Roman-Duval, J., Ely, J., Cox, C., DiFelice, A., Hernandez, S., Lockwood, S., Oliveira, C., Proffitt, C., Sonnentrucker, P., Taylor, Joanna, Welty, A., Wheeler, T. 2015, ISR STIS 2015-09, Summary of the STIS Cycle 21 Calibration Program 9. Sana, H., Fox, A., Roman-Duval, J., Ely, J., Bostroem, A., Lockwood, S., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Proffitt, C., Sahnow, D., Sonnentrucker, P., Taylor, Joanna, Welty, A., Wheeler, T. 2015, ISR COS 2015-06, Summary of the COS Cycle 21 Calibration Program 10. Proffitt, C., Bostroem, K. A., Ely, J., Foster, D., Hernandez, S., Hodge, P., Jedrzejewski, R., Lockwood, S., Massa, D., Peeples, M., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Roman- Duval, J., Sana, H., Sahnow, D., Sonnentrucker, P., Taylor, Joanna. 2015, ISR COS 2015-03, Changes to the COS Extraction Algorithm for Lifetime Position 3 11. Taylor, Joanna, Proffitt, C., Roman-Duval, J., Jedrzejewski, R., Ely, J., Oliveira, C. 2015, TIR COS 2015-02, COS Optimal Extraction Trace Correction Verification 12. Hernandez, S., Aloisi, A., Cox, A., Ely, J., Lockwood, S., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Proffitt, C., Sana, H., Taylor, Joanna. 2015, TIR STIS 2014-02, Overview of the STIS Monitoring Program POSTERS 1. Taylor, Joanna, NIRISS Team, The Observing Modes of JWST/NIRISS. AAS #232; June 2018; #125.01 2. Sankrit, R., De Rosa, G., Fischer, W.J., Fix, M., Fox, A., Indriolo, N., James, B., Jedrzejewski, R., Magness, C., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Rafelski, M., Roman- Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Snyder, E., Taylor, Joanna, White, J., New HST/COS FUV Modes G140L/800 and G160M/1533. AAS #232; June 2018; #119.10 3. Rafelski, M., De Rosa, G., Fischer, W.J., Fix, M., Fox, A., Indriolo, N., James, B., Magness, C., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Roman-Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Sankrit, R., Snyder, E., Taylor, Joanna, White, J., COS2025: Extending the Lifetime of the FUV channel of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph to 2025. AAS #231; January 2018; #150.38 4. Snyder, E., De Rosa, G., Fischer, W.J., Fix, M., Fox, A., Indriolo, N., James, B., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Rafelski, M., Roman-Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Sankrit, R., Taylor, Joanna, White, J., Status and Performance Updates for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. AAS #231; January 2018; #355.40 5. Taylor, Joanna, De Rosa, G., Fix, M., Fox, A., Indriolo, N., James, B., Jedrzejewski, R., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Proffitt, C., Rafelski, M., Roman-Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Snyder, E., Sonnentrucker, P., White, J., Updated Status and Performance at the Fourth HST COS FUV Lifetime Position. AAS #230; June 2017; #117.12 6. Fix, M., De Rosa, G., Fox, A., Indriolo, N., James, B., Jedrzejewski, R., Oliveira, C., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Rafelski, M., Roman-Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Sonnentrucker, P., Snyder, E., Taylor, Joanna, White, J., Updated Status and Performance of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. AAS #229; Jan 2017; #436.04 7. Taylor, Joanna, Ely, J., Fix, M., COSMO: Using Python and Databases to Monitor HST’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. ADASS XXVI; Oct. 2016; P6-24 8. Lockwood, S., Debes, J., Ely, J., Monroe, T., Biretta, J., De Rosa, G., Fox, A., Jedrzejewski, R., Oliveira, C., Peeples, M., Penton, S., Plesha, R., Proffitt, C., Roman- Duval, J., Sahnow, D., Sonnentrucker, P., Taylor, Joanna, Walborn, N., White, J. Updates on the Performance and Calibration of HST/STIS. AAS #227; Jan 2016; #147.11.
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