University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 The Map Collection of the University of Waikato Library contains a comprehensive collection of maps from around the world with detailed coverage of New Zealand and the Pacific : Editions are first unless stated. These maps are held in storage on Level 1 Please ask a librarian if you would like to use one: Coverage of Canadian Provinces Province Covered by sectors On pages Alberta 72-74 and 82-84 pp. 14, 16 British Columbia 82-83, 92-94, 102-104 and 114 pp. 16-20 Manitoba 52-54 and 62-64 pp. 10, 12 New Brunswick 21 and 22 p. 3 Newfoundland and Labrador 01-02, 11, 13-14 and 23-25) pp. 1-4 Northwest Territories 65-66, 75-79, 85-89, 95-99 and 105-107) pp. 12-21 Nova Scotia 11 and 20-210) pp. 2-3 Nunavut 15-16, 25-27, 29, 35-39, 45-49, 55-59, 65-69, 76-79, pp. 3-7, 9-13, 86-87, 120, 340 and 560 15, 21 Ontario 30-32, 40-44 and 52-54 pp. 5, 6, 8-10 Prince Edward Island 11 and 21 p. 2 Quebec 11-14, 21-25 and 31-35 pp. 2-7 Saskatchewan 62-63 and 72-74 pp. 12, 14 Yukon 95,105-106 and 115-117 pp. 18, 20-21 The sector numbers begin in the southeast of Canada: They proceed west and north. 001 Newfoundland 001K Trepassey 3rd ed. 1989 001L St: Lawrence 4th ed. 1989 001M Belleoram 3rd ed. 1990 001N St: John's 3rd ed. 1990 002 Newfoundland 002C Bonavista 3rd ed. 1990 002D Gander Lake 3rd ed. 1990 002E Botwood 3rd ed. 1989 002F Wesleyville 3rd ed. 1986 002L see 012I 002M St: Anthony 2nd ed. 1989 003 Newfoundland / Labrador 003D see 002M and 013A 003E see 013H Page 1 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 011 Nova Scotia / Prince Edward Island / Newfoundland 011C see 011F 011D Halifax 3rd ed. 1986 011E Truro 3rd ed. 1995 011F Canso 3rd ed. 1995 011G Glace Bay 2nd ed. 1994 011I see 011P 011J see 011G 011K Sydney 3rd ed. 1988 011L Charlottetown 3rd ed. 1985 011M see 021P 011N Iles de la Madeleine 2nd ed. 1983 011O Port aux Basques 3rd ed. 1990. 011P Burgeo 4th ed. 1989 012 Quebec / Newfoundland 012A Red Indian Lake 3rd ed. 1995 012B Stephenville 3rd ed. 1989 012D Ile d’Anticosti 2nd ed. 1983 012F Baie du Renard 2nd ed. 1982 012G Bay of Islands 2nd ed. 1994 012H Sandy Lake 4th ed. 1995 012I Port Saunders 3rd ed. 1990 012J Harrington Harbour 2nd ed. 1986 012K Musquaro 2nd ed. 1987 012L Havre-Saint-Pierre 2nd ed. 1981 012M Lac de Morhiban 2nd ed. 1987 012N Riviere Natashquan 4th ed. 1994 012O Saint-Augustin 3rd ed. 1982 012P Blanc-Sablon 3rd ed. 1982 013 Labrador / Quebec 013A Battle Harbour 2nd ed. 1989 013B St: Augustin River 1989 013C Minipi Lake 3rd ed. 1990 013D Lac Brule 2nd ed. 1989 013E Winokapau Lake 3rd ed. 1989 013F Goose Bay 2nd ed. 1990 013G Lake Melville 2nd ed. 1990 Page 2 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 013 Labrador / Quebec (continued) 013H Cartwright 2nd ed. 1990 013I Groswater Bay 2nd ed. 1990 013J Rigolet 2nd ed. 1990 013K Snegamook Lake 3rd ed. 1990 013L Red Wine Lake 3rd ed. 1990 013M Mistastin Lake 2nd ed. 1992 013N Hopedale 2nd ed. 1983 014 Labrador / Quebec 014C Nain 2nd ed. 1991 014D Tasisuak Lake 2nd ed. 1993 014E North River 1980 014F Nutak 2nd ed. 1993 014L Hebron 2nd ed. 1991 014M Cape White Handkerchief 2nd ed. 1993 015 Nunavut 015L see 025I 015M see 025P 016 Nunavut 016D see 016E 016E Hoare Bay 3rd ed. 1994 016K see 016L 016L Cape Dyer 3rd ed. 1984 016M Padloping Island 3rd ed. 1994 016N see 016M 020 Nova Scotia 020O see 020P 020P Shelburne 3rd ed. 1985 021 Nova Scotia / New Brunswick / Quebec 021A Annapolis Royal 3rd ed. 1988 021B Eastport 2nd ed. 1994 021E Sherbrooke 4th ed. 1992 021G Fredericton 3rd ed. 1995 021H Amherst 3rd ed. 1983 021I Moncton 3rd ed. 1978 Page 3 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 021 Nova Scotia / New Brunswick / Quebec (continued) 021J Woodstock 3rd ed. 1991 021K see 021L 021L Quebec 5th ed. 1991 021M Baie-Saint-Paul 4th ed. 1984 021N Edmundston 2nd ed. 1995 021O Campbellton 2nd ed. 1994 021P Bathurst 3rd ed. 1985 022 Quebec / New Brunswick / Labrador 022A Gaspe 4th ed. 1992 022B Matane 5th ed. 1986 022C Rimouski 3rd ed. 1994 022D Chicoutimi 6th ed. 1991 022E Reservoir Pipmuacan 3rd ed. 1992 022F Baie-Comeau 3rd ed. 1992 022G Cap-Chat 3rd ed. 1994 022H Port-Menier 3rd ed. 1992 022I Lac Manitou 3rd ed. 1987 022J Sept-Iles 5th ed. 1988 022K Lac Berte 2nd ed. 1990 022L Lac Peribonca 3rd ed. 1982 022M Lac Pletipi 2nd ed. 1992 022N Reservoir Manicouagan 3rd ed. 1990 022O Lac Fouquet 4th ed. 1991 022P Lac Fournier 2nd ed. 1995 023 Quebec / Labrador 023A Lac Joseph 1990 023B Lac Opocopa 1990 023C Lac Vallard 1990 023D Lac Naococane 2nd ed. 1996 023E Nitchequon 2nd ed. 1983 023F Lac Bermen 1987 023G Shabogamo Lake 1989 023H Ossokmanuan Reservoir 3rd ed. 1990 023I Woods Lake 1988 023J Schefferville 1988 023K Caniapiscau 2nd ed. 1988 023L Lac Hurault 2nd ed. 1988 023M Lac Gayot 3rd ed. 1994 Page 4 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 023 Quebec / Labrador (continued) 023N Riviere Serigny 1989 023O Lac Wakuach 1989 023P Lac Resolution 1982 024 Quebec / Labrador 024A Lac Brisson 2nd ed. 1983 024B Lac Jeannin 2nd ed. 1984 024C Lac Cambrian 3rd ed. 1987 024D Lac Maricourt 2nd ed. 1983 024E Lac Aigneau 2nd ed. 1983 024F Lac Herodier 3rd ed. 1996 024G Lac Saffray 2nd ed. 1983 024H Lac Henrietta 2nd ed. 1983 024I Riviere Koroc 1980 024J Lac Ralleau 1993 024K Kuujjuaq 1993 024L Lac Dufreboy 2nd ed. 1983 024M Lac Peters 1992 024N Hopes Advance Bay 1992 0240 see 024P 024P Pointe Le Droit 1980 025 Quebec / Labrador / Nunavut 025A Grenfell Sound 1993 025B see 025C 025C Akpatok Island 2nd ed. 1983 025D Riviere Arnaud (Payne) 2nd ed. 1983 025E Kangiqsujuaq 2nd ed. 1983 025F see 025E 025G see 025J 025H Resolution Island 3rd ed. 1994 025I Loks Land 3rd ed. 1986 025J Grinnell Glacier 3rd ed. 1986 025K Lake Harbour 3rd ed. 1984 025L Big Island 1980 025M Markham Bay 2nd ed. 1995 025N Armshow River 3rd ed. 1985 025O Ward Inlet 1984 025P Beekman Peninsula 4th ed. 1985 Page 5 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 026 Nunavut 026A Leybourne Islands 2nd ed. 1995 026B Chidliak Bay 2nd ed. 1995 026C Sylvia Grinnell Lake 3rd ed. 1984 026D Amadjuak Lake 1980 026E Amadjuak River 3rd ed. 1984 026F Mckeand River 3rd ed. 1985 026G Irvine Inlet 3rd ed. 1985 026H Abraham Bay 3rd ed. 1985 026I Pangnirtunag 4th ed. 1995 026J Clearwater Fiord 3rd ed. 1986 026K Amittok Lake 1980 026L Nettilling Lake 3rd ed. 1985 026M Tredgold Lake 2nd ed. 1986 026N Isurtuq River 1981 026O Nedlukseak Fiord 3rd ed. 1984 026P Okoa Bay 3rd ed. 1986 027 Nunavut 027A Home Bay 3rd ed. 1995 027B Ekalugad Fiord 3rd ed. 1995 027C Mcbeth Fiord 3rd ed. 1984 027D Cape Henry Kater 2nd ed. 1995 027E Cape Hewett 3rd ed. 1984 027F Clyde Inlet 3rd ed. 1984 027G Scott Inlet 3rd ed. 1986 029 Nunavut 029G see 039H 030 Ontario 030L Buffalo 3rd ed. 1992 030N Rochester 2nd ed. 1985 031 Ontario / Quebec 031B Ogdensburag 4th ed. 1990 031C Kingston 5th ed. 1988 031D Lake Simcoe 4th ed. 1988 031E Huntsville 2nd ed. 1977 031F Pembroke 7th ed. 1987 Page 6 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 031 Ontario / Quebec (continued) 031G Ottawa 5th ed. 1990 031H Montreal 5th ed. 1992 031I Trois-Rivieres 2nd ed. 1995 031J Mount-Laurier 6th ed. 1988 031K Deep River 6th ed. 1989 031L North Bay 5th ed. 1989 031M Ville-Marie 3rd ed. 1995 031N Grand-Lac-Victoria 4th ed. 1995 031O Lac Kempt 3rd ed. 1993 031P La Tuque 5th ed. 1989 032 Quebec / Ontario 032A Roberval 3rd ed. 1993 032B Reservoir Gouin 4th ed. 1992 032C Senneterre 2nd ed. 1992 032D Rouyn-Noranda 2nd ed. 1995 032E Joutel 3rd ed. 1987 032F Lac Waswanipi 3rd ed. 1987 032G Chibougamau 5th ed. 1991 032H Riviere Mistassini 2nd ed. 1984 032I Baie Abatagouche 4th ed. 1991 032J Lac Assinica 4th ed. 1991 032K Lac Evans 4th ed. 1991 032L Riviere Harricana 3rd ed. 1991 032M Fort-Rupert 4th ed. 1991 032N Lac Nemiscau 4th ed. 1991 032O Mesgouez 3rd ed. 1991 032P Lac Baudeau 3rd ed. 1991 033 Quebec 033A Lac Rossignol 2nd ed. 1983 033B Lac Lichteneger 2nd ed. 1983 033C Reservoir Opinaca 3rd ed. 1990 033D East-Main 1966 033E Riviere au Castor 4th ed. 1990 033F Lac Sakami 3rd ed. 1989 033G Lac de la Fregate 2nd ed. 1989 033H Lac Sauvolles 2nd ed. 1989 033I Lac Mistanukaw 4th ed. 1990 033J Lac Kinglet 2nd ed. 1978 Page 7 of 29 Last updated May 2013 University of Waikato Library: Map Collection Canada: topographical maps 1: 250,000 033 Quebec (continued) 033K Riviere Denys 3rd ed.
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