An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY February 25, 2000 • • . Volume 126 THE Number 33 Review Online on-Profit Org. Postage Paid www. review. udel. edu ewark. DE Permit o. 26 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 FREE Student housing lawsuit discussed BY BRIAN CALLAWAY Newark Jaw that define tud ent Delaware' Fair Housing Act take the ca c to ·federal court. Erecuti1·e Editor homes, li mit the number of student adds marital status and age to this where he plans to sue th e city on The city discriminate against rentals in certain areas. place caps list of protected classes. constitutional grounds. students in term of off-campus on the number of students who can Bauscher said this discrepancy He said he would seek damages housi ng based on marital status. live in houses and mandates sho uld help t he NLA win its for both the city's landlords and age and occupation , said John eviction for renters who have more law ui t. tudent renter on the grounds of Bauscher, president of the New~rk than one noise or other violation. In addition, he said. denying equal protecti on and violatio n of Landlord Association. at a meeting Bau cher said the in s pi ration for la ndlords the right to rent to due proces under t he I 4th Wednesday night. some of this legis latio n comes s tudents in some homes ts Amendment . "We think there's been a broad­ from a si mi lar plan in pl ace in occupational discrimination. NLA lawyer Ed Danberg said based pattern of discrimination in Pennsylvania, known a the Lower The NLA find s it obvious that the plaintiffs will seek s tudent the last 20 years in Newark," he Meri o n Pl an , but neg lected to the city's government s upport in taking the case to said to the small audience. compen ate for the difference discriminates against stud ents, federal court . "Student want houses - they between the Fair Housing Laws in Bauscher said. "We are looking for tudents don' t want apartments. And that's Delaware and Penn ylvania. "People who are convicted who are looking to participate," he what the law does· - keep them According to Section 141.145 of felons and hi gh school dropouts said, " ... [a] few students who out of houses:· its legal code, Pennsy lvania can get into these houses," he said. represent the entire class." Bauscher's comments on off­ foll ows the federal Fair Housing "Anyone but students." Glad ys Spikes. executi ve campu student housing were part Act, which prohibit discrimination But if the NLA wins, Bauscher director of Housing Opportunities of a presentati on, sponsored by the based on the following: said, students wi ll most likely take of Northern Delaware. Inc., also THE REVIEW/ File Photo student Civil Liberties Union, that • race or color; advantage of their new housing spoke about the Fair Housing Act Jennifer Robin Ehrlich died two weeks ago of cystic focused on new housing laws. • national origin; options at the expense of others. and how it protects people from fibrosis. Thesl! laws led the NLA to file • rdigion; "There wi ll be a lot of empty residential d iscri mi nation. suit against the city in November • ex; apartments up on Main Street," he "We don't get many calls from 1999. • familial status; said. s tude nts down h.cre at the The suit is challenging various • and handicap or di ability. Bauscher said he is looking to see NLA page A 7 Former student's Police at fight is over BY JEN LEMOS UDask Cit.\ Ntii'S Edttnr Since the Feb. 13 death of a former un iver ity . tudent who uffered from cystic fibrosis, family and friend have been mou rning the loss of a young li fe . to carry After a serie of hospital visits throughout the pa t few year , Jenn ifer Robin Ehrlich was admitted to Christiana Care on Monday, Feb. 7, and died six days later of a lung failure. She died at age 21. more than a year after she wi thdrew from weapons the university as a junior. Family members said her health could not keep pace with university life, and part-time e mployment became a more appealing alternative. BY LURLEEN BLACK Jen al o served as a local contact for th e National Cy tic City N~ws Editor Fibrosis Aw.areness Committee as part of a national effort to The Uni versity Police's chapter dedicate a week in October to CF awareness. of the Fraternal Order of Police is Currently, no cure exists for cystic fibro is- a di order of the seeking support in its pursuit of a respiratory and digestive systems caused by an overproduction of change in university policy that mucus in the body. would allow on-duty officers to Extreme cases can result in serious problems with the liver or carry guns. lungs and the need for a double lung tran plant. which Jen's Representatives from the doctors recommended in December 1999. University Police, Newark Police Jen's mother, Doris Ehrlich, said her daughter's disease may and the Resident Student have taken her life. but it did not consume her pirit. Association wi ll have a public "I don't want her remembered j ust as a child with cystic meeting in room 209 of the fibrosis," she said . "She was a beautiful child. Trabant University Center Sunday ''She was very strong-willed and determined. She wasn't at 7 p.m. to discuss this issue. going to le1 CF stop her from what he wanted to do : · · Sgt. Edward Murray, president Jen was a small gi rl. and for a long time never weighed much of the FOP, said the organi zation more than 85 pounds, Dori s said, but her condition didn't stop is looking forward to engaging in her from achieving her goals. a dialogue with students - and "Once, when he wa 16, her father said to he~, 'If you hit 100 hopefully administration officials. THE REVIEW/ Christopher Bunn (left) and File Photo pounds, I' II buy you a car,' ·· Dori aid. "She hit I 00 pounds, if ·· we want people to come out Mark Johnson is currently seeking legaJ advice in his quest to bring his message closer to only for a day." and voice their opinions," he said, students. Her father, Mic hael Ehrlich, said although Jen could be '·because it's not much of a argumentative li ke all children. he and his wife shared a close dialogue if you only hear one side relationship with their daughter. of the story:· "She was always Daddy's little girl." he said. Murray said th e FOP wants to Campus preacher wants Michael said Jen refused to be overpowered by her di order. provide students and members of but rather enjoyed what she could of life. the RSA with enough background "She decided to li ve her life in a way that would make her informati on to make a decision on happy,'· he said. '·She didn' t let the di ea e control her. She whether the p o lice s hould be UD to allow him on campus wasn' t embarras ed by it." armed just as their colleagues at o ther colleges a nd in the city. ee WEEP page A4 county and state ranks. BY KYLE BELZ causes additional difficulties, he leave.'· Manning said . ·T m NttH·s··'f"earurtt £diror Students should be especially said: J have to strain my voice." surprised more hasn' t been done." concerned with thi issue, Murray As Mark Johnson preaches the Johnson' banishment began Feb. Since tbt February encounter said, because they will be effected Chri ti an faith to tho e within range 26, I 998, according to a letter from wi th securit y, Johnson said, he more than anyone else by th e of his shouting, one of his most uni versity attorney William acquired legal assistance because he pressing concern does not involve Manning to Johnson's attorney, believes t he univer ity can not Fire on Elkton Rd. policy. " On-campus students should any pa sage in t he Bible - he Marcia Selig from the Ru therford constitutionally forbid him from have a special concern," he said. wants to be able to speak from the Institute. a nonprofit legal group in speaking in the courtyard "Commuters, professors and other courtyard again. Virginia. Selig said she began pursuing the Johnson has been exiled from the In the letter, Manning states that matter in November and has sent damages apts. I fac ulty are only [on campus] for a area between Smith and Ki rkbride two letters to uni versity President portion of the day. on tha t date, University Police BY JENNIFER LA VINIO aware there wa a fire until she wa halls for nearly two years. forcing "The students are why the · received a complaint from a female David P. Roselle, the first on Nov. Staff Rrporrer noti fied by a police officer. him to speak his mind from th e west uni versity exi ts. There would be tudent who claimed th at John on 23. 1999. The second letter, a copy A fire broke out in the Victoria "I had to get my pet rounded sidewalk of South College Aven ue. no need for the police department approached students and called of the first, was sent Feb. 16, 2000. Mews apartment complex up.'' she said.
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