fRIDAY, MAY 18,1966 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Average Daily Net Pt m Rob The Weather Ulattrlf90t9r g pgnlitg l$9raB> For flw Week Ended . Cloudy, continued epoL with chance of sprinkles, high in May 7 .196d dirt Scout Troop 1 wtU apon- and books about betMlf and 50s; cloudy cool low near 40 Bor a Rummage Sale at the LTM Scores her family have kept miHlone tonight. Sunny, pleasant to­ About Town American l<egion Home. There laughfaV TO several yearn. She morrow, higb near 60. has moved Atnn Ent-person 1 4 , 6 6 1 Annsr^flavy AuxiMai^ will win be a "Preview Sale” Mon­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm have Ma annual ouUn«: Sunday, day from 7 to 9 p.m. The regu­ With ‘Mary’ elmmieals to playwriting ^>out Juna 12 at tta« VWaee tanUrn fictional diaracters with no loss PRICE SEVEN CENTS lar sale will open Tuesday at 85 East Center S t. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1966 (Clasalfled Adverttslng on Page 111 Bani, ToUand TV***- Resetva- 9:30 a.m. Those wishing to do­ By ERNA CLENDANDEX. o f her dndlery in the transitloh. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 191 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECHON) tiooa may be made with Mrs. nate articles for the sale may Many large bouquets aiid low Last nigfait’s audience roared At Sununit St. John Vince, 227 McKee St., or contact Miss Beth Stevens, 36 bows must go to Jayne Newirth its oif Uie racy dia­ for her performance laet night logue to the extent that’ an oc- Mra. Chaitea Yurkehot, 50 Rus- Westnrinster Rd. WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL ^ m H S t ----- In the title role of Jean Kerr’e casiofial line was kist. The gen­ ------ The' Women’s Society of "Mary, Mary!“\ She’s a very tleman sitting ArectRy behind Maacheater Civic Chorale will fSiristlan Service of South talented 3roung woman, and so this writer eeemed In imminent rehearse Monday' at 7:46 p.m. Methodist 'Churh will meet good to look at, too! Mrs. danger o f collapae. Never did DAISY $ 1 - 6 9 at Bowera School, Prihcrton Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the sane­ Newirth heads an oi^tanding a man laugh harder! The eve­ Speedy Business Growth s t , instead of Manchester High tuary at the church, instead of cast of. acoomplishM actors ning flew by—a tribute. In­ MARGUERITES bunch A School. This will be a hiH re- Monday as previously sched- which includes newcomer Julian deed, when one considers those heanal with the Manchester uled. Officers will be installed Brownstein. Fred Bl| Nola hard fol<Mhg chairs in the Bling OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ' Ohde Orchestra for the May 25 for a two-year term by Mrs. KleiZa and Willis y. Mr. Junior High auditorium! sonceit* James Hodge, president. Her Brownstein makes las bow as "Mary, Mary” will be pre- theme will be “He Pointed His a very agitated B>ib McKSll- sented again tonight and to- The Manchester Republican Finger at Me.” Members of away, husband of ;«ary. Bob is morraw at 8:30 p.m. If you’re Seen Due Slow Down ’ Women’s dub met Wednesday Wesley Circle will be in charge a real "square ” who finds that jucky enough to have ticketa, night at Plano’s Restaurant, of fellowship, and Hollis d rcle he can afford neither divorce by all means use them. Jt not, Bdtna. ’The word "Republican” in riierge of hospitality. nor remarriage. Bob’s fiancee, ^ you’re really h«|?y, you whs inadvertently deleted in Tiffany Richards, is played b« able to ^ them at the with wide-eyed earnestness by tonight's perfoimance. MANCHESTER Gemini Duo yesterday’s ax»ount of the meet- Polish National Alliance, LBJ Aides Miss Kleiza, who bounces about fat n ie Herald . Group 1988, will meet Sunday It’s a sellout for tomorrow at 2 p.m. at 77 North St, touting health foods like yogurt night. Await Long The Rev, Aledt M. BIseaaer, and wheat germ; and Fred BOTTLING CO. Agree with pastor of Community Baptist Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Blish Is completely charming and very amusing as movie - dlurdi, will conduct a service meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd NOW LOCATED AT Medical Test star, Dirk Winston. Willis Gay Industrialists .Sunday from 6:40 to 6:56 ajn. Fellows Hall. Officers will meet fits comfortably into the role fat the chapel at Manchester at 7:30, before the meeting, to RUMMAGE CAPE KANNEDY, Fla. (AP) of Oscar Nelson, the McKella- HOTSPRINGS, Va. Memorial Hospital. ’The serv­ rehearse degree work. Refresh­ — Gemini 9 astronauts Thomas way’s lawyer. SALE IS SPENCER ST. (AP)—Top industry and ice is sponsored by the instKu- ments will be served by«Mrs. P. Stafford and Eugene A. Cer- With this production, direct­ ttons and chaplaincy commit­ Thora Maloney, chairman, Mrs. MANCHESTER • TEL. 643-5147 naui had a four-hour appoint­ Johnson administration of­ ed by Phil Burgess, the LitUe MOTTS tee of Manchester Council of Maude Dauchy, co-chairman, ment with doctors today to ficials have agi’eed that the Theater of Manchester puts a Community Hall Churefaea and la open to the and a committee. ★ f e a t u r i n g ★ make.certain they are physical­ galloping rate of business glittering crown on a long list 10 A.M .-2 PA4. ly and mentally lit for their ren­ growth will slow down in ^ __ _ Members of Mancheeter Pow- of toeatrica] achievements. deZvous and space walk mis­ "Mary, Mary” is a superbly — HOSMER MOUNTAIN BEVERAGES — the next seven months. American liCglon Auxiliary « Squadron have been invited M A Y 14 sion. funny play about love, mar­ This consensus emerged Fri­ will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at to a meeting of the Hartford Fancy Meeting You Here! 21 Delicious Flavors, including 8 Flavors of Diet Stafford, 36-year-old Air riage, and almost — divorce. Sponsored By The day after more than 100 in­ the Legion Home. Mrs. Herbert Power Squadron Tue.sday at 8 Force major, and Ceman, 32- Lt. Cmdr. Harold C. Wareham, USNR, Elwood Rd., Is Jean Kerr is the undisputed Women’s. Relief Society Soda! dustrialists met with Cabinet Hirsh of Woo<»>ury, department pm. at Plant School Audito- 66 year-old Navy lieutenant com­ currently serving aboard the USS Francis Marlon, an attack mistress o f domMtic and mari­ Of The Mormon Church officials and Gardner Ackley, president, and her staff will be rfum, "Whiting Lane, We.st mander, were to finish with the transport, at Norfolk, Va., as an engineering officer. Dur­ tal misadventure. Her articles guests at the meeting. Members Hartford. There will be a safety medics about 1 p.m. and then chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, are reminded to bring articles program vrith instruction on ing his annual temporaiy tour of duty, Lt. Cmdr. Wareham huddle with Gemini officials to for a penny auction. Mrs. d if - mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. recently renewed a'W orld War II acquaintance by coinci­ discuss all phases of the at the spring meeting of tha ford Walker and Mrs. Everett ------ dence When the Marion feot under way from the Norfoik planned three-day flight. Business Oounoil. naval base. The pilot assigned to conduct the ship from the Keamedy are co-chadirnen of a BunsiWne buses to Norwich T h r e e girls riding in this car were killed and three others seriously injured ’The Gemini 9 doubleheader Other leading topics during harbor was a Capt. Adams, with whom Wareham had serv­ . hoapttaUty committee. Hospital will leave Central launching is to start at 11 a.m. the day-long closed seaaiona In­ ed as a seaman at the Norfolk Tug Office years ago. Here, when it was struck by another vehicle last night near the West Rock Tunnel on ____ Row, Hartford, Sunday noon •Puesday when at Atlas rocket cluded the current auto sales Wareham, left, and Capt. Adams discuss a point of naviga­ the Wilbur Cross Parkway. The driver o f the second car, also injured, will be The Chdr of Mpn Evangell- and return from the adminia- boosts an Agena satellite into lag and the sinking stock mark­ tion over the ship’s binnacle. In civilian life, Wareham is charged with negligent homicide, police said. (AP Photofax) eal Lutheran Church will meet tration building of the hospital obit. A Titan 2 is to propel the et. claims department manager for Aetna Life and Casualty’s Tueeday at 8 p.m. at the church at 4:15 p.m. Reservations may astronauts aloft at 12:39 p.m. But mo.st talked about was tha Hartford office. (U.S. Navy photo.) to rehearse for a Confirmation be made by calling the Capitol to begin pursuit of the Agena. threat of Inflation. R ^ o n Mental Health Associa­ Ackley told the businessmen tion, Inc., 217 Farmington Ave., Stafford and Ceman are t A portable North Vietnamese schoolroom is shown in this photo, monitored in 3 Killed, W om an Held Op*” Forum catch and link up with the Age­ that "some slowing down is al­ — Hartford. Warsaw yesterday. Issued by the North Viet Nam News Agency, the caption Letter To Two Drivers na after a four-l\our chase, indicated mobile classrooms had been organized “ to move to secured places ready evident and welcome.” At Pero's You Get Form Fresh NATIVE May 13, 1966 practicing many of the maneu­ But it remains uncertain, ha No one has a patent on Miss June Werdelin of 173 wnen enemy planes came raiding.” (AP Photofax) To the Editor, vers Apollo astronauts will said, whether the production Spruce St., an operating room Asparagus, Hot House Tomatoes, Dandelions, Scallions, In Parkway Aecident friendly service but it is I watched my twin make in„.
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