est Catholic Paper U Notlting is more desirahle than that Catholic papers llnit~ ~tates should ha<ve a large circu­ Estahlished lation, so tnat e<veryone THE ,CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH may na<ve good reading." tober 22, 1831 , -PotJt Btnedict XV In Essentials, en til·.... Unit,; Non-Essentials, Libert,; in All Things, Charity. i============================~(1) VOL. LXXXXII No. ~ 10 CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1923 PRICE SEVEN CENTS ~~~~~~~~7 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cr~ MINISTER UNACCOMPANIED, BLIND CATHOLIC CHARITIES E GOLDEN ROSE til PAPAL DELEGATE PRIEST WILL VISIT EUROPE W. BOURKE COCKRAN AMSTERDAM Declar\ ~~ .Catholic Bible May Win Allotted Big Increase From the Detroit Community Fund. ni- ~ Protestants. Rev Theophllus Beusen, of Coving­ .\> Renowned Orator and Statesman Dies Proposed as Scene 01 Eucharistic Con­ be Conferred Upon Queen 01 Receives Warm Welcome at New ton, Ky, \\ ho has been stone-bhnd for [N C, W C. News ServIce) [N C W C News ServIce] 1\\ enty ) ears, wlll make a tour of ain by Pope. Archbishop London, Feb 21.-The possibihty of York, Distinguished Churchmen Northern Europe dunng the coming Suddenly Alter Celebrating Iris DetlOlt, Mar. 1,-Catholic chanties .gress 01 1924. This Year's Meet­ Protestants beIng blOught back to the Summer He will VlSlt BelglUm, Hoi­ and institutions affiliated in the Detroit Community Union and supported by ing 'Will be Held at Paris. Filippi in Audience. Bible by means of the revised version Greet Him at the Dock. land, Germany and France, and 'mil Sixty-Ninth Birthday. uet bemg prepated at the Vahcan, IS a make the entire Joutney unaccompanied the DetrOIt Community Fund have been al10tted $370,25426 m the budget for entnnent entertamed by Rey Chad­ b) any personal gtl1de Tlus will be hi s Stricken With Apoplexy. Was a Most Lourdes Bishop Decorated. Fronch Priests scan Tertiarlos Received, Wick, President of the Ftee Church ReceptIons III HIS HOllor at Cathedral and fifth ttans-AtlantIc voyage since he lost 1923 by the Fund directors This sum King represents an mcrease of $41,837.26 over Council. hiS slght ; and he has always "gone by Devoted Catholic. Vindicated. George to Visit Rome, Catholic Club, the 1922 budgets of these agencies, ThiS Nonconfor1mst drvine declared himself" DUlmg his commg tour, The most noted mcrease was included at a pubhc meetmg that he has no sym­ Father Beusen will visit his blOthet, [N C W C News ServIce 1 [N, C, W. C. Special Cable) [N, C. w, C SpeCIal Cablel l1\ C, W C, News ServIce) in the budget of $20,39975 for St, \V ho is a priest in Amsterdam, and his rr.==-=:-"ARIS, March, ll.-Amster­ pathy With personal and pnvate transla­ rr===;=-='E\V York, Mar 7.-Arch- ASHINGTON' Mar 5 -The Mary Hospital, which represents an ad-' OME, Mar 5,-The Golden tions of the Sacred Scnptures sister, who is a nun in France, dam has been proposed as bishop Fumasont-Bwndl, the d eat h of the HOll W ditlOn of $9,269 75 to be devoted to Rose, the traditIOnal emblem "I am keenly mterested in the nell Father Beusen is a confirmed optl­ Bourke Cockran, United the scene of the Euchal-is­ new Apostoitc Delegate to the work of out patients. The Holy IIAIz'--'1I of the speCial esteem of the \'el slon 111 coul'se 0 f pi epa ratIOn by thc ml s,t He IS habitually 111 good humor, States Congressman from tric Congress of 1924, ac- pope, IS to be conferred thiS the U111ted States, who Name Society, which has become a Homan CClth6ltc Chul ch I have I!.i:.==_"';_='~ al nved here Friday from a genial companion, an 111 teresting con­ ~ the Sixteenth New York cording to an announcement year upon the Queen of versationahst, who enjoys a joke and member of the Commu111ty Union in made, followmg the meeting of the a deep com let 1011 that the Bible IS com- Ital) on the steamship Taoll11ma, was Dlstnct and 1011g celebrated as Amer­ order to Jlursue ItS "Blg Brother" pro­ , accordl11g to an announcement 111g to ItS own aga1!1, af tel r01 t) ) eal S knows how to tell one. ica's most gifted orator, t emoves ft om International Committee of Eucharis­ here, In accordance With the tendcled a warm welcome by the Father Bensen will sail from New bation work m connection with ~he HC Congresses, presided over by Bishop or steille labor" <;Ierg) and laity of the Archdiocese of public h fe one of the best-known Cath­ Juvenile Court, has been given $5,0{)0, 510n of the prescnbed papal nte, Latet In the same <peech the Plotest­ Yotk on June 13, He expects to return olics 111 the U1l1ted States Heylen, of Namur. The Congress thiS Kew YOlk He sailed flOm Naples on The mcrease 111 the child-caring de­ se Will be blessed by the pope on ant dl\'1Il e II ondel ed II hethet Protest­ home on September 4, When stncken by apoplexy last year Will be held 111 Pans from July ourth Sunday of Lent, March 11 Fell, ua I y 16, accompallled by his partment of the St Vincent de Paul 4 to July 8. ants ma\ be I ecall ed to the sao'ed Book SecretalY, Msgr Paolo Marella. Thursday, Congressman Cockl an was I be sent to Spa111 111 May for pres­ Society warranted an increase of $8,037 Lourdes Bishop Decorated. thlOUgh the entel pllse of the Catholtc The Taormina was met at Quatan­ engaged 111 the Pl eparation of an ad­ Eleven Catholic institutions are mem­ on on the birthday of K111g A l­ Church "God," he concluded, "is a dress to be delivered before the St. Paul Bishop Schoepfer, of Lourdes and tme by a revenue cutter cal rying Msgr bers of the Fund. It is regarded as probable that God 0 [ humor," Pansh COUI1Cll of the National Counct! Tarbes, who was awarded the decora­ en archese Giovanl1l Sacheltl, quar- A.luigl Cossio, who has been temporanly LENTEN PASTORAL III charge of the Apostoitc Delegation of Catholtc Men on the question of tion of Knight of the Legion of Honor ou ster of the SaCled Palaces, \~ ill at \Nashington; Very Rev, Joseph p, Cathohc Education It was expected by the Govemmern. has received his of the ~peC1a l delegation which \Viii Dineen, Chancellor of the ArchdIOcese On the Real Presence 01 Jesus to be a notable conttlbutlOll to patriotic decoratIOn personally from Marshal of t to Spain at that tllne diSCUSSIOn of the most Important issue ALL WIDOWS Foch. The ceremony took place in the dy gr. Fedenco Tedesclul11, Papal SET ASIDE of New York; and Rev Dr Stephen Donahue, Secretary to Alchblshop Christ in the Blessed that confronts Cathohcs m thlS coun­ private reSidence of Marshall Foeh in io to Spa111 , who IS 111 Rome to J Hayes. When the Taormina docked, t r) today M I' Cockran was scheduled Paris Foch, who is a nahve of Tarbcs" the funeral of his mother, has Sacrament. , to speak before the Coullcll on last FII- Are tbe Nuns 01 St. Ann l Natives 01 embraced the prelate cred with offiCIals at the Vatican Jury's Verdict in Birth-Control Case. the delegate was greeted by Alch­ bishop Ha)es and AlIxI!tary Bishop day lllght I India. They Conduct Orphanages Priests Vindicated. at Madrid regat d1l1g the presenta­ , An Exemplary Catholic. of the rose. In an interview with CardInal Chess Club Olllciai. John J Dunn of New York; Bishop By Most Reverend Henry Moeller, D. D., One hundred and seventy-slx priest~ epresentative of the N. C. W. C Joseph H Conroy, of Ogdensburg; Not alone was Congressman Cocktan and Other Welfare Work. of the Diocese of Montpellier, all s Service, the nunCIO declared that Catholic Councillors Elected, Bishop Thomas J vValsh of Trenton , Archbishop at CinclDnati. t egarded as one of the foremost figures former soldiers, have been awarded f ull proof of papal favor will afford Bishop-elect Daniel J Cltlley, of among the nation's men 111 publtc hfe, satisfaction and damages of one franc SYI acuse; Msgr Michael J Lavelle, (Cont!l1ued frqm last week) but hiS exemplary practice of his re­ Globe-Girdling MISSionaries Pay ViSit to each as the result of a libelous artlcle satisfaction 111 Spain, and Will be SpeCial Events for St Patrick's Day, sou rce of gtea,t pleasure to the Rector of St. Pattlck Cathedl ai, Msgr The Argument of Tradition. hgion made him a model for thousands Pagan Temple. pub1Jshed by the Pdlt MendlOllGl, a bers of the royal family Catholic Congress. George \I\' aI1l1g, V lcar-Genelal of the of Catholics who \~ ere members of the Soclahst newspaper of Montpellier, in Army and Navy Chaplal11s o[ the ~~HEN \Ie desite to c1etermme several parishes to wluch he belonged which It misquoted a speech by M e Golden Rose is a precious and the tIue l import of a law. By REV, MICHAEL MATHIS, C. S C d ornament, made of pure gold by [N C W C. SpeCIal Cable) Ulllted States, together \\lth many during hiS seven terms as Ulllted States Painleve. formel Mmistel' of War, In we endeavor to ascertain [N C W C. News ServIce] m ed artificers, which the popes have ONDO N' Mar n.-The other members of the Cathohc clel gy Congressman He seldom missed morn­ which the record of the clergy was and laity The laymen wei e headed how It \Vas understood at ing Mass, and he was practically a dally rr=;==--=;;RICHINOPOLY, Jan H­ attacked e­ accustomed for centuries to bless short-ltvcd trtumph of the --- the tlme of ItS enactment, year and occaSIOnally confer upon birth-control advocates was hy Mattl11 Conboy, pl'esic1ent of the commUlUcant.
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