458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 1, 2006 SENATE—Wednesday, February 1, 2006 The Senate met at 9:15 a.m. and was The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- he be allowed to speak in morning busi- called to order by the President pro out objection, it is so ordered. ness for 15 minutes, and another 15 tempore (Mr. STEVENS). RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER minutes would be added to the time of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the majority, and that the only thing PRAYER majority leader is recognized. that would be out of the ordinary is The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- SCHEDULE that Senator DURBIN would be recog- fered the following prayer: Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today, in nized. The Republicans are to have the Let us pray. just a short while, we will begin consid- first half hour. I ask that Senator DUR- Spirit of love, enlarge our horizons. eration of the House-passed tax rec- BIN be recognized for 15 minutes. He Give to us this day vistas that lie be- onciliation bill. As Senators remember, has to give a speech. He could be recog- yond pessimism and negativity. Enable the Senate passed our bill, the Senate nized to use his additional 15 minutes us to lift our eyes to You, our provider, bill on November 18. We considered the when we start morning business. sustainer, and friend. May we never bill for 3 days and after 17 votes, passed The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is permit today’s challenges to make us the bill with a 64-to-33 vote. With the there objection? forget how powerfully You have led us two bills now complete, we would nor- Mr. REID. We understand that addi- in the past. mally reach agreement to send them to tional half hour would come out of the Bless our legislative branch today conference to produce a final con- time on the resolution. with Your wisdom. Help our Senators ference report. I have had a number of Mr. FRIST. As I understand it, all to follow the path that leads to the ful- conversations with the Democratic morning business time, including this fillment of Your purposes. Inspire them leader on this matter. I know Members additional 30-minute increment, would to focus on the priorities that will ac- on his side of the aisle will object and be part of the 20 hours. complish the most good for Your glory. desire to start the House bill with the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is Strengthen them to labor with such 20 hours remaining under the statute. there objection to the request of the faithfulness that Your will may be That is their right and that is what we Democratic leader? done on Earth as it is done in heaven. will be doing. Mr. FRIST. Reserving the right, the Take war and strife from our world We have already considered the Tax recognition prior to Senator DURBIN and hasten the day when nations will Relief Act of 2005, and it is not my de- would be to Senator BOND? live in friendship with each other, sire to take up any more of the Sen- Mr. REID. I am trying to get to Sen- united by Your sovereignty. ate’s time on this bill. We do need to ator DURBIN so he can go downtown We pray in Your marvelous Name. move forward and get both bills to con- and give a speech. How long will the Amen. ference in order to reach an agreement Senator from Missouri be talking? Mr. FRIST. We have the initial 30 f on final language. That would take unanimous consent and, with objection minutes. Is the request made to talk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE from the other side, we have no choice within our 30 minutes? The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the but to proceed in the manner that we The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: will, under statute over the next 20 Chair understands the request is for I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the hours. I do ask that Senators on both Senator DURBIN to speak before the 30 United States of America and to the Repub- sides of the aisle use restraint and try minutes commences. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, not to use their entire block of time. Mr. REID. Through the Chair to the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Much of the discussion that carried Senator from Missouri, how long will f on in the quorum call is how we can or- you be speaking? ganize that in such a way to consider Mr. BOND. Mr. President, responding RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME amendments appropriately and in a to the distinguished minority leader, I The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under reasonable way. But we should not plan to speak about 10 minutes. I would the previous order, the leadership time have to use all 20 hours. We have a lot be happy to allow Senator DURBIN to go is reserved. of other important issues to consider. first. I have some obligations. f In the meantime, we will be on the Mr. REID. I am wondering if after reconciliation bill throughout the day you complete your speech, could he go TAX RELIEF EXTENSION and the evening and the rest of the ahead and do his? RECONCILIATION ACT OF 2005 week until we finish the measure. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, reserving The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under I ask unanimous consent that after the right to object, we had 30 minutes. the previous order, the Senate will pro- the House bill is reported, we begin a Our people are not here, but they were ceed to the consideration of H.R. 4297, period of morning business, as under lined up. The plans had been scheduled. which the clerk will report. the order from last night, and further, I request that the Senator from Illinois The legislative clerk read as follows: that following the scheduled morning speak right after our 30 minutes, the A bill (H.R. 4297) to provide for reconcili- business period, the bill be open for de- first part. ation pursuant to section 201(b) of the con- bate only until later today when either Mr. REID. That is OK. I didn’t want current resolution on the budget for fiscal I or the assistant majority leader is to use leader time, but we will work it year 2006. recognized. out. We have an extra 15 minutes on Mr. FRIST. I suggest the absence of a The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is each side. quorum. there objection? The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- agreement is to add 30 minutes to the clerk will call the roll. ject, I haven’t talked specifically to ei- original hour? The legislative clerk proceeded to ther one of the Republican leaders Mr. REID. That is correct. call the roll. about this, but I would like that to be The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask amended. We did not clear time for there objection? unanimous consent that the order for Senator DURBIN to speak as in morning Mr. REID. And the Republicans’ 45 the quorum call be rescinded. business. I ask unanimous consent that minutes is first. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:27 Mar 08, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK1\BR01FE06.DAT BR01FE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 1, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 459 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- Third, we must continue to provide Afghanistan desperately needs a viable out objection, it is so ordered. maximum assistance for reconstruc- agriculture and farm credit system. We Under the previous order, there will tion efforts so that more Iraqis may need to get the farmers back on their be a period for transaction of morning gain access to electrical power, use feet so they do not turn to poppy pro- business for up to 90 minutes, with the water and sewer systems, and drive duction to feed their families. We have first half of the time under the control safely on their roads. tremendous agricultural resources in of the majority leader or his designee, This is not to say we have not al- our country, as the occupant of the and the second half of the time under ready made significant gains in these chair knows. We can leverage these re- the control of the Democratic leader or areas, for everywhere I went our troops sources to help gain leverage for inter- his designee, with the time counted and workers expressed to me their dis- national security in Afghanistan. I against the underlying statutory time appointment that the tremendous have written the U.S. Secretaries of limitation on the bill. achievements we have made have gone State, Defense, and Agriculture to en- Who yields time? largely unreported in the U.S. media. courage their cooperation in devel- The Senator from Missouri is recog- One phrase I heard used often in our oping a joint venture to put Afghan nized. major networks is: If it bleeds, it leads. farmers back on their feet. I envision a COMMENDING OUR MILITARY OVERSEAS They talk about the tragedies and the corporate venture between State, Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise losses, but they somehow fail to talk USAID, the Defense Department, the today to recognize and commend the about the progress we have made.
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