- ----------------------------------------------------------------..... /· SLC passes 0-C housing resolution by Phil Bosco grievance against some authority The Student Life Council met felt to be abusive; it is an appeal yesterday afternoon at 3:00 in to a public sense of equity, with the Center for Continuing Edu­ the hope that publicity will cation to discuss off campus cause embarrassment sufficient housing and a report from the to bring redress." Serving the Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College Community Demonstration Committee that When a demonstration was set up last December. becomes violent, however, " .. .it VOL. Ill, No. 113 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1969 Richard Rossie, in his last has changed entirely; it is no SLC meeting as Student Body longer a demonstration." President, introduced the follow­ Describing the situation that ing resolution on off campus exists at Notre Dame, the report housing: says: Senate installs McKenna "Students authorized to live "If Notre Dame is really 'a by Marty Graham engage in activity contributing priated funds shall be used for off campus shall be permitted to place where all the great ques- Phil McKenna and Fred Ded­ to 'a substantial disruption of the benefit of 'any applicant' live in housing of their own tions are asked,' it is bound to rick were installed as the new the administration of the insti­ convicted by any court of gen­ choosing. Students under 21 be an independent and disputa- Student Body President and tution .. .' In the enforcement eral jurisdiction of a crime invol­ shall be required to have paren­ tious place, often alarming to Vice-President at last night's ving the use of force, trespass or tal permission to live in appart­ those who support it, since the Student Senate meeting. the seizure of property under mcnts or other housing which wealth that subsidizes universi- The Senate also approved a the control of an institution of requires the signing of a lease or tics is often held by persons and proposal by outgoing Student higher education. Unlike 504, it other legal documents. The Uni­ enterprises representing conscr- Body President Richard Rossie makes no provision for notice versity shall be in no way vative interests. Demonstrations that Notre Dame's Student gov­ and a hearing." responsible for the financial can and do place the administr- ernmcnt back the National The major ground for the suit agreement entered into between ation between two distrustfull Student Association's suit is that "the statutes constitute a a Notre Dame student and a groups. Though it is probably against various pieces of federal violation of the right of free resident of South Bend. This tempted at times to call down a legislation which cut off finan­ speech, freedom of conscience, recommendation should take plague on both their houses, the cia! aid to demonstrators. and freedom of assembly, as effect immediately." administration must try to In a letter addressed to guaranteed by the First Amend­ It was made clear that the explain and advocate the inter- Rossie, a prominent Washington ment of the Constitution." opening phrase of the resolution, ests of both groups to each law firm, representing the NSA, In his farewell address to the "Students authorized to live off other. In so doing, it cannot stated that the major provisions Student Senate, Rossie thanked campus ..." meant just that. It afford any overly sensitive and which the NSA attempts to chal­ everyone for the support which applies only to those students protcctivc concern for the Notre lcnge. These proVISIOns are was given to him over the past who either because of their class Dame 'image'. We must not be section 504 of the Higher Educa­ year. He also stated that the status or academic standing, arc tcmptcd to speak out of both tion Amendments Act of 1968 student government is beginning required by the University to sides of our mouth, presenting and section 411 of the Depart­ Ex-SBP Rossie to gain a stronger voice in the live off campus or have their the University on the one hand mcnt of Labor and Health, decisions concerning campus approval to do so. as a bold and venturesome place Education and Welfare Appro­ of this statute, the institution policy, but a still stronger voice Rossie's resolution was then in which to search for the truth, priations act of 1969. must afford the student or is needed. voted upon and passed unani­ and on the other as a boy's The letter states, "Section employee notice and opportu­ After taking office, McKenna m~usly by the Council. finishing school." 504 would have colleges with- nity for a hearing. stated that the "stress of next An ad hoc committee was set Students complain that draw federal aid from any of "Section 411 provides that no year's senate will be on the work up by the SLC to meet today to administrators arc " .. deceptive- their students or employees who part of the government appro- of senate committees." discuss the Dean of Student's ly agreeable to their propos- directive. The members of the als ... " and that major reforms in Th $ d S committee are SBP Phil student affairs have been "grudg- 0 u an bid farewell to Ike McKenna (who officially re­ ing. last-minute concessions places today), Rev. Ernest before the threat of adverse pub­ WASHINGTON (UPI)- Four abreast, they waited an pccts, placing a wreath at the Bartell, C.S.C., and Dean of Stu­ licity." Mourners by the thousands, in­ average of 45 minutes to enter casket. Later Italian Prime Mini­ dents Rev. JAMES Riehle, The report states that demon­ cluding heads of state and high the rotunda where the flag ster Mariano Rumor, Australian C.S.C. McKenna said last night strators " ... have too often acted school students from Iowa to draped coffin lay on the black Prime Minister John Gorton and that he will be pressing at to­ as if they alone had any moral Florida, passed by the bier of catafalque which once cradled Canadian Prime Minister Pierre day's meeting for a new directive integrity. Others in the Univer­ Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday the body of Abraham Lincoln. Elliott Trudeau made ceremonial that will require only freshmen sity understandably resent the as the dead former President lay Middle aged Gl's who had mourning appearances. to live on campus. arrogance implicit in this right­ in state in the capitol rotunda. served under Eisenhower's com­ Former President Johnson re­ A report from the Demonstra­ eousness." Leaders of the world wen mand in World War II were turned to Washington from tion Committee was submitted The Student Life Council will ushered in and out without dif­ repre~ted. At one point, a Texas for the first time since to and read by the Council. It continue discussion of the report ficulty to pay their respects. The blind man was led by an escort Nixon was inaugurated Jan. 20. was submitted by Rev. James at their next meeting on Mon­ rank and file of the people stood describing the scene. Through By coincidence, it was one year B urtchaell, C. S.C. day, April 14, at which time patiently in line despite chilling the hours, hundreds: of high to the day since he startled the The report described demon­ resolutions will probably be temperatures to bid farewell to school students in town for the nation by announcing he would ·trations as " ... a public show of drafted. "Ike." Easter period tours passed by in not seek re-election. He and Mrs. groups. Johnson paid a condolence call No official count was kept on Mrs. Eisenhower that lasted McKenna makes two new posts but by noon EST, newsmen esti­ half an hour at midday. by Chuck Jackson mated that as many as 40,000 The only other surviving A nnounccments made last The new Research and last night by the two new had filed through the rotunda. former President, Harry S. night by incoming SBP and Development post to be student government heads Interspersed in the steady pro­ Truman, had his wife Bess tele­ SBVP Phil McKenna and Fred occupied by John Zimmerman is included the enlistment of the cession of people were the visits phone Mrs. Eisenhower from Dedrick included appointments specifically designed for the Afro-American Society, the ISO, of the dignitaries that began their vacation home at Key for student government offices main tainance of long term and the Hall President's council Sunday evening when French West, Fla., to express his regrets as well as the establishment of research on university topics, in an advisory capacity to the President Charles DeGaullc sa­ he could not attend the funeral. new posts. including co-education and the new student government. luted his World War II comrade The 84 year old Truman, a Slated to be the three most University Senate. Representatives from each in arms. military spokesman reported, important posts in the new As Ombudsman, Jim Smith organization arc chosen from Shortly before noon, South sent word he was "saddened by student administration arc those will act as a "trouble shooter" within that organization. V ict namcse Vice President the fact they could not come to of Executive Coordinator, for students receiving complaints Student Government Nguyen Cao Ky paid his res- Washington." Research and Development, and and at the same time acting on positions remaining to be filled Ombudsman. Students these as much as possible. include that of academic Affairs appointed to these offices arc, Black student Dave Krashna, and NSA Commissioners. The respectively, Larry Landry, John newly appointed as Human two, according to Dedrick, will Zimmerman, and Jim Smith.
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