GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA N$9.60 WINDHOEK - 4 September 2020 No. 7328 Advertisements PROCEDURE FOR ADVERTISING IN 7. No liability is accepted for any delay in the publi- THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE cation of advertisements/notices, or for the publication of REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA. such on any date other than that stipulated by the advertiser. Similarly no liability is accepted in respect of any editing, 1. The Government Gazette (Estates) containing adver- revision, omission, typographical errors or errors resulting tisements, is published on every Friday. If a Friday falls on from faint or indistinct copy. a Public Holiday, this Government Gazette is published on the preceding Thursday. 8. The advertiser will be held liable for all compensa- tion and costs arising from any action which may be insti- 2. Advertisements for publication in the Government tuted against the Government of Namibia as a result of the Gazette (Estates) must be addressed to the Government Ga- publication of a notice with or without any omission, errors, zette office, Private Bag 13302, Windhoek, or be delivered lack of clarity or in any form whatsoever. at Justitia Building, Independence Avenue, Second Floor, Room 219, Windhoek, not later than 12h00 on the ninth 9. The subscription for the Government Gazette is working day before the date of publication of this Govern- N$4,190-00 including VAT per annum, obtainable from ment Gazette in which the advertisement is to be inserted. Solitaire Press (Pty) Ltd., corner of Bonsmara and Brahman Streets, Northern Industrial Area, P.O. Box 1155, Wind- 3. Advertisements are published in this Government hoek. Postage must be prepaid by all subscribers. Single Gazette for the benefit of the public and must be furnished copies of the Government Gazette are obtainable from Soli- in English by the advertiser or his agent. taire Press (Pty) Ltd., at the same address, at the price as printed on copy. Copies are kept in stock for two years only. 4. Only legal advertisements shall be accepted for pub- lication in the Government Gazette (Estates) and are subject 10. The charge for the insertion of notices is as follows to the approval of the Executive Director, Ministry of Jus- and payments can be made via electronic fund transfer (EFT) tice, who may refuse the acceptance of further publication or cash payments at the Magistrates’ Office, Windhoek. of any advertisement. LIST OF FIXED TARIFF RATES 5. The Ministry of Justice reserves the right to edit and revise copy and to delete there from any superfluous detail. STANDARDISED NOTICES Rate per insertion N$ 6. Advertisements must as far as possible be typewrit- ten. The manuscript of advertisements must be written on Transfer of business ........................................ 37,00 one side of the paper only and all proper nouns plainly in- Deeds: Lost documents ................................... 69,00 scribed. In the event of any name being incorrectly printed as a result of indistinct writing, the advertisement can only Business Notices ............................................. 53,00 be reprinted on payment of the cost of another insertion. Administration of Estates Act Notices, Forms J187, 193, 197, 295, 297, 517 and 519.................. 27,00 2 Government Gazette 4 September 2020 7328 Insolvency Act and Companies Act Notices: Liquidators’ and other appointees’ notices …..… 80,00 J.28, J.29. Forms 1 to 9 ................................... 48,00 Gambling house licences/Liquor licences ........... 120,00 N.B. Forms 2 and 6 additional statements according to word count table, added to the basic tariff. SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES: Change of name (two insertions) …....…............ 333,00 Sales in execution ………………………......…. 207,00 Naturalisation notices (including a reprint for the advertiser) ………………………....……........... 27,00 Public auctions, sales, tenders and welfare organisations: Unclaimed moneys - only in the Government Up to 75 words …………………….…….......… 69,00 Gazette, closing date 15 January (per entry of “name, address and amount”) ……………......... 13,00 76 to 250 words ……………………….….......... 171,00 251 to 350 words …………………….……........ 253,00 Butcher’s notices ……………………….......…. 53,00 ORDERS OF THE COURT Lost Life insurance policies ……………....…... 27,00 Provisional and final liquidations or NON-STANDARDISED NOTICES sequestrations ……………………................….. 157,00 Reduction of change in capital mergers, offers Company notices: of compromise …………………………............. 373,00 Judicial managements, curator bonis and similar Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offers of and extensive rule nisi …………………….….... 373,00 compromise, conversions of companies, voluntary Extension of return date ………………….......... 48,00 windings-up, etc.: closing of members’ registers Supersession and discharge of petitions (J.158) .. 40,00 for transfer and/or declarations of dividends ..… 120,00 11. The charge for the insertion of advertisements Declaration of dividends with profit statements, other than the notices mentioned in paragraph 10 is at the including notices ………….......………............. 267,00 rate of N$13,00 per cm double column. (Fractions of a cm must be calculated as a cm). Long notices: Transfers, changes in respect of shares or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liquidations …………………............. 373,00 12. No advertisements shall be inserted unless the charge is prepaid. Payments can be made via electronic Trademarks in Namibia ………………….......... 120,50 fund transfer (EFT) or cash payments at the Magistrate’s Office, Windhoek. FORM J 187 hoek Limited, Trust Department, P.O. Box 15, Windhoek. LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION 594/2020 BONTHUYS Christoffel Hendrik ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES Joachim, 56042800051, Farm Hatsamas, Dordabis. Estelle LYING FOR INSPECTION Bonthuys, 59012800374. Windhoek. Bank Windhoek Limited, Trust Department, P.O. Box 15, Windhoek. In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts 663/2018 HEITA Saara Lineekela, 60111600847, (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified P.O. Box 19, Oshikango, Republic of Namibia. Martin Shuude- below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested ni Nghidudwa, 40040403068. Eenhana. Windhoek. Dr. Weder, therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially Kauta & Hoveka Incorporated, Shop 27, Oshana Mall, On- stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication gwediva, Private Bag 3725, Ongwediva, Republic of Namibia. hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. 1387/2018 NDADI Alice Shinyongo, 64122300509, P.O. Box 530, Rundu, Republic of Namibia. Vilho Nghi- Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concer- dipohamba Shinyongo, 56071701074. Rundu. Windhoek. Dr. ned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to Weder, Kauta & Hoveka Incorporated, Shop 27, Oshana Mall, make payments in accordance with the accounts. Ongwediva, Private Bag 3725, Ongwediva, Republic of Na- mibia. 654/2020 KOHLMAN Eugene Mauritz, 84122- 210119, Gibeon. Mariental. Windhoek. Bank Windhoek Lim- 606/2019 HAMUPOLO Frieda, 51080800972, ited, Trust Department, P.O. Box 15, Windhoek. P.O. Box 8807, Ongwediva, Republic of Namibia. Abisai Sha- fashike Hamupolo, 48033000198. Eenhana. Windhoek. Dr. 1718/2019 BLAAUW Erns Phillipus, 43041900203, Weder, Kauta & Hoveka Incorporated, Shop 27, Oshana Mall, Farm Duinekraal, Keetmanshoop District. Maria Wilhelmina Ongwediva, Private Bag 3725, Ongwediva, Republic of Na- Blaauw, 48120900170. Keetmanshoop. Windhoek. Bank mibia. Windhoek Limited, Trust Department, P.O. Box 15, Wind- hoek. 1684/2017 KAZOMBIAZE Nahason, 62032600188, Erf No. 1366, Mahetago Street, Swakopmund. Valencia Ka- 1994/2019 NEL Willem Adriaan, 52090400536, zombiaze, 72111101109. Swakopmund. Windhoek. Dr. Wed- Windhoek. Stella Anne Marie Nel, 54071900504. Windhoek. er, Kauta & Hoveka Inc., 3rd Floor, WKH House, Jan Jonker Windhoek. Bank Windhoek Limited, Trust Department, P.O. Road, Ausspannplatz, P.O. Box 864, Windhoek, Namibia. Box 15, Windhoek. 1833/2019 MASIYE Laury Moffatt Mambo, 480/2018 SHANNON Sonje, 56040900474, Wind- 59010101517, Kasheshe Village, Namibia. Katima Mulilo. hoek. Second and Final. Windhoek. Windhoek. Bank Wind- Windhoek. Dr. Weder, Kauta & Hoveka Inc., 3rd Floor, WKH 7328 Government Gazette 4 September 2020 3 House, Jan Jonker Road, Ausspannplatz, P.O. Box 864, Wind- 10982019 POLGAR Elsie Maria, 14 February hoek, Namibia. 1940, 4002140100458, Windhoek, 29 June 2019. F.M. Oehl Trust cc, P.O. Box 90290, Windhoek, Namibia. 1137/2016 HAMBIRA Kenneth Mbinaune, 730109- _______________ 00112, Erf No. 29, Lemero Court, Okahandja. Okahandja, Windhoek. Dr. Weder, Kauta & Hoveka Inc., 3rd Floor, WKH FORM J 193 House, Jan Jonker Road, Ausspannplatz, P.O. Box 864, Wind- hoek, Namibia. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES 286/2020 SWART Karen Renate, 54010200804, Farm Rooipan, Keetmanshoop District. Keetmanshoop. Wind- All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below hoek. F.M. Oehl Trust cc, P.O. Box 90290, Windhoek. are hereby called upon to lodge their claims with the execu- tors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) cal- 581/2014 ESAU Johannes, 58101700110, Okah- culated from the date of publication hereof. The information andja. Petriena Esau, 59020800523. Windhoek. Okahandja. is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and Claassen
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