German Journal of Veterinary Research eISSN:2703-1322 Case Report A case study of histomoniasis in fattening turkeys identified in histopathological investigations Amr Abd El-Wahab1;2∗, Christian Visscher2, Wolfram Haider3∗ and Radko Dimitri4∗ 1 Department of Nutrition and Nutritional Deficiency Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Mansoura University, Man- soura 35516, Egypt 2 Institute for Animal Nutrition, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Bischofsholer Damm 15, D-30173 Hannover, Germany 3 Institute for Animal Pathohlogy, 13127 Berlin, Germany 4 Elanco Deutschland GmbH, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany This article is published in the special issue: Turkey Diseases, Production and Management Abstract Histomoniasis is a parasitic disease of poultry with worldwide prevalence, having signif- icant negative impacts on infected turkey health and welfare. A total of 53,000 male fattening turkeys (British United Turkeys, BUT6) of 140-day-old were admitted to the slaughterhouse in central Ukraine. No clinical signs were reported in the turkeys during the production cycle. Slaughtering of the turkeys revealed enlargement of the livers, most of which had a greenish color with alterations in the hepatic tissues (fibrosis). No other gross lesions were noted in other organs of the slaughtered birds. Fresh liver tissues were submitted to the laboratory to measure the concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, and zinc to detect possible intoxication and/or differential diagnosis. The concentrations of measured heavy metals in the affected liver tissues were within the recommended normal ranges. Histological examination revealed microscopically proliferative changes in liver Article History: sections in different turkeys. Suspected tissue sections were stained with Periodic Acid Received: 29-Apr-2021 Schiff and found positive for Histomonas meleagridis trophozoites. Overall, macroscopi- Accepted: 18-May-2021 cal or microscopical examinations of turkey livers are essential to confirm infection with histomonads, even if the clinical signs are unapparent. As outbreaks of histomoniasis in *Corresponding author: turkey flocks are increasing approaches to prevent and treat histomoniasis are urgently Amr Abd El-Wahab needed. E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Histomoniasis, Histomonas meleagridis, black head disease, turkey, diagnosis Citation: Abd El-Wahab, A, Visscher, C., Haider, W.and Dimitri, R. 2021. A case study of histomoniasis in fattening turkeys identified in histopathological investigations. Ger. J. Vet. Res. 1(3): 13-18. https://doi.org/10.51585/gjvr.2021.3.0015 Introduction 2005; R¨udigeret al., 2010). However, it has been re- ported that direct lateral transmission of H. melea- Histomoniasis (syn.: blackhead disease) was first gridis in turkeys can occur from bird to bird in the described as infectious enterohepatitis in turkeys total absence of caecal nematodes via \cloacal drink- (Smith, 1895). Histomoniasis is a protozoan par- ing" (Hu and McDougald, 2003; Hu et al., 2004). asitic disease caused by Histomonas meleagridis Outbreaks of blackhead disease are often sporadic, (H. meleagridis)(McDougald, 2003). H. me- and the mortality rate ranges from less than 10% up leagridis (phylum Parabasalia, class Tritrichomon- to 100%, mostly depending upon the route and dose adea, order Tritrichomonadida, family Dientamoe- of infection (R¨udigeret al., 2010; Gonder and Tilley, bidae/Protrichomonadinae) is an anaerobic protozoan 2016). Although, some outbreaks have been found in parasite existing in either flagellated or amoeboid commercial turkey production (Callait-Cardinal et al., forms (R¨udigeret al., 2010). Histomoniasis is a widely 2007), very little information is available on free-range spread protozoan disease globally. The transmission farms. However, birds can be highly exposed to H. occurs principally via ingestion of embryonated eggs of meleagridis by field contamination (McDougald, 2005). the caecal nematode Heterakis gallinarum containing The complicated interactions with caecal worms, earth- H. meleagridis trophozoites or by ingestion of earth- worms, intestinal microflora and coccidia, enhance the worms that have ingested nematode eggs (McDougald, 13 spread and pathogenicity of histomonas from one flock and Kimminau, 2017). Against this background, in the to another (McDougald, 2003). In the European Union current case study, we describe gross and microscopic (EU), the last therapeutic and prophylactic drugs lesions of the liver observed in naturally infected male against histomoniasis were banned in 1995 and 2003, fattening turkey flocks with histomoniasis. respectively (Hafez and Hauck, 2006). The use of ni- troimidazoles was forbidden by Commission Regula- Materials and Methods tion No. 1798/95 (CEC, 1995), and later on, nifursol, Case history the only available preventive drug against histomonia- A total of 53,000 male fattening turkeys (British sis, was banned by Council Regulation No. 1756/2002 United Turkeys, BUT6), 140-day-old, were admitted to (CEC, 2002). Thereafter, several outbreaks of histomo- a slaughterhouse in central Ukraine. The turkeys were niasis in turkey flocks occurred and led to considerable reared in seven houses on the farm of only male birds economic losses (Jones et al., 2020). Regarding anti- according to the general standard practices of fattening histomonals, it is clearly recommended not to use ni- turkeys. The stocking density was generally about 58 troimidazoles such as metronidazole or dimetridazole kg/m2. The case history did not include any abnormal in food-producing birds (CAC, 2013). Arsenicals used signs (such as dehydration, depression, sulphfur- col- to prevent histomoniasis have never been registered in ored droppings, reluctance to move and weight loss). the EU (EMA, 2009). In the USA, the application Moreover, there was no high and/or massive mortal- of nitrohetero cyclic compounds and arsenical nitar- ity rate mentioned. However, it was reported that sone in food-producing birds is also not allowed (FDA, there were earthworms on the affected farm. Further- 2015a,b). Similar regulations that resulted in the loss more, many cases of Escherichia coli (E.coli) infection of any treatment options against histomoniasis were were reported in the birds during the production cycle adopted in other countries . Consequently, it can be and were treated with commercial antibiotics against predicted that the re-emergence of histomoniasis may E.coli as Biocillin®, amoxicillin-trihydrate 1000 mg, become a severe problem in different countries (Lieb- bela-pharm GmbH Co.KG, Germany or Tylo-Suscit®, hart et al., 2017). The control of histomoniasis is based tylosin tartrate 1000 mg, bela-pharm GmbH Co.KG, on good hygienic measures at the farm level, using Germany. drugs that reduce the presence of caecal worms and other herbal products with variable results (Lotfi et al., Histopathological examination 2012). The tested livers were collected from several houses at In turkeys, the clinical signs of histomoniasis in- the same day of slaughtering. All rejected livers from clude sulfur-colored diarrhea, anorexia, weakness, de- the slaughtered birds were weighted. Sections of the pression and weight loss. However, an infected flock liver (n = 9 samples) were collected, then fixed in 10% may contain both ill and healthy birds (McDougald, neutral buffered formalin, routinely processed and em- 2005). In most cases, H. meleagridis produces lesions bedded in paraffin blocks. Sections 2 mm thick were in the liver and caeca (McDougald, 2005). At necropsy, cut, mounted on glass slides, stained with hematoxylin the liver is enlarged with yellow or grey saucer-shaped and eosin using standard protocols, and examined by lesions. Sometimes the liver may appear green with light microscopy. Selected tissues were also stained white foci. The caeca are enlarged with a caseous or with Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) to identify histomon- fibrinonecrotic core in the lumen with hemorrhage and ads. might be found perforated and lead to secondary peri- tonitis. The caecal contents have a foul-smelling odor Heavy metals analysis (Clark and Kimminau, 2017). Lesions in the liver, Some of the fresh liver tissues were submitted to the caeca, kidney and spleen were observed following oral laboratory to measure the concentrations of lead, cad- inoculation of turkeys with embryonated eggs of the mium, copper and zinc to prove possible intoxication caecal nematode, Heterakis gallinarum, infected with and/or differential diagnosis. The analyses were per- histomonads (Malewitz et al., 1958). formed in the center of veterinary diagnostics, Kiev, The pathogenesis of histomoniasis starts with the Ukraine. The determination of lead, cadmium, copper colonization of the parasite in the caecum, leading to and zinc levels was done according to GOST 30178-96, severe inflammation and necrosis. Afterward, the par- GOST 30178-96, GOST 27995-88, and GOST 27996- asite reaches the liver via portal veins, causing inflam- 88, respectively. mation and damage in different parts of liver tissue. In the final stage, the disease may become systemic Results when the infections spread to various organs of the host Gross pathology (Grabensteiner et al., 2006). A presumptive diagno- Visual monitoring revealed that approximately 20% of sis of blackhead disease can be made based on clinical birds were mild to moderately emaciated and had liver signs, mortality rate and gross lesions (Clark and Kim- lesions with varying degrees of severity. The livers were minau, 2017).
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