Centre Regional Planning Commission 2006 Annual Report Centre Region Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan In 2006, the Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA) staff worked with the Centre Region mu- nicipalities and the Ad Hoc Act 537 Committee to develop a consensus on an updated Regional Sewage Facilities Plan. This Plan was adopted by the six Centre Region municipalities in October 2006. The 2006 Centre Region Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan includes an updated Regional Growth Boundary/Sewer Service Area (RGB/SSA). Five new properties were added to the RGB/SSA in the 2006 Act 537 Update. During the preparation of this Plan, the Region’s municipalities also reached consensus on an Implementation Agreement which provides a process for considering future requests to expand the RGB/SSA. The Plan defines these future RGB/SSA expan- sion requests and major rezonings within the RGB/SSA as Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) which require in- Inside: creased regional review. This DRI process will increase in- termunicipal dialogue on important land use planning issues 2006 Accomplishments 2 in the community. Director’s Message 3 The adopted Centre Region Act 537 Plan has been Stream Buffer Model Ordinance 4 submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environ- Sewage Management Ordinance 4 mental Protection for review and comment. The DEP’s comments on this regional plan are expected by the end of Area Land Use Plans 5 April, 2007. Development Plans Reviewed in 2006 6 2007 Objectives 10 Affordable/Workforce Housing 10 Transportation Activities 11 Who We Are 13 Staff News 13 CENTRE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Page 2 2006 Accomplishments Development Ordinance. This effort also included the evaluation of a Transfer of Development Rights ∗ Worked with the Centre Region municipalities and Program to assist the Township in its open space the Ad Hoc Act 537 Committee to reach consensus preservation efforts. on an updated Sewage Facilities Plan. ∗ Worked with Halfmoon Township to advance a ∗ Developed an Implementation Agreement which Rural Village Zoning District. defines Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) and outlines a regional process for considering fu- ∗ Provided assistance to Harris Township in the re- ture requests to expand the RGB/SSA. view of the Liberty Hill development (formerly the Harpster Farm). This is the largest single develop- ∗ Initiated work on the preparation of Land Use Area ment in the history of Harris Township. Plans for the State College Core and the Eastern Halfmoon/Western Patton Township Areas. ∗ Advanced discussions on a Ridge Overlay Protec- tion District for Harris Township. ∗ Finalized and published marketing materials for the water that will be produced by Phase I of the Benefi- ∗ Completed a rezoning analysis for the Mellott’s Mo- cial Reuse Project. bile Home Park in Patton Township. ∗ ∗ Continued to work with the Technical Advisory Worked with Patton Township to update the Town- Committee and UAJA to provide oversight for the ship’s Agricultural Zoning district to encourage den- construction of Phase IA of the Beneficial Reuse sity for A-1 properties within the RGB/SSA. Project. ∗ Developed a fiscally-constrained Final Draft 2007- ∗ Developed a model on-lot sewage management ordi- 2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), nance and program for consideration by the Re- advertised the TIP for public comment and gion’s municipalities. achieved adoption. ∗ ∗ Continued to participate on a Countywide Afford- Worked with PennDOT to identify projects that able Housing Coalition and Housing Cabinet. will be advanced using funds from the Safety Line Item and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality ∗ Provided staff support to the Centre Regional Plan- (CMAQ) Line Item in the adopted TIP. ning Commission, including the review of regionally significant proposals as required by the PA Munici- ∗ Worked with US Representative Peterson, FHWA palties Planning Code. and PennDOT to establish eligibility for transporta- tion projects near the Penn State University baseball ∗ Provided review comments on the Penns Valley and stadium for funding earmarked in SAFETEA-LU. Nittany Valley Comprehensive Plans, as required by the PA Municipalities Code, focusing on issues ∗ Completed the Final Draft Long Range Transporta- which impact the Centre Region as adjacent munici- tion Plan, conducted a 30-day public comment pe- palities. riod and adopted the new Centre County LRTP. Began work to ensure the LRTP is fully compliant ∗ Coordinated the annual CRPC bus tour for elected with SAFETEA-LU. officials and planning commission members, fo- cused on Penn State’s University Park Campus. ∗ Organized the MPO Performance Review Commit- tee and held several meetings to evaluate the per- ∗ Prepared draft zoning regulations for two new dis- formance of the Countywide MPO. tricts in College Township for the Shiloh Road Area. ∗ Initiated preparation of Phase II of CATA’s Tech- ∗ Prepared and presented a Landscape and Sidewalk nology Deployment Plan. Ordinance to College Township. ∗ Participated in the final activities associated with the ∗ Provided assistance to Halfmoon Township in the completion and opening of a section of the Belle- preparation of a draft Traditional Neighborhood fonte Central Rail Trail. CENTRE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Page 3 Director’s Message On behalf of the Centre Regional Planning Agency, I am proud to present our Annual Report for the 2006 calendar year. During 2006, the Centre Region municipalities achieved a number of re- gional planning milestones. Our community reached consensus on a Sewage Facilities Plan, which produced an updated Regional Growth Boundary/Sewer Service Area (RGB/SSA). The Imple- mentation Agreement resulting from this planning effort defines Developments of Regional Impact and will ensure increased re- gional dialogue on land use planning issues. This increased re- gional coordination will only strengthen our local growth manage- CRPC Bus Tour to Penn State — May 4, 2006 ment efforts, and will serve as a model for other areas of Pennsyl- vania. In the early phases of preparing this Plan, many doubted the possibility of six municipalities agreeing to a regionally consistent growth boundary for the community. The cooperation and leadership provided by our elected officials on this project illustrates once again the effectiveness of the Centre Region COG in addressing regional challenges. The community successfully advanced several other important planning efforts during the past year as well. Construction on the next phase of the Beneficial Reuse project was initiated in 2006. The ultra pure water generated through the Beneficial Reuse Pro- ject will initially be used for irrigation purposes by Fall of 2007. Progress was made on a model stream corridor protection ordi- nance to ensure the protection of our community’s important stream buffer areas. And work began on two important Area Land Use Plans, which will produce detailed land use plans for these important locations, and ensure that future land use plan- 2006 CRPC ning is coordinated with infrastructure, transportation and com- munity design issues. From a transportation standpoint, the Cen- tre County MPO completed an updated Long Range Transportation Plan, and an important section of the Belle- fonte Central Rail Trail was opened to the community in 2006. And several Centre Region municipalities began to evaluate approaches to address the affordable housing challenges faced by our community. None of these accomplishments would be possible without the continued support of our local elected officials and planning commission members. The Centre Region COG is widely viewed as a model for intergovernmental coop- eration in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The success achieved by our community during the past year is the result of regional cooperation, and the hard work and dedication of our appointed and elected officials. As your professional staff, we thank you for the time you dedicate to public service and for the work you completed on re- gional planning initiatives during the past year. We look forward to working with you in 2007 as we continue to chart a future course for our community. Bob Crum CENTRE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Page 4 Stream Buffer Model Ordinance The CRPA staff began work in 2006 to prepare a model ordinance to protect the Region’s riparian stream corridor areas. An Ad Hoc Stream Buffer Committee was formed to provide oversight for this effort, and to provide a rec- ommendation to the Region’s municipalities on a model stream buffer ordi- nance. To begin discussions on this topic, CRPA staff developed the first draft of a model ordinance, a white paper describing the benefits of stream buffers, a list of Frequently Asked Questions on this topic and an Executive Summary of the Model Ordinance. Staff also organized a bus tour in November to visit ex- amples of riparian buffer improvement and restoration projects in the Centre Region. This trip served to educate participants on the importance of stream buffers. The Ad Hoc Committee will continue to meet in 2007, with a model ordinance expected to be ready for review by Summer 2007. Riparian Buffer Bus Tour Sewage Management Ordinance The Centre Region Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update recommends the implementation of a Region-wide on-lot sewage management program. This program requires preventive maintenance for on-lot sewage disposal systems to increase the life expectancies of these systems. Highlights of the program include requirements for septic
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