Total Games: 2601 EU Games: 960 JP Games: 715 US Games: 887 Other Games: 39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 All Time Favorites (U) {BOZE F0B9E32F} 1000 Bornes (F) {CMBF 694E13EE} 101 Dino DS (E) {C5NP A7232D52} 101 In 1 Explosive Megamix (E) {CQZP DE381815} 101 in 1 Sports Megamix (U) {B2NE B0EDCC89} 12 Family Games (E) {CI2P 0F445E14} 13-Sai no Hello Work DS (J) {YH3J C5129D15} 1912: Titanic Mystery (E) {BTIP F94EF422} 1-Hi-10-Fun de Egajou Zuni Kakeru DS (J) {YJZJ 3650D48F} 3 in 1: Solitaire, Mahjong and Tangram (E) {B7LP C974A55E} 4 Elements (E) {B4EX 8A1F92FC} 4 Elements (E) {B4EY E1CB6081} 42 All-Time Classics (E) {ATDP FBB7EDF4} 42 All-Time Classics (E) v1.1 {ATDP AB5D4CEA} 7 Wonders II (D) {B7WD 3F5772D0} 7 Wonders II (E) {B7WP DE7D995E} 7 Wonders II (E) {B7WX 3A583709} 7 Wonders II (U) {B7WE 5963D816} 7 Wonders of the Ancient World (E) {Y7WP 7BBAE54D} 7 Wonders of the Ancient World (U) {Y7WE C6D140EF} 700-Mannin no Atama o Yokusuru: Choukeisan DS - 13000-Mon + Image Keisan (J) {C3 KJ 8C7C2E5D} 7th Dragon (J) {CD6J 1171AA49} A Ressha de Ikou DS (J) {BARJ 4BDF1142} A Witch's Tale (U) {CW3E 7F741A38} A.S.H. Archaic Sealed Heat (J) {YASJ 93799D75} Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (E) {C32P BE547C63} Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (U) {C32E 04086E38} Actionloop (E) {APLP 4F406891} Addy: Do you speak English? (E) [Multi] {CAFX 87B73D5A} Advance Wars: Dark Conflict (E) {YW2P DF5E85E6} Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (U) {YW2E 6E2AAFE5} Advance Wars: Dual Strike (E) {AWRP 1BD98037} Advance Wars: Dual Strike (U) {AWRE BC9EE732} AFL Mascot Manor (A) {CQQP C9F36FAF} Again (U) {CA5E DCC66990} Age of Empires: Mythologies (E) {CEPP 588DE6B3} Age of Empires: Mythologies (U) {CEPE 16A0A34C} Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (E) {AEKP D4A50EB9} Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (U) {AEKE C43761C0} Air Traffic Chaos (U) {CAOE F86F94FB} Air Traffic Controller (E) {CAOP DD3AF5FA} Akachan wa Doko Kara Kuru no (J) {AKAJ F022C8E6} Akai Ito DS (J) {CIAJ 6477F251} Akogare Girls Collection: Lovely Youchien Nikki (J) {B44J 9A19E7FB} Akogare Girls Collection: Suteki ni Nurse Days (J) {B4NJ 2E4B9695} Akumajou Dracula: Sougetsu no Jyuujika (J) {ACVJ 0C3DA362} Akumajou Dracula: Ubawareta Kokuin (J) {YR9J 2994375B} Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (E) {ALXP FAC9D9DD} Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (U) {ALXE C3B977A0} Alice in Wonderland (U) {VALE 1C49016F} Aliens in the Attic (E) {C4RP DE684D36} Aliens in the Attic (U) {C4RE 91646CB5} Alvin and the Chipmunks (E) {YAIP 504EE09E} Alvin and the Chipmunks (U) {YAIE C3A81B3E} Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (U) {BAVE 43A008CF} Amazing Adventures The Forgotten Ruins (U) {CA7E 411F3C1C} American Dragon Jake Lee - Attack of the Dark Dragon (U) {ARDE 18D6F6F8} America's Next Top Model (E) {C2MP A7306FDB} America's Next Top Model (U) {C2ME 9B186603} America's Next Top Model (U) [SUXXORS] {C2ME F4DEFDE8} AMF Bowling Pinbusters! (E) {YAFP 6DD0105C} AMF Bowling Pinbusters! (U) {YAFE 9106617D} Animal Boxing (U) {CABE 3379D7A7} Animal Crossing: Wild World (E) {ADMP 53DBB069} Animal Crossing: Wild World (U) {ADME 8F7851CB} Animal Crossing: Wild World (U) [v1.1] {ADME 6C56B746} Animal Kororo (E) {CPLP 37B3B976} Animal Paradise (U) {CPRE 28183054} Animaniacs - Lights, Camera, Action! (E) {ALCP 9A368AD9} Ankh: Der Fluch des Skarabaeenkoenigs (D) {YAKD 52A52F5F} Anna und die Liebe (D) {C25D 122BCE74} Annie no Atelier Seratou no Renkinjutsushi (J) {CA2J E5AC9B67} Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery (E) {A2LP 316B6C0F} Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery (U) {A2LE F58BD6C0} Anno: Create a New World (E) {CANP 39255E5C} Another Code (E) {ANOP FA8CA7DA} Another Time Another Leaf (J) {CMZJ 8CCDDC2F} Anpanman to Asobo - ABC Kyoushitsu (J) {APEJ B2879EA2} Ant Nation (U) {CARE CBB79777} Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (E) {AGCP 3E3CC1C9} Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (E) [French, German] {AGCX E4867251} Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (E) [Spanish, Italian] {AGCY 2EEBFE4B} Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (U) {AGCE 8C488AB6} Appare! Shogi Jiisan - Washi to Shoubu Ja (J) {ASYJ 8F01F64A} Arabians Lost: The Engagement on Desert (J) {BALJ 510D6AB3} Arashi no Yoruni (J) {AR4J 724B0994} Arctic Tale (U) {YA3E 90AE4F1B} Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Game Time (U) {C5UE 87CA7BA7} Arkanoid DS (E) {YAAP B188AF34} Arkanoid DS (J) {YAAJ FAEB33AC} Arkanoid DS (U) {YAAE 7F82D615} Around the World in 80 Days (E) {BW8P CE4A0D5B} Around the World in 80 Days (E) {BW8X DBD0F11B} Arthur and the Invisibles (U) {A2ME 97E7E5A4} Asphalt 2: Urban GT (U) {A4PE A07DA2C3} Asphalt: Urban GT (E) {ASHP 34DD1BC3} Asphalt: Urban GT (J) {ASHJ 601339AE} Asphalt: Urban GT (U) {ASHE 23E20796} Assassins Creed II: Discovery (U) {VACE E41A0C63} Assassins Creed: Altair's Chronicles (E) {YAHP 24DA70E5} Assassins Creed: Altair's Chronicles (U) {YAHE 5024A320} Astrix: These Romans are Crazy! (E) {BAXP C4C4F90B} Astro Boy: The Video Game (U) {BTWE 3594E611} Astro Invaders (U) {BA8E 3EE272DF} Astrology (E) {CUEP D7C9C01C} ATARIMIX - Happy 10 Games (J) {ATAJ AA9FED55} Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island (U) {CA2E 0E536D22} ATV - Quad Frenzy (U) {ATVE FC8C7323} Avalon Code (E) {YOGP 55AC6679} Avalon Code (J) {YOGJ A176530A} Avalon Code (U) {YOGE 53AC1A52} Avatar: Der Herr der Elemente: Die Erde brennt (D) {YAVD 8B9AF3C5} Avatar: The Last Airbender - Into the Inferno (U) {CAVE 80233231} Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (E) {YAVP 5F949F82} Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (U) {YAVE A541DB49} Avatar: The Last Airbender (E) {AVAP CBE0F7E0} Avatar: The Last Airbender (U) {AVAE EB4AA5C1} Avatar: The Legend of Aang - Into the Inferno (E) {CAVP E5CB89F9} Awatama (J) {YLEJ F5DE29B5} Away: Shuffle Dungeon (E) {YAWP B26F5927} Away: Shuffle Dungeon (J) {YAWJ 45A62FEE} Away: Shuffle Dungeon (U) {YAWE 931271B7} B Team: Metal Cartoon Squad (E) {CB3P 54D6801A} Backgammon (D) {BBND 3E80FA4F} Backyard Baseball '09 (U) {YABE 37B50EC6} Backyard Baseball '10 (U) {CX5E 870F67DE} Backyard Sports Sandlot Sluggers (U) {BBAE 2D80BA93} Bae Yong-Joon to Manabu Kankokugo DS (J) {B43J 81B30510} Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core (E) {B4BP 4D4A8284} Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core (J) {B4BJ 8EEFF340} Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core (U) {B4BE AC3B7554} Bakugan Battle Trainer (E) {BBKP 083A2DA0} Bakugan Battle Trainer (U) {BBKE CB3AF77F} Bakugan: Battle Brawlers (E) {B6RP 3A21AB65} Bakugan: Battle Brawlers (U) {B6RE 189761DF} Balloon Pop (U) {BLTE 1148BBEA} Band Hero (E) {BGHP 45289C04} Band Hero (U) {BGHE F601FE1C} Bangai-O Spirits (E) {AY6P 92641945} Bangai-O Spirits (J) {AY6J D2C73732} Bangai-O Spirits (U) {AY6E 944A942D} Barbie and the Three Musketeers (E) {BB3X 55EDCF7E} Barbie and the Three Musketeers (U) {BB3E 009274B1} Barbie Fashion Show : An Eye for Style (E) {CBFX 47A7882A} Barnyard Blast: Swine of the Night (E) {YQBP B07948E7} Barnyard Blast: Swine of the Night (U) {YQBE F313D9EA} Bartender DS (J) {A8ZJ D1778F67} Batman the Brave and the Bold (E) {B3BP EC8CDA9C} Batman: The Brave and the Bold (U) {B3BE A180993C} Battle of Giants: Dragons (U) {C7UE A6584A7C} Battle Spirits: Digital Starter (J) {BB4J F564E3B9} Battles of Prince of Persia (E) {AB2P 9294F3CD} Beat City (U) {BEYE B5BC5EE1} Beauty Salon (E) {C39P 111F862B} Bee Game, The (U) {AEFE EB7E1A15} Bee Movie Game (D) {YB4D 5B513F66} Bee Movie Game (E) {YB4P 12C87226} Bee Movie Game (F) {YB4F 53229583} Bee Movie Game (H) {YB4H AD3E595D} Bee Movie Game (I) {YB4I 4DB0C590} Bee Movie Game (S) {YB4S 911B8A80} Bee Movie Game (U) {YB4E C78998EC} Bejeweled Twist (U) {VBTE 28179A10} Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction (E) {BB9P C7C877D7} Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction (U) {BB9E 489F6936} Ben 10: Alien Force (E) {CBQP D24A7168} Ben 10: Alien Force (U) {CBQE C84CFF51} Ben 10: Alien Force Vilgax Attacks (E) {BE6P 7C6445FC} Ben 10: Alien Force Vilgax Attacks (U) {BE6E 8D1ED509} Ben 10: Protector of the Earth (E) {AWOP F2268DA7} Ben 10: Protector of the Earth (E) [Multi] {AWOX 7557F629} Ben 10: Protector of the Earth (U) {AWOE F20C5776} Bermuda Triangle (E) {CRSP 118F5909} Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral (U) {CRSE 7580A268} Best of Arcade Games DS (E) {C2QP 047DC802} Betty Boop's Double Shift (E) {YBXP 2A8B4B3E} Beyblade Metal Fusion - Cyber Pegasus (E) {BBUP 9AC39042} Beyblade: Metal Fusion (U) {BBUY 1C3C1B9F} Bibi Blocksberg: Das gestohlene Hexbuch (D) {BBBD 2F73F32C} Big Bang Mini (E) {CBBP EA284683} Big Bang Mini (U) {CBBE 4B0877E9} Big Brain Academy (E) {AYAP 1CD785AA} Big Brain Academy (U) {AYAE D10782CD} Big League Sports Summer (U) {BLSE C762BE1E} Big Mutha Truckers (E) {AMUP 373EAE33} Big Mutha Truckers (U) {AMUE 426F936D} Biker Mice From Mars (U) {AVQE DD776F97} Billiard Action (E) {AZBP F2E23198} Bio Hazard: Deadly Silence (J) {ABHJ 622432F7} Bionicle: Heroes (E) {AH8P DA19A441} Bionicle: Heroes (U) {AH8E F7AC3C96} Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (U) {CBXE A00DD1D7} Blades of Thunder II (U) {ABDE E74465C8} Blazer Drive (J) {CVZJ A026BDC5} Bleach: 4th Flame Bringer (J) {BL4J 75DDB5CB} Bleach: Dark Souls (E) {ABZP 48EC61CB} Bleach: Dark Souls (J) {ABZJ B981DC5A} Bleach: Dark Souls (U) {ABZE CB5DCEE1} Bleach: The 3rd Phantom (E) {YBTP 4672E5E1} Bleach: The 3rd Phantom (J) {YBTJ 642691CC} Bleach: The 3rd Phantom (U) {YBTE 42E7A327} Bleach: The Blade of Fate (E) {ABLP 3E97DFAB} Bleach: The Blade of Fate (J) {ABLJ E9BD2192} Bleach: The Blade of Fate (U) {ABLE 4F8D69D5} Blood Bowl (E) {CBZP A8097F30} Blood of Bahamut (J) {CYJJ 4B74EEEB} Blue Dragon Ikai no Majuu (J) {YBUJ 57184264} Blue Dragon Plus (E) {YYBP 85FD23B6}
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