GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA ANNUAL COMPENDIUM OF IMPORTANT ORDERS, CIRCULARS AND NOTIFICATIONS, ISSUED IN 1981 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT For the year 1981 ANNUAL COMPENDIUM OF IMPORTANT ORDERS, CIRCULARS AND NOTIFICATIONS, ISSUED IN 1981 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT For the year 1981 NIEPA DC 4398 K f' - /-I Sub. National Systems Uiift, National Institute of Educational Plsnmr;^ and A ministration 17-B ,Sri A ui b.i»d&-Marg.NewDcIjhi-110W# DOC. No....... Date...... ANNUAL COMPENDIUM SI. GOIGNIGC Subject Page No. No, ana date N.0 1 2 3 4 1. ED 18 MES un going scneraes oi L/eparimeni oi 81(1), dated Kannada and Culture 1981.82— 29th May 1981. approved. 1 I. ED32SBS76(l), Ad hoc family pension to the aided dated 3rd June school employees who have retired/ 1981. died while in service prior to 1st April 1963. 22 3. ED 24M H S81, Opening of Non-Government High •(Non-Govt. Schools in the State during 1981-82 . High Schools) approved. dated 6th June 1987. 24 4. E D 24N H S 8., Opening of Government High Schools (Govt.) dated in the State during 1981.82 sanc­ 6th June 1981. tioned. 29 5. ED38MPN81, Grant of washing allowance to the dated 6th June employees in the Scales Higher 1981. than Rs. 280.500 in the Dept, of P.S. and P. 35 6. iED130EYW81, ‘ On-going ’ schemes of Edn* and Y.S. dated 16th Juie Dept. 1981.82 approved. 1981. 36 7. ED 199TPEil, Starting of more diversified new . dated 22nd courses and rationalising and up­ June 1981. grading the existing courses in Polytechnics—constitution of a Committee. 43 8. ED22PTI79 Vocational courses on Pre-schools and dated 26th Juie Primary Edn. Recognition of^orders 1981. thereon. 46 9. ED 24 MHS Opening of Addl. Govt. High Schools 81(G), dated in the State during 1981.82— 29th June 1981. sanctioned. [0. ED 24 MHS Opening of Addl. Non-Govt. High 81(NG). datel Schools in the State during 1981.82. 29th June m i. approved. 50 11. ED22SBS80, Extension of insurable age limit from dated 29ih June 45 years to 50 years—Compulsory 1981. Life Insurance. 55 12. ED82MUN Up-grading of Non-Govt. High Schools 80(NG). dated and establishment of Non-Govorn- 3rd July 1981. ment Independent Junior Colleges during 1981.82 approved. 60 13. ED82MUN Upgrading Govt. High Schools and 80(G), dated Establishment of Independent Jr. 3rd July 1981. Colleges approved, 64 14. ED265TPE80, Recommendations of the Official dated 8th July Committee in regard to scales of 1981. Pay of certain categories of posts. 70 15. ED 42 TEC 81, Admission of students to Engineering dated 8th July Colleges in the State during 1981-82 1981. constitutions of selection commit-- tees for full time and part-time courses. 7 1 t6. ED 193 UPC 80, Grant of adhoc pension for the dated 8th July employees of Aided College, B.Ed., 1981. Colleges and Technical Institutions. 73 17. ED 111 DPI 81, Notification regarding amendment to dated 15th July the K.E.D. Services Rales, 1967.. 1981. 75 18. ED 171 DPI 81, Notification regarding Karnataka Edu- dated 15th July catio^i Department Special Recruit­ 1981. ment Rules 1981. 76 19. ED39SGH81, Construction of incomplete Marikambai dated 28th July Government High Schools building- 1981. at Sirsi, U.K^ District. 82 20. ED 34 TEC 80, Department of Technical Education. dated 12th Rules for selectoin of candidates, August 198K for adnrission to Government Aided' Engg. Colleges. 21. ED167TPE81, Upgrading Certain posts of Helpers, dated 18 th as Mechanics in SKSJT Institute,, August 1981. Bangalore. ED 226 PMS 81, Filling up the uofilled posts of Primary dated 21st School Teachers. 1981. 86 23. ED 3 ITS 81, Dept, of Mining Education—^Annual dated 26th Admn. Report for .the year 1979.80 August 1981. reviw of. 87 24. ED 53 PGC 81, Non-payment of grant for a Parti­ dated 27th cular period to the Educational August 1981. Institutions which have not imple­ mented the standing orders of Govt, for giving adequate representation to the SC/ST and other BCs— Introduction of provision in Grant- in-aid Code for Primary Schools in the State. 92 25. ED 84 MRS 81, Enhancement of Piece work rates for dated 29th the work turned out by piece work August 1981. Compositors and Binders. 93 26. ED 56 SBS81, Sanction of adhoc family pension to dated 8th Sep­ aided school employees who died tember 1981. while in service in between 1st April 1963 and 30th November 1984. 98 ED 24 MHS Opming of additional Government 81(A), dated High Schools in the State during 10th September 1981.82 sanctioned. 1981. 99 28. ED 144 SLB 81, Grant of F.A. to the employees of dated 11th aided Educational Institutions. J 101 29. September 1981. EDS CDF 81, Grant of Educational concessions to dated ll/14th the Children of Border Security September 1981. Force personnel and their depen­ dents. 103 30. ED 207 MSA 80, Creation of the staff to Karnataka dated 16th Janapada and Yakshagana Academy, September 1981. Bangalore—sancti<>ned. 104 lED 306 TPE 81, Dept, of Mining Education Annual dated 26th Sep­ Administration Report for the year tember 1981. 1980.81 review of— iv 32. ED 168 EYW 81, Declaring the Institute of Anathaseva- dated 28th Sep­ shrama Trust of Malladihalli a> the tember 1981. State Yoga Training Centre. 111 33. ED 248 EPE 81, Sanction of payment of Spats dated 9th Sep­ Scholarship. tember 1981. 112 34. ED313TPE81, Government Polytechnic for Women dated 3rd Oct. Hostel, Hubli, proposals for creition 1981. of Post of Watchman—reg. .. 120 35. ED 146 UPC 79, Department of Collegiate Educition dated 3rd Oct. Appointment, promotions, Tramfers. 1981. Deputation, etc. Aided and Un>aded Degree/Composite Colleges— Guidelines—issue of .. 122 36. ED 8 CPS 81, Scheme for grant of Scholarships and dated 5th Oct. other Educational facilities to the 1981. Children of Political Suffers continuation of .. 142 37. ED 180 EPE 81, Construction of 36 Gymnasium dated 12th Oct. buildings at 1 per Taluk—sanction 1981. of— .. 144 38. ED 81 SOH 81, Non-payment of grant for a particular dated 16th Oct. period to the Educational Institu:ions 1981. which have not implemented these standing orders of the Government for giving representation to the SC/ST and other BCs—Introduction of provision in Grant-in-aid code rule for Secondary Education • • 147 39. ED 15 TMU81, Conservation of Sri Virupaksha Temple dated 24th Oct. at Hampi, Hospet Taluk, Beliary 1981. District at an estimated cost of Rs. 2 .5 lakhs during 1981-82—approved .. 148 40. ED 340 TPE 81, Department of Technical Education— dated 3rd/16th conduct of Texts and Assignments for November 1981. Semestar Courses prescribing of rules ED 326 TPE 81, Revision of syllabus in the craft course dated 5th Oct./ in Tailoring • • 16th Nov. 1981. 42. ED6TPE81, Admission of candidates as repeaters dated 16th rules regarding and procedure of— 163 Nov. 1.981. 43. ED 50 SLB 81, Extension of family benefit fund rules dated 2nd to the employees of aided educational Dec. 1981. Institutions governed by Triple Benefit Scheme .. 167 44. ED 150 TEC 8L Department of Technical Education dated 23 rd Admission of candidates to I Year Dec. 1981. B.E. (4 years Degree Courses) for the academic year 1981-82 Admission of repeaters .. 181 45. ED 35 DUS 81, Proposal regarding the works proposed dated 31st to be taken up in connection with Dec. 1981. the first world Kannada Conference to be held during November 1981— Expenditure—Approved— .. 182 46. ED 6M A V 80, Chowdaiah Memorial Hall, Bangalore dated 7th conversion of loan into grant sanc­ January 1981. tioned. 192 46. ED276PM S80, Taking over of Primary School run by dated 12th Town Municipal, Bellary to Govern­ January 1981. ment. 196 48. ED 158 PMS 79, Exemption in II and III Languages for dated 17th the Deaf children in the VII Std. 197 January 1381. 49.ED 1 MPE81, Construction of Jnanamandiras in the dated 20th State approved during 1980-81. 199 January 1981. 50. ED 122 TPU 80, Enhancement of fee of I Year PUC dated 31st Examination reg. 202 January 1981. 50. ED 226 SEP 77, Conversion of temporary posts of the dated 31st Dept, of Public Instruction on perma­ January 1981. nent basis orders reg. 204 ED 43 TGL 79. Granting of exemption in the subject dated 4th in which the candidates are declared Feitruary 1981. as passed. 206 1 53. ED24TVE80, Director of Vocational Education— dated 8th Declaration of as Major Head of February 1981. Dept, orders issued. 207 54. ED 10 TMU 79, Committee to look after the preserva­ dated 17th tion of monuments at Bijapur, Badami, February 1981. Hampi, Aihole and Pattadakal Orders—regarding. 209 55. ED11SBS81, Extension of revised pensionery bene­ dated 6th fits to the employees of State Aided March 1981. Institutions Governed by Triple Benefit Scheme sanctions. 212 56. ED 99, MHS 80, Construction of the Centinary Hall dated 12th Sharada Vilas Educational Insti­ March 1981. tutions, Mysore sanction of grants. 213 57. ED 101 SES 81, Economy Measures application to dated 28th private aided educational instltutions- March 1981. clarified. 214 58. ED 12 SBP 80, Purchase of Book in praise of Aihole, dated 28th Badami, Mahakutte, Pattadakal March 1981. Published by Marg Publications Bombay. 215 58. ED47SBS77, Payment of pension during re-employ­ dated 3rd April ment period to the teachers of aided 1981. institutions. 217 59. ED62TPE81, Amendment to Grant-in-aid Code of dated 20th Karnataka Technical Education April 1981. Department. 218 61. ED52SLB81, Employees of aided educational institu­ dated 21st tions extension of the benefit of April 1981.
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