8. THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. rORTLAND, MARCH 14, 1000. ELOW is given a list of names of purchasers of cars of us due, directly and indirectly, to the Automobile Show held in the Armory the past week. ' " j .. , .. .., id rurmru rn - .. i k Tt T. B. "Wilcox, Packard "30" Touring Car. C. Samuel, Chalmers "30" Touring Car. W. Beck, Buick "10" Runabout. W. H. Moorehouse, Packard "18" Touring Car. H. R.. Gilbert, Chalmers "30" Touring Car. W. F. Wolf, Buiek "10" Runabout. " Y " f, ' jL4$ ' , C. ' j ' F. McArthur, Chalmers Runabout. C. R. Fowler. Buick "10" Runabout. Pope-Hartfor- G. L. II. W. Jranning, d Pony Tonneau. Schroeder, Chalmers Touring Car. C. G. Cook, Buick "F" Touring Car. TV. B. Beebe, Pope-Hartfor- d Pony Tonneau. J. W. Dixon, Chalmers Touring Car. David Hovenden, Buick "F" Touring Car. " ' Yy "T J. R. Bowles, Pope-Hartfor- d Pony Tonneau. R. L. Simmons, Chalmers Tourabout. y Y y y 4 3 R. II. Wilcox, Pope-Hartfor- d Touring Car. E. G. Aims. Chalmers "30" Touring Car. Olympic y Motor Car Co., Seattle, Wash. 15 Chal- SS y y y ''y.yyy 'f'lyy yy X ' ' ' ' ' y ' y' yyy y yY' "VVm. Pope-Hartfor- d Car. Crane & Co., Chalmers Touring Car. S" y"Sy" y'S ' Paul, Touring "30" mers 3 Chalmers G Pope-Ha- rt y y ' S , Sfy' y " "30" "40," fords, ' Y'Y"Yy.y. yy yyyyy yy.' ' Pope-Hartfor- d C. E. Williams, Chalmers Touring j''',"' C. R. Hodgins, Runabout. "30" Car. 10 Buick "17," 15 Buick "10," 5 Buk-- "F." C. R. Hodgins, Pope-Hartfor- d Touring Car. T. A. Yokom. Chalmers "30" Touring Car. C. A. Pope-Hartfor- d Touring Car. Carroll, Columbia Carage. Spokane. Wash. 15 Chalmers G. Kingley, Pope-Hartfor- d Touring Car. , W. R. Biii.-- Touring Car. Griffith, "17" "30." 3 Chalmers "40," 10 Buick "10," 3 Buick Li. E. Christopher. Pope-Hartfor- d Touring Car. II? A. Littlefield. Buick "17" Runabout. "17." L. A. Adams, Buick "17" Touring Car. y L. II. Temple, Chalmers "40" Touring Car. J. A. Bingham. Buiek Touring "17" Car. Wray & Veltum, Eugene. Or. 5 Buick "10," 1 Y? y yY E. R. Fosdick, Chalmers "40" Touring Car. Dr. F. A. Atkinson, Buick Touring Car. y ' Yyyy.Y' y Y y y j "17" Buick "17," 1 Buick "F," 2 Chalmers "30." E. R. Fosdick, Chalmers "40" Runabout. Dr. F. A. Y y Atkinson, Buick "17" Runabout. Y Y y yy y ? C ' Y D. Johnson, Chalmers Touring Car. Durre'nt, ' ' ' "40" Ed. Buick "17'.' Touring Car. Twin City Auto Co., Lewistou, Idaho 3 Buick "10," M. D. Kane, Chalmers Touring Car. R. "40" W. Wray, Buick "17" Touring Car.' 2 Buick "F," 1 Buick "1G," 1 Buick "17." y yT 'yyY y D. C. Koffman, Chalmers Touring Car. Miss Marion Case, Buick ( Y Y y "40" "10" Tourabout. 'yy fY W. H. Moore, Chalmers & ' Y y YY "30" Touring Car. Jackson Deering, Buick "10" Tourabout. Valley Auto Co., Medford, 4 Chalmers-Detroi- t ' ' 4 Yi Or. t:tr. j;...... ( (( irlriirrMrii C. O. Wilson, Chalmers "30" Touring Car. J. C. Harrison, Buick "10" Runabout. "30." L. E. Green, Chalmers "30" Touring Car. T. M. Latimer. Bui. k " 10". Tourabout. F. A. Kaiser, Chalmers Touring Car. E. L. Buick & We Are Taking Orders for "30" Irvin, "10" Runabout. Temple Wilcox, Pcudletou, Or. J Pope-Ha- rt fords. 1909 Monday morning will find us at the same old stand Packards doing business in the same old way 'iifyZyyyytjZ&M We can make immediate deliveries on a few more CHALMERS-DETROI- T "30" the best $1500 car in the world. Our type-"17-" BUICK is a car that should be . o thoroughly investigated before you decide on ATS AUTO GO any machine. Seventh and Burnside Streets, Portland, Oregon men, right-of-wa- y the auto is practically Indispensa- the Jury showed Its Impatience with at Grosham, on proceed- every date coined In the United States, sion one of the much advertised trad ble. It is ready at almost a moment's the Insanity plea by its prompt ver- ings. His collection la said to be larger than I dollars. AUTO SHOW IS TO notice, and one can travel to the most INSANITY NO PLEA dict. This is the second time such a Judgment for $3936.26 with Interest at 6 that of the mint at San Francisco. I secluded spots any in- per 2. 1907. Cl. without more plea has been even where cent from December to date. Mill, or this city, has In his posses- - nnmna h convenience than fell to the lot of the discredited was allowed the Dill Contract Company Rosenthal's fit ,! wagon days. there seemed a basis for It. Harry against Com- horse and of earlier The Daley .was first-degr- the Mount Hood Railway auto is now so strongly constructed convicted of pany, In the State Circuit Court, yeater-- . BE ANNUAL EVENT that rough roads and similar obstruc- murder last December, even though It day. The action was brought to recover had been shown he was generally re- money tions are negotiated with little or no garded as of unsound mind. due on a contract for clearing discomfort. Jury Convicts Chester C. Hoi- - Holloway shot his wife four times, right or way and getting out timber. The automobile has also served an- every The jury which will try Hans Goodager, other purpose of ball taking effect, and that she a saloonkeeper, for of Tony The Reo Automobiles that proving the lo way in Five Minutes. escaped death was regarded as a mir- the murder logic of good roads. The coming of the acle. ' Their domestic troubles were Moer, logger, was completed In Circuit First Exhibit of Portland Club motor car has done wonders in aiding transferred from Los Angeles here last Court yesterday. The taking of testi- the repairing, construction and mainte- Summer. Holloway. after falling "to mony will be commenced Monday. The nance of first-cla- ss thoroughfares. It induce again to live him. killing occurred in a drunken brawl. Ends With Much Good his wife with e, is true that Oregon's roads are not yet tried to kill himself at the New Grand Goodager will plead it is all that could be desired, yet those we TRIED TO MURDER WIFE Central Hotel but failed. Several days understood. The jurors are: F. C. Accomplished. have are. passable and give us reason to later he called on her and again made Seldler. M. D. Young. O. L. Chapel. L. R. hope for better things in the future. overtures. They quarrelled, each Houston. Joel H. Johnson. A. Spreltzer, Auto Popular in Portland. taunting the other because of unsuc- W. C Spence, George Schlotthaur. K. 9. cessful attempts made by them in the Schultz. F. I. Gleason, O. D. Hutton and, The large number and variety of cars past to suicide. seems Owen Taylor. on Although He Attempted to Show commit It the MANY exhibit at the' Portland show illus- wife had taken poison in Los Angeles. CARS SOLO VISITORS trates the popularity of tire machine in In the midst of the quarrel Holloway this city and vicinity. Over 100 dif- Woman's Conduct Drove Him to a ' drew' small revolver and emptied It RARE COINS ON EXHIBIT ferent styles and makes of cars were Distraction, Plea Disregarded. at his wife. One shot lodged in her shown. That each one of these styles side, one in her breast, one in her right of cars found from one to 20 or 30 A'erdlct of Guilty Returned. arm and one in her left lung. Strangely Ixs Angeles Collection on Display in Jealers Enthusiastic purchasers indicates that the number enough she recovered and was one of Over Stimulus of cars owned in Portland will be in- the witnesses against her husband. She Bank at The Dalles. to Business Through creased considerably. Every new au- was in court, too. when the verdict was Chance of tomobile adds to appearance of the the rendered and seemed quite pleased with THE Or., 13. (Spe- Displaying Cars In Competi- city. Each new car seen on the street Insanity as a defense for desperate the verdict. DALLES. March gives a greater metropolitan aspect, to gunplays "Much obliged, gentlemen." Holloway cial.) C. E. Gtlhouaen. of Los Angeles, $1150 With Top and Gas Lamps, F. O. B. Portland. tion AYilh Other the metropolis of received another setback in who' recently Maizes. the Northwest, and is the State Circuit Court yesterday when told the Jurors with a profound bow visited in this city, had one of the things quickly noticed by profounder five-passeng- and sarcasm. on display while here 22-- lowest-price- five-passeng- er Chester C. Holloway was found guilty at the French & Reo P. Touring Car, d the Eastern visitor or the traveler. It He was taken to the County Jail Co. Bank is said to be one is also indicative of the prosperous of attempting to murder his wife. The to await the passing of sentence Tues- what of the touring car in the world; complete with top, gas lamps, side lamps, condition .existing in Portland's busi- Jury was out a trifle less than five day morning at 10 o'clock. finest collections of rare old coins in the tail lamp and horn, f. o. b. Portland BT w. jr. PETRAIX. ness life, for where there are few au- minutes. Holloway had expected to Pacific Northwest. $1150.00 The v MO four-passonpr- first Portland Automobile Show tomobiles the traveler conceives the get off on the plea of temporary In- Among the collection were old gold Remember, is not full-sizo- d enjoying idea business is bad.
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