March 7, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E479 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING THOMAS F. St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist age and bravery. He was awarded the Silver BURKE AS HE IS NAMED ‘‘MAN and St. Joseph where they serve in the Bap- Star for Bravery from the American Police Hall OF THE YEAR’’ BY THE GREAT- tismal Ministry and where Judge Burke serves of Fame, as well as the Legion of Honor ER PITTSTON FRIENDLY SONS as a lector and as a member of the parish fi- Award from the American Law Enforcement OF ST. PATRICK nancial council. They are the parents of five Officers Association for his courage, bravery, children: Tom, a student at Harvard Law and allegiance in the performance of his duty HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI School; Bill, a student at Fordham Law following an incident that occurred on March OF PENNSYLVANIA School; Margy, a student at Boston College; 27, 1985. He is also an active member and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Katey, a student at Lehigh University; and Pat- participant in the Blair County DUI and Drug Wednesday, March 7, 2007 rick, a student at Scranton Preparatory Task Forces. Chief Thomas Miller’s character School. does not go unnoticed and is sure to bring him Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise Since 1992, the Burke family has hosted the most rewarding experiences in life. today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues students from Ireland, Japan and France. Chief Miller also recognizes fellow officers’ in the House of Representatives to pay tribute Madam Speaker, please join me in con- spirit and bravery being a member of the Blair to the Honorable Thomas F. Burke, Jr., on the gratulating Judge Burke on this fine honor. County Law Enforcement Officers Memorial occasion of being named ‘‘Man of the Year’’ The enormity of his contributions to the law, Foundation. by the Greater Pittston Pennsylvania Friendly his family and community speaks volumes Madam Speaker, Chief Thomas D. Miller Sons of St. Patrick. about his dedication, stamina and commitment has been very active in both professional and Judge Burke serves on the Luzerne County and serves as a shining example for others to personal activities throughout Blair Township, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, the emulate. Pennsylvania. Chief Thomas D. Miller is a 11th Judicial District of the Commonwealth of f great citizen of Blair County and we are hon- Pennsylvania. ored to recognize him for all of his work and A native of West Pittston, Judge Burke was PERSONAL EXPLANATION accomplishments. I congratulate him and wish appointed to the bench by former Pennsyl- him the best in his retirement. vania Gov. Tom Ridge. He was unanimously approved by the Pennsylvania Senate. Judge HON. TODD TIAHRT f Burke took office May 22, 1998, and was OF KANSAS CONGRATULATING JAMES F. elected to a full 10-year term of office by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BANNON AS HE RECEIVES THE voters of Luzerne County in 1999. Wednesday, March 7, 2007 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Prior to his judicial appointment, Judge FROM THE PITTSTON FRIENDLY Mr. TIAHRT. Madam Speaker, on March 6, Burke was engaged in the practice of law for SONS OF ST. PATRICK 25 years and, for several years, was a partner I was unavoidably detained and missed rollcall with his brother, Atty. Joseph D. Burke, in the votes Nos. 121 and 122. HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI law offices of Burke and Burke. He served as Rollcall vote No. 121 was final passage of H. Res. 98. Had I been present, I would have OF PENNSYLVANIA a member of the executive committee of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association. voted ‘‘yea.’’ He was also a director and president of the Rollcall vote No. 122 was on final passage Wednesday, March 7, 2007 First Bank of Greater Pittston and served as a of H. Res. 149. Had I been present, I would Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise director of successor banking institutions. have voted ‘‘yea.’’ today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues A summa cum laude graduate of West f in the House of Representatives to pay tribute Pittston High School, Judge Burke was in- TRIBUTE TO CHIEF THOMAS D. to Mr. James F. Bannon of Pittston, Pennsyl- ducted into the Wyoming Area Football ‘‘Ring MILLER vania, who has been chosen by the Greater of Pride’’ in 2005. Judge Burke is an honors Pittston Friendly Sons of St. Patrick to receive graduate with a BA degree in finance from Le- their Lifetime Achievement Award. high University and he received his Juris Doc- HON. BILL SHUSTER Mr. Bannon was born in Scranton, Pennsyl- tor degree from Villanova University School of OF PENNSYLVANIA vania, a son of the late Frank and Jule Law. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gaffney Bannon. He received his early edu- Judge Burke is a veteran of the United Wednesday, March 7, 2007 cation at Holy Rosary School in Scranton and States Army and was awarded the Bronze later graduated from Pittston High School in Star for meritorious service in the Republic of Mr. SHUSTER. Madam Speaker, I rise 1936. Vietnam. today to honor Chief Thomas D. Miller, who He served in the United States Army before Judge Burke is a former chairman of the after 33 years of distinguished service is retir- becoming associated with Bright Construction board of trustees of Marywood University and ing from his prestigious responsibility as Chief Company where he worked for 46 years as a was awarded the presidential medal from that of the Blair Township Police Department. masonry foreman. He was also a member of institution in 2004. He is also a past president Chief Miller has had a successful and promi- the Bricklayers Union No. 5, Harrisburg. of the board of directors of the Greater nent career with many achievements and rec- After retiring, he worked as a consultant for Pittston Chamber of Commerce and he served ognitions. Reilly Associates. as chairman of the board of directors of Chief Miller’s law enforcement career began Mr. Bannon also served as a member of the Catholic Social Services of Wyoming Valley. in 1974 as a part-time patrolman and quickly Pittston Area School Board. He formerly served as a member of the Presi- made his way up the ranks with his dedication He is a past president of the Greater dent’s Council of King’s College and as vice to serving the community. In 1980, 3 months Pittston Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and is a chairman of the board of directors of the after being hired as a full-time police officer by fourth degree member of the John F. Kennedy Luzerne Foundation. Judge Burke served the Blair Township Police Department and Council 372, Knights of Columbus, Pittston. three terms on the board of directors of the elected Constable of Juniata County, he was He also served as president of the Council’s United Way of Wyoming Valley and also promoted to Assistant Chief. On March 13, Home Association. chaired the capital campaigns for the Greater 2001, Chief Miller was appointed Blair Town- He is currently a member of the Pittston Pittston YMCA and the Salvation Army, West ship Chief of Police. His devotion to duty and Planning Commission. Pittston, where he also served as a member commitment to the community can surely be Mr. Bannon has been married for the past of the Advisory Council. drawn upon by future police officers. 70 years to the former Frances Bright. They Judge Burke and his wife, Peggy, are mem- Chief Thomas Miller’s career in law enforce- are the parents of two daughters, Ann Galla- bers of the parish community of St. Casimir, ment has brought him recognition for his cour- gher, Indiana, and Kathy Sulima, Pittston. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 0ct 09 2002 07:35 Mar 08, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07MR8.001 SWEST PsN: E07MRPT1 E480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 7, 2007 They also have four grandsons, five great also active in community organizations, such and instrumentation as part of a national re- grandsons and two great granddaughters. as the Sunrise Rotary Club of Bedford and the search and education team. The Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Bannon are members of St. Bedford County Chamber of Commerce Youth Eagles have retained Dr. Meade’s services as John the Evangelist Church, Pittston. Leadership Program and Education Founda- a consultant for summer camp since 1998. Madam Speaker, please join me in con- tion. Last July he realized his most ambitious vi- gratulating Mr. Bannon on the occasion of this Nominators of Dr. Crawford cite his excel- sion by developing a 300,000 square foot inte- honor. Mr. Bannon’s lifelong service to his lent vision and leadership in guiding his col- grated health campus offering traditional and family, church and community illustrate his leagues toward innovation and excellence, yet alternative therapies in a holistic environment commitment and selflessness and serve as an Dr. Crawford selflessly announced ‘‘what this to improve quality of life and longevity. The fa- example for others to emulate. award really demonstrates is that there is a cility is located in Allentown, Pennsylvania, f whole team of people who are working to and is a national showcase model for the fu- make Bedford Area School District a better ture of private practice medical care.
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