University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1985 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 8-30-1985 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 090, No 6, 8/ 30/1985 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1985 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 090, No 6, 8/30/1985." 90, 6 (1985). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1985/85 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1985 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. New Me~co------r----------------- "1!1115 Gwinn "Bub" Friday, August 30, 1985 Thieves Steal Rugs from Frontier Walls By David Morton said. ''We were working on the ahtml and so we had it off for one Thieves yankee! down and carried day." away six Indian woven rugs esti­ But Villegas speculated ·ulat the mated to be worth about $4,000 theft was not an inside job. "We from three walls in the Frontier Res- trust our employees very much,'' he . taurant and Art Gallery. said. The rugs displayed on walls in the Villegas said the restaurant n;ay east-mostroom of the Frontier, 2400 not be able to collect insurance on Central Ave., were taken sometime the rugs because the thieves did not Tuesday night or Wednesday morn· have to break into the Frontier to get ing during regular restaurant hours, them. but owners Larry and Dorothy A Frontier employee first re­ Rainosek said the rugs were not ported the missing rugs, said Ville­ noticed as missing until about noon gas. None of the restaurant's cus­ Wednesday. tomers have reported seeing any­ Pete Villegas, Frontier general thing unusual, he added, manager, estimated it took only mi­ "It's very depressing," he said. nutes for the thieves to pull the rugs '_'It's not the value of the rugs that from the walls and escape from an really matter, it's the time you've exit leading to the parking lot behind put into it, It's a collection. and it's the restaurant. He described the theft taken several years to collect every­ as "coincidental," because the Dorothy Rainosek, owner of the Frontier Restaurant, points to a space now marked only by thing. That stuff is out there for peo­ Frontier's alann system was down. ple toenjoy.lt's ashame youhavcto Velcro strips where a large Navajo rug used to hang. A total of six rugs, worth $4,000, were "Everything is alarmed in there have everything alarmed," stolen from the popular restaurant sometime Wednesday morning. The.owners are offering - even the hanging plants,'' he Some of the stolen rugs were a $500 reward for the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the theft. nailed to the walls, so they were probably damaged when the thieves yanked them down, Villegas said. More Co!Jstruction Means Fewer Parking Spaces "They won't be worth as, much." The Rainoseks have supplied police By Juliette Torrez and street parking along Las Lomas pected to be completed in April the residence halls, 792 vehicles with descriptions and photographs will cease when the street is widened 1986, will house about 800 vehicles, were registered for O-zone parking of the missing rugs, he said, The University of New Mexico to accommodate traffic to and from but more parking spaces are ex­ near the Computer Center, wnere campus is minus several hundred the new parking facility, said John pected to be eliminated. when other there arc still 350 spaces still avail­ The east-most room of the res­ construction projects get under way. able to them. But "due to construc­ taurant is flanked by two exits, one parking spaces this year largely be­ Lasusky, acting manager for park­ leading onto Central A venue and a cause ofconstruction for a new park­ ing services. The addition to Johnson Gym has tion that is going on (for the new already claimed 150 spaces in the parking structure) it was necessary second leading to the parking lot and ing structure. "Most people don't realize new an alley. Villegas said the restaurant The parking structure near the construction takes place on parking parking lot between .the gym and to displace (some) students to the . Popejoy Hall. B-lot," Lasusky said . keeps the parking-Jot door open be­ computing center has eliminated ab­ Jots," Lasusky said. cause of fire regulations and "for out 388 spaces in the O-zone area The new parking structure, ex~ The Anderson School of Manage­ Dean of Students. Karen Glaser ment expansion will claim an addi­ good access from the far parking lot. said the B-lot will have a lighted We like to have our customers feel at tional 200 spaces, Lasusky said, and telephone area that connects directly Roma is expected to be closed from ease when they come at night, with the UNM police department. knowing they .can get inside fast." PIRG Supports Bond Zimmerman Library to Coronado Campus police will provide an Residence Hall. A road will be escort service to men .and women However, the restaurant's man­ stretched east across Johnson Field JiVing in the residence halls. agement is considering closing the To Fund Waste Study to Redondo Drive to provide access cast-most room in the evenings, Vil­ to the Student Services parking lot Glaser also said that women doml legas said. By Ben Neary New Mexico State Legislature pas­ and the Student Health Center, he students wiii get first priority for G­ sed a Jaw concerning landlord/tenant said. zone parking. "We don't mind students study· In. addition to its plans on campus relations. Parking pennits for the remaining Free parking is. available to all ing there,'' he said. "We've gained this semester, the New Mexico Pub­ "There's a new security deposit lots on the main campus have been UNM students on the north campus, a reputation as far as place to meet lic Interest Research Groupsupports law in effect in New Mexico," Be­ sold out with the exception of the where currently there are I,728 friends and have a cup of coffee or a proposed $130,000 bond issue in navides said. "What Used to happen M·zone, near the medical school, parking spaces. Lasusky said the study, and we don't mind that." the Oct. 8 Albuquerque election. If is that people would call us up and said Lasusky. · free parking lot will be increased by the issue passes. the city will fund a say it's been two months since they UNM donn students may still 500 spaces later this year. Three The restaurant is ortcring a $500"-- study to consider whether to build a moved out of their place and they purchase pennits for B-zone area shuttle buses are provided from 7: IS reward for any infonnation leading hazardous-waste depot. still hadn't got their deposit back. parking, near Girard and Central. a.m. to 6:15 p.m. to transport stu­ to the arrest and conviction of those ''A Jot of waste-dumping in Albu­ "There wasn't much they could Among the I ,500 students living in dents to the main campus. responsible for the theft. · querque comes from smaller do," Benavides said. ''They coufd businesses that can't afford to hire take the landlord to small claims waste-disposal companies from out court but Usually they didn't get any­ of the state," NMPIRG Director where. The landlord would just tum David Benavides said. "This new up in court and present a list of de­ facility wili be a place where indust­ ductions the tenant wasn't prepared rial wastes can be stored until there to answer and the judge would are enough to make it efficient to usually take the deductions out of take them all to an appropriate the deposit. facility. •'Under the new law, if the land­ "Contrary to what a lot of people lord fails to return the deposit or seem to think, we're not just young, make an Itemized list of deductions irresponsible students who are a within 30 days, then he loses the drain on the state until we gradu· right to withhold any deductions and ate,' • Benavides said. '• A big part of is responsible for the whole de­ our organization is showing the posit,'' Benavides said. community and the .state that stu­ Such legislation has endeared dents can contribute something poli­ NMPIRG to enough studellts to en­ tically." sure elbowroom at the student goV· NMPIRG is best known for its emment feeding trough. NMPIRG landlord/tenant hotline. ''We get pulled down $16,250 from ASUNM over 600 calls a month;" Benavides and $2,500 from the Graduate Stu· said. ''We extend that service to dent Association this year. people outside of the University Nearly 50 percent of that money community. We get referrals from goes for salaries within .NMPIRG. the district attorney's office, from There are five paid employees. the courts and lots of different social "I've heard a lot ()f rumors and agencies. Ithillk it's very ilnportant there was an ad in the Lobo about for people in the community to be how ()Ur money is going down the able to see that students care about drain and going illto people's pock· Kllth .. 0 ·1 community problems.;, ets," Benavides said. ''1 really (eel . • • . .... ·. .. .· .. .·· . .. .· .. • . .. v onzuz NMPIRG's most recellt political Smllrng feces were • common sight et thelce Cream Soc111l Thursdey.
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