1FESP+0JBS[BCBMXBTCPSOBOESBJTFE 6SB[BOEJCJMEVNBLNVOEVBO[FIBS JO#JMCBPBOEIBTTQFOUNVDIPGIJTMJGF EBVEFOFVTLBMFUYFOBHVTJFOFO CFUXFFO UIF #BTRVF $PVOUSZ *SFMBOE IJTUPSJBKBTPU[FBEVIFMCVSV BOEUIF6OJUFE4UBUFT)FIPMETB1I% BU[FSSJSBUVUBLPFVTLBMEVOPO JO#BTRVF4UVEJFT1PMJUJDBM4DJFODFGSPN CJ[JQFOFUBOPJOBSSJUVUB UIF6OJWFSTJUZPG/FWBEB 3FOP BOEJTB 63";"/%* 7JTJUJOH 3FTFBSDI 4DIPMBS BU UIF 0SBM )JTUPSZ 1SPHSBN 6OJWFSTJUZ PG /FWBEB 3FOP "NPOH IJT QVCMJDBUJPOT BSF -B -BDPMFDDJwO6SB[BOEJ ²BMMFOEF *EFOUJEBE 7BTDB FO FM .VOEP #BTRVF MPTNBSFT³ SFDPHFMBIJTUPSJBEFMPT *EFOUJUZ JO UIF8PSME BOE " $BOEMF JO QSJODJQBMFTDFOUSPTWBTDPTEFMNVOEP UIF /JHIU #BTRVF 4UVEJFT BU UIF CBTBEBFOMPTUFTUJNPOJPTEFQSJNFSB 6OJWFSTJUZPG/FWBEB )F JT NBOPEFBRVnMMPTRVFFNJHSBSPO DVSSFOUMZBXBJUJOHUIFQVCMJDBUJPOPGIJT WPMVNF FOUJUMFE 5IF #BTRVF %JBTQPSB 4"/'3"/$*4$0 8FCTDBQF 5IF6SB[BOEJ ²GSPNPWFSTFBT³ $PMMFDUJPODPNQJMFTUIFIJTUPSZPGUIF NPTUJNQPSUBOU#BTRVF$MVCTBMMPWFS UIF8PSME CBTFEPOGJSTUIBOE NFNPSJFTPGUIPTFXIPFNJHSBUFE -BDPMMFDUJPO6SB[BOEJ ²PVUSFNFS³ SFDFVJMMFMFTIJTUPJSFTEFTQSJODJQBVY DFOUSFTCBTRVFTEVNPOEFCBTnTTVS 4"/'3"/$*4$0 MFTUnNPJHOBHFTEJSFDUTEFDFVYRVJ nNJHSoSFOU *4#/ Chaleco Urazandi 23.indd 1 24/4/09 09:47:42 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 2 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:402:25:40 23 GARDENERS OF IDENTITY: BASQUES IN THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA by Pedro J. Oiarzabal LEHENDAKARITZA PRESIDENCIA Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2009 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 3 77/5/09/5/09 112:11:272:11:27 A catalogue record of this book is available in the catalogue of the General Library of the Basque Government: http://www.euskadi.net/ejgvbiblioteka Published: 1st edition, March 2009 Print run: 750 © Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Administrazioa Lehendakaritza Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco Departamento de Presidencia Executive director: Josu Legarreta Bilbao Internet: www.euskadi.net Published by: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 – 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz Designed by: Canaldirecto. www.canal-directo.com Photosetting: Ipar, S.Coop. Zurbaran, 2-4 - 48007 Bilbao Printed by: Grafo, S.A. Avda. Cervantes, 51 - 48970 Basauri (Bizkaia) ISBN: 978-84-457-2938-o Legal Deposit: BI 1303-2009 Note: The printing department of this publication is not responsible for the content or opinions contained within the pages of the individual books of this series. UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 4 77/5/09/5/09 112:11:272:11:27 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 5 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:452:25:45 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 6 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:462:25:46 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 7 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:472:25:47 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 8 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:532:25:53 To all those anonymous—past, present and future—gardeners of identity The Basque Country is not only geography, but also the people who inhabit it. That is, a country. A country that naturally has its history—an ancient one, so much that in all of Europe there is not a single ethnic group with a clearer profile than the Basques. All this means that among many kinds of plants and flowers that form a garden, we constitute a different kind of plant with the same right to live as others, not to better care than them, but rather, to as much care as them. That is, care conferred upon the Basque people themselves in this orphanage in which our culture barely survives. It is not our aim for other flowers to be disregarded, but to keep ours alive. Would this be too much to ask from a civilization that defends and protects even animals and vegetable species as collective goods? That’s all we ask for. (José Miguel de Barandiaran, 1889-1991, Basque ethnographer and anthropologist) UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 9 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:532:25:53 Table UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 1010 33/4/09/4/09 112:25:532:25:53 of Contents San Francisco 11 Aurkezpena / Presentation. 18 Hitzaurrea / Preface . 22 Acknowledgements . 26 Introduction: A New Beginning . 30 Rational for the Study. 35 Organization of this Work. 37 Chapter one: From the Pyrenees to the Pacific Ocean . 40 Introduction . 41 Basque Immigration into America . 42 Basque Immigration into California . 48 Basque California since the 1900s . 64 Conclusions . 80 Chapter two: Mapping the Basque Communities . 82 Introduction . 83 A Profile of the Basque Clubs Members. 89 Revisiting Basque Identity . 105 Conclusions . 110 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 1111 222/4/092/4/09 111:49:371:49:37 Chapter three: Euskal Hiria: In the Streets of San Francisco . 112 Boardinghouses—Ostatuak—and Restaurants . 113 Other Businesses: Bakeries and Laundries . 142 Conclusions . 148 Chapter four: Euskal Elkarteak: Building a Basque Country . 150 Euskal Elkarteak: Basque Associations . 151 Zazpiak Bat: Towards Basque Inclusiveness. 157 North American Basque Organizations and the U.S. Federation of Pelota . 166 Towards a Zortzigarren Herrialdea . 179 The San Francisco Basque Club, Incorporated. 182 Conclusions . 189 Chapter five: The Pursuit of a Dream . 192 A Basque Clubhouse in the Bay Area . 193 The Basque Cultural Center, Incorporated . 208 The Marin-Sonoma Basque Association, Incorporated. 222 The Anaitasuna Basque Club, Incorporated . 224 Conclusions . 226 12 Chapter six: Culture, Politics, and Religion. 228 Cultural Activities . 229 Politics, Politics, and Politics . 271 Religion . 277 Conclusions . 286 Table of Contents Table Conclusions: Against all Odds . 288 Methodological Notes . 296 Sources . 301 Books and Articles . 301 Unpublished Works . 312 Newspapers and Newsletters . 314 Archives. 314 Interviews . 315 Focus Groups . 319 Appendix . 321 Tables . 321 UUrazandirazandi 2233 SSanan Francisco.inddFrancisco.indd 1212 222/4/092/4/09 111:49:371:49:37 Basque Portraits Index Jacques Unhassobiscay . 72 Jean Gorostiague . 102 Amelie Sorhondo and Aña Iriartborde . ..
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