OXFORD ST 236}Auen Madge 241 Moonunadahg 7 Gridley R Leighton 5 Hughes Frank X 242 Hariey School Physician H Schlegel Edward D2

OXFORD ST 236}Auen Madge 241 Moonunadahg 7 Gridley R Leighton 5 Hughes Frank X 242 Hariey School Physician H Schlegel Edward D2

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1931 OXFORD ST 1930-1931 OXFORD ST 1843 236 7 Dennison ArUne The OxfordCon 475 Elden Clarence A1 * Hawes Alton 6 French Mary E Mrs 3 Weaver Cora Wotton Grace A Mrs 7 Waterman Rose N Andrews Josephine Mlllham 4 Richards Stuart W Mrs 9 Evans EUzabeth Mrs2 5 Malone Walter J Stutzman Henry D 3 7 Herler Irma G 9ALehrberg Gertrude E 12 Ames William Johnson Addison H 236}AUen Madge E 478 Stark Minnie E Mrs 241 74 Reld Edward C MoonUnadahG 485 E 7 16 Richards Morgan Delninger Henry Gridley R Leighton 486 Rebecca Mrs * 75AChapin Read T Kopelowlch Snyder Arthur W 489 Stetthelmer Frances E Mrs 3 Perkins Glenn 76 Palmer Eleanor Mrs 77 490 GUlesple Frank J 5 Hughes Frank X Benedict Minnie H 78 Davis Robert T 492 Loeb Louis M . Eleanor Morris Abraham L 1 242 .Pad'ey 79 Thornton Jeannette 497 Hariey School Frank L 247 21 Bates Marjorie 497}Munson Hunt John F Mulvana M Mrs 248 600 EUzabeth Benson John C 292 The Benson 501 Vacant 255 Jones S Case physician h J Stafford Floyd C 256 Phalen Alice J Mrs 7 Furlong William M 504 Paine EUzabeth M Mrs 1 260 Miller Edward Rl * Peters Alvin J McNulty Hugh B Schlegel Edward D2 3 McDowell Elizabeth Mrs Lewis Leo A 2 266 The MagnoUa 4 Lord Anson M Bradley James A Eddy John R 5 Lynch Florence 507 Moran Hiram J 7 McEnaney Mary 6 Fisher Grace 508 MacMillan Isabel S Mrs1 * Kohn Lawrence A Dr 7 Schwarz Hermine Mrs McGulgan Anna E2 3 McClurg George J 8 Wallace Rena D Mrs 609 Nugent Ellen A 5 Kramer Norman A 9 Smith Helen A Nugent M Gertrude 8 O'Reilly Helen M 70 Rowles Harold E 613 Aberle Bernhard 9 Martin Charles Stewart 77 Simonds M Marie 514 Fox William J 70 Hathaway Wilma 12 Llttiefleld Maisle Mrs 515 GaUagher Thomas J 77 Touhey Vincent J 74 Long EUzabeth E 621 Slauson Earle C 18 Gunton Leora 76 Buchanan John B 625 Winans WUber R R 74 Templeton George R 76 Woolard William J 527 Brayer George W 267 The Roosevelt 77 Stone Emily Roosevelt Grille restaurant 76 Sleeper Harriet WeUesley St ends 5*7 Amos Fred 79 Bearss Ethel L 000 Church of the Blessed Sacra- 70* Nusbaum Max 20 Schmidt Frederick C ent 70S Casey Maude M Mrs 21 Burton Marian P Mrs , , 000 Blessed Sacrament School 704 Cornish Maude Mrs ** Munce Mabel C Mrs 539 Fay Anna 705 Marshall John E 23 Krampf Mary 543 Lazarus Isaac 706 Joyce James L JuUa A 24 Halpln 545 Lazerson Samuel B 707 Melen Milton S 26 Smith E Mrs Mary 655 Neafle Charles F 1 801 Curtis Carllla Mrs 293 3 Clark John W William Curtis Lucille Foley 5 Bird Wllmer P Rev Pickett Willard N2 808 Waterman Mildred Mrs D Hunter 6 Smiley ReUey Katherine 80S Hunter Fred W 301 Agram Joseph L 804 Langll Josephine P Mrs 305 Matties Benjamin C 806 Goldwater Hannah Mrs W 1 306 Carver Charles C Rev PACKARD STREET, from 1734 *07 Ernst Victor 2 Church Mary F Mrs Main E, north to 45 Macbeth; 307 Woodworth Margaret Mrs 310 Kewin Benjamin1 ward 18 302 WUUamson Ida Mrs 2 Brooks Emma J Mra E Main car to Culver Rd 503 Harrison George E 315 Held Louise B Mrs even 504 Turpin Lucy 316 Perkins Dexter1 Left odd; Right Harold T 305 Rosenthal Robert Comerford Mary L Mrs2 3 Singleton Flicker Edward J 506 Miller Lois Mrs 325 Miller Carrie E Mrs 65 307 McCrae Frances W Mrs Reeder CaroUne E Mrs Maxson St begins 407 Abelson Joseph 330 Dodge Charles W 70 Parker Helen E Mrs 403 Rice Frank 833 Howe Winthrop K 79 Hutter Charles L1 403 KeUy Thomas 334 Bloss Ella W Mrs Hawelka Emma N Mrs2 404 Prltchard Thomas B 340 Warehelm Harry P 80 Wawrose John J 1 507 Nelson George F 343 Hagen Roscoe A Wilson Robert W G2 603 Wolfert Anna T 350 Bums Robert D 85 Henderson John S 605 Wile Clara A Mrs 353 Barrows Donald 88 Kearons William M Rev 504 Ryder Charlotte M Rochester Organ Company Inc 506 Myers Marion Mrs 356 Piatt Clarence M 506 Maloff Ioura G 363 Vacant PAIGE STREET, from 126 Brooks 507 Goodman Henry Mrs Av, north, across 293 Barton; 607 Rodenbeck John C Brighton St mds S6S ward 19 608 Mannls Wffliam Genesee car to cross sts 60S Rosenberg Rebecca 366 Taylor Joseph Ward Left odd; Right even Robinson Louise N 373 McMath Morrison H 604 16 Crosland 8 Morris 606 Moskowltz Morris J 380 Reeves Bert E 20 MacFadden John A J Cesare 607 Halsey Allen 383 Sconfletti Samson Andrew C 1 Edward Gordon 23 707 McLennan Colin 393 Ashley MUler D Leon2 70* Pike WilUam J Werner Lillian B Mrs 399 24 Lutz Jacob J L Richard M 705 Finestone Abraham 400 Harris Ladd R Howard Helen C Mrs1 29 704 Castich OUver 407 Beattle Charles E 12 33 Burne 706 Mudge Charles E Goldstein Harry Clark Florence W Mrs Schmlnke F 410 Julia G 708 Christopher McLaughlin 34 Eshleman Herbert 707 Wolfert Roman 39 AlUng Charles J trackman h Harvard St crouu407 607 MaraeUus Charles H 470 40 Gotts Sarah Mrs M Mrs 808 Robertson Lillian 41 Burne Forest A Mrs Fitch 80S Whittaker Eleanor 420 Sawyer 46 Bosworth Raymond W Amarandos George N 804 Heye K Werner 425 50 Byrne Patrick J Weis Clara B Mrs 805 Washburn Cyrus 430 61 Dalley John H Cecilia J Mrs 434 John C 806 Heyman McCurdy 55 Llndsley Floyd A Anna H Mrs 607 Hoah George 435 Nusblckel 61 Ernlsse Raymond J 444 Hofhelnz Katherine B Mrs Park At crosses *67 888 445 Wegman Cora B Mrs 67 Barton St crosses 50 284 Taylor CecU El , , dute Charlotte A Mra2 Harper St ends446 77 Vacant 83 Sarah Mra 286 The Oxford Splttal Clarke John P Oxford Hotel Res- 450 Swan George L 87 Apartment M taurant 466 Lee William R 92 Leonard Henry 95 J 7 Payne Edwin van R Lee James B Chappie George 98 Kuhn * Lee Viola Mrs 467 Hlgglns George Henry Michael J Horris Mary Mrs 485 Hewlston A Vyvian 1 99 Slattery 9 Claude L 5ARich Charles W Fisher Alice D 103 Graves John Lunn George R Jr Stone Louise M2 104 Beyer 4 Fred D Elizabeth E Mrs 466 Strouss Mary Mrs 109 Wentworth 4AKennedy 110 Edward F 5 Ritchie Mabel G 472 Twining Mayme L Mrs Brady Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1931 1844 PALISADE PK 1930-1931 PARDEE ST PALISADE PARK, from 70 Lu 18 Bonanno Frank 32 Foery Franki Lorenz 2 zerne, northeast; ward 14 23 Constanz Frank Foery 35 Oette M Mrs Monroe car to Laburnum era 25 Rugensteln August C Mary 36 Tariton James H 36 Gackenhelmer Fred Right even Left odd; J 39 Ziegler Anna Mra 12 Lavner Harry 42 Betts George Conrow Edwin C 40 Helm WiUiam J 16 CarroU M Mrs 47 Sophia 45 Gutberiet Joseph D 19 Comlnsky Louis B 52 Tomacella Joseph 53 Junker 46 Thomas Ernest L 20 Harry J Adolph Rosenberg Domenico 49 Krieger Nathan 21 Cominsky Rebecca M Mrs 54 Falcone Frank 50 Kirchgessner Fred H 22 Feldman 57 Caccamo Benjamin 55 Holahan Henry C 25 Andrew 63 WeUer Jacob Lang U Kirchgessner Wffliam 26 Ida Mrs Southwlck AUen Rosenberg 56 Meyer Henry B 27 Silverman Harry 67 Flore Thomas 68 Welch Charles1 59 Schultz Albert 28 Walenltz Benjamin Pherson Christina Mrs2 60 Wunsche Ewald 31 Clampitt Millie S Mrs 63 Crane Nelson B 32 Garellck Morris M 69 McKue James 64 Kamm John F 35 Lewlnson 73 Roelse John Philip A 69 Gresens Pauline Mrs 36 Guest Thomas H 78 Thomas WUmont Nicholas 70 Jacobs Simon 39 Simms Leonard J 83 Chiafery C 73 Blattner Felix 40 Norman Hartley T 86 Unger Albert J 74 Kelfer Mary C Mrs 41 Levin Annie D Mrs 88 Moriarlty Andrew 90 Cadzow AnnabeUe 79 Gruber Jacob F PALM STREET, from 185 Lewis- 93 Buckley Raymond L 80 Ruhl George ton Av, west to Dewey Av; 95 O'Donnell William J 82 Groh Alphonse F2 ward 10 104 Howard Robert J Speckman Jacob J Dewey car 110 Logan Clyde H 111 Stein Karl PARK AVENUE, from 260 Alex Left men odd; Right east and to 1649 2 Pitcher P Paul confectionery 121 Wolff Frank J ander, north, East wards 21 7 Lynch William 122 Bender Jacob Av; 12, Par* car 11 Pratt Charles J 125 Kanls Frank J Harris Ira 0 19 Taylor John H 126 Left men; Right odd 21 Schloss Mary Mrs 132 Boiling Thomas A 17 7 HaU Ruth 25 McAlplne James 128 Stollnskl Chester J * Fine Anne 29 Laing Robert S 7*5 JJocftet St crossu 7*8 3 Fine Robert C 37 Brown Fred M 19 Clifford John 8 147 Giangreco Peter grocer h physician 20 Scuse Alvln A 43 Gates Alonzo D 151 Farmer Lawrence W 22 Ames Ivan V 2 43 Desmond St crosses 00 153 Sehm Maude Mrs Green James Barnard 154 Fox Charles H 53 Priester Mary G Mrs grocer OUve 169 Hayes Nathaniel Young 57 Walsh James G 23 Packer Maude Mrs 164 Gabel George P 63 Smith Margaret V Mrs 25 M 168 Hill Raymond Loughlln Margaret 69 Ernst Emil 27 CaU Dorothy 75 Fraser Edward J 169 Vacant 170 Raymond P 28-30 The Colonial 76 Sams Frank J Thompson 28 3 Drew George W R 175 Sofia Luigl 84 Bock Albert 6 MUby George W Builders Co 179 Kellerson Paul 85 Keystone Supply 9 Aronovltz Benjamin N 90 181 Rlddell Sidney J Drummond Mary Mrs 16 Craig William A 96 Gerschefski T 183 Plantz George August 30 6 Grippen Bessie Mrs A 184 Weckelmann Edward 97 Wilkinson RoUo 8 Beals H C 103 Ellis John G 185 Scarclotta Salvatore 70 McGarry Anna J 104 Wilcox Frederick E 191 Cottonaro Joseph 74 Frickey Charles R 107 Cotton Louis H 196 Mancuso Carmela Mrs 76 Hughes Claude G 110 James F 198 Seltz Charles Coyle 31 Frazer Pauline 115 Smith R 203 Levin Rachel Mrs Guy 34 7 Canfield Charles 116 Dltner Aloyslus I 205 Trojan Sanitary Pipe Cleaner * L 121 Baker Albert K Co Dillingham Margaret 3 Esta L 124 Jones EUzabeth P Mrs 206 DeFrank Ellen R Mrs Hedges Seldenwand Rose 127 Wood Edson D 209 Palmleri Concetta Mrs 4 5 Owen T Frances Mrs 130 Johnson P 211 Slcarl Domenico Floyd 37 Llebeck Annie 133 Earl E 216 Hannan George 8 Rickey 40 Events Ella C 136 WUUam A 219 Young Alvln Bishop 43 Hall D Melvln 137 E 221 Fox Ray Young George 44 141 Brown Burton F 224 Emler WUliam J Friedman Adolph tallor h 47 Hall Wffliam E 1 144 Milborrow Alfred 228 Bassett Clifford H Lewis Harold2 145 Post Russell D 48 * Martin OUve H Mra

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