DENVER Vol. LXMI No. 21 Ninety-six years service to the Gospel M ay 29, 1996 Pilot parishes launch local campaigns Leadership events set strong pace as churches embark on HOF program At a time when young people face enormous moral challenges, six Colorado parishes have stepped for­ ward to offer them hope. Leaders and pastors from St. Augustine in Brighton, St. Clare and St. Mary in Eagle County, Sts. Peter and Paul in Wheat Ridge, Holy Trinity in Arvada, Sacred Heart of Jesus in Denver and St. Jo­ seph in Fort Collins joined Archbishop J. Francis Stafford at two shared leadership events for Hearts on Fire, the five-year archdiocesan capital campaign. “This is our moment,” Archbishop Stafford told ‘pilot parish" gatherings at the John Paul II Center for the New Evangelization May 23 and at St. Joseph Church in Fort Collins May 22. “It is our turn to give God glory. These are the days that will define us. This is the work every one of us will be remembered for by the generations yet to come." The pilot parishes will serve as prototypes for the remainder of the Church of Northern Colorado in its effort to raise $64 million. Members of pilot parishes will receive Hearts on Fire introductory letters from their pastors this week, along with case statements specific to their parishes. Hearts on Fire, which begins at most parishes in the fall, is cff to a remarkable start, with M -6 million in mtgor gift pledges already secured at the archdioc­ esan level. Priests from within the archdiocese have also committed more than $300,000 to the effort, dem­ onstrating their strong support for the campaign. But the heart o f Hearts on Fire is in the parishes, where a shared offertory increase will support parish- based initiatives and archdiocesan-wide needs. That's why the pilot parishes’ leadership is so important. “lb do the work of the Gospel, we must do more than survive," said Don Craighead, a Sts. Peter and Paul parishioner who served as master of ceremonies at the Denver event. “We must thrive." Among the needs addressed by parish case state­ ments are refurbishing a church steeple, hiring a full­ time youth director, replacing a school roof, upgrad­ ing a parish’s computers, improving landscaping and parking facilities and renovating a convent into reli­ gious education classrooms for youth and adults. The archdiocesan needs addressed by HesuYs on Fire include renovating the John Paul II Center for the New Evangelization, establishing The Seeds of Hope IXtition Assistance Fund, constructing and reno­ vating archdiocesan high schools, creating an endow- Continued on page 4 I ■ac-,- ■ ' ■- Jo rn a B a n IDCR photo (L t o R , top )A L and Lm Aleman poae with Archbishop J. Francis Stafford and Laura and Bill Schultz from Holy IHnity Church, May 23. Above, Archbishop J. Francis Stafford greets Karen and John Mauro from Sts. Peter and Paul Parish. m a y 2 9 . 1996 Five seminarians to be ordained as deacons “ I spent the summer o f 1994 working at Spirit nf BY CHERYL DOYLE-RUFFING plained, “Sister Mary Francis told me that 1 should be a priest in the seventh grade." There was one problem, Christ Parish with Father Ken Leone and Father Michael Glenn," he added. “Father Ken was a priest On Saturday, June 1, five seminarians for the though: “1 never was good at doing what 1 was told. “Actually, as 1 became older. 1 found there was who enjoyed his ministry, and he became my inspira­ Archdiocese o f Dienver will reach a milestone in their tion to priesthood. lives when they become deacons. something missing in my life — there was a feehng “Tlie next year, I worked with Father Don Wlllette Archbishop J. Francis Stafford will ordain Tho­ that 1 was supposed to be doing something el.se. he continued. “W’liile at a friend s ordination to the priest­ who also inspired me to continue my journey to pnest mas James Burkett, Michael Joseph Flaska, Daniel hood. These three priesU, along with my loving and sup Joseph Norick, Rocco Shane Porter and Daniel W ill­ hood, 1 discovered what it was. 1 fought with it for a portive family have given me the courage and inspira iam Zimmerschied to the Order of Deacon at the Ca­ long time, but once I opened my heart to the call, 1 tion for my vocation to the priesthood.’’ thedral of the Immaculate Conception. have never been sorry.” _ The Church’s hierarchy of orders consists of three Daniel Joseph Daniel William levels: the episcopate (bishops), the presbyterate N o r ic k Zimmerschied (priests) and the diaconate (deacons: transitional and A native of Denver. perman-?nt). These five seminarians will be transitional Norick wood. he Ills fain- Zimmerschied graduated deacons — possessing the powers to minister at the al­ from Arvada High, then went tar, baptize and preach — until they are ordained to the on to Colorado State Univer priesthood following completion of seminary studies. Our Lady of Fatima The school supplied his sity and the University of Thomas James Colorado. When he realizeil he B u rk e tt V Holy Faitiily High .'^hool fur- had a vocation to the pne.st Burkett grew up in Steam­ ni.shed his secondary ediica- hood, he entered St. Tlioma.-i boat Springs, where he was a Theological Seminary and is member of Holy Name Parish. He spent two years at now enrolled at Mundelein After graduating from Benedictine College in Kan­ He’s been a member of Shrine Steamboat Springs High sas before transferring to the University of Colorado of St. /Anne Parish since 1968. On becoming a pne.st, School in 1988, he spent a year at Denver, where he earned a degree in civil engiiu*er- he remarked. “I am looking forward to serving the at the University of Northern ing. He then worked for three years at Centennial fxxiple of the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver." Colorado in Greeley before Morrison Knudsten in .Arvada transferring to Conception Once he decided to become a priest. Norick en Seminaiy- College in Concep­ tered St. Thomas Theological Seminary, but is now Seven to be ordained tion, Mo. In 1992, Burkett’s enrolled at Mundelein. studies for the priesthood took him to Europe, where “It was my dad and mom who first encouragetl me permanent deacons he was enrolled at North American College in the to consider it as a jxissible vocation in life." Norick ex­ On Saturday, June 8, Archbishop J. Francis plained. "Then is was tlie pnests in the pansli' as I was Vatican City State and Gregorian University in Rome. Stafford will confer the sacrament of holy orders on an altar server' who kept tlie door open He returned to Colorado in 1993 and attended Edward R Clements, Rodger L. Creel, Dennis M Kelly “The idea stayed with me, and ex[xTiences kept St. Thomas Theological Seminary in Denver until it Richard A Medenwaldt, Guflie E. Menogan, Frederick me moving toward the door even without rny know­ closed in 1995. He is completing his seminary educa­ L. Thrrez and James R Wall, ordaining them to tlie ing it. ... Finally, I talked to a priest and it hit me. 1 tion at Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, 111. Permanent Ihaconate of the Archdiocese of Denver, nie realized it wasn't being a priest, but sharing my faith, “I decided to enter the seminary at the encourage­ onlination ceremony will be held at the Cathedral of ment of several priests and my friends,” Burkett said. that drew me to the priesthood. Pnesthixid seemed tlie Immaculate Conception at 10 a.m. “1 realized that I was called by God to pursue a life of the best way for me to do it." service to others. ... Norick added, “.After five years of seminary. 1 look “The eight years of spiritual and p>ersonal forma­ back and realize that it is you. the people in the tion following graduation from Steamboat Springs Church, who have given me my faith and who have High have ... helped me to realize that the world we shown me a love much more beautiful than 1 could Sister Sharon Ford live in is a gift, and all I can do is to try to give my life have ever imagined when 1 first entered the seminary" back to it and to the people of God in their .service." Rocco Shane appointed secretary M ic h a e l J . P o r t e r of reli^ous F la s k a Our Lady of .Mt. Carmel is Archbishop J. Francis Flaska spent many years the home parish of Porter, Stafford has appointed pursuing a career in business who is enrolled at Mundelein Sister of Mercy Sharon before answering God's call to He began his college cart'er at the priesthood. After earning S'.. 1-ouis University in Mis­ Ford, associate director of a bachelor of science degree souri. transferred to Concep­ vocations, secretary of re­ in business from the Univer­ tion Seminary College, then ligious for the Archdio­ sity of Colorado at Boulder in went on to St. Thomas Theo­ cese of Denver. Sister 1973, he joined Deere and Co., logical Seminary. Ford will succeed Father where he worked for four "Wlien 1 was a >oung Imy, I Marcian O’Meara in this years. A three-year stint at was inspired by Father Julius, position and will continue Sears followed; then he spent a priest at .Mt. Carmel," Poner said "1 was inspired bv with her duties as asso­ 10 years in the office supply business.
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