Anlaby with Anlaby Common Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 13th December 2018 at 7.00pm Those Present:- Cllrs; R. Almond (Chairman), M-R. Hardy, P. Jones, P. Kent, M. Khan, A. McLeod, V. Wood and A. Wilkie M. Pickering – Clerk. 96 Declaration of Interests PECUNIARY - NONE NON-PECUNIARY - NONE 97 Apologies for Absence - Cllrs. Braithwaite, Rice and Shutt. 98 Public Speaking – None. 99 Local Police Report - No Police representation at the meeting. Egg throwing at homes on Sykes Close is currently a problem, Police are aware. There had been a leaflet drop on Westborough Way warning residents of vehicle crime. It was reported that the Police Surgery scheduled for 11th December at Ignition Coffee, did not take place. 100 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting (8th November 2018) - The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018 were accepted as a true record of what took place and were duly signed by the Chairman. 101 Matters Arising from Minutes Minute 85 (76) - Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October to discuss the Willerby and Swanland Surgery’s Proposal for new premises are now available. Concern exists about the elderly accessing the new surgery if located on Lowfield Road, due to the lack of bus services available. Minute 86 - A letter of thanks had been received from Anlaby Community Care Association for the recent donation of £200. Minute 89(a) - Cllrs. Almond and Jones had attended the Remembrance Service on behalf of the Parish Council. Minute 91 - Cllr. Wood had attended the East Riding Local Plan Review Options Consultation event at Beverley and talked briefly to the Planning Officer present about Anlaby Common. Minute 92 - Further correspondence had been received about the problem of parking around Anlaby Acre Heads School. The Clerk was asked to forward the email on to the local Police team requesting an Officer attends between the hours of 8.30 – 9.00 and 15.20 – 15.45 to assess the problem. Action: Clerk The Chairman had visited Anlaby Studios on behalf of the Parish Council. The ‘we made this’ craft group had decorated the tree outside The Barber Shop, Wilson Street Anlaby. AJP1664/05.01.2019 Page 1 Chair’s Initials ___________ Anlaby with Anlaby Common Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 13th December 2018 at 7.00pm 102 Finance - Finance report to 30th November 2018 and bank reconciliation to 31st March 2019 was circulated for discussion and subsequently approved. Outcome of Budget Setting Meeting - Members were given a copy of the proposed budget for the year ended 31st March 2020. Parish and Town Council Precepts and the 2019/20 Tax Base - The recommended council tax base for 2019/20 was approved by Cabinet at its meeting held on 11 December. The final 2019/20 tax base for Anlaby with Anlaby Common Parish Council is 3,268.2 Band D equivalent properties. The precept divided by the tax base determines the amount of council tax attributable to the town/parish council on a Band D bill. A proposal was made by Cllr. Hardy that a precept demand of £45,000 is made for the period 2019/20. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Jones. All members were unanimously in favour. The parish precept demand form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk. Update on St. Mark’s Grant Award - It was reported that St. Mark’s are now able to go ahead with the frontage work. It is anticipated the work will be completed by early spring, weather permitting. A full report will be available when the work is finished. 103 Parish Council Cheques & Standing Orders - The following cheques were approved:- CHEQUE DETAILS AMOUNT VAT NO. AMOUNT DECEMBER 2018 011674 Staff Pay/Petrol/Expenses/Home Working £912.13 Nil 011675 Mrs. A. Pickering (Xmas Event) £80.47 £13.41 011676 Mrs. A. Pickering (Xmas Event) £12.00 £2.00 011677 Cllr. F. Braithwaite (Xmas Event) £21.07 TBC 011678 Cllr. F. Braithwaite (24 Miles – Xmas Event) £9.60 Nil 011679 Cllr. P. Kent (Xmas Event) £9.00 £1.50 011680 Cllr. A. McLeod (3 x Elf Outfits – Xmas Event) £38.00 Nil 011681 Mrs. A. Pickering (Xmas Event) £9.75 £1.63 011682 Mrs. A. Pickering (Xmas Event) £27.99 £4.67 011683 Cllr. R. Almond (Bulbs Anlaby Centre) £50.36 £8.39 011684 The Society of Local Council Clerks £156.00 Nil (Membership Renewal) 011685 Mr. P. Hardy (3 x Pallets Rock Salt for Parish £529.21 £88.20 Bins) 011686 Mr. P. Hardy (Labour Charges Replenishment £110.00 Nil of Parish Salt Bins) 011687 Mrs. A. Pickering (Stationery and Printer £62.65 £10.44 Cartridges) 011688 Lighting & Signs Ltd (Testing and Installation £5274.00 £879.00 of Festive Lighting) 011689 Cllr. G. Rice (20 Miles – Attendance at Meeting £8.00 Nil Bishop Burton College) 011690 5th Hull Boys Brigade Band (Xmas Event) £50.00 Nil 011691 St. Mark’s Church Hall (Xmas Event Room £55.00 Nil Hire) 011692 Anlaby Village Hall (Xmas Event Room Hire) £50.00 Nil AJP1664/05.01.2019 Page 2 Chair’s Initials ___________ Anlaby with Anlaby Common Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 13th December 2018 at 7.00pm 011693 Anlaby Park Methodist Church (Room Hire £34.00 Nil Rehearsal U3A Singers) PAYMENTS BY STANDING ORDER 14.12.18 East Riding Pension Fund – Contribution £282.24 Nil Employer and Employee 104 Recommendations by the Parish Council to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on Planning Applications VARIATION OF CONDITION(S) - Variation of Condition 8 (approved plans – site plan) of planning permission 16/02505/PLF – Erection of a dwelling, garage and associated parking following demolition of existing dwelling – AMENDED PLAN – Crest House Developments Limited 31 – 33 Wilson Street, Anlaby – No observations. FULL PLANNING PERMISSION - Erection of first floor extension to front, single storey extension to rear, raising of existing roof, construction of two dormer windows to rear and installation of four rooflights to front – 11 Croft Drive, Anlaby - No observations 105 Update from Working Groups a) Community Events Christmas 2018 - The Chairman thanked all members involved with the organising of the Christmas events on 30th November. The date for the 2019 event will be Friday 29th November. b) Environment Anlaby Common - Dog walkers had been seen, large amount of standing water present. Letter from Central Land Holdings Limited and Anlaby Common Vision Document - Central Land Holdings Limited had written advising that the damaged fence along Hull Road had been repaired. A full fly-tip clearing exercise to the west of the garages on Delius Close had been carried out approximately two years ago. A draft vision document had been received from Barton Willmore, on behalf of Central Land Holdings Limited. The vision document is in draft form and presents alternative masterplan options for the site. A full discussion on this matter took place, and a vote taken that was unanimously against any development whatsoever. Members feel the land is a natural green feature that should be protected. Clerk to respond to Barton Willmore with a copy to E.R.Y.C. Head of Planning and Development Management and Central Land Holdings Limited. Action: Clerk Anlaby House Grounds - Members expressed concern about the new metal fence which had been installed alongside the existing wooden fence on land near the Anlaby House site. Members are unclear as to where the boundary is, which is private land and which is owned by the E.R.Y.C. The Chairman confirmed the land managed by Topham Larard Commercial has no bridle path or right of way through it. The Clerk was asked to obtain a plan of the site from both E.R.Y.C. and if possible, Topham Larard Commercial, and obtain a copy of the original planning application for Anlaby House Estate. Action: Clerk AJP1664/05.01.2019 Page 3 Chair’s Initials ___________ Anlaby with Anlaby Common Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 13th December 2018 at 7.00pm Mr. Richard Topham had confirmed that the individuals who had been seen in the woods during November had authorisation to be there and were cutting down a dangerous tree. Summer Planters 2019 - The Clerk informed members that Plantscape is planning ahead for 2019. It is very likely that a planter will be required for Maplewood but it is not possible to confirm this far in advance. Cllr. Wood was asked to look at possible sites for street furniture which would enhance the Maplewood estate. Action: VW c) Safety, Street Scene and Facilities Ditmas Avenue Footpath Resurfacing - E.R.Y.C. had made temporary repairs to the footpath and within the next few weeks it will be completely resurfaced. d) Communication - Nothing to report. e) Administration Local Government Elections May 2019 Guidance for Members - Cllr. Hardy briefed members on the procedure for the forthcoming elections. It is anticipated that paperwork for applicants to complete will be received from E.R.Y.C. during March. 106 Possible Future Projects - The Chairman asked members to come up with ideas for debate at the January Parish Council meeting. 107 Voases Lane - Cllr. Wilkie informed members that no progress had been made on Voases Lane. Speed of traffic along the lane continues to cause concern. 108 E.R.Y.C. Issues Put forward a Topic for Scrutiny - The request for topics for scrutiny was received by members. No suggestions to make at present. Proposed Waiting Restrictions, Various Streets, Anlaby - Proposed waiting restrictions on Lowfield Road Anlaby, St Thomas More School Anlaby and Hull Road Anlaby Common had been received and were discussed by members.
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