f The C U LV ER . C IT IZ E N ON LAKI: MAXINKUCKEE— INDIANA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKE V O L U M E L V I CULVER, INDIANA, W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 4,1950 N U M B E R 4 2 Lakers Face South Plan Tri-Township Remind Taxpayers Indians Resume Chronology of 1949 Bend Tonight; Meet Farmers Institute Of Deadline for Net Schedule Events from August The Tri-Township Farmers' In­ Culver— Argos athletic rivalry Laporte Tuesday stitute will be held at West High Final Payments will be renewed on Friday evening Through December School on the evening of February when the local Indians sporting a record of 7 wins and 3 losses 8 and all day on February 9, it (Continued from last week.) The Culver Lakers remain un- Thousands of farmers, bus>- was announced this week. will engage the Green Dragons i defeated on their home floor as a inessmen, and other taxpayers of Note: Last week the happen­ This is a cooperative event plan­ there. On Saturday evening the result of their 63 to 59 victory the Indiana district were remind­ ings as revealed in The Citizen ned hy the three townships. West, Sering-coached squad will meet ^B pver tin; Lafayette American Le- ed this week by Ralph W . Cripe, each week from January 1st Green, and Union. The officers for Delphi high school here in the ^^K 'ion team last Thursday. W ith the collector of Internal Revenue, through August 24th were report- the 1950 Institute are Dr. Oscar tied 26 to 26 at the half, that January 16 is the deadline I. This week the record of 1949 Wesson, Culver, chairman; Joe “For some reason the story is trailing by one point at the for making final payments on or ents is continued beginning Heiser, Plymouth, vice chairman; going the rounds that the Cul- quarter, The Lakers last mending 1949 Declarations of with the August 31st issue. and Mrs. Maurice Curtis, Culver, •-Argos game will be played -^Q^arter rally was not to be denied. Estimated Tax. §-§-§ secretary-treasurer. here instead of at Argos,” Coach The scoring was as follows: Under the law, the due date August 31— Tibbetts annoujjcfi -^ At a recent meeting officers ap­ Red Sering stated this morning Thews 19, B. Reed 2. Heiser 9, will be January 15, but since that plans for new business venture at pointed the following committees asking the Citizen to correct Snyder 9, Dille 8, Baker 4, Jord­ date falls on Sunday this year, Burr Oak. Local 4-H club mem­ fty- Wednesday evening, February the erroneous opinion. “The game an 2, and Melton 1. payments, declarations, and final bers win 1949 laurels. Kiddies 8: Entertainment, the president w ill be played as originally sched­ The Culver V. F. W. was de­ returns made on Monday, Jan- day marks close of summer re­ of each township Farm Bureau uled at Argos on Friday evening feated by a strong Etna Green lary 16, will be treated as timely creation program. Newmans win will serve as chairmen of their re­ and I sincerely hope that local quintet in the preliminary game, •eceived. prize ribbons at Crown Point spective groups: West township, fans will not be mislead.” the The Lakers will meet the South In case of farmers, Collector Fair. Church Council to sponsor Olin York; Union township, Don­ coach stated. Bend O’Chaps on Wednesday, Jan­ Cripe explained, a new law per­ intensive October program. North ald Davis; Green township, W il­ uary 4 in the Culver Community mits them to dispense with filing Central report complied by local lia m L a k e . first athletic encounter between Building. The local V. F. W . plays or making payment on a De­ instructors gives interesting data Booster’s committee: Joe Hei­ the schools in several years. the South Bend McKee Truckers claration of Estimated Tax if fhey on school. Don Cramer named ser, chairman; Dorothy Carlyle, Next Wednesday evening the in the opener at 7:15. file and pay in full their final editor of Plymouth Pilot-News Eldon Davis, Norman Davis and ! important Marshall county On Tuesday, January 10, the returns for 1949 not later than Norma Brown becomes bride of Larry Lind vail. Men’s exhibits: tourney, will open with two games Lakers will tangle with their January 31. If a farmer does not Robert Mohr Saturday evening. Wayne Kline, chairman; Dewey carded for the opening session strongest opposition to date when expect to file his return by that Donna B. Ward and Robert P. Warner, Junior McFarland and Lapaz-Argos, and West High-Tip- the Laporte H. E. Jahns team in- time, he must file and make pay­ Schweidler united in marriage, Lloyd Feller. pecanoe. The three-game Thurs­ .des the Culver gym. The V.F.W . m e n t on a Declaration by January August 20. Six acre tract pre­ day evening session will feature 11 play the preliminary game at Women’s Exhibits: Mrs. Har­ 16 and then can take until March sented to East Shore Lane As­ 15 with the Laporte “B” team. mon Leffert, chairman; Mrs. Ste­ 15 to file his final return. Culver-Bremen encounter, sociation by Mrs. Edith B. Rice Tyner-Plymouth, and Bourbon vs phen Savage, Mrs. Burl Briggs and Business and professional and Dr. Carol M. Rice. the winner of the Argos-Lapaz M rs. Byrdie Hawk Mrs. Guy Davis. Women’s Judge people, investors, and oth,er sub­ September 7— Culver City Club game. The semi-finals are sche­ C o m m itte e : M iss M a rg a re t Sam- ject to filing Declarations, amend­ opens thirty-ninth year of activi­ Passed Aw ay Sunday; duled for Saturday afternoon and uelson and Mrs. Maude Lindley. ed Declarations, or making pay­ ties. Fifty-sixth Academy term the finals at night. Final Rites Today Membership: Mrs. Martin An­ ments on January 15, may also opens today. County hospital pro­ The Culver-Bremen game has Mrs. Byrdie C. Hawk, 76, wife derson, chairman; Mrs. Alfred substitute their final returns but posal arouses plenty of interest. of John Hawk, died at her home Winenger. Mrs. Ralph Thornburg must do so by January 16. the ear-marks of being one of the Lake Association formed; nine outstanding battles of the tourney in Culver, Sunday evening, after and Harmon Leffert. Nominating: Generally speaking, wage earn­ member executive board named. since both teams have good re­ an illness of three years. She was Owen Smith, chairman; Whitney ers are not involved in the Jan­ High school bands to attend State cords. born near Fort Wayne, Ind., came Kline and Lewis Wallace. uary 16 filing date because, under Fair today. School term begins to this community with her par­ the pay-as-you-go system, their with enrollment of 611 at Culver. ents when a child and has lived Mother’s Council taxes are substantial^ paid in Richard Bowles to enter Univer­ most of her life here. She attend­ advance by the withholding of Bank’s Financial sity of Wisconsin. Senior class of ed the Culver Evangelical and Re­ Names Committees income tax from their wages. C. H. S. announce annual maga­ ^ formedfo church, and was a member zine subscription campaign. Fifty- At a meeting of the Grade In o rd e r to p ro v id e a pay-as- Statement Shows of the Pythian Sisters and Re- one local students w ill be enrolled School Mother’s Council of the you-go method for other taxpay­ bekah lodges. ers, the law requires a Declaration in colleges. Town Board officially PTA held on Tuesday afternoon Healthy Growth f r Surviving with her husband are of Estimated Tax from any per­ changes town name from Culver plans for the year were made with A remarkable growth in the L. threei!' daughters, Mrs. Callie son who in a year expects to have City to Culver. ^ C'ulter, Culver, Mrs. Ruth Camp­ the following committees appoint­ volume of business is shown in more than $100 of income out­ September 14— Newman dairy bell. Logansport, and Mrs. Mary ed: play material. Mrs. F. W . Wa- the year end combined statement side of wages from which tax herd wins 32 places at Indiana Landis, Culver; one son, Robert of The State Exchange Bank of laitis, Mrs. Harold Robinson and is withheld, and gross income of State Fair. Union Township P.T.A. Goshen, Ind., one sister, Mrs. Culver and Argos and the Farm­ Mrs. Lloyd Heeter. This committee $600 or more, or any person names committees ifor current Delia Neidlinger, Plymouth; four ers State Bank of Lapaz. The will accept donations for play ma­ whose expected wages (even year. County doctors fav&r pres­ grandchildren and two great detailed and official report is terial to be used on rainy days. though subject to withholding) ent hospital control. D. E. Wal­ grandchildren. carried elsewhere in today’s Ci­ exceed $4,500 plus $600 for each Reading material. Mrs. Russell tize n . ker to speak Sunday at Historical Funeral services will be_ held exemption to which he is entitled Oliver, Mrs. Raymond Lowry and The combined statement ol Institute. Charles Hartle weds at two o’clock Wednesday after­ Mrs. M. E .Hodges. Books receiv­ (for instance, $6,300 for a man both banks which are under the Miss Signe Elizabeth Smith. Maj­ noon at the Easterday Funeral ed through donations will be used entitled to exemptions for himself, same management shows a heal­ or and. Mrs. W. J. Graham re­ Home with Dr.
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