Date: 1988 Publisher: Sign Media Burtonsville Commerce Center. 4020 Blackburn Lane, Burtonsville, MD 20866 ISBN: 0-8092-5507-3 (manual) Cost: Videotapes. $59.95 (each); manual, $14.95. Three tapes and one manual. $169.95. Format: Set of three videotapes, 60 min. each: softcover manual, 346 pp. Subject: Sign language, communication, deafness and hearine impairments Summary: Tapes and manual covering basic phrases in American Sign Language for daily interaction. Phrases include such daily topics as social expressions. health, weather, family, school, food. clothing, recreation, travel, and religion. Author: Ferrell, K. Title: Reach Out and leach: Meeting the Training Needs of Parents of Visually and Multiply Handicapped Young Children Format: Slide-videotape presentation. For details, see entry under Print Materials. Author: Groode, J. L. Title: Fingerspelling: Frpressive and Receptive Fluency Date: 1992 Publisher: Dawn Sign Press 9080 Activity Road. Suite A. San Die.o. CA 92126 ISBN: 0-915035-13-8 (booklet) Cost: S39.95 Format: Videotape. 120 min.; instructional booklet, 24 pp. Subject: Sign language, commuMcation, deafness Summary: An in-depth discussion of tingerspelling, with opportuni- ties to practice reading Lnd expressive fingerspelling. Facts about lingerspellMg, special techniques, and strate- gies are presented. 272 2 s ANNOTATED OIRLIOGRAPHY Author: Lentz, E. M., Mikos, K., and Smith, C. Title: Signing Naturally: Level 2 Format: Set of three videotapes. For details, sce entry under Print Materials. Author: NA Title: Fingerspelling Practice Tapes (Proper Nouns, Geographic Locations, Fingerspelled Loan Signs, and Miscellaneous Items) Date: 1991 Publisher: Sign Media Burtonsville Commerce Center, 4020 Blackburn Lane, Burtonsville, MD 20866 ISBN: NA Cost: $59.95 (each), $199.95 (set) Format: Set of four videotapes, 60 min. each Subject: Sign language, communication, deafness and hearing impairments Summary: Practice tapes for improving fingerspelling, both for expressive and receptive skills. Specific kinds of finger- spelled words are covered. Of special interest are "finger- spelled loan signs," for which fingerspelled words that may actually have signs are used in a quasi-sign mode, for emphasis or a specific communication task. Author: NA Title: Introduction to Thctile Communication for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind Date: 1993 Publisher: HOPE, Inc. 809 North 800 East, Logan, UT 84321 ISBN: NA Cost: $25.00 Format: Videotape, 60 min. Subject: Communication, deaf-blindness Summary: A description of how to interact with a person who is deaf-blind and how to recognize various means of corn- 273 AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS 2 munication. Includes suggestions to help childrengain access to new people, places, and events. Also guides users in selecting materials from SKI*HI Institute's videotape series on tactile communication withchildren who are deaf-blind. Author: NA Title: An Introduction to the Deaf Community Date: 1993 Publisher: Sign Media Burtonsville Commerce Center, 4020 BlackburnLane, Burtonsville, MD 20866 ISBN: NA Cost: $29.95 Format: Videotape (open captioned), 30 min. Subject: Deafness and hearing impairments (culture), sign language Summary: An overview of the deaf community in the UnitedStates. Cultural factors, rather than medical perspectives,are emphasized. and resource organizationsare discussed. Author: NA Title: Parent Sign Series Date: 1988 Publisher: Sign Media Burtonsville Commerce Center, 4020 Blackburn Lane, Burtonsville, MD 20866 ISBN: NA Cost: $29.95 (each), $264.95 (set) Format: Set of 10 videotapes, 60 min. each Subject: Families, sign language, deafness and hearing impair- ments, communication Summary: Instructional videotapes for parents of deaf cnildrenwho wish to learn sign language. Emphasis ison everyday family interactions and activities, with such topicsas waking up and getting dressed, thegrocery store, and an afternoon at the park. 274 2 0 ANNOTATED DIRLIOONAPHY Author: NA Title: Panners in Language Date: 1993 Publisher: Helen Keller National Center Communications Department, I11 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point, NY 11050 ISBN: NA Cost: $35.00 phis $2.00 shipping Format: Videotape, 28 min.. and accompanying listing of resources Subject: Deaf-blindness, communication, education Summary: A videotape that shows how communication training is provided to staff members working with clients who are deaf-blind. A case-study format is used, and all the methods and strategies used are summarized. Author: NA Title: Playing the Crucial Role in Your Child's Development Date: 1985 Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind RO. Box 6085, Louisville, KY 40206 ISBN: NA Cost: $20.00 Format: Videotape. 10 min. (converted from a slide-tape format) Subject: Blindness and low vision, early intervention, families Summary: Suggestions for parents of activities that provide sensory stimulation to young children with visual impairments. Author: , NA Title: Using lactile Interactive Conversational Signing with Children Who Are Dettf-Bliml Date: 1993 Publisher: HOPE. Inc. 809 North 800 East, Logan, UT 84321 ISBN: NA Cost: $150.00 (set) AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS 2Ji 275 Format: Set of six videotapes, 60 min. each Subject: Communication, deaf-blindness Summary: Part of the SKI*HI videotape series on tactile communi- cation. Topics addressed include conversational interac- tion, moving from coactive to interactive signing. convey- ing emotion and meaning through tactile signs, and inter- preting for individuals who are deaf-blind. Demonstrates tactile signing and features nationally known deaf-blind individuals. Author: NA Title: Using Tactile Signals and Cites with Children Who Are Deaf-Blind Date: 1993 Publisher: HOPE, Inc. 809 North 800 East, Logan, UT 84321 ISBN: NA Cost: $200.00 (set) Format: Set of four videotapes. 60 min. each Subject: Communication, deaf-blindness Summary: Part of the SKI*H1 videotape series on tactile communi- cation. Topics include encouraging interaction, selecting signals, using signals in daily routinc. responding to sig- nals, and choosing strategies and activities to encourage communication. Author: NA Title: Using Your TTY/TDD (rev. ed.) Date: 1993 Publisher: Sign Media Burtonsville Commerce Ce iter. 4020 Blackburn Lane, Burtonsville, MD 20866 ISBN: NA Cost: $34.95 Format: Videotape, 30 min. Subject: Deafness and hearing impairments, communication, tran- sition, technology 276 ANNOTATED filliLIOGRAPHY sJ 4.4 Summary: An overview of the basic use of and etiquette for tele- phoning by TTY/TDD that can be used to train staff members and other new TTY users. Includes an 8" x 5" tips card to keep near the TTY. Author: Rowland. C.. and Schweigert, P. Tit;e: Analyzing the Communication Environment (A.C.E.): An Inventory of Ways to Encourage Communication in Functuwal Activities Date: 1993 Publisher: Communication Skill Builders 3830 East Bellevue, Tucson, AZ 85733 ISBN: 0-88450-011-X (book) Cost: $99.00 Format: Videotape. 90 min.: softcover book, 80 pp. Subject: Communication, severe disabilities Summary: An ecological inventory for assessing the communication value of specific functional activities and anoverview of ways to increase the communicationvalue of programs. Emphasizes practical strategies to promote communica- tion using naturally occurring cues. Author: Rowland. C.. and Schweigert, P. Title: The Early Communication Process Using Microswitch Te(hnology Date: 1994 Publisher: Communication Skill Builders 3830 East Bellevue, Tucson. AZ 85733 ISBN: 0-88450-008-X (book) Cost: $99.00 Format: Videotape, 90 min.; softcover book. 102 pp. Subject: Communication. severe disabilities Summary: Systematic strategies for using microswitches to encour- age intentional communicationin children with severe sensor), orthopedic. and cognitivedisabilities. 2 3 277 AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS Author: Rowland, C., and Schweigert, P. Title: Tangible Symbol Systems: Symbolic Communication for Individuals with Multisensory Impairments Date: 1990 Publisher: Communication Skill Builders 3830 East Bellevue, Tucson. AZ 85733 ISBN: 0-88450-462-X (manual) Cost: Videotape, $70.00; manual, $17.00 Format: Videotape, 60 min.; manual, booklet, 61 pp. Subject: Augmentative communication, severe disabilities, deaf- blindness Summary: A videotape and manual describing and illustrating how to teach tactile symbols for receptive and expressive com- munication to students who are unable to use traditional spoken or sign language communication. Topics include vocabulary development and expansion, structured com- munication opportunities, and the use of tangible symbols in communication for everyday activities. Author: Rowland, C., Schweigert. P.. Stremel, K., and Utah State University Title: Observing and Ethancing Communication Ski Hs in Children with Multisensory Impairments Date: 1992 Publisher: Communication Skill Builders 3830 East Bellevue, Tucsot., AZ 85733 ISBN: 0-88450-589-8 (book) Cost: $175.00 (set) Format: Set of two videotapes. 60 min. each; softcover book, 122 pp. Subject: Communication, deaf-blindness, severe disabilities Summary: Communication modes and intents that may he used by young children with multisensory impairments. Shows how to conduct observations, how to respond to commu- nication. and how to provide opnortunities to communicate. 278 29,1 ANNOTATED 11ISLIOORAPHY Author: Sign Media and Madonna University Title: Sign Language Interpreters in the Public Schools Date: 1991 Publisher: Sign Media Burtonsville Commerce Center, 4020 Blackburn Lane, Burtonsville, MD 20866 ISBN: NA Cost: $299.95 (set) Format:
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