Arthropoda Selecta 14 (2): 117128 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2005 Two new species of the genus Vir Holthuis, 1952 from Vietnam (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) Äâà íîâûõ âèäà ðîäà Vir Holthuis, 1952 èç Âüåòíàìà (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) I.N. Marin1 & A. Anker2 È.Í. Ìàðèí, À. Àíêåð 1 Laboratory of Ecology and Morphology of Marine Invertebrates, A. N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Science, Leninsky prospect, 33, 119071 Moscow Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Ëàáîðàòîðèÿ ýêîëîãèè è ìîðôîëîãèè ìîðñêèõ áåñïîçâîíî÷íûõ, Èíñòèòóò ïðîáëåì ýêîëîãèè è ýâîëþöèè èì. À.Í. Ñåâåðöîâà ÐÀÍ, Ëåíèíñêèé ïðîñïåêò, 33, Ìîñêâà 117071 Ðîññèÿ. 2 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2E9 Canada. E-mail: [email protected] KEY WORDS: Palemonidae, Vir, new species, bubble coral, Euphyllia, Caryophyllidae, host specificity, Vietnam. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Palemonidae, Vir, íîâûé âèä, Euphyllia, Caryophyllidae, ñïåöèôè÷íîñòü ê õîçÿèíó, Âüåòíàì. ABSTRACT. Vir euphyllius, sp.n., and Vir pareu- photographers. These fragile-looking, mostly transpar- phylius, sp.n., are described on the basis of several ent shrimps are among the most frequently photographed specimens of both sexes collected from caryophillid Indo-West Pacific marine shrimps. Previously, only corals Euphyllia spp. in Nhatrang Bay, Vietnam. The three species were known in this genus: the type spe- new species differ from V. philippinensis Bruce & cies, V. orientalis (Dana, 1852), V. philippinensis Bruce Svoboda and V. colemani Bruce by the less conspicu- & Svoboda, 1984, and the recently described V. cole- ous colour pattern and a combination of morphological mani Bruce, 2003. During an extensive sampling of characters, and from the type species, V. orientalis symbiotic shrimps in Nhatrang Bay, southern Vietnam, (Dana), by the absence of a brush of setae on the third the senior author (IM) collected several specimens of pereiopod. The identity of some specimens identified Vir from bubble corals, Euphyllia spp. (Caryophyl- as V. philippinensis or V. orientalis by previous work- lidae, see Veron & Stafford-Smith, 2000; Euphylliidae ers is briefly discussed. according to other sources). These specimens belong to two species that differ from the three previously ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Vir euphyllius, sp.n., è Vir pareuphylius, described Vir species. Therefore, we herewith describe sp.n., îïèñàíû íà îñíîâàíèè íåñêîëüêèõ ýêçåìïëÿ- them as new. ðîâ îáîèõ ïîëîâ ñîáðàííûõ ñ êîðàëëîâ-êàðèîôèë- ëèä Euphyllia spp. â çàëèâå Íÿ÷àíã, Âüåòíàì. Íîâûå Material and methods âèäû îòëè÷àþòñÿ îò V. philippinensis Bruce & Svoboda è V. colemani Bruce ìåíåå ÿðêîé îêðàñêîé All specimens were collected by scuba diving, with è êîìáèíàöèåé ìîðôîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðèçíàêîâ, à îò a small hand net, in Nhatrang Bay, Vietnam, in 2003 òèïîâîãî âèäà ðîäà V. orientalis (Dana) îòñóòñòâèåì and 2004, and were preserved in 70% ethanol. All ïó÷êîâ ùåòèíîê íà òðåòüèõ ïåðåîïîäàõ. Ïðåäñòàâ- drawings were made under a dissecting microscope ëåíî îáñóæäåíèå äîñòîâåðíîñòè îïðåäåëåíèé íå- with the help of a camera lucida. The carapace length êîòîðûõ ýêçåìïëÿðîâ V. philippinensis è V. orientalis, (CL, in mm) is used as a standard measurement of size, îïóáëèêîâàííûõ â ïðåäûäóùèõ ðàáîòàõ äðóãèõ àâ- and was measured along the midline from the tip of the òîðîâ. rostrum to the posterior dorsal margin of the carapace. The total length (TL, in mm) was measured only in the largest specimen, from the tip of the rostrum to the Introduction posterior margin of the telson. The material used in this study was deposited in the collections of the Zoologi- The shrimps of the pontoniine genus Vir Holthuis, cal Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, 1952 are familiar to most scuba divers and underwater Russia (ZMMU). 118 I. Marin & A. Anker Fig. 1. Vir euphyllius, sp.n.: holotype $. Scale 1.0 mm. Fig. 1. Vir euphyllius, sp.n.: ãîëîòèï, $. Ìàñøòàá 1,0 ìì. TAXONOMIC PART ing 1 ventral and 4 dorsal teeth (Fig. 2a), most posterior tooth situated slightly posterior to level of orbital margin; Family Palaemonidae Rafinesque, 1815 ventral margin slightly concave. Supraorbital, epigastrical and hepatic teeth absent. Orbits feebly developed; inferior Genus Vir Holthuis, 1952 orbital angle rounded, slightly projecting. Antennal tooth submarginal, directed horizontally, inserted just below infe- Vir euphyllius, sp.n. rior orbital angle. Pterygostomial margin bluntly angular. st th Figs 15. Abdominal somites smooth; pleura of 1 to 5 abdomi- nal somites rounded; 1st to 3rd pleura expanded in females th TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ovig. $ (CL 4,0 mm), Vietnam: (Fig. 1); postero-ventral angle of 6 abdominal somite sub- Nha Trang Bay, Tre I., southern bay, near lighthouse, depth 15 acute, postero-lateral angle pointed (Fig. 5g). Telson (Fig. m, on Euphyllia cf. divisa, scuba, coll. I. Marin, 29.06.2004, 5g) about twice length of 6th abdominal somite, about 3 ZMMU 00000. Allotype # (CL 2,8 mm), same data as for times longer than broad anteriorly; lateral margins almost holotype, ZMMU 00000. Paratypes: 1 ovig. $ (CL 3,2 mm), 1 straight; posterior margin about half of anterior width, fee- non-ovigerous $ (CL 3,4 mm), same data as for holotype bly convex medially; dorsal surface with 2 pairs of small, (infested with abdominal bopyrid), ZMMU 00000; 1 ovig. $ submarginal spines, anterior and posterior pairs inserted at (CL 3,8 mm, dissected), Vietnam: Nha Trang Bay, Tre I., about 0.6 and 0.8 length of telson, respectively; posterior southern bay, near lighthouse, depth 15 m, on Euphyllia cf. margin with 1 pair of small postero-lateral spines, 1 pair of divisa (colony different from that of holotype and allotype) scuba, coll. I. Marin, 29.06.2004, ZMMU 00000; 1 ovig. $ (CL elongated, robust intermediate spines and 1 pair of elongat- 3,9 mm), Vietnam: Nhatrang Bay: Mun I., southern side, depth ed, slender submedian spines; intermediate spines much long- 15 m, on Euphyllia cf. divisa., scuba, coll. I. Marin, 06.10.2003, er than submedian spines (Fig. 5i). ZMMU 00000. Eyestalks without specific features, about 1,6 times longer DESCRIPTION. Medium sized pontoniine shrimp. Car- than broad distally, slightly expanded proximally; cornea apace smooth, conspicuously swollen in females (Figs 1, large, hemispherical, with distinct accessory pigment spot 2a), only slightly inflated in males. Rostrum well developed, (Fig. 2c). slightly upturned distally, extending beyond distal margin of Antennule with 1st peduncular segment about twice long- antennular peduncle (Fig. 3a); lateral lamina feebly devel- er than broad; stylocerite acute distally, reaching mid-length oped, continuous with orbital margin posteriorly; dorsal lam- of 1st segment (Fig. 3a); antero-lateral margin of 1st segment ina extending posteriorly well behind orbital margin, bear- with acute disto-lateral tooth (Fig. 2e); 2nd segment twice Two new species of the genus Vir from Vietnam 119 Fig. 2. Vir euphyllius, sp.n.: a, cg paratype $: b paratype #; a, b carapace; c eye; d antennule; e same, flagella; f, g antenna, dorsal and ventral views. Scales: 1.0 mm (a, b), 0.5 mm (c f), 0.4 mm (g). Ðèñ. 2. Vir euphyllius, sp.n.: a, cg ïàðàòèï $: b ïàðàòèï, #; a, b êàðàïàêñ; c ãëàç; d àíòåííóëà; e òî æå, æãóòèê; f, g àíòåííà, äîðñàëüíûé è âåíòðàëüíûé âèä. Ìàñøòàá: 1,0 ìì (a, b), 0,5 ìì (cf), 0,4 ìì (g). longer than broad; 3rd segment equal in length to 2nd segment, segment with 1 distal seta; corpus robust; incisor process twice longer than broad; mesial flagellum slender, slightly longer well developed, bearing 3 acute distal teeth and 3 groups of than antennular peduncle; lateral flagellum (Fig. 2d) biramous, setae in subdistal depression; molar process stout, truncated with 9 groups of aesthetascs; proximal fused portion consisting distally. Maxillula (Fig. 3d) with bilobed palp, ventral lobe of 1011 segments; shorter ramus with 56 free segments; larger, with anterior portion curved and acute; dorsal lacinia longer ramus more slender, with about 15 segments. moderately narrow, with row of stout distal spines; ventral Antenna (Figs 2f, g) with basicerite robust, bearing strong, lacinia with distal margin bearing numerous short, stout sharp disto-ventral tooth; scaphocerite about 3 times longer spines, disto-dorsal margin with several elongated, slender than broad, lateral margin straight or feebly convex, disto- spiniform setae. Maxilla (Fig. 3e) with simple palp; dorsal lateral tooth not exceeding distal margin of blade; carpocer- endite (lacinia) bilobed, distal lobes subequal, furnished ite extending far beyond distal margin of antennular pedun- with stiff, elongated setae; scaphognathite well developed. cle; flagellum relatively slender. First maxilliped (Fig. 3f) with palp bearing 1 long, subdistal Mouthparts typical for genus. Mandible (Fig. 3b, c) with seta; caridean lobe well developed, with plumose setae (Fig. small, 2-segmented palp, distal segment small, proximal 3g); exopod flagellum well developed; coxal endite small, 120 I. Marin & A. Anker Fig. 3. Vir euphyllius, sp.n.: paratype $: a frontal region; b, c mandibule; d maxillula; e maxilla; f first maxilliped; g same, caridean lobe; h second maxilliped; i third maxilliped. Scales: 1.0 mm (a), 0.4 mm (bd), 0.5 mm (ei). Ðèñ. 3. Vir euphyllius, sp.n.: ïàðàòèï $: a ôðîíòàëüíàÿ ÷àñòü êàðàïàêñà; b, c ìàíäèáóëà; d ìàêñèëëóëà; e ìàêñèëëà; f ïåðâàÿ ìàêñèëëåïåäà; g òî æå, êàðèäåéíàÿ äîëÿ; h âòîðàÿ ìàêñèëëåïåäà; i òðåòüÿ ìàêñèëëåïåäà. Ìàñøòàá: 1,0 ìì (a), 0,4 ìì (bd), 0,5 ìì (ei). Two new species of the genus Vir from Vietnam 121 Fig. 4. Vir euphyllius, sp.n., paratype: a first pereiopods; b same, chela, c second pereiopods; d, e same, distal merus; fh same, distal part of carpus; i same, dactylus. Scales: 1.0 mm (a, c), 0.8 mm (b), 0.6 mm (dh), 0.5 mm (i). Ðèñ. 4. Vir euphyllius, sp.n., ïàðàòèï: a ïåðâàÿ ïåðåîïîäà; b òî æå êëåøíÿ, chela; c âòîðàÿ ïåðåîïîäà; d, e òî æå, äèñòàëüíàÿ ÷àñòü ìåðóñà; fh òî æå, äèñòàëüíàÿ ÷àñòü êàðïóñà; i òî æå, äàêòèëóñû. Ìàñøòàá: 1,0 ìì (a, c), 0,8 ìì (b), 0,6 ìì (dh), 0,5 ìì (i).
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