The Alternative Journal of Medium and Large Format Photography VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6, BUILD 2 The hybrid photography Issue WWW.MAGNACHROM.COM NancyScans and NancyScans DFM NancyScans NancyScans DFM 3 Custom Tango Drum Scans Your Own On-Line Store Front KRIST’L Fine Art Archival Prints Sell Prints, License Stock Res80 Transparency Output 6HDPOHVV)XO¿OOPHQW 'LVWULEXWLRQ MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MAGNAchrom v1.6 MC Volume 1, Issue 6 ©2007 MAGNAchrom LLC. All rights reserved. The Alternative Journal of Medium and Large Format Photography Contents of this issue: HOT MODS: In The Pink 4-SQUARE: Edoardo Pasero MEDIA: Tri-Transparency Prints VISION Pinhole + Alternate Process BEYOND LF: Room-size pinhole photography TRAVELS: Enviro-Industrio Panoramas VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6, BUILD 1 BUILD 6, ISSUE 1, VOLUME CENTERFOLD: Klaus Esser EQUIPMENT: Going Ultra: with a 14x17 Lotus View www.nancyscans.com TECHNIQUE: DIY inkjet print onto aluminum www.nancyscans.net INTERVIEW: Denise Ross 800.604.1199 PORTFOLIO: Roger Aguirre Smith NEW STUFF: Mamiya ZD The hybrid photography Issue VIEWPOINT: Gum Printing, Then & Now WWW.MAGNACHROM.COM ADVICE: Hybrid Technique Cover Photo: Squish ©2007 Christina Anderson MAGNACHROM VOL 1, ISSUE 6 WWW.MAGNACHROM.COM About MAGNAchrom: Advertising with MAGNAchrom: How to Print MAGNAchrom on your inkjet printer: MAGNAchrom is an advertiser- MAGNAchrom offers advertisers a supported, hybrid magazine choice of four ad sizes based on the 8QOLNHWKH¿UVWWKUHHLVVXHVRI0$*1$ 4published bi-monthy, six times A4 paper format oriented horizon- chrom which were produced with a per year. It is available for free tally. horizontal page format, this issue inaugurates a new vertical page to registered users by download- Artwork should be supplied either as size of 8 1/2” x 11”. This format will ing from our website at www. RGB EPS or RGB PDF or RGB TIFF facilitate delivering MAGNAchrom to magnachrom.com. ÀDWWHQHGQROD\HUV 7,))IRUPDW# you in alternate media such as print- 300dpi using the dimensions indicat- on-demand and CD-ROM. Addition- You are encouraged to download ed below. We do not offer scanning it, save it to your harddisk and ally, we have decided to output the nor ad layout services at this time. PDF version in side-by-side format print it on your printer. How- Do not send CMYK “color separated” of 11” x 17” simplifying the viewing ever, you may not resell it, nor ¿OHV:HUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWRUHIXVH of panoramic spreads. The upshot put a copy of any issue on any any advertisement that we deem in- of this change is that you can only network where it would be ac- consistent with our target audience. print individual spreads on your cessible by someone browsing Full Page inkjet printer. the internet. Additionally, you 7 1/2” x 10” text area (190.5mm x We suggest the following print set- may not translate it, nor create PP tings: derivative versions of any of the $900 US interior of magazine, non- MAGNAchrom v1.6 articles, photographs, illustra- FRYHU EOHHG86H[WUD 1. Use a paper size of 11” x 17” tions nor of the issue in part or $1200 US inside/outside covers 2. Print at 100% full bleed (if your in its entirety. Doing so will make IXOOEOHHGLQFOXGHG SULQWHUVXSSRUWVWKLV us very mad. And trust us, you 3/4 Square hat have I done wrong?’ — he don’t want that. Instead, you 3. Print at high-resolution on glossy S[S PP[PP or photo glossy paper may place a link to the MAGNA- $675 US chrom website and let people said later.” Nothing, I think. download it for themselves. 2/3 Page Vertical S[S PP[PP I am steadily surprised that The full Terms of use can be $600 US found at www.magnachrom. 1/2 Page Vertical there are so many photogra- com/MClegal.php S[S PP[PP This issue and all the content in $450 US phers that reject manipulating reality, as if that was it is © 2007 MAGNAchrom LLC. 1/2 Horizontal W All rights reserved. S[S PP[PP $450 US wrong. Change reality! If you don’t find it, invent it! EDITOR/PUBLISHER: J Michael Sullivan 1/3 Page Square 29p6 wide x 29p3 tall (125mm x — Pete Turner CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER: PP Bob Kuszewski $300 US ADVISORY BOARD: 1/3 Page Vertical Banefsheh Etehmam, Lance S[S PP[PP Keimig, Liz Haywood-Sullivan $300 US LEGAL COUNCIL: 1/4 Horizontal Alesia Flemming, Esq. S[S PP[PP $225 US WEBSITE: magnachromagnon www.magnachrom.com 1/4 Vertical S[S PP[PP ADVERTISING: $225 US www.magnachrom.com/MCad- To inquire about current ad rates vertising.php and specials, please send email to: PORTFOLIO PROPOSALS: DGYHUWLVH#PDJQDFKURPFRm www.magnachrom.com/Contribu- torRegistration.php KUDOS & CRITICISM: HGLWRU#PDJQDFKURPFRm MAGNACHROM VOL 1, ISSUE 6 WWW.MAGNACHROM.COM [THE SOAPBOX] Thinking outside the box PHOTOGRAPHER'S MACHINIST Products • World’s Best Lenscaps ust a photograph depict what than the attempt to marry and/or incorporate e’ve been working over the • Original Spanner Wrenches Going digital, • New Copal Shutters but still need comes out of the camera? !at is disparate technologies and methodologies. After summer on the MAGNAch- • Extension/Recession Tubes compatibility? M a question many photographers all, this is where invention happens. rom website, changing the un- • Custom Threaded Adapters Give us a call! W have been asking for years. More than a Lest you pooh-pooh such hybrids as merely derlying technology and frankly throwing • Slip-On Adapters • Focusing Mounts mere rhetorical question it gets to the heart trivial, many of the most collectible art of recent out much of what we had been using. !e • Mounting Flanges of what it means to produce art. has been hybrid in nature: in particular, I’m think- project is taking much longer than antici- • Retaining Rings It is clear photography can be art — a ing of those artists who combine unusual media pated but rest assured that someday soon • Lens Boards and Adapters • Unique Bracketry recent report by many in the art-collection (such as aluminum, see Mary Taylor’s article) we will have a streamlined website that will business have been emphatic that photog- with layers of inkjet and hand painted layers. I see make it easier to obtain different versions Services • Barrel Lens Adapted to Shutters raphy is “the next big thing” with prices for no reason why photographers can not and should of the magazine. But don’t hold your breath • Prototyping and Design Shop top artists fetching record prices as of late. not advantage of this promising trend. We here at — this could still take a few more months • Shutter Repairs and Clear, Lubricate, But does this mean that everything must MAGNAchrom hope that this issue inspires you to implement. In the meantime, enjoy this and Adjustments look like it came out of the studio of saint to do so! issue and be sure to spread the word to • Lens Board Mountings • 35mm Conversions Ansel? others who are interested in www.skgrimes.com With this issue, we attempt to show medium and large for- tel: 401-762-0857 fax: 401-762-0847 what some photo artists are doing “outside mat photography. of the box”. Some are combining various media: digital + analog + hand. Some are J Michael Sullivan exploring unusual materials. Some are res- urrecting archaic techniques and combin- ing them with modern technology. !e re- sult is inspirational to say the least. Why is this important for medium and large format photographers? Well for one, with pretty much everyone in the world now fancying themselves a photographer, it simply is getting increasingly hard to get Q C41 experts with 25+ yrs experience noticed. Secondly, in light of the fact that Q Ship us your color negs - we will digital processing and printing are now Photograph of your’s truly taken by develop, scan, and ship them back mainstream, it makes economic sense to my daughter Megan Sullivan. Gao- to you. Fast turn around. ersi 4x5 with Polaroid Color Pack see what aspects of digital workflow can be Film. A scanned, printed on inkjet, Q Dev + scan: 35mm, 120/220, 4x5 incorporated into our medium and large and hand-colored original. Q Dev + contact: 5x7, 8x10 format workflows. Q Also Type C prints up to 30”x40” And finally as an artist it is incumbent upon you to explore all aspects of your cho- 25 Liberty Square #216 Rockland MA 02370 sen art form — and nothing speaks greater Phone: 781-681-6644 Fax: 781-681-6646 (0DLO7RP#&RORU9LVLRQRQOLQHFRP www.colorvisiononline.com MAGNACHROM VOL 1, ISSUE 6 WWW.MAGNACHROM.COM CONTRIBUTORS v 1.6 J Michael Sullivan Denise Ross Edoardo Pasero Klaus Esser Mary Taylor 'LDQD%ORRP¿HOG Walter M. Huber USA. Boston-based J Mi- USA. Denise is a photogra- ITALY. Edoardo Pasero is GERMANY — Klaus started to USA Mary’s artistic train- USA. Diana has been an exhibiting photographer for nearly 25 SWITZERLAND. During chael Sullivan has been writ- pher, photographic processes 28 years old, working on his learn photography from scratch ing has come from years of years. She has exhibited her work widely throughout the United the past 10 years Walter was ing about scanning, design, researcher and naturalist. Af- degree in philosophy at the around 1966 and a bit later daily immersion working with States and has received numerous awards for her images, includ- working with medium and and digital photography for ter working in most areas of State University in Milan. He worked as an assistent in New mentor and professional art- ing a 1985 New Jersey State Visual Arts Fellowship, and several large format as well as shoot- nearly 18 years.
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