:!' : . , . ,:: ,. ;,,.:,.....,~, ~:. ,:-... :..,,. .: ,= ,,. , Legislative Library , , ~' ..... .~'i,..'", ;!..:.~ "~.:,~.,,::, ~--~"j+~": -;..!/' '," :~ !;~ . - Parlimen~ Buildings Victoria, B.C. V8V-IZ4 Comp. .... ~ : /, tr~,~.','~t;: , ~. ,:~,,.~;.:~" '~,~ ~a C " ~ , ' " , ' -*, ;~ ~ " * " ' '. : " '}. , ,' : ~ ~ 'i! ~ '' .... Servingth'e~.;, , Qll :;. .... • Northwest./' ~ ,<t " :. I II : i ::.~;:•~L,::, !, • Monday/MayT, 19M ..,:: :~-" ~.i~,'" ,'~:. '= ~':. ' ,, - . i cents ' stablis " 8 ' "' ; World bankers search for cure tO I global debt cris,s NEW' YORK Renter) -- world will have to walt until glol~/ central bankers began debating economic recovery has taken rob{.. long.term cures for ~e global debt Feldatoin, however, ~ said the crisis today as offidals preparing currant series of meetings are/~- for the London summit of the seven ' tended to bring about an emil}' leading industrial democracies said "intermediate" solution to the crisis they, too, were reviewing the issue. affecting developing countries, Officials from 29 central banks, v/nich together owe foreign, mostly monetary agencies and~commercial western, creditors about $700 billion. banks'arrtved in New York on DIVIDES OFFICIALS Sunday for talks over the wisdom of Diplomatic ,sources and some imposing harsh~;sustedty !mm.: : ~:l~agan a~.ation officlala said on debt-plagued coimh'l~'4fi"Eetm~n'. !U;S, polieym~ are divided own" for help from the Intematlonel the necd for a new strategy to handle Monetary Fund. the debt crisis. .:;. Recmt riots over such IbiF-style While Feldatein, Voleker and New policies in the Dominican Republic York Fed President Anthony claimed 50 lives and !eft:m0re than .~l~m0n ar¢~0Pe~ to ideu for new 200 people inj~.'; :~ i ! "::~i;i !.10ng4~.m cures, theU,S, ,Treamry Western diplomatic sources have Department is'sticking to its current said that with the debt lame firmly "case-by.case" approach. established on the summit agenda, Bankers, government officials and proposals emer~g "at the bankers •dipl0maUe ~ources say the coil*. meeting would beeom'e pert oflthe • terence wfll.debale:. :' debt debate. Besides host Britain, -- A limit on the interest a countr~.'i the London summit will bring is charged on its bank loans, an idea.: together the leaders of the United propened by Solomon last week. !: States, Canada,-West Germany, -- Introducing fixed payments fo~ France, Itay and Japan. debtor countries based on a per-':. NEW URGENCY centage of their gross national: Both U.S. Treasury Secretary product. The payments would havel Donald Regan and Martin Feldstein, no time limit and the pr@ertions of! The Student Employment Services Center held an open house supervisor, at the student I~!acement office, Trish Philpot, President Reagan's chief economic interest and capital would vary.: on Friday to let people know that returning college and Stacey Cooke, Usa Hewins/Barb Marr and Melissa Davies. adviser, have said talks are under according to the direction of market! university students and high school students are looking for Over 300 students will be looking for work this summer In the way. rates. work and ready to take on any lob, big or small. From left to Terrace area. ~,-'ven though., the New York -- Capltalidq interest paymentoi right .are Colette Kuemper, Nadla Stella, Henry Leong, meeting was prepared months ago, • whereby interest paid in excess of ai o the talks have been charged..with certain level would be added to th~ urgancy as fears of new increases in. principal. U.S. interest rates abound. ';-- ~ more funds for thd Chairman Paul Volcker of the.U.S. IMF, whose chairman Jacques Dd.. |mploymentmore elustve tbi ,, .summer., Federal Reserve Board~ who is Larosiere is attondlng the meetly,:. attondin~ the New York ta!ks~ aid .- .ad .the W~d ~ ~er t~ough . last wsok that,ff international~ in- .... fU~'£n~tk~' or from ¢~v.m'~n- HeraM ~ W men ' S0pelcentin the numbs.of.students x~ of a job tbat ~vm I~ ava~beTe--d~ring cost debtoi" countrics an additiobal --: A wider role fot~ the World T E R R A C E -- T e r r a e o employment office offlelais. businessmen lakeheed. About 300 Unltkelustyear, the job market in looking for work in the Terrace arca. /~. July and Angust, but.the interviews $3.5 billion. Bank, allowing if to, offer medium- • students are back from college and Terracels slow thisyanr,acoording I,eoug says many students have won'tbeantiltheendefMaysountil l~an, speaking Sunday on NBC teem, bnlsne~of-paymeats aid to countries a~TinK to ~ austerity university, or finisidng l~h school to one employment spokesman, beengoingbacktothesameJ.ob~year -, th~ she~s going to look for work as a television's Meet the Press, warne~ programs. this summer' and they'll all be "bast year, 258 Job vacancies after year, but thin year. job waitress or clerk. _ that a world monetary cenfermco looking for work. ~ were filled by the office. However, vacancies just havan'tmatorlallzed. "- T~esa Weismiller has had two this year we already have 300 ap- "The major employers of~Terrace years' experience with the em- About 30 of those students visited plications from studenin looking for are not Ldring," ~plains Leong. ploynient office, and has had a jo5 an open house at the Student Era- - work and no openings from some.of "Businesses like - B.C. Timber, both years/She says the job market ployment Services 'Center Friday_ the larger employers in town;" says B.C. Hydro and B.C. Tel are not ': in Terrace'is "pretty bad" but even Tribal dancers ,::-:: -afternoon, to talk about job olP Leong. taking any students, so that means ifshede~sh'tfindwork, shewillstay they're going to have to rely on the through ' the summer. With a .telail and toarlsrn ,industry to backgroundin edncatian,' sho would Alberta: swings to -- provide work." like to find s job working with kids, greet the Pope ..... The Herald interviewed some of but she'l~ take any Job that is offered PORT MORESBY (AP) -- Pope desire" to Visit this island, a former thestndenis at the open house to find, ~. to'her, r ' John Paul arrived in this tiny South colony at. various times of Britain, out wbat the poor job market means Barbara Mart. will only ~valt a Pacific capital of Papua" New Germany and Australia. to them. month to find work in Terrace. She's Guinea today to a greeting by tribal Roman Catholics make up the two front-runners Lloyd Atrill i~a just finished hoping:to find a job here for the dancers, 5,000 faithful and e bagpipe largest rel~lous group in Papua another year of oollege and is summer before she rctums to band. New Guinea, comprising one-thi~. EDMONTON (CP) -- John Turner Schmidt of Edmonton, co-chairmun looking for work so that he can university. She had an application The pontiff kissed the ground as he of the three million inhabitants. ::: and Jean Chretien have the deelared of Joh~ton's campaign in.Alberta. return to school in the fall. He was in with the office last year, hut stopped off a DC-10 and a 21.gtm After his address, the Pope wnlke~: support "of at least half the Alberta Schmidt has had to fight a tide of enrolled in the summer employment decided to enroU in a French im- salute boomed over the airport, a in front Of the cheering, wavi~: delegates to the Liberal leadership publicity for Tumor and Chrotiun. program last year and got a job at mersion program and ened up former Second World War fighter crowd. Four children presented him -convention. .~ And Alberta will not have a can- B.C. Timber. He says if he can't find taking a loan to complete her last base. A band played the Vatieun and with a garkund of tropical flowers. But the two front-runners, still didaten' forum where Johnston can a job this summer, he'll probably year !of university. Papua New Gulnon anthems. -The Pope arrived from Seoul, have reason ' to look over their be comparedwith the others. have to tak~ a student loan in the fall Students' opinions vary, with Beside the plane, dancers wearing where a youth brandinhing a toy shoulders occasionally and check "I think it's a big problem for us to continue his schooling. same saying the market is im- feathers mid pig tusks chanted a pistol caused a scare Sunday by the rest of the pack. because, unfortunately, the press Stacey Cook is finishing secondary proving and others believing that traditional welcome as drumbeats charging af his motorcade. The Justice Minister Mark has been fecusin~ on two people," school and is ready to enter the job . there will not be work this summer;. sounded. youth was quickly apprehended and. MacGulgan, with the support of' Schmidt said. market. Although he was enrolled in ' What ever you think, if you're a After grceting Prime Minister the Pope was not aware of the in<: Edmonton Mayor Laurence Decore He has had to contend with a the employment program last year, student looking for ~vork and haven't Michael Somme and Papua New eldent when it occurred. -" and the help of one of Decere's chief widespread belief that Turner is the he was not successful in: finding a . registered yet, do no today. There Guinea's governor ganeral, Sir organizers i has cellentedthe support man who can lend the Liberals out of job, so he's hoping for better luck are 300 applicants on the waiting list, Kin@ford Dibela, the Pope medea STUDENT GUARDED of several delegates. the wilderness in Alberta, where the this year. He was hopeful on the day 10ut the employment office will try to short speeih in English and repeated Police Identified the mn~ as Lee Other.delegates are natives and party has not won a seat since the of the open house, because he was at find a Job to match your skills and it in Motu and pidgin, the two most Joon-kyu, 23, a university student, could end up supparting Indian four it took in 1968.
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