Lancaster University Bus Station Morecambe Heysham

Lancaster University Bus Station Morecambe Heysham

Lancaster University l Bus Station l Morecambe l Heysham 1/1A Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays 1 1 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A University Underpass - 0625 - - - - - - - 0818 0828 0838 0848 0858 0908 0918 0928 0938 0948 0958 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace - 0630 - - - - - - - 0823 0833 0843 0853 0903 0913 0923 0933 0943 0953 1003 Lancaster George Street - 0638 - - - - - - - 0832 0842 0852 0902 0912 0922 0932 0942 0952 1002 1012 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 - 0644 - - - - - - - 0838 0848 0858 0908 0918 0928 0938 0948 0958 1008 1018 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 0637 - 0652 0722 0743 0755 0809 0819 0833 0843 0853 0903 0913 0923 0933 0943 0953 1003 1013 1023 Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue 0645 - 0701 0731 0752 0808 0822 0832 0846 0856 0906 0916 0926 0936 0946 0956 1006 1016 1026 1036 Morecambe Euston Road 0651 - 0709 0739 0800 0816 0830 0840 0854 0904 0914 0924 0934 0944 0954 1004 1014 1024 1034 1044 Morecambe Battery 0659 - 0717 0747 0808 0824 0838 0848 0902 0912 0922 0932 0942 0952 1002 1012 1022 1032 1042 1052 Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue 0702 - 0720 - 0811 - 0841 - 0905 - 0925 - 0945 - 1005 - 1025 - 1045 - Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road - - - 0750 - 0827 - 0851 - 0915 - 0935 - 0955 - 1015 - 1035 - 1055 Mossgate Park Eagle Close - - 0724 0754 0815 0831 0845 0855 0909 0919 0929 0939 0949 0959 1009 1019 1029 1039 1049 1059 Heysham Towers 0713 - 0731 0801 0822 0838 0852 0902 0916 0926 0936 0946 0956 1006 1016 1026 1036 1046 1056 1106 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 University Underpass 08 18 28 38 48 58 1708 1718 1728 1738 1748 1758 1808 1818 1828 1838 1848 1858 1908 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace 13 23 33 43 53 03 1713 1723 1733 1743 1753 1803 1813 1823 1833 1843 1853 1905 1915 Lancaster George Street 22 32 42 52 02 12 1722 1732 1742 1752 1802 1812 1822 1832 1842 1852 1902 1910 1920 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 Then 28 38 48 58 08 18 1728 1738 1748 1758 1808 1818 1828 1838 1848 1858 1908 1913 1923 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 these 33 43 53 03 13 23 1733 1743 1753 1803 1813 1823 - 1843 - 1903 - 1917 - Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue mins 46 56 06 16 26 36 1746 1756 1806 1816 1826 1836 - 1856 - 1916 - 1924 - until Morecambe Euston Road past 54 04 14 24 34 44 1754 1804 1814 1824 1834 1844 - 1904 - 1924 - 1930 - Morecambe Battery each 02 12 22 32 42 52 1802 1812 1822 1832 1842 1852 - 1912 - 1932 - 1936 - Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue hour 05 - 25 - 45 - 1805 - 1825 - 1845 - - - - - - - - Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road - 15 - 35 - 55 - 1815 - 1835 - 1855 - 1915 - 1935 - 1939 - Mossgate Park Eagle Close 09 19 29 39 49 59 1809 1819 1829 1839 1849 1859 - 1919 - 1939 - 1942 - Heysham Towers 16 26 36 46 56 06 1816 1826 1836 1846 1856 1906 - 1926 - 1946 - 1949 - 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1 University Underpass 1920 1940 00 20 40 2300 2320 2340 0000 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace 1927 1947 07 27 47 2307 2327 2347 0007 Lancaster George Street 1932 1952 12 32 52 2312 2332 2352 0012 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 1935 1955Then 15 35 55 2315 2335 2355 0015 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 1939 1959these 19 39 59 2319 2339 2359 0019 Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue 1946 2006mins 26 46 06 2326 2346 0006 0026 until Morecambe Euston Road 1952 2012past 32 52 12 2332 2352 0012 0032 Morecambe Battery 1958 2018each 38 58 18 2338 2358 0018 0038 Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue - - hour - - - - - - - Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road 2001 2021 41 01 21 2341 0001 0021 - Mossgate Park Eagle Close 2004 2024 44 04 24 2344 0004 0024 - Heysham Towers 2011 2031 51 11 31 2351 0011 0031 - Continues to Heysham Power Station arriving 0723 and Overton 0733 Runs during University term time only On Schooldays the 1528 journey from the University calling at Lancaster Bus Station The term time service will resume on the 27th September 2020. at 1553 runs to Overton arriving at 1645 Lancaster University l Bus Station l Morecambe l Heysham 1/1A Saturday 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A University Underpass - - - - - - - - - 0838 - 0858 0908 0918 0928 0938 0948 0958 08 18 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace - - - - - - - - - 0843 - 0903 0913 0923 0933 0943 0953 1003 13 23 Lancaster George Street - - - - - - - - - 0852 - 0912 0922 0932 0942 0952 1002 1012 22 32 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 - - - - - - - - - 0858 - 0918 0928 0938 0948 0958 1008 1018Then 28 38 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 0657 0727 0757 0803 0813 0823 0833 0843 0853 0903 0913 0923 0933 0943 0953 1003 1013 1023these 33 43 Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue 0706 0736 0806 0816 0826 0836 0846 0856 0906 0916 0926 0936 0946 0956 1006 1016 1026 1036mins 46 56 Morecambe Euston Road 0714 0744 0814 0824 0834 0844 0854 0904 0914 0924 0934 0944 0954 1004 1014 1024 1034 1044past 54 04 Morecambe Battery 0722 0752 0822 0832 0842 0852 0902 0912 0922 0932 0942 0952 1002 1012 1022 1032 1042 1052each 02 12 Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue 0725 - 0825 - 0845 - 0905 - 0925 - 0945 - 1005 - 1025 - 1045 - hour 05 - Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road - 0755 - 0835 - 0855 - 0915 - 0935 - 0955 - 1015 - 1035 - 1055 - 15 Mossgate Park Eagle Close 0729 0759 0829 0839 0849 0859 0909 0919 0929 0939 0949 0959 1009 1019 1029 1039 1049 1059 09 19 Heysham Towers 0736 0806 0836 0846 0856 0906 0916 0926 0936 0946 0956 1006 1016 1026 1036 1046 1056 1106 16 26 1 1A 1 1A 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A University Underpass 28 38 48 58 1738 1748 1758 1808 1818 1828 1838 1848 1858 1908 1920 1940 2000 00 20 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace 33 43 53 03 1743 1753 1803 1813 1825 1833 1845 1853 1905 1913 1927 1947 2007 07 27 Lancaster George Street 42 52 02 12 1752 1802 1812 1821 1830 1842 1850 1902 1910 1922 1932 1952 2012 12 32 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 48 58 08 18 1758 1808 1818 1827 1833 1848 1853 1908 1913 1925 1935 1955 2015Then 15 35 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 53 03 13 23 1803 1813 1823 - 1837 - 1857 - 1917 - 1939 1959 2019these 19 39 Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue 06 16 26 36 1816 1826 1836 - 1844 - 1904 - 1924 - 1946 2006 2026mins 26 46 until Morecambe Euston Road 14 24 34 44 1824 1834 1844 - 1850 - 1910 - 1930 - 1952 2012 2032past 32 52 Morecambe Battery 22 32 42 52 1832 1842 1852 - 1856 - 1916 - 1936 - 1958 2018 2038each 38 58 Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue 25 - 45 - - 1845 - - - - - - - - - - -hour - - Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road - 35 - 55 1835 - 1855 - 1859 - 1919 - 1939 - 2001 2021 2041 41 01 Mossgate Park Eagle Close 29 39 49 59 1839 1849 1859 - 1902 - 1922 - 1942 - 2004 2024 2044 44 04 Heysham Towers 36 46 56 06 1846 1856 1906 - 1909 - 1929 - 1949 - 2011 2031 2051 51 11 1A 1A 1A 1 University Underpass 40 2320 2340 0000 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace 47 2327 2347 0007 Lancaster George Street 52 2332 2352 0012 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 55 2335 2355 0015 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 59 2339 2359 0019 Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue 06 2346 0006 0026 until Morecambe Euston Road 12 2352 0012 0032 Morecambe Battery 18 2358 0018 0038 Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue - - - - Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road 21 0001 0021 - Mossgate Park Eagle Close 24 0004 0024 - Heysham Towers 31 0011 0031 - Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1 1 University Underpass - 0800 0824 0844 04 24 44 1644 1704 1730 1800 1830 00 30 2300 2330 0005 Greaves Belle Vue Terrace - 0805 0829 0849 09 29 49 1649 1709 1737 1807 1837 07 37 2307 2335 0010 Lancaster George Street - 0814 0838 0858 18 38 58 1658 1718 1742 1812 1842 12 42 2312 2342 0017 Then Then Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 - 0818 0842 0902 these 22 42 02 1702 1722 1745 1815 1845these 15 45 2315 2345 0020 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 17 0647 0823 0847 0907 mins 27 47 07 1707 1727 1749 1819 1849mins 19 49 2319 - - until until Torrisholme Michaelson Avenue 0656 0832 0856 0916 past 36 56 16 1716 1736 1756 1826 1856past 26 56 2326 - - Morecambe Euston Road 0704 0840 0904 0924 44 04 24 1724 1744 1802 1832 1902 32 02 2332 - - each each Morecambe Battery 0712 0848 0912 0932 52 12 32 1732 1752 1808 1838 1908 38 08 2338 - - hour hour Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road 0714 0850 0914 0934 54 14 34 1734 1754 1811 1841 1911 41 11 2341 - - Mossgate Park Eagle Close 0717 0853 0917 0937 57 17 37 1737 1757 1814 1844 1914 44 14 2344 - - Heysham Towers 0724 0900 0924 0944 04 24 44 1744 1804 1821 1851 1921 51 21 2351 - - Runs during University term time only The term time service will resume on the 27th September 2020. Heysham l Morecambe l Bus Station l Lancaster University 1/1A Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays 1 1 1 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 1A 1 Mossgate Park Eagle Close - - - 0626 - 0651 - 0704 - - 0724 - - 0754 - 0815 0831 0845 0855 0909 0919 0929 Heysham Towers -- 0608 0635 0650 0700 0706 0713 0720 0727 0735 0745 0755 0805 0815 0826 0841 0855 0905 0920 0930 0940 Sandylands Hawksworth Avenue - - 0615 0642 - 0707 - 0720 - 0734 - 0752 - 0812 - 0833 - 0901 - 0927 - 0947 Heysham Road Oxcliffe Road - - - - 0657 - 0713 - 0727 - 0742 - 0802 - 0822 - 0848 - 0912 - 0937 - Morecambe Battery 0528 0558 0621 0648 0703 0713 0719 0726 0733 0740 0748 0758 0808 0818 0828 0839 0854 0907 0918 0933 0943 0953 Morecambe Euston Road 0538 0608 0631 0658 0713 0723 0729 0736 0743 0750 0758 0808 0818 0828 0838 0849 0904 0917 0928 0943 0953 1003 Torrisholme Square 0545 0615 0638 0705 0720 0730 0736 0744 0752 0800 0810 0820 0830 0840 0850 0900 0911 0924 0935 0950 1000 1010 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 8 0555 0625 0650 0717 0732 0742 0748 0757 0807 0817 0827 0837 0847 0857 0907 0917 0927 0939 0949 1002 1012 1022 Lancaster Bus Station Stand 8 0558 0628 - - 0737 - 0753 0802 0812 0822 0832 0842 0852 0902 0912 0922 0937 0947 0957 1007 1017 1027 Common Garden Street 0603 0633 - - 0742 - 0758 0812 0822 0832 0842

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