Studia Periegetica nr 1(25)/2019 Contemporary Challenges of Cities and Regions Development Studia Periegetica nr 1(25)/2019 Współczesne wyzwania rozwoju miast i regionów redaktor naukowy Arnold Bernaciak Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu Poznań 2019 Studia Periegetica No. 1(25)/2019 Contemporary Challenges of Cities and Regions Development volume editor Arnold Bernaciak The WSB University in Poznan Press Poznań 2019 Komitet wydawniczy / Editorial Board Przewodniczący / Chair: prof. dr hab. Józef Orczyk Członkowie / Members: dr hab. Władysław Balicki, dr hab. Arnold Bernaciak, dr Piotr Dawidziak, dr hab. Marek Dylewski, dr hab. Sławomir Jankiewicz, Grażyna Krasowska-Walczak (dyrektor Wydawnictwa WSB w Poznaniu / Director of the WSB University in Poznan Press), dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Leczykiewicz, dr hab. Magdalena Majchrzak, Andrzej Małecki (sekretarz / Secretary), dr hab. Ilona Romiszewska, dr Łukasz Wawrowski, dr Maria Zamelska Rada naukowa / Scientific Advisory Board Assoc. Prof. Alexander Adamovsky (Ukraina), dr hab. Ryszard Asienkiewicz (Polska), prof. dr hab. Wanda M. Gaczek (Polska), prof. Brian King (Hong Kong, Chiny), dr hab. Zygmunt Kruczek (Polska), Assoc. Prof. Tatjana Pōlajeva (Estonia), Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Pridalova, PhD (Czechy), dr hab. Ewa Szczepanowska (Polska), prof. Lars Ryden (Uppsala University, Szwecja) Czasopismo umieszczone na liście „B” MNSW, w bazach: Index Copernicus, BazEkon, PBN i POL-Index. Czasopismo recenzowane według standardów Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Lista recenzentów na stronie www.wydawnictwo.wsb.poznan.pl oraz w ostatnim numerze czasopisma z danego roku. Journal included in List B of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as well as in Index Copernicus, BazEkon, PBN and POL-Index databases. Journal reviewed in compliance with the standards set forth by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A list of referees is available at www.wydawnictwo.wsb.poznan.pl and published in the last issue of the Journal each year. Procedura recenzowania / Review procedure www.wydawnictwo.wsb.pl/informacje-dla-recenzentow Redaktor naczelny czasopisma / Editor-in-chief dr hab. Arnold Bernaciak Zastępca redaktora naczelnego / Assistant Editor-in-Chief dr Maria Zamelska Sekretarz redakcji / Secretary dr Alicja Kaiser Redaktor naukowy (tematyczny) / Scientific (Theme) editor dr hab. Arnold Bernaciak Redaktor statystyczny / Statistical editor dr hab. Maria Chromińska Weryfikacja tekstów w języku angielskim / English texts revised by Grzegorz Grygiel Redaktor prowadzący / Text editor Elżbieta Turzyńska Redakcja, skład i łamanie / Copyedited and typeset by Adriana Staniszewska Projekt okładki / Cover design by Martyna Dawidziak Publikacja finansowana przez Wyższą Szkołę Bankową w Poznaniu Publication financed by the WSB University in Poznań Wersja pierwotna – publikacja elektroniczna / Source version – electronic publication Nakład: 150 egz. / Circulation: 150 copies © Copyright by Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu, 2019 ISSN 1897-9262 Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 5, 61-895 Poznań, tel. 61 655 33 99, 61 655 32 48 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], www.wydawnictwo.wsb.poznan.pl Contents Introduction (Arnold Bernaciak) ........................................................................................ 9 Galina Gavrilko, Dariya A. Dashkevich, Peiyu Qi Economic Cooperation between Republic of China and Republic of Belarus in the Context of Implementation of the One Belt, One Road Foreign Economic Strategy ....... 11 Alla Pakina Carbon Intensity of the Regional Economy as a Land Use Management Factor ...................... 27 Anna V. Belova Semi-medium-sized Towns of the North-West Russia as Drivers of Regional Development ... 37 Agnieszka Sobol Towards Sustainability? Analysis of Participatory Budgeting in the City of Katowice ............. 49 Barbara Borusiak, Barbara Kucharska Sustainability in Retailing: A Study of Consumer Intentions Regarding Involvement in Charity Shop Activities .................................................................................................. 65 Volha Kremleva, Alena Jukh Possibilities and Practices of Competences for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education at Yanka Kupala State Univeristy of Grodno ........................................ 87 Yelizaveta Chernysh An Environmental Friendly Solution for Stimulating Protective Properties of the Soil ............. 95 The WSB Press Instructions for Authors Submitting Their Contributions ................................ 109 Spis treści Wprowadzenie (Arnold Bernaciak) ..................................................................................... 9 Galina Gavrilko, Dariya A. Dashkevich, Peiyu Qi Współpraca gospodarcza między Republiką Chin a Republiką Białorusi w zakresie wdrażania strategii gospodarczej One Belt, One Road ........................................... 11 Alla Pakina Intensywność zużycia węgla w gospodarce regionalnej jako czynnik zarządzania użytkowaniem gruntów ................................................................ 27 Anna V. Belova Miasta średniej wielkości północno-zachodniej Rosji jako czynnik rozwoju regionalnego ...... 37 Agnieszka Sobol W kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju? Analiza budżetu obywatelskiego miasta Katowice .... 49 Barbara Borusiak, Barbara Kucharska Zrównoważony rozwój w handlu detalicznym. Badanie intencji zaangażowania w działalność sklepów charytatywnych ............................................................................... 65 Volha Kremleva, Alena Jukh Możliwości i praktyki kompetencji w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju w kształceniu nauczycieli Grodzieńskiego Uniwersytetu Państwowego im. Janki Kupały ......... 87 Yelizaveta Chernysh Przyjazny dla środowiska sposób stymulacji właściwości ochronnych gleby ........................... 95 Wymogi edytorskie Wydawnictwa WSB w Poznaniu dla autorów ........................................ 110 Introduction Nowadays cities, regions and whole countries are developing in a rapidly changing environment. They are influenced by different factors and forces. Technological changes, digital revolution, globalization or environmental pressure are the big- gest challenges that socio-economic systems of cities and countries have to face. Measures aimed at addressing the challenges associated with the uncertain environment could be a key to success while underestimating them could lead to a downfall. Many scholars and researchers publishing in periodicals and journals make an attempt to identify factors that characterise emerging spatial units, factors that shape conditions of the social, economic and spatial development. This is the subject addressed in the current issue of Studia Periegetica, which offers a collec- tion of studies that approach the research problem from very different perspec- tives. Relevant aspects of international cooperation on transport networks are dis- cussed by Galina Gavrilko, Dariya A. Dashkevich and Qi Peiyu in the article en- titled “Economic Cooperation Between the Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus in the Context of Implementation of the One Belt, One Road Foreign Economic Strategy.” The analysis is conducted in the context of cooperation be- tween China and Belarus concerning the implementation of the new economic connection between the two countries. Belarus is a country eager to start co-op- eration with China but opening its market to Chinese products could be both an opportunity and a threat. Alla Pakina looks at the problem of environmental pressure from a national perspective by investigating the question of carbon intensity of the regional econ- omy. She analyses the example of Russia and in terms of carbon intensity as a land use management factor and tries to assess its applicability and usefulness. Russia is also the subject of interest to Anna V. Belova, who analyses semi- medium-sized towns of North-West Russia and their potential to become drivers 10 Introduction of regional development. Anna V. Belova presents different level of analysis fo- cusing on the city level, which seems to be the most adequate in describing local development drivers. City level is the perspective adopted by Agnieszka Sobol, who examines par- ticipatory budgeting in the city of Katowice, Poland. In her analysis, she tries to establish whether participatory budgeting can push the city on its way towards sustainability. It is worth mentioning that participatory budgeting is a process im- plemented by local authorities to improve social participation and involvement in the decision-making process and sharing responsibility for the common future. Deeply local solutions, arising from grassroots initiatives, are discussed by Barbara Borusiak and Barbara Kucharska. In the article entitled “Sustainability in Retailing: A Study of Consumer Intentions Regarding Involvement in Char- ity Shop Activities” the authors examine the main factors that motivate people involved in a charity-shopping idea. Education, which is the topic raised by covered by Volha Kremleva and Alena Jukh, seems to be the common denominator of the previous and following arti- cles. In their article “Possibilities and Practices of Competences for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno,” they discuss the role of education in shaping environmental consciousness and developing responsible governance. Only an effective teaching process and its capacity for adaptation to the changing
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