Ocean City, N.J

Ocean City, N.J

1 .S'^S'™*'^*^ ..;. ' .: l:,:n'^!l^Jt.™l "vuit« rU-blZ" I n-f*iic*a"*ap<i mien mjr : DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. ( oWfl tor |he third rime. ', ,' / , V j MOTHER'S VISIT. " ' THE CUMBERS. Notice or. Meeting or Commis Construction Sand & Gravel Oo. * » »rt for 007 eoau. «**|»t* . a,Mtnry w,. 8h,d. smarter Th.n sloners or Assessment.. jOS. O. CHAMPION, Mmrtmmor |<fill1r SO old ronn.** »nii|i[«-<l ibe nrjuli ., M«o»jrin« Man. The Old Lady Meant Well, but Sh* What Soolal emlnenca Coain.thi. a Coi»> to >o/dl**ci><*tlng 10 lot- B» so ] h# In EEngland. ^oUc* U iMrtby vl^co lb«t 1 b*v«d»llT»rt4 AfrU .n(Ju f||M .(I)I( . „ arury wr{lttt ' Oot a Sever* Shock. , to ib« Comrot^iloD«ra of AM*sam«nt Of Office. 8th St. Opp.' Penna. Depot. Ocean'City, N. J. of him "ll.-mi-«•< LI.-** !u »|*-iidtnB An 'old fa*bJon«d woman from Ibe Uy father waa IUUM. aod I am Ot«n Cuy. N«wjer»«y,» copjo! lb«t«olu- T .'.• ;. Tbe nhol. tvlillc* It country ttceotly ' parked torn*' fried kd Itoo pa»Md by lto* CommonO»OB«11 of Oc*»a All gracTes Concrete Gtavel and Sand. • City ob H*picmber a, .lylo.aaceruloloc tb* : jnc. IVIIH rirvrt nl L'ti.-N- lt< „„,„ d chit-tan, bread and duoghnuu In When cdocattoo waa referred for the cuila or«Xf*n««or fb*lnpro«>ln*Dt*Ba^t Top Soil for Lawn Purposesp . •• ' • • ••' '"••'• •'':./.•• '':' ' "•'.•*'.•'"••'•• '•jV,^'.'"''*V^-w>ife»0 ',-—Not al all." ' ' ' " rt b rich they do not aeeo to bar* aralled oal lo »D ordm«n« •ntllle4 -Mlii ordlnmnrr Tor ih. UemaelTca greatly of tbe. adTanlage. to p-nTld« f.»r tlie Improvement oteenwo •i- , , DirDi t fof Gdr Gradini g or Filling. y4 1 »tr*«le, •v«no«*mod blsbtr-kjrvlD Ibevltjor .,*«. Tafco . fHtl* ^I^^'IZS? !^™-.-'-..^'--.! -1 '"••u»» ««ndallxe•M.-andsltxed whetrbedn U..tbv. f-..,.il.tamil.t' Wil.i*f-- for many of tbe Important dtocoTer- "^^•a'tiiy by curbidir ••o'S. p*vtt>s ib« * o** . TbiartctL' narrated ksa. mTentlona aod. tmproremenU w* b t% <n«or «*ro»t>lla tr<mloTt*r1*'n lot* READINQ RAILROAD DELIVERY. for. tbe jttoiaa fl<i**nl VIJOWIDE* 'br rohD's ahrewi i<-d up till II o'clock and dwklni that betwv«n certikla MrreiB. approved 1M I »ti«. nranldn't tell pa about «t wbc owe 10 tbe aooa of tbe poor, and few fmKi 21. IWJW, duly atlexea by me". Mod A roucnzlm' not'r-d fur***low pay.' af tbe celebrated wrltera, nraUclana or ftutber . ' . • - 7 ;\BJ WOLASD BUKEMAIf I koow'tbht th#* <I,-rll can quote Sent*- [ wrote, borne next day. ~Ue _____ , TAKE NOTICE tbM.Uie Mid -I* said, contracted with him for.o UTbtta c f .to.re." * . ,• ••'.'• • , '. .' • 1 thlok'we bare fallen luto evil - amsta wetv BOOS of tbe rich. ' l«lonen»of A** -wment bare »rpolot«H* Ootiniftlt. tfUl by Amlcu Fiw Th* cdnratlrtn 1 -^^1-~1 .. .1. .- ld»jr.tb»lllM.a«-rolO«tolter l»IMlMo'clOrll Thh ra no well inrced lliat I Mi to nen|eir „ De ^J, t fMirt utory.far whli-b be trqrr to ri^-vUe g^^ *nt eancatton I received at the pnb- iin Hib r> rii-moon, »i tiw council cn»tuber. tlko parting tU»oM laujoo . tbe burt: He expense enabled me to obtain, 1em-vuu1 *->«eII " ""•' Central oveDiie, tu-oin city, N -.. *~*' ue ppj jrvnu ndriincif before ojf _. _ "T -'". "i» ^lj,«.inemue«o<»p'»<eolrue<-lln«fcrne«r- Hot It did Dot .xjOefcu Uncle Rot-rrr awoke at, ber usqal time. ployment wblcb afforded opportunities Oa. coiDloa; bom* tnm lalica 1 to vroVk and wbea, be turned si ln« tnr.rtrifcii Intereated tn «acfa Improve- k for the .simple rva**>n that be vrna un and tbe bodse for advancement.- and. eventually; I m*nr, at ublob Umellier toll! klve all cmrtl* VOL. XXX. OCEAN CITY, N' J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1910, NO. 27 taaztatarwUmtntbedarapt. - .' . ; In I he nccoiKl'lUHtiillment <nooe of It iut«r.-Ml*i| <trl. or arlr^tetf by, the.lmprovc : :: •quclchable. TL«- nklrmlHliIng' ivi-nr hnd. bora prininl ypn c<* ttOO more "Town folks d< amassed a. trast fortnne. ." • 1 *m»nt MMDN- opi^rtuuiiy to tsraleMrd UI«I " "Wnaft tha matter, dearr* 1 asked. on. getting, boriir arid bom-r, illl at im<l Bslo-d. for the. tblnl SMO aj ao,,» -and they prululily don't "Society," baa Its scouts. They are •ULJT*-I Vr uic Mi»«wni*Dt ui it. ; >^o»iit» conf«-rr*il itf*jn MO) ATTOHMBV1I.J1T.LAW. Wi ;:;v^-ir»'«nupwttb.tut-':•;••- ••. r"; " la.it. to pn-'i-m an oppn rupture.' raj the cennectlns links ber ween tbe onlm- IMQtl* advance before UnUblns the tale. nr' rr«l mint, by Tr****u of aurll Itll. "Bottttsi -dffopDed* oot -of tbo •'on!* wife arose from.ttip table. She.*fsM»r • "Tbe wllior In an effort to «a»e moo downstairs ood tratcbed the cloi-k un- portant rich and the Impecnn'loas prov Tuvntn* th-«-»w umy li*. • Ocean City Sentinel •j : CONTRACTORS READY TO PRESIDENT MOORE ASKED "Sreat", '.;. Y. :.. ., :.,.' •„•,•...•.•• ;;.;. •;•. Kiil.l.A •lAUItKT luN. • |^[ORGAN HAND, 3 'T. ABBOTT, M. D., LIFEGUARDS DID woman, was drc-atiloc a fraeo*,'. ami I. ey apparently declared that, after all. a* 5. jjot a souud. Tben «Le waited # The wife of a fashionable artist C'llJ••l.'lrrlnif il.'««n<:ilV. Publlthtd W.ekly st Aunt AJtfgnl} will Bare to was not anxluas lo tuive nbrt-akwvur tho ytory didn't ap|n>ar. to be worth till «, and at T. between hunceV und h^itmli r r. iwii. »-l".. J'.. P. K., *l If. ATTORNEY and .._. „,„ *,.. jt-y 'flW**' *T*te*» .'that ;ii«r so early In the came. : • • more tb*m- tl.O0O-tbl» wbea b« had alarm, sbe was almost crazed. sought our acquaintance. My por- PhyNldan and Nurgeon, tbe two Inaullniotita In his uttV-e. OCEAN CITY, N. J. COU NSELLOR-AT LAW, FIGHT CARPENTERS' UNION TO RUN CARS ALL YEAR Crttod'wlts STOOD sbe baa bad s bome Aa soon ai Fannyy' an4 I -y<>re "lotn? "Tbpy"Te been murdi-rcd In their trait, wblcb, ber biuband .painted, cost Notice or .Meetiu;;' of Cummis- EXCELLENT WORK •All tight.' mid O H.-nry- -I woti'i bedtr abe ye!l«l at » oMuck from tbe : Sollollor.HMtar and Kwuuluor ID OnanoBry. OFFICB-Conur Ceatnl ul Eltftb Street -'to' to Kitre op'ber boose tbe tot af.llaj, together we sat down and la iMK> eninetu. bot. at their boose we sioners uf Assessment. ' . _By- "• 7 write the third one tlivn.' Aod be front nepa. And <ooo the fanose waa Uopnma Court CommlMlour. Notary ltibllc. (Tlll»H-m. and tBat tbro-ra ber oar. 1 am Her '"Did yoo e»er «• work met the peeress 10 wboew oot disinter- orricc HOUMS -A Krom I u>» p. m. more beautifully?" I nald: alapptng nlv didn't Ho loilgh<Hl nt'tbe eldtor. with people rushlne In to seeested nesotiations I owe my knlgbt- R. CURTIS ROBINSON CAI*B MAY CTOIfHT HOVNE, V. J. (Krom«toHp.ni. Will Not Employ Memhers of( Capt. Alfred R. Smith Speaks Head of Local Electric Hall- only relattre, and of coarse sbe ex- — 'Well, then.' raU -the latter.' 'I'll to irw Coi^ (Opposite Public BUi : leg- wbat bad bappeped. f . •bood.' .•;••.•.,.:••• ,-•; i. ••'•; -. , .-•• .•:' ' •;.':..! •JctHn I'M?. Ntrw J«r«#jr, n rapy of Ifct r>wolii. Ssi .pecta ma to take her la." ' .. run tb*,two 1 puns nn<l thoo lot our —ir— Editor and Proprietor - Local Organization After Well of Men Who Served way 8ays it Would Tt>o tamlly were sorprtjo.pd ) andd lalo- Tbat step up the social ladder cost txin (^M^i by llw ComnHimnH u l.'otiiiril uf IJWHII 1, 7 HUTCHINSON, M. D. -Sli«"a a tot cranky. Isn't star* . KVy on s['fftlr a 1W0 e'll tl T < JONATHAN HAND, • December r. • WED 25 YEARS, $50,000 WORTH OF - ^Cranky la no name fur it" '' ... "Lit .them co <holr o»n pilt My rt-adcrs bare a KIM-UIUS; < nnt«t a» dlgnant when police, market gardeo- some £20.000. .' ". XJIM or vxptDMr' of ih« n w I. i - Under Him. Not Fay. .opinion U that •)•••• ot ibe bthir Till to notv tb(> ftory .nd»-i>7id init'.up. vn. n««> "boya, etc, rushed Into their A pbllantbroplc dnrbnn came for- Twrin!it.tne*t.Tr>lrT*rnih , Koirlt-rlitli • < > "WeH; woTl nave to -sake toe best of ti ii Kl ) -rri-«l anil $1.00 Per Year, Strictly in Advancn. ConnNollor - MUHI nf the liullillnK'uiintrai'tnrn in' Nut In I lie hlntnry or Ocean Clly The ordinance granting the Ocean set out within a nnvk " perhaps, a JV«"i [.rl/c to tin- vMnn-r' bvdrooma and woke them up. Andward next to welrtnpe us 00 tbe way. u-4 624' EIGHTH STREET . i> T , ! • , 5, it ' HIIH clly liave Klvell uiitlce lu, tlielr THEY CELEBRATE were there no many Hiirf bathern Clly HI reel Klcctrlc Itallroad Hie right ETeryduy njy 'inrlt came to ni«*>nnd "For a mmmnt tli.- amln>r thouKbf tbl* explain*'-why'the old fa«hloned Her public benefactions and ber prl !5 1 Dolleltor, Muter In Chancery, Notary IMbllc, OCtAN CITY, N. J. NEW CONTRACTS Aunt Abigail arrived. We .bad preel- bewns om«iti«<l. Then h>- »:ild:/«i.i ir. m l) Si 1 men that after KectiuUir I they will duriiiK the Hiiiuiuer of itllO, and there to extend lta Hue waa accepted hy •"'; only considered oar bome entirely oar Mldltiat be couldn't Mw In the •>:iv.f il Th i woman came bome tbat day.

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