JULY 2 1973 GleairCONFERENCE NORTH PACIFIC UNION At Last! . There is a way out of tested recipes, this new information. Just take a ever-increasing meat prices LIFE AND HEALTH supple- look at the table of contents: and ever dwindling meat ment is packed with valuable Vegetarianism—a New Concept? supplies. r- Is Man Designed to Eat Meat? Here is an attractive, up-to- Why Be a Vegetarian? date scientific treatment of Is a Nonflesh Diet Adequate? vegetarianism. Never before Plant Foods and Your Diet have so many people been But What About Protein? interested in thinking this Still Skiing at Eighty-Four? matter through. From its Something New and Different beautiful cover to its taste- Now, How? Order today through your local Book and Bible House or Adventist Book Center. Only $1.50 Name Address City State Zip Ith Here Now Gleaqpi' Official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 10225 E. Burnside Box 16677, Portland, Oregon 97216 255-7300 (Area 503) July 2, 1973 Volume 68 Number 13 Editor Cecil Coffey Managing Editor Larry Canaday Copy Editor Helen W. Cross Alaska Roving Editor Morten Juberg Contributing Editors: I. C. Hansen, Alaska; D. G. Albertsen, Idaho; Ron Press Women Russell, Montana; Mike Fellows, Oregon; R. E. Eckerman, Upper Columbia; J. D. Everts, Washington. Tap SDA Eskimo The Alaska Press Women recently thing beautiful, I just cannot keep Contents chose Grace Slwooko, an Eskimo from doing something. Writing them Press Women Tap SDA Eskimo 3 writer from Gambell, to be the first down answers this thirst in my lonely NPUC Realigns Departmental Structure 4 honorary member in the group's ten- life." People in Transition 6 Senior Survival Seminar 10 year history. Even while she was rearing her chil- Fulton College 12 Her selection is a salute to Mrs. dren, Mrs. Slwooko found time to SDA Engineers and Architects 14 Slwooko's success in communicating make notes: "what some dearest child News by Dateline 16 News of the Conferences 20 matters of one culture to another, in a would say," sometimes even using General News 28 language other than her native tongue. shorthand in her diary. Now, she says, Future vents 28 Now a widow living in Nome during she has "piles of paper junk at home." Weddings 29 the school year, Mrs. Slwooko began "But all that was like happy to Obituaries 29 Nome Nugget Classified Advertisements 30 writing for the in 1965 me," she continues. "Of course, poems Sunset Table 34 and for the past two years has also cheer me up; when they come to my contributed to the Tundra Times. mind, I just smile and cheer up." Cover Although she writes in a "second Mrs. Slwooko says she feels more America was made what it is by its language," Mrs. Slwooko's English has comfortable at her home in Gambell people—not only by the deeds, good or than any other place, "mostly because bad, of its leaders. Almost two centuries a lyrical quality which attracted the after the founding of our country, we press women's interest. A dedicated of my height, four feet 11% inches should work harder and pray longer, that writer's desire to communicate is tall," she writes. "Although I like big our land of freedom will survive. The apparent in her work which tells of life places and long, long hallways and "Spirit of '76" still lives. telephones and many other convenient Design by Tim Larson. on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea, both memories of things past and things of big cities. In This Issue reports of current happenings. She also "And I like schools where they E. R. Walde ("NPUC Realigns Depart- writes poetry on occasion. teach writing." mental Structure") has been president In her response to the invitation to Letters and words "are useful for of the North Pacific Union Conference everything," she continues. "So that's for four and one-half years .. Walter become the honorary member, Mrs. Meske ("Senior Survival Seminar") was Slwooko wrote: "Writing is a treasure why they are precious, they are so principal of Laurelwood Academy prior to me. The markings that curve so little and can tell lots! I can even put to becoming a special assistant to WWC beautifully and tell, really tell, are so my thoughts down and put them in a President Robert Reynolds in June and little folded paper called an envelope Mike Fellows is the GLEANER wonderful to me. If ever I write a contributing editor from Oregon ... book, it will be like when Mr. and send them away." M. R. Townend ("Fulton College") is Columbus discovered America!" Mrs. Slwooko notes, "It wasn't too Sabbath School secretary of the Born Oct. 22, 1921 at Gambell, long ago we learned this English," her Australasian Division of Seventh-day father being among the "first kids to Adventists ... Cecil Coffey ("SDA Mrs. Slwooko tells of her struggles to Engineers and Architects") is director achieve an education. go to school." She says she always of publications for the NPUC and Church schools, particularly the speaks Eskimo at home. GLEANER editor. Seventh-day Adventist, helped young She says she sometimes waits for Grace with her high school; she com- chances to write, but there is so much When Your Address Changes pleted the eleventh grade at College to write any time that "all writing is Send your new address with zip code precious" to her. number to North Pacific Union Place, Wash. "After that year, I gave GLEANER, Color Press, College Place, up," she says, "and off to my home Again emphasizing her feelings Washington 99324. CP19121 village I went." about writing, Mrs. Slwooko says, "I Second-class postage paid at College She married Joe Slwooko in 1950 feel when things are not written, Place, Washington. Published semi- and they had nine children. Joe was precious time is wasted." monthly at the Color Press. Subscription killed in a Nome truck accident more —From Anchorage Daily Times price $4.50 per year. than two years ago. POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 to North Pacific Union GLEANER, Color Of her work, Mrs. Slwooko says: Note: Mrs. Slwooko is Gambell press Press, College Place, Washington 99324. "To me, writing is an art, if I only secretary. See page 21 for her spring learn more words. When I see some- report. GLEANER July 2 1973 page 3 NPUC Realigns Departmenta E R waue Structure during the past several years the church at all levels to evaluate numerous studies have been each facet of the experimental pro- instituted to determine what, if gram and to advise on whether or any, reorganizational changes need not it should be continued. to be made in the church structure. The leadership of the church has Some changes have already been been motivated to make this study made and others are still being con- and suggest experimental changes in sidered. the interest of economy, efficiency Among organizational features and, hopefully, a streamlining of given serious study for more than effort whereby we might hasten the two years is that of church depart- coming of our Lord. mental alignment. At the time of Three areas are primarily the last annual council held in affected: Public Affairs (public rela- Mexico City, it was recommended tions, radio-TV, religious liberty that pilot programs be instituted in and publications produced within union conferences willing to partici- the NPUC); Church Affairs (Sabbath School, lay activities, pate in new approaches to depart- E. R. Walde mental organization. youth, temperance and health); and After considerable study, the Publishing. place in the North Pacific Union North Pacific Union Conference It has been voted that the area Conference. Called to head this drew together a proposal that will of public affairs be operated and large responsibility in the NPUC is alter somewhat the traditional largely staffed from the union con- Morten Juberg, who has held a local-union-division and General ference office. A public affairs similar post in the Columbia Union Conference departmental relation- committee will coordinate this Conference. ships. This proposal was forwarded work under the chairmanship of an Named as director of publica- to the officers for North America officer of the NPUC. Department tions, which includes the and the General Conference where heads will carry specific respon- GLEANER and other publications it received positive support and sibilities, but some of their assign- issued by the North Pacific Union approval. ments will overlap in the interest of Conference, is Cecil Coffey. Following this, the NPUC maintaining a solid public affairs Called to head the religious Executive Committee in session on front. Some local conference liberty department within the April 26 authorized an experi- efforts will be maintained, largely public affairs structure is Arthur mental program affecting depart- in the interest of liaison and in Lickey. Named as associate director ments which will be in operation connection with special evangelistic for religious liberty is Glenn until the next NPUC Constituency campaigns and strictly localized Patterson, who has been serving in Session scheduled for the spring of endeavors. that capacity in the Oregon Confer- 1976. At that time, it will be The General Conference has ence. determined what features of the merged the department of radio-TV The Department of Communica- program will be retained and what and the bureau of public relations tion director will also act as associ- features may be altered. We believe into one Department of Communi- ate director of publications and as that this will give enough time for cation. The same merger has taken roving editor for the GLEANER.
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